Glycolic peeling at home. Benefits and contraindications of the procedure

Not every woman dares to undergo a chemical peel. But gradually age makes itself felt, forcing lovely ladies to begin rejuvenation with superficial self-care.

Glycolic facial peeling is becoming very popular, which traumatizes the skin, but does it very carefully. As a result, many problems associated with facial skin are solved, and the recovery period lasts very little.

When should you avoid glycolic peels?

Not all patients can use this procedure. We would like to point out citizens for whom the procedure is contraindicated.

  • If the initial examination revealed the presence of an allergic reaction to a certain component.
  • Inflammatory processes occur on the skin.
  • A woman is pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • The effect of sunlight on the skin.
  • It has cuts and scratches.
  • Recently, eyebrow correction or hair removal was performed on a certain area of ​​the skin.

An experienced cosmetologist will first find out if there are any circumstances that prevent glycolic peeling, and only then will begin to carry it out.

Those for whom the procedure is contraindicated should not be upset, you can take care of your facial skin with folk remedies, use fruit-based masks, more details are written in this article.

Precautionary measures

Chemical exposure has a number of limitations; before carrying out it is important to familiarize yourself with the main contraindications:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • spring-summer period;
  • presence of warts, papillomas;
  • herpes;
  • Fitzpatrick skin types 4 and 5 - dark skin, dark hair and eyes;
  • damage to the integrity of the integument;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • individual sensitivity to the components of the composition;
  • rosacea;
  • chronic diseases;
  • fresh tan;
  • carrying out chemotherapy, taking retinoids, hormonal drugs.

Subject to the rules of preparation, recovery and protocol, side effects are minimized. Redness, swelling, and peeling quickly disappear, allowing you to enjoy the result of renewed skin. But in some cases complications may occur:

  • 1st and 2nd degree burns are a consequence of violation of the rules for exfoliation, incorrectly selected acid concentration;
  • pigmentation is a consequence of violation of the rules of the recovery period or a sign of skin photosensitivity;
  • irritation, itching, pimples, red spots appear when the protocol is not followed or contraindications are not identified; in case of swelling and difficulty breathing, you should immediately consult a doctor;
  • increased dryness can be caused by the fact that the acid has simply burned the protective barrier; thinning of the skin requires long-term use of moisturizing, regenerating, nourishing cosmetics.

Main stages of the procedure

It all starts with makeup remover. The patient must remove all makeup from the face at home, or this will be done in a salon. It is advisable to use special means: gentle and, at the same time, effective. In any case, skin cleaning will be carried out with the participation of a specialist, because various dust and dirt could get in on the way to the clinic.

Degreasing lotions will help get rid of oily shine, because the acid will not penetrate through these glands.

The technician applies the active substance to the skin with a brush or cotton swab. This procedure is not pleasant, which is why many rooms are equipped with cold air baths. The concentration of glycolic acid can be adjusted using the pH value.

As soon as the required time of action of the active substance has passed, it must be neutralized. For this purpose alkaline agents are used. Then you should rinse the skin with a saline solution that maintains the water-salt balance.

Next, nourishing and soothing masks are applied to speed up the process of restoring the skin layers.

How to use at home

Features of the use of the product directly depend on its purpose. In other words, peelings for professional and home use may differ slightly in the procedure protocol.

Protocol for amateur peelings:

  1. Skin make-up removal, removal of cosmetic residues, dust, dirt.
  2. Apply the product to damp skin.
  3. Massaging the skin with your fingertips.
  4. Leave the product on for 3-5 minutes
  5. Rinsing off product residue.
  6. Applying a moisturizing mask, serum or cream (the procedure helps to avoid overdrying of the epidermis).

Advice. For better cleaning, it is permissible to use a brush or soft sponge.

Protocol for the professional peeling procedure:

  1. Skin make-up removal, removal of cosmetic residues, dust, dirt.
  2. Apply acid-retaining products to the skin using your fingers or a synthetic brush. The skin should be dry.
  3. The required amount of holding time is indicated in the instructions for the drug (usually no more than 5 minutes).
  4. Applying a special composition to the face that neutralizes the effects of acid.
  5. Apply a mask, cream or serum according to your skin type.

Belarusian peeling Belita is an excellent option for those who want to make their skin clean and smooth, while saving money. The line of exfoliants of this brand is extremely diverse and allows you to choose a product to suit your taste - from professional to softer, homemade ones.

Glycolic peeling results. Reviews from patients.

Many patients note that after the procedure, their skin became softer and its texture smoother. This effect is achieved because acid molecules penetrate deep into the epidermis, dissolve there and moisturize the skin.

The procedure also helps to get rid of pigmentation. This is a great way to rejuvenate without resorting to expensive surgeries such as plastic surgery. Reviews from women who have used glycolic peeling are mostly positive.


