Why do hernias appear under the eyes and is it possible to get rid of them without surgery?

Those who do not follow a sleep schedule, abuse alcohol and do not adhere to a healthy diet , bags appear under the eyes with age. This problem also affects quite young people. But sometimes such swelling and swelling occurs even in people leading a healthy lifestyle .

In such cases, you should pay more attention to this symptom, since these may not be easily removable bags, but fatty hernias, which are much more difficult to get rid of.


Hernias under the eyes can be recognized by the following signs:

  • decreased visual acuity;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • swollen areas of skin under the eyes do not decrease or increase during the day or when drinking large amounts of water;
  • the skin of the eyelids, under which hernias form, takes on a bluish or reddish, plum color;
  • the vascular network may more or less appear on the skin of the eyelids.

such hernias also form above the eye - then from the outside it seems that the person’s eye shape is reduced and the swelling affects the periocular area in a circle.

Keep in mind! For the vast majority of people, this problem appears only under the eyes.

What is laser blepharoplasty

In our clinic, the innovative laser device FOTONA SP Dynamis is successfully used for 4D rejuvenation of the skin of the eyelids and area around the eyes for non-surgical blepharoplasty. The equipment is unique - it has no analogues on the modern aesthetic medicine market. This is explained by the fact that the device body combines two systems at once - erbium (Er:YAG) and neodymium (Nd:YAG) lasers.

The idea behind the Fotona SmoothEye procedure is brilliant, simple and very smart: strengthen the upper eyelid muscle, not cut it out!!! And you can get rid of excess skin without incisions and long recovery.

The essence of non-surgical blepharoplasty is a four- or five-stage treatment of not only the skin of the eyelids, but also the entire upper third of the face, including treatment of the eyelids from the inside - from the side of the conjunctiva. To do this, several laser technologies are used sequentially, during one procedure.

The effect of laser causes the effect of biorevitalization of tissues of the periorbital area. After circular laser blepharoplasty, powerful rejuvenating processes are launched in the eyelids and skin around the eyes. Old collagen fibers are reduced and new ones are formed. Intercellular connections are restored, the production of hyaluronic acid increases. The skin flap is reduced.

The result is a noticeable tightening, smoothing and rejuvenation of the skin of the eyelids and upper face. In most cases, a course of such procedures replaces the need for a plastic surgeon and circumcision of heavy eyelids.

How to distinguish hernias under the eyes from swelling?

Know! A person can make sure that there are indeed fatty deposits under the eyelid independently at home.

It is enough to press your finger on your closed eye - and you will be able to see with your other eye or feel how the bags under the eyes harden, swell and noticeably increase in size.

Also, a person himself can feel how a feeling of skin tension is created due to sagging.

Another reason to suspect a hernia is the fact that there are no ophthalmological diseases .

At the same time, the daily routine, diet and the amount of stress and nervous shocks have recently remained unchanged and there are no physiological prerequisites for the development of bags and swelling.

Benefits of laser blepharoplasty

  • The non-surgical procedure is performed in an outpatient setting, unlike surgery.
  • The manipulations are painless, since they are performed using anesthetic gels.
  • During one procedure, four to five effective innovative laser techniques are combined.
  • The recovery period lasts 48 hours.
  • The tangible visual effect of non-surgical blepharoplasty is noticeable a month after the first session and increases over time; subsequent procedures enhance and consolidate the result.
  • The procedure can be done regardless of the time of year.
  • The price of non-surgical laser plastic surgery is relatively low.

Preparation for the procedure

The non-surgical technique of laser blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids, despite positive reviews and reasonable prices in Moscow clinics, is not applicable in all cases, so a free consultation with our doctor is first required. Our clinic specialist will determine the presence of any possible contraindications and, if they are absent, will schedule a day for the procedure. There is no need to prepare specially for it or take tests.

