Treatment of acne and acne: features of the use of ASD-2

Every woman wants to look perfect. But no matter how hard the fair sex tries to preserve their beauty, it is impossible to prevent age-related changes, as well as skin aging. The only thing is that you can delay the aging process. To do this, many seek the help of specialists and buy various skin care compositions.

But, unfortunately, not all women have this opportunity. Drugs that help fight wrinkles are expensive. What about those who cannot afford to purchase a “miracle cream” for wrinkles that costs several average salaries? There is a solution, you just need to use an effective drug - ASD.

How does an antiseptic stimulant act on the skin?

ASD is a fairly effective remedy, invented more than half a century ago by scientist A.V. Dorogov. Initially, the drug was produced in two fractions - solutions for oral administration and for external use. ASD 2, 3 is not recognized by traditional medicine to this day. Both fractions are officially used only in veterinary practice.

Since the modern pharmaceutical industry does not stand still, and there are also followers and adherents of Dorokov’s invention, several therapeutic and prophylactic, as well as cosmetic preparations for people have been developed.

ASD has the most beneficial effect on the skin. It is known about the anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, wound-healing, regenerating, antiseptic, and tonic effects of the product.

The use of an antiseptic stimulant, both in its pure form and as part of skin care products, contributes to:

  • improving the condition of the skin;
  • healing and rejuvenation of the dermis;
  • restoration, cleansing of the skin;
  • fight against fine wrinkles;
  • increasing tone;
  • even out complexion;
  • preventing the appearance of new wrinkles;
  • nourishing and moisturizing dry skin;
  • reduction of oily greasiness.

Features of treating problem skin

The result will depend on how correctly the elixir was used. Therefore, if you want to get rid of the rash as quickly as possible, try to adhere to the following recommendations.

1. Do not use undiluted composition. This can lead to unpredictable consequences, in particular irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa when taken orally, as well as the appearance of redness, itching, burning when used externally.

2. All bulk elements cannot be processed at once in one procedure. You can treat a third of the problem area at a time (if it is large).

3. It is preferable to apply lotions in the evening or during the weekend, as redness of the dermis may occur.

4. During the therapeutic course, it is prohibited to drink alcohol. Ethanol reduces the therapeutic activity of ASD.

5. People with increased blood clotting should use the composition as carefully as possible, because the antiseptic stimulant promotes blood thickening.

6. During treatment, you should drink more fluids, as well as sour juices. It is also necessary to enrich the diet with sour berries and fruits.

7. Before you start using the composition, do not forget to consult a specialist.

If you experience severe burning of the skin, peeling, nausea, or deterioration of health while using ASD, you should stop using the elixir. These symptoms indicate individual intolerance.

How to use ASD in the fight against age-related changes

To eliminate wrinkles, you can use the second fraction of ASD both in its pure form and as part of anti-aging creams. You can also use ready-made products, for example, creams from the liposomal cosmetics series Isida and ISeDora. The drugs are easy to use. Let's look at each way to use an antiseptic stimulant.

  1. ASD of the second fraction - a solution that is available in bottles, is recommended for use in the fight against age-related changes as follows. A few drops of ASD are mixed with cooled boiling water - 50 ml, after which pre-cleaned problem areas of the face are treated. The procedure is carried out twice a day. The duration of the course is until the result is obtained.
  2. You can also use ASD as part of a cosmetic or baby cream. The use of the product will help not only smooth the skin, but also nourish, moisturize the dermis, fight rashes, as well as acne.

It is necessary to mix a few drops of an antiseptic stimulant with the cream. The resulting product is rubbed into the dermis once or twice a day.

Aisida skin care series

A relatively recent patented invention, which is widely used both in medicine - for the treatment of skin diseases, and in cosmetology practice - for healing and rejuvenating the skin. Inventors: Dorogova Olga Alekseevna, Chubatova Svetlana Aleksandrovna. Patent holders: Dorogova Olga Alekseevna, Chubatova Svetlana Aleksandrovna.

The therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetic product “ISeDora” has the following composition:

  • ASD III - 0.1-2.0
  • ASD II - 0.1-2.0
  • Olive oil – 0.5-1.0
  • Milk thistle oil – 0.5-1.0
  • Castor oil – 0.5-1.0
  • Linden flower oil extract – 0.5-1.0
  • Soy lecithin – 0.5-2.0
  • Burdock oil - 0.5-2.0
  • Urea - 1.0-2.0
  • Carbopol - 0.35-0.5
  • Essential oils of bergamot, pine, cedar - 0.02-0.05
  • Alcohol extracts of nettle, clover - 0.4-4.0
  • Distilled water

The use of the cream helps: eliminate inflammatory processes, fight skin rashes, as well as acne, nourish, moisturize, and rejuvenate the dermis. The product helps in the fight against age-related changes, especially wrinkles.

Aisida is a liposomal cosmetic with regenerating and rejuvenating properties. The cream for skin rejuvenation is equipped with: ASD 2 and 3 fractions, liposomes, soy lecithin, oils (milk thistle, castor, burdock), plant extracts (clover, nettle), pine, cedar, bergamot essential oils.

The cream is easy to use. It should be applied to cleansed facial skin twice a day. The duration of the course is until the desired result is obtained.

With the active implementation of the principles of a healthy lifestyle, along with the requirements for maintaining physical and general somatic status, more and more attention is paid to a person’s external appearance. An integral part of the image of a successful, trustworthy person is his attractive appearance, which indicates not only concern for one’s own health and a certain level of material well-being, but also, on an unconscious level, convincing others of the high moral and ethical qualities of its owner.

The presence of a cosmetic defect on the face, manifestations of age-related changes, acne and post-acne often cause emotional tension, increased excitability, irritability, up to the development of a pronounced complex of one’s own imperfections. For these reasons, aesthetic correction of skin defects has both medical and socio-psychological significance.

In patients aged 18–45 years, the most common complaints are cosmetic defects on the face associated with acne. These can be manifestations of both an inflammatory nature and post-acne.

Acne vulgaris is a chronic disease that has a clear genetic predisposition, one of the manifestations of a thick or mixed form of seborrhea, or a disease of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands.

Early manifestations of acne consist of pathological hyperkeratosis of the follicular epithelium, which leads to blockage of the follicular duct with horny masses and the formation of microcomedones. Comedones, like plugs, clog the mouths of dilated hair follicles. Excessive production of sebum and disruption of the outflow of sebaceous gland secretions from the hair follicles create conditions for the proliferation of propionium bacteria and the development of the inflammatory process.

Depending on the location of inflammation, papules, pustules, indurative and spherical (conglobate) acne are formed.

Papular acne is presented by clinically pink nodules with a diameter of 2-5 mm, hemispherical in shape with a comedon at the apex. Later, pustules appear in their places. Inflammatory phenomena intensify, pain occurs. After regression, stagnant bluish spots or small scars form in place of the pustules.

Considering the described mechanism of acne development, it is important to consider the inflammatory process from the point of view of microcirculation disorders, which is one of the main links in the pathogenesis of this pathology.

Normally, the microvasculature (MCB) consists of repeating functional units-microregions (modules). Each of these units is a complex system consisting of arterioles, precapillaries, capillaries themselves, postcapillaries, venules, lymphatic capillaries and postcapillaries, nerve conductors, and interstitial substance. There are multiple anastomoses between the microvessels. In the places where they originate in the circulatory section of the MCR, there are groups of smooth muscle cells that form sphincters.

This entire complex provides and maintains metabolic and hemodynamic homeostasis in the microdistrict. Each module is separated from the neighboring one and has isolated paths for blood delivery and outflow.

Skin vessels have the ability to quickly and variedly respond to the action of certain stimuli, which is based on the phenomena of vasoconstriction and vasodilation caused by vasomotor nerves. To a greater extent, this applies to areas of the skin where there are a large number of arteriovenular anastomoses (face). Where they are absent or small, vasodilation and vasoconstriction are due to the state of basal vascular tone.

In acne, the initial hyperemic reaction of the skin is gradually accompanied by stagnation of blood in the venules and spasm of the afferent vessels, followed by the development of microangiopathies and blood stasis.

The progression of acne is characterized by dynamic changes in the vessels of the MCR. Already at the early stages of the disease, compensatory and adaptive processes develop in the form of opening of existing MC networks, the formation of intervascular anastomoses, and an increase in the number and expansion of lymphatic terminals. This ensures adequate vascularization, gas exchange in tissues and removal of metabolites. With a long course of the disease, a significant reduction of the capillary network, restructuring of post-capillaries and venules, and their dystonia are observed, which play a significant role in the development of hemodynamic and metabolic disorders.

