How to use lemon for acne, regular pimples and post-acne?

How to use lemon for acne

To properly use lemon against acne, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. It is forbidden to use citrus fruits if you have allergy symptoms, which manifest themselves in the form of severe itching, burning, and hyperemia.
  2. Before applying any composition based on lemon juice, it is worth cleansing the dermis using cosmetics. Scrubs, gels or lotions are suitable for this.
  3. People with sensitive skin should not apply lemon juice too often for acne.
  4. After completing the procedure, it is worth treating the dermis with a moisturizing cream, since the product has a pronounced drying effect.

Before using lemon for acne, you should do a sensitivity test. To do this, a small amount of the substance is applied to the wrist. After a quarter of an hour, it is worth assessing the reaction. If severe redness or irritation occurs, the composition should be washed off. In such a situation, its use is not recommended.

Feedback on use: effectiveness

The fight against acne with natural “products” causes controversy and discussion on specialized forums. Women and men do not ignore lemon for acne on the face. Reviews have different colors, which is explained by the peculiarities of the impact of natural components on the body.

To a greater extent, people favor lemon because of its ubiquity, cheapness and ease of preparing home remedies. There is evidence that masks and lotions with lemon reduce the number of acne, improve skin condition, and help get rid of pigmentation and scars.

Use for whitening spots on face

The product has pronounced whitening properties. Therefore, it can be safely used to combat acne spots. But this is allowed only after consulting a doctor.

How to use lemon for acne spots: soak a cotton swab in the juice and apply to problem areas of the skin. This procedure is performed daily before bed. When using the composition during the day, it should be kept on the face for at least 30 minutes.

Doctors do not recommend treating the entire face with the product. It is recommended to apply the substance pointwise. If unpleasant sensations appear, the composition should be washed off immediately. The next time you use the composition, mix it with water.

Lemon juice face whitening


Lemon is used in medicine and cosmetology. Its components are used to treat colds, combat pain and swelling, improve the condition of the vascular system, and as a diuretic.

Sour fruits are included in a variety of home remedies to eliminate acne, the stains that remain after it, and to tone the skin. Contains:

  • Bioflavonoids;
  • Nitrogenous and mineral substances;
  • Alkaline elements;
  • Vitamin complex;
  • Organic acids;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Copper;
  • Potassium salts.

How to get rid of acne with lemon

To cope with acne, you can use products for topical and internal use. According to reviews of lemon for facial acne, the most effective remedy is citrus fruit juice.

It is worth considering that this product has pronounced allergenic properties. Therefore, before you get rid of acne with lemon, you should do a product tolerance test.

In case of a normal reaction, it is recommended to use the product as follows:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse your face using ready-made care products.
  2. Squeeze the juice of 1-2 fruits.
  3. Apply the composition to problem areas.
  4. Wait until the product dries completely.
  5. Wash with warm water.

With a large number of rashes there is a risk of discomfort. In such a situation, you can try using lemon oil for acne instead of juice.

You should not apply the composition before going outside. The skin becomes more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

Using the product not only eliminates acne, but also makes the skin tone more even. Thanks to this, it is possible to get rid of red spots and smooth out unevenness.

Mechanism of action

The beneficial effects are ensured by a number of factors:

  • When it comes into contact with the face, citric acid restores the balance; the required amount of acid suppresses the activity of microbes and destroys them;
  • Carotene helps protect the skin from free radicals, thereby slowing down the aging process;
  • The active action of phytoncides destroys the causative agents of acne;
  • Vitamins provide a high level of local immunity;
  • Flavonoids are essential for lightening the dermis; some varieties also have antibacterial properties.

Beneficial properties of lemon for the face

Citrus fruit has a complex effect:

  • helps cope with bacteria;
  • cleanses the body and improves condition when used internally;
  • brightens post-acne;
  • smoothes scars and eliminates scars;
  • regulates sebum synthesis;
  • cleanses the blood, which helps prevent acne.

It's safe to say that lemon is an excellent product that can be used for skin care.

Why lemon?

In fact, it is the most versatile remedy that nature has to offer. It is difficult to overestimate its vitamin value or bactericidal properties. Everyone knows very well that when you have a sore throat, you need to eat lemon, because it contains an extremely high amount of ascorbic acid, and also actively disinfects the throat, killing pathogenic microorganisms. But the question arises: why is it possible to disinfect the throat, but not the skin of the face? In fact, it is not only possible, but also very useful!

