Buccal facial massage - how to do it yourself, how often to do it? Buccal facial massage - benefits, indications, contraindications, reviews, before and after photos

Muscle tension on the face is responsible for most of the signs of aging: deep nasolabial folds, glabellar folds, purse-string wrinkles around the lips, etc. Muscle spasticity leads to disturbances in blood flow and lymph circulation. This means that the tissues do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen, which leads to loss of skin turgor, tissue swelling and the accumulation of toxins in the body. The result is a dull complexion, bags under the eyes, puffy eyelids and drooping cheeks due to water retention. This is where buccal massage comes to the rescue.

Buccal facial massage - the essence of a cosmetic procedure

Buccal facial massage is the essence of a cosmetic procedure
. Unfortunately, human skin cannot remain fresh and toned for a long time. With age, under the influence of various negative factors, it loses its natural ability to renew itself, and becomes flabby and less elastic. Of course, most people are upset when they see such changes, but they simply accept the changes and move on with their lives. But in fact, even when faced with such problems, you can try to give your face freshness. After all, modern cosmetology does not stand still and can offer many care procedures - one of the most popular is buccal facial massage.

Buccal massage - the essence

What is the essence of a cosmetic procedure? As we know, skin aging processes do not occur in any short period of time. Changes occur gradually, and up to a certain point are imperceptible to a person. To be more precise, the efforts of our skin occur every second, no matter how much we would like to deny this fact. Therefore, it is very important to start influencing the deep muscle layers in time in order to stop, or at least slow down this process as much as possible.

In this case, buccal facial massage will help you. It involves an intense effect on the skin by working the facial and chewing muscles. The main feature of the procedure is that the effect is not only external, but internal, that is, the massage is also done inside the oral cavity. The procedure requires certain skills, but still, if desired, anyone can cope with it.


Any methods of influencing the upper layer of the epidermis, muscles and biochemical processes at the cellular level must be carried out taking into account the initial condition of the skin, the characteristics of the natural structure and the overall health of the client. To prevent the development of complications and injury during the implementation of massage elements, you should familiarize yourself with some restrictions on the use of buccal massage.

  1. The presence of dermatological diseases, especially those occurring at the acute stage.
  2. Wounds and burns on areas of the skin that are subject to mechanical stress.
  3. Bruises on the face, hematomas, bruises.
  4. Neoplasms of malignant and unknown origin.
  5. Signs of a skin infection (for example, Herpes virus).
  6. Allergic rash.
  7. Cuperosis, spider veins.
  8. Presence of pustular formations, ulcers.
  9. Infectious diseases that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  10. Pregnancy.

Before you start mastering buccal massage at home, it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist, and possibly a doctor, to get advice on the possibility of using this method of rejuvenation.

Buccal facial massage - how often to do?

Buccal facial massage - how often to do?
How often should you do a buccal facial massage? Some women make the mistake of starting to act on the skin every day. This, of course, does not go unnoticed. But instead of improving the condition of the face, skin problems appear - swelling in certain places, pain, redness and even bruising may occur. You need to understand that massage puts stress on muscle tissue and the dermis. And if you do the procedure every day, then so-called microtrauma will inevitably begin.

It is important to remember that even after a light toning massage, the skin needs time to recover. If you do a facial rejuvenation procedure every day without a break, you are unlikely to get a positive result. In principle, most cosmetologists advise focusing on one procedure per week, sometimes two are allowed. But only if the specialist sees that the skin is recovering well and quickly.

Advantages and disadvantages of sculptural massage

This rejuvenation method has the following advantages:

  • improvement of external condition;
  • affordable price compared to plastic surgery;
  • the result can be assessed after several sessions.

This type also has disadvantages:

  • soreness, however, the pain syndrome goes away after several procedures;
  • There is a lack of professional cosmetologists, so the procedure is not always carried out by a highly qualified master, which may not only not give a positive effect, but also lead to undesirable consequences.

Buccal facial massage - indications, benefits: can you do it yourself?