Thus, one of the principles that can ensure the success of acne treatment can be considered the effect on these pathologically altered vessels, which can radically affect the morphofunctional state of microcirculation in inflammatory areas of the skin.

There are different methods of influencing the pathogenetic factors in the development of acne. These can be physiotherapeutic procedures (microcurrents), high-energy laser effects (selective lasers with a wavelength of 578-600 nm); in the formation of post-acne, collagenolytic external preparations (longidaza, contractubex, mederma) are added to these methods. However, at the present stage of development of medicinal substances, it is necessary to give them optimal properties and forms that penetrate into the cell and conduct active substances into the deep areas of the intercellular space. Currently, it is believed that these properties are possessed by gels, which are, in fact, one of the colloidal forms (lipid bilayers, biological membranes, micelles and liposomes), in the creation of which sufficient experience has been accumulated in the world. Possessing exceptionally small sizes (20-30 nm), liposomes are “microcontainers” of phospholipids and are the most convenient, physiological enhancer capable of rapid and deep transepidermal transport of hydrophilic (inside the liposome) and lipophilic (outside the liposome) compounds into the deepest layers (like fatty ointments), due to its high affinity with living cells. This eliminates the need to use surfactants and irritants, which is important for people with sensitive skin.

Thus, a drug that meets the following requirements can be considered effective, safe and suitable for long-term use as a supporting local remedy during the period of subsidence of acute symptoms of the disease and post-acne: 1) ensuring free transport of active substances into the intercellular space and into the cell without destruction of cell membranes and extracellular structures; 2) does not disrupt the structure and homeostasis of the lipid barrier; 3) restoring the structure of collagen; 4) normalizing skin microcirculation. Aisida has these properties.


Aisida medicinal cosmetics

- component of ASD (Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant). Created back in 1948, it is a product of thermal breakdown of cattle bone tissue and the organic substances they contain (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nucleic acids) into low molecular weight components, similar in structure to the cells of a living organism. Enclosed in a liposomal form, which ensures targeted transport of the active substance into the deep layers of the skin, intercellular space and freely passing cell membranes, the biologically active components contained in ASD (methionine, creatinine, choline, serotonin, etc.) stimulate the formation of enzymes (glutathione), mediators ( methyl mercaptan) and information proteins. This leads to stimulation of the synthesis of own collagen and elastin and repair of skin cells.

In addition to ASD, Isisa contains the following active components: glycerin, olive oil, lipofolk, aristoflex, lavender essential oil, coenzyme Q10, especially highly purified water with silver ions in different proportions and concentrations. Selectively supplemented with components such as oil extract of linden flowers, essential oil of Schisandra chinensis, cocoa butter, natural extract of birch buds, complex of vitamins (A, D, E, F), allowed us to create different forms - cream-gel for dry and sensitive skin, cleansing milk, cream-gel for hands, cream-gel for eyelids, cream-gel for oily and combination skin, balm for problem skin - and thus form a line of medical and cosmetic products under the general name Isis


Material and methods

We observed 88 patients, 18 (20.5%) men, 70 (79.5%) women), aged 18–47 years. The duration of the disease varied from several months to 7 years. Mild severity was observed in 28 (32%) patients, moderate - in 34 (39%), severe - in 21 (24%), post-acne - in 5 (5%). Patients of the main group (n=88) were prescribed Isida

externally 2 times a day on cleansed skin for a period of 1-3 months, depending on the severity of the disease. No other external therapy was prescribed. Antibacterial and detoxification therapy was prescribed internally for moderate and severe acne, and vitamin therapy for post-acne.

The effectiveness of treatment was assessed by the clinical picture (the number of inflammatory elements was counted) and the state of microcirculation (especially important for post-acne).

The state of skin microcirculation was assessed using laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). The studies were carried out before and after the course of treatment (after 1, 2, 3 months).

