Peeling the face, scalp, hair and body with baking soda at home. Recipes for peeling with baking soda, salt, lemon, hydrogen peroxide and shaving foam

Baking soda is found in every home. Housewives know a lot of ways to use it. Sodium bicarbonate is used to clean dishes, gargle for pharyngitis and tonsillitis, and bake delicious homemade pies and cakes. But that is not all. It turns out that you can prepare a scrub from soda to cleanse the skin and combat minor cosmetic defects: acne, acne, dull skin color. Peeling and soda scrub are effective, yet inexpensive cosmetics. Let's open a small beauty salon in our own kitchen - let's learn how to prepare caring cosmetics based on sodium bicarbonate.

Soda scrub can be done at any age

Peeling with baking soda for the face for problem skin: recipe

Cosmetic products daily invent “better and better” means to combat skin imperfections: creams, lotions, peelings, scrubs. As practice shows, the more popular a brand, the more expensive its cosmetic products. However, this is far from a guarantee that the product you purchased will actually be effective.

Increasingly, women are resorting to homemade, more budget-friendly and time-tested personal care products . One of the most “faithful” turned out to be ordinary baking soda, which can be used as a peeling for any area of ​​the skin. The structure of this product is quite small, which will allow it not to injure the skin and “gently” eliminate all problems.

Who needs the procedure:

  • For those who have oily facial skin (you notice shine, makeup caking, clogged and wide pores).
  • For those who often suffer from inflammatory processes that occur on the face (internal acne, purulent pimples, large and small acne, “blackheads”).
  • Excessive pigmentation on the face (spots or freckles)
  • Sagging skin, an abundance of premature and age-related wrinkles.

Homemade methods for preparing effective peeling for problems on the face.
Peeling is very simple:

  • As a base, we can use any face wash gel ; simple liquid soap will also do if you do not suffer from dry skin.
  • You can replace the cleansing gel with any vegetable oil or egg yolk.
  • For one procedure, only 1 tbsp bases (gel, oil or yolk) and 0.5 tsp. soda

Contraindications for use

Like any other remedy, when using this ingredient you should familiarize yourself with possible side effects and take into account contraindications. Don't use it if:

  • the integrity of the skin is damaged, there are open wounds;
  • there is a vascular network;
  • you are prone to allergies or intolerance to any component of the scrub.

Regular facial skin care with homemade soda scrubs will help get rid of many problems. To do this, you just need to choose the most suitable set of components and regularly carry out the facial peeling procedure.

Facial peeling with baking soda and salt: recipe

Peeling made from not only soda will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminate their secretions and slightly “dry” problem areas (nose, chin, forehead) . It is important to know that you should only use “Extra” salt, as coarse salt can scratch the delicate skin on your face.

How to do:

  • As a basis for peeling, you can use washing gel, liquid soap, vegetable oil or egg yolk.
  • You need 2 tbsp. base add 0.5 tsp. soda and 0.5 tsp. "Extra" salt.
  • Mix the product and then apply to damp skin. Moisturize your skin with cream after the procedure.

What does peeling made from soda help with?

Salt in home cosmetology: benefits and applications

Salt is one of the most important elements for life in general and our body in particular. It is not for nothing that dear guests were greeted with bread and salt in Rus', and in many religions salt is associated with wisdom, loyalty and purity.

We wrote a separate review about the use of salt masks in home cosmetology; we highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with this material.

Inside the tiny crystal contains:

  1. Iodine. Supports metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the activity of the thyroid gland.
  2. Sodium. Reduces moisture loss from the skin, which means it prolongs the youth of the skin.
  3. Bromine. It is an excellent natural antiseptic (disinfectant).
  4. Potassium. Helps regulate water balance in the body and supports muscle function.
  5. Calcium. Stimulates skin production of collagen.
  6. Magnesium. Reduces pain.

Of course, salt is practically not used in its pure form for cosmetic purposes: it is a rather aggressive component, and for comfortable application, salt masks are enriched with essential oils, herbs and other “softening” ingredients.

Facial peeling with baking soda and peroxide: recipe

Hydrogen peroxide is a popular remedy for combating problem skin, rashes, inflammation and acne. Together with soda, peroxide can effectively fight all areas of inflammation on the face, resulting in smooth and healthy skin.

Preparing peeling is very simple. To do this, just mix a small bottle of 3% peroxide with approximately 10-12 g of baking soda. Mix the mixture thoroughly. Apply the product to previously cleansed skin. After the procedure, rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer to the skin.