Buccal facial massage - indications, benefits: can you do it yourself?
Benefits of buccal facial massage for women and men:

  • Helps to significantly improve the sagging oval of the face
  • Makes the dermatological surface more toned and elastic
  • Helps reduce the depth of expression lines and crow's feet
  • Helps get rid of bags and dark circles under the eyes
  • Effectively combats swelling of facial tissues
  • After several courses, the amount of subcutaneous fat decreases
  • Visually a person begins to look younger
  • All metabolic processes in the upper layers of the skin are restored
  • The muscular frame returns to normal
  • Pores become smaller, making blackheads disappear completely

Indications for the buccal massage procedure:

  • There is obvious sagging of the facial muscles
  • With obvious thinness, a double chin is noticeable
  • Partial facial paresis
  • Regular morning swelling of the face
  • Aging skin

Now let's move on to the question of whether you can do a massage yourself. In principle, no one categorically prohibits doing this. You can always try the procedure at home. But still, you must remember that you need to work with facial muscles very carefully, because if you injure them, then instead of a tightened effect, you can get an even more swollen oval. Therefore, if you have the skills of self-massage at home, you can try to do the procedure for yourself. If you have never had a massage, and have no idea what rules should be followed when carrying out the rejuvenation procedure, then it is better to consult a specialist.

Results of sculpture massage

The results of Japanese facial sculpture massage will be as follows:

  • blood microcirculation improves;
  • facial muscles are strengthened, including facial muscles;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the elasticity of the epidermis improves, thanks to this sagging disappears;
  • Facial muscle spasms are eliminated;
  • asymmetry disappears;
  • the work of muscles that were immobilized improves;
  • harmful substances are removed from the skin;
  • the condition of the epidermis improves, down to the deep layers;
  • the skin is moisturized;
  • pores narrow, rashes disappear;
  • the facial contour becomes clear;
  • the shade of the epidermis improves.

Buccal facial massage - contraindications for the procedure

IMPORTANT : Buccal facial massage should be performed with caution by women and men with endocrine diseases. Therefore, if you have this pathology, then first visit an endocrinologist to get recommendations, and only after that you can go to a cosmetologist. He will select the type of massage for you, taking into account the characteristics of your body.

Contraindications for the procedure:

  • Presence of cancer
  • Infectious diseases
  • Presence of a rash
  • Dermatitis and eczema
  • Skin injury
  • Presence of hematomas
  • Severe vascular problems
  • Pregnancy and lactation period

Buccal facial massage - at what age should you start using the procedure?

Buccal facial massage - at what age should you start using the procedure?
In our country, it is generally accepted that anti-aging procedures should begin when the age has already exceeded 40 years. And such an imposed opinion often leads to the fact that women are not entirely satisfied with the procedure. But you need to understand that when the skin is already covered with deep wrinkles, and the oval of the face has swollen very much, then no one can restore the former youth to the face. Unfortunately, no one has yet invented a magic wand. Therefore, you need to understand that the sooner a woman starts taking care of her face, the better it will be for her.

So, starting from the age of 25, you can already do buccal facial massage as a preventive measure. If you have already turned 30, then include the procedure without delay in your skincare routine. Do massage in courses, but regularly. If you start taking care of yourself when you are young, then there is a chance that at the age of 40 your face will look young and fresh, and you will need the rejuvenation procedure solely as a preventive measure.

What is unique about the technique?

This technique allows you to quickly and thoroughly work out the facial muscles, working on both sides. That is, the effectiveness of the massage doubles, processes in different layers of the epidermis are activated. When performing a buccal massage, every muscle is warmed up.

A huge advantage of this technique is that it is truly an excellent and safe replacement for Botox. After all, it is injected into the muscles to “relax” them, but in reality they paralyze so much that it becomes simply impossible to express simple emotions with the help of facial expressions. And this is not the worst consequence, although it is also quite unpleasant. Due to the fact that part of the muscles is paralyzed, another part takes over their work. As a result, these “hard-working muscles” become overstrained and wear out faster, which leads to the formation of new wrinkles and creases.

Buccal facial massage - types: how to understand that the procedure was carried out correctly?

Buccal facial massage - types:

  • Deep weave - in this case, all movements are made from top to bottom. During the procedure, the highest point of the cheeks is initially worked on, and then gradually lowered to the muscles in the mouth area.
  • Sculptural - this type of manipulation is aimed at developing a specific area. This way you can choose which part of the face will receive more attention. You can work on the forehead and temples, or the area from the chin to the ears. Also, with this type of rejuvenating procedure, the eyebrow area, hair growth area, nose, and lips are toned.

How to understand that the procedure was carried out correctly:

  • You will not have pronounced pain syndrome
  • There will be no bruises or hematomas on the facial skin
  • There will be no swelling in the affected skin areas
  • The mucous membranes in the oral cavity will not be inflamed or injured
  • There are no problems opening our mouths
  • You can open and close your lips freely
  • There should be no prolonged soreness

Who is the procedure suitable for?

