Almond facial peeling (how to do at home)

We know that the task of peeling is to exfoliate old lifeless scales on the surface of the skin in order to renew and rejuvenate it.

Such procedures based on fruit acids are very popular. Their effect is that they dissolve dead cells, after which the composition is washed off with water. A properly selected product helps solve both age-related and teenage skin problems.

According to the degree of penetration of the composition into the dermis, three types are distinguished:

  • Surface - works with the top layer;
  • Median - penetrates deeper, destroying the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • Deep - completely renews the structure of the cover.

Today, deep ones are no longer relevant, as they have been replaced by techniques using laser devices. But superficial ones are still popular and are used both in salons and independently at home.

One of these is mandelic acid peeling. We’ll talk about it in this article and find out all the intricacies of working with it in order to reduce all risks to a minimum and get the most positive result.

Also pay attention to the salon mesotherapy procedure, which significantly improves the quality of the skin, nourishes and rejuvenates it.

How to peel with mandelic acid at home

First, it is recommended to check your skin's reaction to the product you want to use. To do this, apply 1 drop to a small area for 15 minutes. If redness and irritation do not appear, it can be used.

It is better to carry out the procedure by wearing latex gloves on your hands and covering your clothes with a towel to avoid damage. Remove your hair so it doesn't get in the way.

  • Wash off all makeup, then wipe your skin with toner. If there are birthmarks, they need to be covered with a thick cream.
  • Pour a small amount of acid (1.5-2 ml) into a glass cup.
  • Take a fan brush (you can use a piece of gauze or two cotton swabs), moisten it with the composition and apply a thin layer first to the forehead, cheeks, and chin. Then on the cheekbones, nose and around the lips.
  • Time yourself for 5 minutes. If itching and unbearable burning occur, you must remove the product immediately.
  • When the time is up, rinse thoroughly with cool water using a napkin or soft sponge.
  • Apply any moisturizer or serum.

The procedure can be performed once a week or two in a course of 6-10 times.

The optimal time for carrying out is autumn, winter. But it is possible in the summer, but you just need to use a cream with SPF 50 and protect your face from sunburn with a visor or hat.

In this video you can clearly see all the stages of home peeling. Professional cosmetologist Svetlana Poluektova shows:

Step-by-step instruction

  • 1. Cleanse the skin.

Using lotion, remove cosmetics from your face; if you have cosmetic milk with mandelic acid, complete the cleansing procedure by wiping your facial skin with it.

  • 2. Steam the skin.

Cover your face with a damp, warm cloth. As a result, the pores will open and the acid molecules will penetrate deeper into the epidermis layer.

  • 3. Tone the skin.

To tone and disinfect the surface of the skin, treat it with tonic with 10% mandelic acid.

  • 4. Pre-peeling.

Treat the skin around the eyes, nostrils, lips and eyebrows with Vaseline (to protect the skin and pigment from the acid solution). Prepare skin for acid application with a low percentage formulation of 5% mandelic, lactic and glycolic acids.

  • 5. Peeling.

Rules for applying almond peeling
Without washing off the pre-peeling layer, apply the acid evenly to the face with a brush, avoiding the areas around the eyes. Keep for 1 to 15 minutes. Usually the duration is specified by the manufacturer, it depends on the type, color, degree of sensitivity of the skin and existing problems. Be sure to follow the instructions and watch the timer!

The acid concentration should be selected based on the task assigned to the peeling:

  • to cleanse sensitive skin and for the first independent experience, stop at 10% acid;
  • for light peeling and slight lightening of pigments, drying out acne, choose 15% mandelic acid;
  • for experienced girls who want to eliminate serious skin defects, 20% is suitable.

We do not recommend making peeling mixtures yourself. This means adding other fruit acids, such as citric acid, to enhance the whitening effect. This is the prerogative of specialists and is available in every good beauty salon. At home, work with what the drug developers have prepared for you.

  • 6. Neutralize the acid. Wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in a solution of fruit acid neutralizer. You can cook it yourself. To do this, mix boiled water and soda in a ratio of 1:4. There may be a slight burning sensation. This soda neutralizes the acid. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  • 7. Moisturize the skin.

Finally, apply a soothing mask to your skin. You can make it yourself using chamomile decoction and aloe pulp, or use a care product from the manufacturer of mandelic acid.

The main rule of home peeling is not to overdo it. Neither with time, nor with the number of layers of acid applied.

What are the best products to buy for home peeling?

When searching for suitable formulations, I was guided primarily by the safety parameters given by professional cosmetologists. And this is a pH level of 3.5% and a concentration of 10-15%.

The higher the acid content and the lower the pH level, the more aggressive the product.

Especially if you want to try doing this kind of peeling at home for the first time, it’s not worth the risk. The skin should be accustomed to them gradually.

Procedures with these products can be performed at any time of the year, provided that sunscreen with a high SPF (50) is constantly applied.

A test for your skin's reaction is mandatory - just apply 1 drop for 15 minutes in a thin layer and you will see whether there will be irritation or not.

Histomer Formula 201 Mandelic Peel 10% (Italy)

Provides a light peeling effect without aggressive effects.

Suitable for normal, oily and combination skin, as well as thin and sensitive.

Contains almond and glycolic acid, gluconolactone, zanthalene plant extract, arginine, betaine, carnitine.

Due to the low acid content (10%) at a pH level of 3.3, it is well accepted without causing discomfort.