Indications for the procedure for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes

  • Flabbiness and thinning of the dermis in the eyelid area.
  • Drooping of the upper eyelids due to excess or decreased skin turgor.
  • Formation of the nasolacrimal groove.
  • Formation of wrinkles on the skin around the eyes.
  • Scars and other skin defects in the paraorbital area.
  • Small hernias, swelling and swelling in the eyelid area.
  • Wrinkles and sagging skin around the eyes.


  • Inflammatory processes on the skin of the eyelids.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Bronchial asthma, in severe cases.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Malignant tumors.

How is non-surgical blepharoplasty performed?

The laser blepharoplasty procedure is carried out in several stages:


The eyes are protected with special intraocular steel caps using an anesthetic gel. The mucous membranes of the lower and upper eyelids (conjunctiva) are treated with an erbium laser in the fractional Smooth - coagulation (heating) mode.

The effect of laser radiation precisely through the conjunctival mucosa, taking into account the chromophore, allows you to increase the temperature of deep-lying tissues without absolutely damaging the mucosa!!! and those structures to which heat will be directly transferred. At the same time, the volume of adipose tissue in the conjunctival sac is reduced, deep structures are rejuvenated by stimulating collagen renewal processes in all layers of eyelid skin.


Stage of deep dermal laser treatment on the area around the eyes and the entire middle third of the face, including the skin of the forehead. This stage of the procedure is performed using a neodymium laser (Fotona Nd:YAG). The integrity of the skin is not compromised. The purpose of this stage of the procedure is to launch the processes of neocollagenogenesis, reconstruction of tissues of the upper third of the face, elimination of venous stagnation, pigmentation, improvement of turgor and skin tone.


A neodymium laser (Nd:YAG) in Piano mode evenly and painlessly heats not only the middle but also the deep layers of the dermis. This effect produces a powerful effect of revitalizing, toning and tightening tissue.


An erbium laser (ER:YAG) is applied to the skin of the upper and lower eyelids and the entire middle third of the face, as well as the skin of the forehead (to tighten the upper eyelid). Thus, powerful lifting is ensured, skin turgor and tone are restored, wrinkles are smoothed out, and pigmentation is eliminated.


At the fifth stage of laser blepharoplasty, the skin of the lower and upper eyelids is treated with fractional laser beams in ablation (evaporation) mode, damaging the skin surface in order to reduce the skin flap, noticeably tighten sagging eyelids and radically rejuvenate the tissue.

Recovery period after the procedure

The recovery period lasts on average 48-72 hours. The skin looks reddened and swollen. If an additional 5th stage was included in the procedure protocol, the rehabilitation period can last up to 5 days.

To achieve optimal and long-lasting results, it is necessary to complete a course of two or three procedures at 40-60-day intervals. How much laser blepharoplasty costs depends on this, but we note that our clinic regularly offers promotions for the procedure.

What happens after laser eye area rejuvenation?

  • Excess skin is reduced and the upper eyelid is lifted
  • Bruises and blueness under the eyes are reduced by eliminating venous stagnation
  • Smooth out bags under the eyes
  • Removes wrinkles around and under the eyes
  • And all this in one multi-stage procedure with rehabilitation of 2-5 days

Today, the SmoothEye™ laser blepharoplasty technology has no analogues in the laser rejuvenation market and has already established itself as the most revolutionary non-surgical technique of the 21st century in the leading beauty salons of the world.

Photos of results before and after non-surgical laser blepharoplasty


Need to know! The causes of the formation of infraorbital hernias can be:

  • severe and/or frequent stress and nervous exhaustion;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • constant long-term exposure to the sun;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • large lacunae due to the atypical structure of the skull;
  • constant consumption of large amounts of salt, fats and smoked foods;
  • smoking and frequent drinking;
  • work associated with constant strain on the visual organs;
  • chronic lack of sleep and constant overwork.

For most people, even in the absence of the above problems, hernias under the eyes still appear sooner or later.

But if you notice these changes in time, you can take appropriate measures to significantly slow down such pathological processes.

How to remove: methods of treatment and elimination

Modern medicine and cosmetology offer several different ways to get rid of hernias under the eyes without surgery or surgical treatment .

