What is peeling-gommage? Features of the procedure for face and body at home

Gommage is a French word that means “eraser,” but its history of use dates back to antiquity. This mixture, like an eraser, removes all skin contaminants without microtrauma, while simultaneously performing the function of moisturizing and nourishing the already cleansed layer of the dermis. The product is suitable for frequent use and leaves behind a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

The article explains what peeling-gommage is, what characteristics and properties it has, what are the pros and cons of its use, as well as how to carry out the procedure yourself at home.

What it is?

Peeling roll (gommage) is a non-aggressive exfoliating agent, the main components of which are cellulose and acids. It has a reduced concentration compared to chemical peels. The principle of its action is similar to a scrub, but gommage does not contain abrasives that can injure the skin.

The balance of acids, minerals and vitamins helps as carefully as possible:

  1. remove the stratum corneum that clogs the layer of the epidermis;
  2. smooth out skin imperfections.

The consistency in the form of a cream without coarse abrasive particles allows you to use peeling-gommage on any skin type, including sensitive skin, without any negative consequences. The gommage is applied to the skin and waited for some time, and then manually rolled off along with the dead skin cells.

Characteristics and Features

Distinctive features of gommage peeling are:

  • cream consistency;
  • acidic components with reduced aggressiveness;
  • substances that have a nourishing effect on the skin;
  • moisturizing components;
  • the presence of tiny particles that are almost not felt on the skin.

The presence of abrasives in the composition is unacceptable.

The operating principle of soft gommage includes the following:

  1. exfoliants, getting on the skin surface after applying the product, stimulate the process of rejection of dead cells;
  2. During the process of rejection, nutrition and hydration of those layers of skin that were under dead cells occur.


The final result after applying peeling-gommage is achieved due to:

  • acids that help dissolve dead cells, impurities, sebaceous plugs on the surface of the skin;
  • cellulose particles that react with softened contaminants and combine with them, forming pellets;
  • light massage that improves local blood flow and lymph movement.

Regular exfoliation using gommage can significantly affect the condition of the skin. It has a wide impact:

  1. gently cleanses and normalizes pore size;
  2. reduces comedogenic formations and acne;
  3. stimulates cell growth and renewal by enhancing microcirculation of blood and lymph;
  4. the skin texture becomes smoother, the skin itself becomes softer, and peeling decreases;
  5. normalizing sebum production and achieving pH balance;
  6. prevention of wrinkles;
  7. eliminating stagnant spots and lightening pigment spots.

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Preparations, procedure, recovery As a result, the skin acquires:

  • tenderness and smoothness of velvet;
  • purity and even tone;
  • freshness, elasticity;
  • reduction of swelling.

Even one gommage procedure will have a beneficial effect on the skin and improve its appearance.

Review of cosmetic gommages from different companies

There are many types of gommages. When choosing a product, you need to start from individual characteristics.

The most popular products are from the following companies.

Yves Rocher

It offers 3 types of gommage:

  • fruity “Ripe apricot”;
  • cleaning;
  • "Shine and hydrate."

The last option, which comes in the form of a gel, received the greatest number of positive reviews. Women participating in the survey noted a significant improvement in their skin condition after using it.


This company offers for use peeling-gommage “Christina”, which is additionally rich in vitamin E. It very gently cleanses the skin, removes dead skin particles and nourishes.

Most of the reviews about this product are positive. However, some women did not get the desired effect.


offers 2 types of gommage:

  • "Verbena";
  • "Oxygen breathing."

The first version of the cleansing product involves use on skin with age-related changes. The oxygen line is more aimed at mattifying and improving complexion.

Both products are intended for different age categories of women. Each of them collected a lot of positive feedback in their group. Women note the low price, which is an additional advantage in the eyes of consumers.


In the line of products of this company, Kosmoteros “Peeling-gommage”, which gently cleanses the skin, occupies a worthy place.

During the procedure, mechanisms are launched that stimulate skin microcirculation. This significantly increases the effectiveness of subsequent use of creams and masks.