  • brightens and depigmentes;
  • reduces the number of superficial wrinkles;
  • cleanses;
  • tightens pores;
  • has an antibacterial effect.

Cost - 7972 rub.

GiGi Ester C Mandelic Peel 15% (Israel)

Can be used for all types, from 25+.

After the procedures, you will feel renewed, radiant skin and an even complexion.

It contains almond, ascorbic and pumpkin seed extract.

Apply a thin film onto a dry, clean surface for 3 minutes (no more), after this time, immediately spread GiGi Glycopure Neutralizer on top (an alkaline solution that neutralizes acids). Then rinse everything off with water.

It is recommended to do it once a week.


  • thoroughly exfoliates dead cells, cleansing the surface layer;
  • lightens and removes acne spots and shallow pigmentation;
  • makes the skin silky;
  • eliminates superficial wrinkles;
  • evens out the terrain.

Contains 15% acid at pH 7.

Price - 4500 rub.

Multi-acid chemical peeling 5% (Alpika, Russia)

Gentle peeling with pH 2.8 (although more aggressive than the above compounds, it is very popular), which can be used all year round.

Can be used even by those with thin, sensitive skin with signs of rosacea.

Contains almond (5%), succinic, malic, tartaric, and citric acids.


  • renews and restores;
  • eliminates acne, post-acne and comedones;
  • whitens (not only the face, but also intimate areas);
  • eliminates scars, scars and stretch marks;
  • rejuvenates, smoothing out wrinkles;
  • stops the inflammatory process.

Apply according to the manufacturer's instructions. It is recommended to conduct 1 session per week.

Cost - 2665 rub.


Patients who have experienced almond peeling leave positive reviews, saying that the procedure is definitely worth doing. Nevertheless, Pelageya Sviderskaya notes in her review that the procedure can, of course, be recommended, but the end result is not worth 10 days of suffering with flaky and reddened skin. You can show off your beauty before an important event, but if the procedures are not done as a course, but individually, then they are worthless.

Pelageya, who did almond peeling, attaches before and after photos to her review:

HAPPYLIFE recommends the procedure for people with post-acne and problem skin. The procedure cost the girl only 1,550 rubles. Although at first she was bothered by the redness of her skin, after a couple of days HAPPYLIFE was able to get rid of the “blush” with the help of a cleansing gel that softens the skin of her face.

Asya18 took a decisive and exciting step: to do almond peeling just 10 days before the wedding. The bride was worried that the skin would not have time to recover, but in the end (after several days of torment) her face became smooth and pinkish. The wedding makeup artist noted that applying makeup to the bride was easy and pleasant, because the makeup lay smoothly on the skin.

If you are still in doubt about whether to do almond peeling, reviews, before and after photos speak for themselves:

Elena did almond peeling for her face, photos are attached.
The girl claims that after 5 procedures at intervals of a week, the skin became soft and tender, and the color evened out and became lighter. How almond peeling is performed was last modified: May 6, 2016 by Gulya

Indications and contraindications

It is imperative to conduct a skin reaction test. To do this, you need to apply a thin layer of the composition to a small area for 15 minutes and watch the reaction - if redness and irritation appear, you should not use this product.


  • acne without active inflammation;
  • disturbance of relief after acne;
  • the appearance of small wrinkles;
  • sagging and dryness;
  • uneven complexion (pigmentation and acne spots);
  • preparing the skin for medium peeling or laser resurfacing.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergy to mandelic acid;
  • herpes and wounds.

How often to do and how many procedures are needed

You can see the expected effect after the first time, but to consolidate it and obtain long-term and sustainable results, you need a structural restructuring to occur, and for this you need a full course.

Almond peeling is a superficial procedure, the number of sessions per course is 6-10 times.

Frequency: one session every 7-14 days, no more often. And it is advisable to adhere to a clear schedule. The skin must be fully restored by the next time, and this takes time.

And remember that if suddenly you feel very uncomfortable during a session, and this causes a lot of negative emotions, it is better to postpone them until better times and not traumatize your psyche.

It is also necessary to take into account that if you have been actively sunbathing, you can start no earlier than in a month.

Principle of operation

The mandelic acid molecule is larger than the glycolic acid molecule, which is often used in peeling procedures. It penetrates the skin more slowly, which allows the cosmetologist to control the process at every stage.

Next, the patient may feel heat and burning. This effect occurs due to the gradual burning of the top layer of skin with acid. To protect the client, the cosmetologist applies the substance in layers, gradually, making sure that it does not damage those layers of the epidermis that lie below the stratum corneum.

Why does the skin peel after peeling and what to do about it?

2-3 days after the procedure, you will see scales on the surface and this is quite normal. The lower the pH level of the product you used, the more severe this problem will be.

What to do with them during this period in order to quickly return to duty?

  • Intensively use moisturizing and restoring creams with urea, glycerin, vitamin E, hyaluronic acid. Soothing healing pharmaceutical products based on bisabolol and panthenol will also help;
  • Gently cleanse the skin without using brushes, sponges, or scrubs. She should recover by the next session, so she cannot be injured;
  • The scales on the surface should come off on their own; they cannot be torn off, otherwise wounds and crusts will form;
  • It is better to wash your face with mineral water, completely avoiding contact with chlorinated water;
  • Apply sunscreen with SPF 50 protection.

Peeling should go away in about 3 days.

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