Buccal massage is recommended by cosmetologists in the following cases:

  • loss of clarity of the oval of the face, age-related changes that distort the contour;
  • drooping of certain areas of the face (most often this problem appears in the cheekbone area);
  • decreased skin elasticity, sagging;
  • decreased tone of the facial muscles;
  • the appearance of wrinkles (age-related, facial, deep and barely noticeable);
  • increase in volume in certain areas (cheeks, chin, etc.);
  • swelling.

Buccal facial massage from inside the mouth to yourself - how to properly prepare?

Buccal facial massage from inside the mouth to yourself - how to properly prepare?
Any massage requires proper preparation, because if it is not done, the effect of the manipulation will be minimal. Therefore, let's take a closer look at how to properly prepare your face for the rejuvenation procedure.

Buccal facial massage from inside the mouth to yourself - how to properly prepare:

  • First of all, remove makeup from your skin as thoroughly as possible. Do this in any way convenient for you. You can simply wash your face with water and use a cleansing foam, or wipe your face with a makeup remover. During the process, try not to exert a strong impact on the skin; it should be relaxed before the procedure.
  • If you have dry skin or feel tightness after washing your face, this means that you need to moisturize your dermis. Make sure to do this. Dry skin will not stretch evenly during manipulation, and this can cause injury to blood vessels. And this is fraught with the appearance of spider veins. Therefore, be sure to moisturize your face taking into account the characteristics of your skin.
  • Wait until the moisturizer is well absorbed into the skin and warm it up slightly. To do this, lightly stroke the skin along the massage lines. Your movements should be as light as possible; under no circumstances stretch the upper layer of the dermis. Give each massage line no more than 3 seconds. This will be enough for the blood to circulate more intensively.
  • At the final stage, relax the muscle frame. To do this, take a comfortable position - your head and neck should not be tense. Next, lightly stroke your face in a circular manner. If you wish, you can draw figure eights on your face, but do everything as lightly and carefully as possible, without pressing on the skin. Lightly massage the area between the eyebrows for half a minute.

At this point, the preparation is complete and you can move on to the main stage.


The result of the massage directly depends on the professionalism and capabilities of the master. Any wrong movement, wrong grip, or too much pressure on the tissue will do no good. Such mistakes can only do a fair amount of harm, but nothing good should be expected from them.

To protect yourself from adverse consequences, you need to know the main signs of a good and competent massage. These include the following:

  • the first changes will be observed after the first procedure: the skin will become smoother and the face will become more toned;
  • all painful sensations should not last too long - they disappear without a trace almost immediately after the session;
  • the cheeks may increase slightly in volume due to swelling, but it soon subsides;
  • at the end of the session there should be no bruises or abrasions, bruises or other visible marks on the face;
  • During the first procedures, unusual sensations may be observed, which experts include: fatigue of the facial muscles, stiffness (closer to the 4th-5th procedure, the face will get used to it, so nothing like this should occur).

Buccal facial massage at home - recommendations for bringing

Recommendations for the procedure

Buccal facial massage at home - recommendations for bringing:

  • Take a comfortable position; it should be convenient for you to work on the muscular corset inside the oral cavity.
  • Prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to keep your mouth open for some time, and at the same time try to minimally strain your facial muscles.
  • It is advisable to wear sterile gloves on your hands, or treat your hands with an antiseptic. This is necessary in order not to introduce harmful bacteria into the oral cavity.
  • Try to make your movements as precise as possible. During the procedure, under no circumstances should you make very sharp jerks or pressure. The mucous membranes in the oral cavity should be touched as carefully as possible.
  • Before performing the procedure, be sure to relax your cheekbones. This will help to more effectively influence the facial and chewing muscles. To do this, just lightly press on the active points located near the earlobes. Work each facial muscle for at least 3 seconds.

How quickly can you see changes after a buccal facial massage?

Many women, having read rave reviews about buccal facial massage, believe that literally one procedure can significantly improve their appearance. We would like to say right away that this is not at all true. After a one-time manipulation, you may feel slight relaxation, skin creases may disappear, breathing may improve, but that’s all.

To get a pronounced improvement effect, you need to attend at least 5 sessions. This is exactly how long it takes the body to start regeneration processes that help the skin renew itself. Depending on how many anti-aging therapy sessions you can have per week, changes can be seen in 14-21 days.

How long does the effect last after a buccal facial massage?

