12 TOP talkers for acne in 2022 - the best recipes for the face, home use, reviews

Problematic skin is a very common phenomenon that gives rise to many difficulties and problems. To combat bad weather, there are a huge number of various means - these are both drug complexes and products belonging to the class of folk remedies. When describing preparations for the treatment of problem skin, including acne, one cannot fail to mention face talkers. This remedy is very successful and popular in the treatment of rashes and irritations on the facial skin. A huge advantage of talkers is their versatility, since the composition of the drug is selected individually based on the specific case.

Does chatter help with acne?

Drugs claiming to be effective treatments for acne appear on the market almost every day. The demand for such products is consistently high: the skin responds with pimples or acne to an extra piece of cake or spicy chicken, stress, or a hormonal surge. This problem concerns not only women, but also men. The best acne treatments cost a lot of money, do not work immediately, and sometimes do not help at all. That’s when chatterbox comes to mind - a solution that our mothers and grandmothers used with constant success.

There are compelling arguments why acne talkers really work:

  • These products are essentially medicines; they contain only pharmaceutical drugs, and often these are very cheap and accessible components.
  • Unlike universal remedies, acne talkers come in different types, differ from each other in composition, and are prescribed by specialists for specific indications.

Advanced acne is unlikely to be cured by a dab alone: ​​it requires an integrated approach. You will have to go on a strict diet and correct problems with the health of your internal organs. In other, less severe situations, a homemade medicine can easily cope with the problem. Indications for its use are wide: acne, allergies, teenage acne. It can even cure shingles! As an effective remedy for acne and single pimples, chatterbox has proven itself to be excellent.

Points for and against"

Many people who suffered from acne completely got rid of this unpleasant disease thanks to the use of talkers. Therefore, this medicine has a lot of positive reviews.

The advantages of treatment include:

  • availability and low cost of all components;
  • quick and pronounced effect of application;
  • ease of self-cooking;
  • ease of use - often just one treatment of problem areas per day is enough.

The disadvantages include:

  • dryness of the epidermis that occurs after regular use of the medicine;
  • possible addiction to one or more components (the weak link here is antibiotics);
  • the need to visit the clinic, since it will not be possible to select all the components on your own.

In his life, every person often faces the problem of acne. Poor environment, hormonal changes, stress. Problems on the face always appear at the wrong time and complicate life. There are a huge number of medicines in pharmacies that fight rashes, but they all have their drawbacks. Pharmaceutical drugs can cause allergies to certain components in the composition, are not suitable for the price, and may not be effective enough. In such cases, a traditional remedy, proven by more than one generation, comes to the rescue - talkers.

What is included in the mash

The basis of acne mash in its various recipes is boric or salicylic acid, medicinal or camphor alcohol. These liquids dissolve tiny doses of medications, all of which have proven effective treatments for acne. All substances that make up chatterboxes are divided into three large groups: antibiotics, antiseptics and antibacterial agents.


An antibiotic alcohol solution is perhaps the most popular home remedy for acne. The active ingredients are erythromycin, chloramphenicol, streptocide, baneocin - tablets or powder. These substances suppress or stop the growth of bacteria, destroy them, and cope with skin infections. The only thing that experts warn about is that bacteria quickly get used to antibiotics and adapt to them. For this reason, mash bottles containing these drugs are best used on special occasions.


Antiseptics are designed to prevent tissue decomposition, cope with putrefactive processes on the surface and in the inner layers of the skin, and dry wounds. An anti-acne solution of this type may include one or more drugs; it may also contain antibacterial substances. Zinc, sulfur, boric and salicylic acids, zindole - these are the main active components of talkers of this type.

Antibacterial agents

The substances included in such drugs prevent the growth of microorganisms. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), Trichopolum, and Metrogyl are often found in recipes for chatterboxes. Such drugs, as the abstract says, successfully cope with bacteria and suppress pathogenic flora. Most of them, unlike antibiotics, do their job perfectly without causing an addictive effect.

Release form, cost

In pharmacies you can find mash in different forms - a thinner suspension and a thick ointment. There is practically no difference between them. A more liquid suspension is not so convenient to apply to the skin and may leak. The choice depends entirely on the preferences of the person who is forced to be treated with the drug.

Liquid mash is used for small rashes, and ointment is used for hardened crusts, ulcers and wounds.

In any form, this remedy normalizes blood flow and activates skin restoration. Only a positive effect for the epidermis is noted.