Stay up to date! Depending on the severity and age of the patient, they will be more or less effective.

But experts warn: the only truly effective method of treatment will be surgical removal .

All other methods can only hide the problem, stop the development of hernias or eliminate them partially.


Elimination of hernias surgically is possible only through blepharoplasty , which is performed in two ways : scalpel and transconjunctival.
In the first case, general anesthesia is used, after which an incision is made with a scalpel along the edge of the eyelashes of the lower eyelid .

Blepharoplasty without incisions: myth or reality?

When it comes to removing eye hernias, many people shudder and imagine a scalpel and put off a visit to the doctor with all their might.

In fact, surgical blepharoplasty is indicated only in those rare cases when the problem is advanced.

The vast majority of patients with initial signs of a hernia (dark circles under the eyes, small bags) are suitable for injection blepharoplasty.

Prevention measures

It is impossible to completely prevent the formation of hernias under the eyes.

Remember! But you can prevent their rapid development by following these preventive recommendations:

  • from time to time wipe your face with ice cubes , for the preparation of which it is better to use not water, but decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • avoid abuse of alcohol, fatty, smoked and spicy foods and, if possible, quit smoking;
  • go to bed on time and not disturb the established daily routine;
  • Regularly take at least half an hour walks to improve the overall tone of the body.


No special preparation is required for cosmetic procedures. You should follow your doctor’s recommendations and avoid overheating the skin in saunas, spa treatments, solariums, etc.

Before eliminating the problem, it is important to reduce eye strain as much as possible and not use irritating cosmetics. It is highly undesirable to drink alcohol and smoke. These measures will also contribute to speedy rehabilitation.

Preparation for blepharoplasty involves the need to undergo tests and consult doctors.

Rehabilitation after non-invasive treatment is based solely on the recommendations of a cosmetologist. The doctor will most likely advise you to refuse:

  • from exposure to (long-term) ultraviolet rays;
  • protect your eyes with sunglasses;
  • apply moisturizing creams to the skin;
  • do not use scrubs or peeling.

Reviews from people about hernia removal

At the age of 47 , when I had noticeable bags under my eyes , I immediately decided to have surgery. Because, firstly, I have the money for this, and secondly, I don’t believe in cosmetics that only hide such defects.

Before the operation, I underwent examinations , during which it turned out that I had fatty hernias .

operation did not eliminate them completely, but they are now much smaller .”

Tatiana Zabolotskaya, Pyatigorsk.

Hernias under my were removed three years ago under local anesthesia.

Despite such anesthesia, the sensations were very unpleasant, but I was satisfied with the result : at my age it is difficult to count on an ideal result, but the hernia was removed almost completely .

of them is a painful bluish color , but bringing it back to normal is a less complicated procedure.”

Marina Oshanina, 48 years old.
had a difficult time undergoing blepharoplasty to remove infraorbital hernias : local anesthesia did not provide complete pain relief. Therefore, during the operation, which lasted an hour and a half, I experienced very unpleasant and at times painful sensations.

But overall, I was satisfied with the result , and although the skin doesn’t look like it did in my youth, at least now I don’t have those huge bags .”

Sofia Bashkeeva, Kazan.

How are lipolytics different?


Examples of drugs: Aqualix, Revital Celluform, Derma

Specificity of action: the introduction of drugs into local fat deposits, including the paint bags, leads to the destruction of the structure of fat cells. Decomposition products are eliminated from the body naturally over time.


Examples: Mesoai, Mesoscalpt

Specificity of action: indirect lipolytic agents do not disrupt the cell membrane. They transform fat cells, turning them from white, prone to storing fat, to brown, deprived of this function. Thanks to the effect of lipolytic, adipose tissue is reorganized, decreases in volume, and becomes denser.

Doctors at the Marina Ryabus clinic use only indirect lipolytics and strictly according to indications. We care about preserving the resourcefulness of tissues and advocate the most natural healing and rejuvenation.

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