Results and discussion

According to the LDF, before treatment, all patients had vasodilation-type microcirculation disorders in the lesions (30.2%), manifested by an increase in arteriolar tone, mainly in the papular form. In 61.5% of cases, disorders of the spastic-congestive type were found, manifested by an increase in arteriolar tone, the presence of pronounced congestion in the venular part of the MCR and stasis at the capillary level. These changes were observed in patients with papular and pustular stages. Disorders of the atonic-congestive type (8.3%) were expressed in a decrease in the myogenic and neurogenic tone of arterioles, congestion in the capillary section of the MCR. Similar microcirculatory changes were detected mainly in patients with post-acne. Summarizing the results, we can assume that the formation of identified microcirculation disorders in patients with acne is an important link in the pathogenesis of the disease and contributes to the persistent course and formation of post-acne.

The criteria for assessing the effectiveness of treatment for patients with acne, in addition to the dermatological status, included such indicators as the percentage of recovery and stable remission, the duration of treatment required to achieve the latter, as well as the normalization of microcirculation in the lesions. Clinical recovery was considered to be the resolution of lesions and normalization of microcirculation parameters in the lesions. Significant improvement was noted in the absence of new rashes, a decrease in the affected area and the number of rash elements by more than 50%. A change in these clinical criteria of less than 50% was considered an improvement. The absence of dynamics was indicated if there was no improvement in the clinical picture and functional state of the studied systems. As a result of a comprehensive analysis of the dynamics of dermatological status and indicators of functional studies in a group of patients with mild, moderate, severe, as well as post-acne, who received external cream-gel Isida

, clinical recovery was detected in 67.8, 52.9, 38.7 and 25.0% of cases, respectively, significant improvement - in 28.6, 41.2, 48.4 and 50.0% of cases.

By analyzing the dynamics of microcirculatory changes using LDF, it was possible to register the physiological response of microvessels to the effect of the drug Isida

. In the vasodilatory type, the initially increased arteriolar tone decreased by 20% (p<0.01), which contributed to the normalization of blood flow in the capillaries; the initially elevated intravascular resistance decreased by 45% (p<0.01). In the spastic-congestive type of the disease, the initially increased arteriolar tone decreased by 12.8% (p <0.01), which contributed to the elimination of ischemic phenomena in the tissues. Severe congestion in the venular link decreased by 37.5%, reaching the normal limits (p <0.01), which was accompanied by the disappearance of stasis in the capillaries. In the atonic-congestive type, which corresponded to more severe forms, the initially reduced arteriolar tone increased by 33.3% of the initial level (p <0.01), which contributed to the improvement of basal blood flow and tissue perfusion. The initially elevated intravascular resistance decreased by 11.2% (p<0.01). This made it possible to eliminate congestion in the capillary section of the MCR, which was clinically manifested by the disappearance of the bluish color of the skin and the leveling of its relief.


Already in the 2nd week of external use of Aisida

Most patients experienced a significant reduction in disease severity and number of acne lesions compared to baseline. At the end of the treatment period, acne clearance rates for non-inflamed and inflamed lesions were 63 and 50%, respectively. At 1 month after treatment, the reduction in acne for noninflamed and inflamed lesions was 79 and 74%, respectively, with further reductions two months after the final treatment (85 and 87%, respectively). The total number of noninflamed and inflamed lesions at 3 months was reduced by approximately 90% compared with the initial level. In most cases, the improvement was sustained throughout the study period. No unwanted side effects were observed. Normalization of microcirculation in the lesions allows us to expect a longer and more stable remission.

Gentle care for the skin around the eyes

The product is equipped with plant extracts, as well as lipofolk. Thanks to these components, the use of the cream promotes intensive renewal of the dermis, deep hydration and nourishment, as well as restoration of the water-lipid balance of the dermis, and also the elimination of wrinkles.

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest, most delicate, and sensitive. There is almost no muscle or subcutaneous fat in this area. At the same time, the dermis in this area is very mobile. Facial expressions, blinking - all this causes stretching of the dermis, as well as the appearance of wrinkles.

In order to slow down the aging process, as well as prevent the appearance of wrinkles, experts advise starting to care for this area as early as possible. The use of Isis cream will help delay age-related changes.

It is recommended to use the composition every day - morning and evening. The product is applied to the problem area with light massage movements.

ASD is a drug that can be used for both internal and external healing. The medicine, as well as medical and cosmetic products based on it, have already proven themselves well. After all, compositions based on ASD, like the antiseptic stimulant itself, are inexpensive, highly effective, and also completely safe.

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