This line of peelings is called Professional Face Care. The products in this line are aimed at effective, complete facial care. Peels in this series are intended for professional use.

For your information. Belit's professional peelings do not contain fragrances, dyes or preservatives.

The most prominent representatives of such exfoliants are:


Almond peeling. Characterized by a superficial effect on the epidermis. The main component of this exfoliant is almond acid. It is she who takes an active part in the process of exfoliation of keratinized particles of the epidermis. At the same time, the product has the most delicate effect on the skin, practically without irritating it, which compares favorably with similar acidic products.

For your information. The Belarusian product from Belit combines the properties of a scrub and classic peeling. To achieve the full effect, it is recommended to combine its use with the use of additional products from this line.

Effectiveness: The component composition of the exfoliant helps accelerate the production of natural collagen and cellular restoration processes. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out and the face is brightened.

Almond exfoliant has the consistency of a paste. The color of the product is white, with large brownish inclusions.

Glycolic peeling 50% pH 2.5

Peeling based on glycolic acid is designed specifically for deep cleansing and rejuvenation of the upper layers of the epidermis. In addition to the main component - glycolic acid, the composition includes ceramides.

Result. Glycolic peeling makes the skin moisturized, simultaneously eliminating fine wrinkles and evening out the complexion. With its help you can get rid of problems such as age spots, blackheads, freckles.

For your information. It is recommended to distribute glycolic peeling over the face with a special brush. This measure will prevent your hands from drying out.

Fruit peeling for face 30% pH 3.8

The peeling composition based on fruit acids has an excellent effect on excessively dry skin, simultaneously eliminating age spots, acne, wrinkles and moisturizing the dermis.

For your information. Fruit peeling is a complex product that contains the following acids:

  • glycolic;
  • dairy;
  • lemon

These components are able to penetrate deep into the layers of the epidermis. By eliminating keratinized particles of the epidermis, they help moisturize and cleanse the face.

Lactopiling for face 30% lactic acid

Lactopilling involves the process of influencing fibroblasts, as well as activating the production of natural elastin and collagen.

The milk composition helps products bind fluid within cells and also retain it. During this process, a special hydration shell is formed. It provides flexibility to keratinized particles and also softens the epidermis.

For your information. Milk peeling is recommended for use not only on the face, but also in the neck, arms, and décolleté.

What are the reviews like after the procedure?

Studying the properties of glycolic acid required numerous experiments. Their results pleasantly surprised fans of glycolic peeling. Signs of skin photoaging have decreased, that is, the acid protects against ultraviolet rays.

In addition, an improvement in the skin's surface and its condition was observed, the number of new epidermal cells increased, fine wrinkles were smoothed out, and the stratum corneum decreased.

Answers on questions

Where to buy Glycolic peeling from Belita-Vitex?

You can purchase professional cosmetics in specialized stores. Also, sometimes sales are carried out directly in beauty salons. Many girls choose to shop in online stores. Often this allows you to significantly save money, but you need to be as careful as possible so as not to purchase a fake or low-quality peeling.

Which peeling is best for dry skin?

The best option would be to choose Lactopiling – Lactic acid peeling. With its help, you can not only carry out high-quality cleaning of the dermis, but also nourish it and moisturize it as much as possible.

Is it possible to perform Glycolic peeling for rosacea?

If rosacea is present, the cleansing procedure with glycolic acid is contraindicated.

Glycolic peeling Belita

This drug has a beneficial effect on skin hydration and the synthesis of collagen - one of the types of building material for our body.

It is prescribed if there is acne, signs of various skin aging, excessive pigmentation.

Ultimately, blood circulation improves, pigmentation and photo- and chronoaging are reduced, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Possible complications

Upon completion of the procedure, you may notice a red complexion that will last from two hours to several days. Those with sensitive skin will also be susceptible to crusting or swelling. The main thing to remember is that you should never rip them off! Be careful when you want to scratch your face, as improper removal of growths will leave marks in the form of scars. If such symptoms occur, just see your cosmetologist, he will prescribe special moisturizing products.

Remove acne marks from your face

Glycolic peeling 50

Refers to the superficial-medium procedure, since the concentration of glycolic acid in the product is 50%. In this case, consultation with a cosmetologist and his constant supervision are necessary.

If everything goes as expected, the following effects will be observed: hyperemia, brown crust formation, peeling. And then a complete renewal of old epidermal cells will occur.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Delicate action and lasting results with long-term use.
  • No pain during manipulation.
  • The products are of natural origin, so they practically do not cause rejection or allergic reactions.
  • Have a controlled impact and guarantee the expected impact.
  • There is no connection to the season. Peeling can be done at any time of the year.
  • The resulting effects are short-lived and quickly regress.
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