Recipes for masks and other products

A properly prepared acne mask with lemon helps to significantly improve the condition of the dermis.

Today, many effective recipes are known that have a profound effect on the epithelium. You should use such products no more than 1-2 times a week.

To eliminate acne, the following will work:

  1. Mix lemon juice, liquid honey and milk in a ratio of 1:2:3. The result should be a homogeneous consistency. Keep it for half an hour.
  2. Mix 2 large spoons of honey with 15 ml of lemon juice. Apply to face. After 5 minutes, rinse with cold water. This will help narrow the pores.
  3. Beat the egg white and mix it with the juice of half the fruit. Apply the mixture to the face in several stages. Between each of them you need to wait 5 minutes. Finally, wash with green tea and cold water.
  4. Take fresh lemon juice, honey, sour cream in equal proportions. Add 15 g of oatmeal to the mixture. Keep on skin for 25 minutes. The composition is perfect for those with dry dermis.
  5. Mix warm milk with 15 ml of lemon juice and 1 large spoon of yeast. Leave for 5 minutes, apply to face with massaging movements. After 15 minutes, wash your face.

Milk with lemon
If you don’t have time to keep the mask on for a long time, you can use homemade ointments. To do this, you should use the following recipes:

  1. Take 2 small spoons of warmed milk and honey. Add 1 spoon of lemon juice. Use to treat rashes 3 times a week.
  2. Mix kefir with citrus juice in a ratio of 5:1. Treat subcutaneous rashes every day.
  3. Mix honey, lemon and orange juices in equal parts. Treat rashes that cause pain or an itchy sensation.

Hygiene and nutrition

You can apply cosmetic compositions to your face and body for as long as you like and not get any results if you do not reconsider your diet and hygiene regimen. If you have acne, you should contact a gastroenterologist, who will help you adjust your diet and eliminate diseases of the digestive system. You may also need to change your cleanser. No need to touch your face with your hands. This habit contributes to the development of the problem. Acne can be overcome, but it will take a lot of effort. But, you must admit, the result is worth it!

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Clay mask with lemon juice

To deal with acne, you can use cosmetic clay. To make your face tone smoother and eliminate acne marks, you should follow these steps:

  1. Mix equal parts lemon juice with clean water.
  2. Add white clay to obtain a thick paste consistency.
  3. Treat your face.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, wash off the composition.
  5. Apply nourishing cream.

Precautionary measures

When using lemon juice for acne, you need to follow a few basic rules:

  • applying the product exclusively to previously cleansed skin;
  • opening the pores by applying a warm towel to the face;
  • room temperature of the product.

Attention! When wiping the skin with a slice of fruit, you should be careful and avoid the areas around the eyes, as well as mucous membranes.

Lemon juice sometimes provokes unwanted reactions. To avoid them, you should conduct a sensitivity test in advance. The product is applied to the elbow or wrist area. If there is no redness or burning, the product can be used on the face.


Those with dark skin should not use lemon. The product provokes melanin synthesis, which can lead to acne spots. With constant exposure to ultraviolet light, the marks will become more noticeable.

Ingestion of lemon is prohibited in the following situations:

  • high stomach acidity;
  • liver pathologies;
  • pregnancy;
  • pathologies of the digestive organs;
  • cholelithiasis.

Using lemon to combat pimples and acne helps achieve excellent results. To get the desired effect, you should choose the right composition of the medicinal product and strictly follow the instructions for its use.

Does it help against acne and blemishes?

Due to the presence of various biologically active compounds, the effect of lemon on the skin is multifaceted. Organic acids provide high-quality and at the same time gentle cleansing of the epithelium, removing dead cells, fat accumulations and impurities. This will be especially relevant for people with problem skin - with increased production of sebaceous secretions and a tendency to form acne.

Lemon also has other properties that make it a good solution in the fight against acne and its consequences. In addition to cleansing and exfoliating, citrus fruit has the following effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antioxidant.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Regenerative.

Lemon products are suitable for those with any skin type, because they help not only remove oily shine and tighten enlarged pores, but also moisturize, tone, and increase elasticity. The lightening properties of organic acids and vitamins are known, which help get rid of acne marks and other age spots.

Biological substances increase the regenerative potential of the epithelium and stimulate collagen synthesis in the dermis. This is becoming an important aspect of the fight against the first signs of aging - fine wrinkles, fatigue, sagging. Having a rejuvenating effect, cosmetics made from lemon are becoming very popular.

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