IMPORTANT: If you have any open wounds on your face: scratches, squeezed pimples with bruises, abrasions, it is best to refuse the procedure (it will cause unpleasant painful sensations).

Helpers in the fight for clean and healthy skin

How does baking soda affect the skin?

The effect of sodium bicarbonate on human skin is multifaceted. The following properties of the product are noted:

  • have an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect - eliminate swelling, redness and rash during allergies, itching after mosquito bites. It is common for soda powder to speed up the healing and regeneration process, restore water-alkaline balance in the body;
  • demonstrate disinfection and antifungal skills - destroy microbes and bacteria that stimulate the formation of ulcers and pimples, “fight” candidiasis caused by Candida fungi;
  • detect a cleansing feature - clean clogged pores, remove dead epidermal cells, remove makeup residues (NaHCO3 as a sorbent absorbs the products of the functioning of the sebaceous glands);
  • have a rejuvenating effect on the dermis like “anti-age” cosmetics - smooth out wrinkles, maintain skin tone;
  • help in the fight against burns - by increasing regeneration, the recovery of those who have received sunburn is faster.

However, “soda” procedures cannot be used if there are contraindications in the form of:

  • the presence of ulcers and open wounds, since soda is predisposed to corrode the diseased area only aggravate the disease;
  • tendency to severe drying of the skin, therefore it is permissible to use sodium bicarbonate in tandem with soft components - moisturizing creams, cosmetic oils, kefir, etc.;
  • with thin, delicate epidermis, the use of NaHCO3 requires extreme caution, since in case of an overdose, baking soda can burn the epidermis.

Peeling with baking soda and shaving foam: recipe

Peeling made with shaving cream can be an excellent way to combat blackheads. The cream or foam itself (as well as the gel) has softening and disinfecting effects. Baking soda, as part of a homemade scrub, will gently cleanse pores of dirt.

This scrub is very easy to make. To do this, squeeze out the required amount of foam or gel from the tube. Add 0.5 tsp baking soda (or more - 1 tsp if your skin is not sensitive). Rub the product thoroughly into all problem areas of the skin and leave for one minute, then rinse thoroughly with warm water and apply moisturizer.

Shaving foam based product

Precautions when using homemade scrubs

Following some rules will help you achieve the desired result.

  1. Use of fresh products.
  2. Drinking filtered, mineral, settled water.
  3. Steaming the skin before the procedure.
  4. Rub the mix in with gentle circular movements.
  5. Compliance with time frames. The first scrub is left for several minutes, then the applied product remains on the skin for no more than 10 minutes.
  6. Washing at the end of the manipulation with a decoction based on medicinal herbs is preferable.
  7. Deep cleansing is carried out once a week. To get rid of acne - 1 time every 3 days.
  8. Following a course of treatment - a break is taken after 10 procedures.
  9. The scrub is prepared for 1 use only.

When using a product with soda, you must be careful not to get it into your eyes - sodium bicarbonate is harmful to the eyeball. If contact occurs, eyes should be rinsed immediately with water.

Removing the scrub from the skin must be thorough. There are ingredients that corrode the epidermis (for example, salt, lemon).

Expert opinion


The procedure should be completed by applying a moisturizing cream to the skin.

Facial peeling with baking soda and lemon: recipe

Lemon – can act as a pore tightening and “drying” agent. Its acid is able to regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminate excessive sebum secretion. Lemon juice can be added to peeling, or you can use it to wipe your face after peeling.

Prepare a simple peeling:

  • Base – 1 tbsp. l. (shaving cream, baby liquid soap, cleansing gel).
  • Soda – 1 tsp. (can be halved with extra salt).
  • Lemon juice – 1 slice or ring

IMPORTANT: You can wipe your face with a slice of lemon after peeling, but this is only useful for oily or combination skin. If your skin is dry, add lemon juice to the peeling.

Lemon for face peeling with soda


  • Elena, 19 years old: “For 3 months I cleaned my face weekly with a soda-honey mixture - the effect is amazing. Pimples and blackheads have almost completely disappeared, pores have shrunk, and a healthy glow has appeared. And most importantly, the oily spots that I had been struggling with for several years stopped appearing on my forehead and nose. A wonderful and affordable product, I recommend it to everyone.”
  • Lisa, 25 years old: “A soda scrub with salt helped me fight the hated freckles and pigmentation, and along with them, the red spots disappeared.”
  • Marina, 27 years old: “I was always skeptical about all kinds of homemade cleansers until I saw with my own eyes the effect of them on the example of a friend. Before this, I only used scrubs from trusted brands, but I still decided to take a risk. The result did not keep me waiting - after 3 procedures I noticed that my skin was tightened and refreshed. Now I will confidently use baking soda to cleanse my face in the future.”