Organic Shop

The company offers gommage “Morning Coffee”. This product contains natural coffee in the form of powder. It is this that performs the function of the abrasive component.

This gommage makes the skin very smooth, nourishes and saturates it, and also deeply moisturizes it. A special feature of the product is the absence of parabens, silicones, dyes and fragrances. It is also characterized by an affordable price.


Among the products there is “Menthol Gommage”, which, in addition to cleansing, also stimulates all skin renewal processes.

A distinctive feature of all products from this manufacturer is hypoallergenicity.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of peeling-gommage are:

  • gentle, non-aggressive skin cleansing;
  • universality of use for all skin types;
  • use during skin diseases such as rosacea and acne;
  • low level of skin irritation during and after the procedure;
  • easy application and removal;
  • no effect of drying the skin and, as a result, peeling;
  • additional nutrition, hydration and soothing of the skin.

The only disadvantages noted are individual intolerance to some component of the gommage.


I have problem skin, for which it is difficult to find a good skincare product. After learning about this method, I decided to try it. I am satisfied with the result, my face is fresh and renewed.

Liliya, 31 years old, manager

It’s too expensive for me to regularly visit a beauty salon, but this procedure is affordable and, as it turns out, effective. One application a week is enough for me to keep my skin soft.

Svetlana, 23 years old, student

I don’t tolerate salon peeling well, but after using gommage there are no side effects.
Moreover, the procedure is quite simple. Tatyana, 27 years old, housewife

Indications and contraindications for use

The peeling roll is recommended for use for the following symptoms:

  • skin texture;
  • the presence of pigments and heterogeneities;
  • dryness and flaking;
  • the presence of open and closed comedones;
  • excess sebum secretion, large pores;
  • atonicity of the skin;
  • small wrinkles.

Gommage should not be used in the following conditions:

  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • the presence of herpetic plaques;
  • skin diseases in the active phase;
  • the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

With couperose mesh, only a specialist can choose the optimal composition and time of exposure to the skin. Independence in this matter will lead to even greater problems.

After eliminating the above conditions, the use of gommage becomes possible.

How to do the procedure at home?

The gommage procedure is easy to carry out at home.

It is not recommended to carry out gommage during the hot summer period due to the risk of the appearance of age spots.

Preparation for the procedure is an important stage on which the effectiveness of the procedure depends. It includes the following steps:

  1. removing decorative cosmetics from the skin surface;
  2. steaming (separately or immediately after taking a shower/bath);
  3. cleansing heated skin with a cleanser or shower gel with a neutral pH;
  4. Pre-heat the gommage in your palms and apply the warm mass to the prepared part of the body, distributing it along the massage lines with light movements;
  5. leave for 10 to 20 minutes, during which time a film will form, which must be removed by rolling with fingers moistened with water;
  6. moisturizing the skin with a suitable product and applying a herbal compress with soothing properties.

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Movements when rolling should not be excessively intense due to the risk of stretching the skin. In the presence of rosacea or hypersensitivity, the roll is replaced by rinsing with running water.

The frequency of use of gommage depends on the oiliness of the skin and the degree of its contamination:

  • For dry skin, application once every 7 days is sufficient; for oily skin, increase the frequency to 3-4 times a week.
  • Combination skin needs frequent use only in the T-zone.
  • Due to a lack of moisture in the epidermis, aging skin should not be subjected to gommage procedures more than 1-2 times a week. It may be stretched.

At home, it is possible to choose the necessary composition for yourself and apply it according to what the skin needs at the moment, varying the intensity of the rolling.

  • Using a gentle technique, 3-5 minutes after applying the product, rinse it off without rolling it off.
  • With the active method, several layers of the mixture are applied at intervals of 2–3 minutes, held for 10–15 minutes, after which intensive rolling is required. If you have thick skin, you can apply repeated rolling with intense pressure using a damp cotton pad.

Rolling the mask is not difficult if the mixture has been prepared correctly - a creamy consistency with the subsequent formation of a film.