How long does the effect last after a buccal facial massage?
If you carefully read our article, you probably realized that buccal facial massage can solve many problems associated with age-related changes. But still, you must clearly understand that the resulting effect is unlikely to last for the rest of your life. As practice shows, the effect of one procedure lasts approximately 3 days. And yet it is little expressed. That is, there are changes, but to see them you have to look closely.

If your goal is to noticeably rejuvenate your face, and do this for at least 6-12 months, then you will have to spend your time on 10 sessions. Ideally, to maintain good tone of the massage and chewing muscles, you will have to do the procedure regularly in courses. How often you will need to resort to this manipulation should be decided by a specialist, taking into account all the characteristics of your body.

How to maintain the results after a buccal facial massage for a long time?

How to maintain the results after a buccal facial massage for a long time?
As you already understand, buccal facial massage has a positive effect for a certain period of time, so it is very important to ensure that the skin looks refreshed and tightened for as long as possible.

How to maintain the results for a long time:

  • Try not to sleep with your face in your pillow
  • Use skincare products that suit your skin type
  • Don't wash your face with too hot water
  • Be sure to wash off your makeup at night
  • Do not press the skin under any circumstances, do not rub it with strong pressure.
  • Regularly do light massage along the massage lines
  • Avoid skin exposure to ultraviolet light
  • Maintain proper hydration balance
  • Visit a cosmetologist regularly


Among the disadvantages of massage, limited localization of effectiveness is noted. During and after the procedure, the following areas remain untouched: upper face, décolleté and neck. Experienced specialists strongly recommend combining buccal massage with sculptural massage, because together they can rejuvenate the face by ten years, thereby changing it beyond recognition.

Buccal facial massage - the cost of a procedure done by a specialist

We would like to say right away that buccal facial massage is a procedure that requires certain skills, so a priori it cannot be cheap. Take this fact into account and do not go where the procedure is very cheap. As for the cost of manipulation, it may vary depending on the city, the qualifications of the specialist and the location of the beauty salon. On average, in large cities they charge from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles for one massage procedure. If you take cities that are quite remote from megalopolises, then the cost of a massage is noticeably reduced; here it can already cost 2,000 rubles. for the procedure.

Buccal facial massage - reviews with photos before and after the procedure

Buccal facial massage - reviews:

Reviews with photos before and after the procedure

Tatyana, 39 years old: My face is round and plump, this is my peculiarity. After I turned 30, I began to notice that a double chin was appearing, although I did not gain weight. I consulted a cosmetologist, and he pleased me with the fact that I had begun to experience age-related skin problems, or rather, sagging began to develop. And since I don’t have many years of age, I didn’t resort to drastic measures; the cosmetologist suggested trying a buccal facial massage. I was prescribed 10 procedures once a week. After the fifth massage, I noticed that my face tightened up and I became visually younger. I visited the specialist 10 times, and was satisfied with the result. But literally after 2 months I began to notice that the skin was “swimming” again, and the face became somehow triangular. Again I had to go to a cosmetologist, but to a different one. It turned out that during the massage they put a lot of pressure on my muscles, and this resulted in this side effect. So, girls, you need to approach the choice of a massage therapist responsibly.

Reviews with photos before and after the procedure

Irina, 43 years old: I learned about the procedure when I began to experience swelling in my face. No matter how well I rested, I always woke up in the morning with bags under my eyes, plus dark circles appeared. On the advice of a friend, I decided to try the so-called sculpture massage. But when I went to see a specialist, I learned that in my case I had to take the procedure seriously. Deal with the problem not selectively, but comprehensively. I was prescribed a deep-cut massage. I regularly went to the procedures for two months, and was satisfied with the result. My face stopped swelling, the terrible circles under my eyes disappeared, and most importantly, my double chin practically disappeared. So I can say with 100% confidence that the procedure is effective.

Reviews with photos before and after the procedure

Olga, 39 years old: I always carefully take care of my facial skin, and I always thought that age-related changes would affect me well after 40. But, unfortunately, I met them earlier than I planned. When I turned 37, I noticed that pronounced wrinkles began to appear on my skin, and over time they only increased. I was very afraid of beauty injections, so I decided to have a buccal massage - a friend advertised it to me as exercise for the lazy. The first session was a revelation for me, as I did not expect that someone would put their hands in my mouth. But the massage therapist calmed me down, asked me to relax and continued her work. Literally after a couple of sessions the effect began to appear - the skin began to turn pink, tightened, and skin creases disappeared. After 10 procedures, wrinkles became almost invisible. Yes, they exist, but they don’t “hurt my eyes” anymore, and I look young and fresh. Now I massage myself periodically to prevent aging.

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