Baking soda is a cheap and accessible component that can easily and time-consumingly help you get rid of rashes, clean pores, and restore your face to a healthy and fresh look.

However, in order to avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist before starting use.


Body peeling with baking soda: recipe

Body peeling is a necessary procedure to ensure that your skin is always soft, smooth and velvety. Soda, as part of such a range, will have a very gentle effect on the surface of the skin, exfoliating only dead cells. Thus, the procedure helps remove dead skin particles so that the new layer of dermis receives enough oxygen and looks good.

Do your own body exfoliation:

  • Olive oil (or any other vegetable oil) – 5 tbsp.
  • Soda – 3 tbsp.
  • Essential oil – according to preference (depending on skin problems) 2-3 drops.

Body peeling prepared with soda

Peeling the scalp and hair with baking soda: recipe

Exfoliation is the same cleansing of the skin that we used to call “peeling”. In addition to the fact that you need to “clean” not only the body and face, the peeling procedure can have a very beneficial effect on the scalp under the hair.

What this procedure can achieve:

  • Allow skin cells to receive more oxygen and nutrients.
  • Improve blood circulation than allow the bulbs to receive enough microelements.
  • Eliminate flaking and dandruff caused by dry skin and allergies to hair care products.
  • Cleanse the scalp and hair itself from residual and indelible amounts of styling products (foam, varnish, mousse, gel, wax, etc.).

IMPORTANT: You should not be afraid of this procedure, because it is completely safe for you and can bring many benefits. Of course, you can carry out a similar procedure in any beauty salon. But, it is much cheaper to do it at home using improvised means.

Head peeling can be different, made from a variety of components. Such a universal remedy as baking soda is very popular. Due to its fine-grained structure and enormous chemical value, soda can easily cleanse the skin of impurities, stimulate blood circulation with the help of a simple peeling massage and not irritate the skin.

IMPORTANT: If you want to exfoliate with baking soda. Add 0.5 to 1 tsp to a small amount of shampoo. soda (depending on skin problems) and thoroughly rub the product into your head. After the procedure, the head should be washed thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner.

A more universal remedy is baking soda mixed with “extra” salt. This salt has the necessary fine structure that is not capable of damaging the skin. This peeling is useful for those who have problems with the sebaceous glands. Salt can “dry” the skin a little, and soda can thoroughly “remove” the remaining particles of discharge.

Preparing this cleanser is very simple:

  • “Extra” salt – 1 tsp.
  • Shampoo – 3 tbsp. (preferably 2 in 1, with balm)
  • Soda – 1.l.

IMPORTANT: The product is applied to the scalp with massage movements and rubbed for several minutes. After which the product is thoroughly washed off the head with running water and shampoo.

Baking soda - a product for beauty and cleanliness of hair

Rules for using scrubs with soda

To avoid drying out and damaging the skin, you must follow a number of recommendations when using this scrub:

  • for better penetration of the components of the cleanser, you need to steam the skin before cleaning;
  • apply the product without strong pressure movements along the massage lines;
  • do not treat the area around the mouth and eyes;
  • leave the scrub on your face for no more than 5 minutes; if discomfort occurs, wash it off immediately;
  • After cleansing, apply individually selected nourishing or moisturizing products to the face;
  • Do scrubbing no more than once every 7–10 days.

Peeling the face and scalp with baking soda: reviews

Marina: “I did the procedure out of curiosity. I just didn’t believe that regular soda could be better than professional products. To my surprise, the product turned out to be more effective, and most importantly gentle, than the scrubs that I buy from the catalogue. Now I exfoliate regularly. Sometimes I mix salt with soda.”

Varya: “Simply put, soda is a savior! No amount of masks, strips or squeezing could get rid of the hated black specks all over my nose. Salon procedures left unsightly, huge holes in clean pores, which was also not pleasing. I just started thoroughly washing my nose with soda peeling and liquid baby soap, and after about 10-12 days I didn’t find a single spot!”

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