For face

Gommage is gently applied to the entire face along massage lines, excluding lips and skin around the eyes, with especially delicate skin. You can also include the neck and décolleté in the care area. After application, you need to massage these areas a little.

The most popular mixture for gommage is a mixture of crushed cereals - oatmeal and semolina, as well as crushed orange zest. Each component is added one teaspoon and diluted with cleanser, milk with dry cream (great for removing excess fat) or kefir (for moisturizing dry skin).

The duration of application of gommage ranges from 7 to 20 minutes , depending on the ingredients included in the composition. At this time, it is best to lie down and rest. Cleaning must begin before the product dries completely. When peeled from the skin, they begin to roll. Dried gommage can cause microtrauma to especially sensitive and dry skin.

The mass is carefully rolled with the fingers of one hand, and with the other hand it is necessary to hold the treated skin from excessive stretching. If there are inflammatory processes, the best option would be to use a soft sponge.

  • For skin with active sebaceous production, a gommage composition with barley and rice flour and dry cream is suitable. All ingredients are diluted with warm milk to a creamy consistency.
  • For normal skin, a gommage based on finely ground coffee beans with crushed rolled oats is suitable. The mixture is poured with warm milk, stirred and used.
  • Skin with an abundance of blackheads needs good cleansing. Therefore, the following recipe is recommended for it. Mix heated liquid honey and fine sea salt until it is completely dissolved.
  • Aging skin will love the gommage of green clay and tangerines. To do this, grind the citrus peel and mix it with tangerine puree, green clay and heated almond oil.

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For body

The skin on the body is rougher than on the face, so it is easier to tolerate exposure and the composition of the gommage will be different:

  • the presence of larger exfoliating particles;
  • content of more active solvents.

Cleansing problem areas of the body with gommage has a slight anti-cellulite effect.

The following composition cleanses and moisturizes the skin well:

  1. 2 raw eggs mixed with 5 tbsp. l. crushed Hercules flakes until thick foam appears.
  2. Add approximately 100 ml of liquid cream or kefir and apply to the entire body, massaging each area well.
  3. After a few minutes, wash off with water.

All components can be crushed and mixed in a blender until homogeneous. And store the resulting mass in the refrigerator. But before use, warm to room temperature.

Let's reveal the secrets of the new product

This product has recently appeared on the Russian market, so let’s get to know it in more detail. The origin of the word gommage itself is, rather, clerical in origin. Indeed, translated from French, gommage (“gomme”) means “eraser,” an eraser familiar to us from childhood, which often helped out and corrected shortcomings.

The essence of the name correctly conveys the purpose of gommage. Its main task is cleansing and erasing. The cleansing is gentle, non-traumatic, and helps the skin get rid of dirt and dead cells. After this procedure, she begins to breathe actively, the pores open, and her complexion changes.

If we briefly answer the question: “What is gommage?”, then we can say that it is skin care, an exfoliating procedure. Unlike the scrub that is well known to all women, the action of the “eraser” is particularly sensitive and delicate in contact with the skin.

Detachment of the top layer of the skin occurs not due to the mechanical action of solid particles, but due to the action of fruit acids.

The active substances included in this product dissolve dead cells and promote their rapid removal. Facial gommage is a very pleasant and incredibly useful procedure. It is indicated for women of all ages and owners of any skin type.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Cosmetologists recommend peeling and gommage on the facial area, but not a scrub, which can cause microtrauma to the skin. Gommage helps loosen the top contaminated layer of skin , which facilitates better penetration of nutrients into the deeper layers of the skin.

If facial gommage is easy to do at home, body gommage is recommended to be done in salons. This is due to the additional massage effect on rougher skin.

Gommage for facial rejuvenation and cleansing is only increasing in popularity every year. It is used in beauty salons and at home. For any skin type, you can choose an individual component composition. To expand the functionality of gommage, components are added to it that can stimulate lymph movement, blood flow in the areas of application, even out facial contours, and remove excess fluid.

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