The cost of the medicine is very affordable: 30–100 rubles per 25 ml.

How to use it correctly

The method of using almost all talkers, regardless of their composition, is the same. Experts recommend using the product once a day, in the evening before bed. The duration of the course is no more than 2 months: then the skin will get used to the active ingredients of the mash, and the effect of its use will be reduced to zero. After a few weeks, resume using the chatterbox. The procedure itself is simple and only takes a few minutes:

  1. Gently wash your face, clearing it of any dust, dirt, makeup residue, and sebum that has accumulated during the day. It is better to prefer ordinary tar soap to expensive gels and foams for washing - it will dry out inflammation without depriving the skin itself of moisture. It is not recommended to use aggressive scrubs and peels during periods of acne exacerbation and the appearance of purulent pimples.
  2. Shake the bottle with chatter vigorously several times, soak a cotton swab generously in the liquid and apply it to problem areas of the skin. If acne has affected all areas, wipe the entire face. Make sure that the cotton wool is not just wet, but literally soaked in mash. On the most affected areas, do not limit yourself to wiping, but use your fingertips to drive the drug into the skin.
  3. Acids and alcohol have a degreasing property; the dermis can respond to them by producing excess sebum. To avoid drying out your face, apply a light moisturizer 30–40 minutes after the procedure.

Find out which acne treatment is most effective.

Positive properties of "Tsindol"

Tsindol has the following positive properties:

  • the main effect of this remedy is considered to be the suppression of microbes and parasites that infect the skin;
  • it perfectly heals tissue epithelium;
  • dries the skin and has an astringent effect;
  • the drug has a strong anti-allergenic, antiseptic and analgesic effect.

This product is applied using a cotton pad. You need to do this about 3 times a day. It is recommended to shake the bottle of mash thoroughly before use.

Some side effects may occur while using Tsindol. After application, severe itching, skin rashes, and congestion of blood vessels may appear.

Contraindications for use

The wonderful effect of using talkers is not available to everyone. There are few contraindications, but it is important to know them. Chatterboxes are absolutely prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and for children under 12 years of age - some components cause an allergic reaction. Lovers of bright makeup will have to temporarily push their cosmetic bag into the back drawer, and those who cannot imagine life without an even tan all year round will have to go to the tenth expensive solarium. Sudden changes in temperature are dangerous for acne-affected skin - wrap your face with a scarf in winter, and spend less time in the open sun in summer.


It is not possible to completely cure acne with mash, but using it as an adjuvant will help significantly reduce problems such as:

  • Oily sheen;
  • Excess sebum secretion;
  • Progressive inflammatory process;
  • Lack of long-term healing of wounds.

Most often, dermatologists prescribe this treatment for people with oily skin, but regenerating and disinfecting talkers are also suitable for other types of dermis.

How much does a pharmacy acne talker cost?

Even if you give up the idea of ​​​​making mash with your own hands and buy a ready-made pharmaceutical drug, treating acne at home with this product will cost several times less than expensive, newfangled medicinal cosmetics. You can order the product of any composition in pharmacies with a functioning prescription department. There are more than 80 of them in Moscow. The cost of the finished drug depends on the price of each of the components and the required volume, so it is better to clarify it on the spot. The table below will serve as a guide.

Pharmacy (medical center) address Cost of talker, rub.
Pharmacy "Zdravushka"

st. Lobachika, 23, bldg. 1

Pharmacy "Norma" No. 584

st. Veshnyakovskaya, 43

Pharmacy A5 No. 271

Prospect Mira, 112

Pharmacy "Simplex"

st. Milashenkova, 9a



Cons and negative effects on the skin depend on the specific recipe.

Among the common disadvantages of talkers are the following:

  • pronounced drying effect;
  • the difficulty of choosing a suitable recipe;
  • short shelf life of the finished mixture;
  • the possibility of irritation, allergies, peeling.

Also, we must not forget that any local remedy only treats the manifestation of the problem in the form of acne, while the root cause (if there is one) remains untouched.


The recipes for many chatterboxes have been well known since Soviet times, when the abundance of cosmetics common today was not even dreamed of. And if earlier friends and relatives shared their experience of using them with each other, now this task is performed by beauty bloggers. In their print and video posts, they share their own discoveries, techniques and tricks. The video below tells you step by step how to make mash with your own hands from streptocide, salicylic acid, chloramphenicol, and camphor alcohol. Use this guide.

Let's make an ACNE chatter together

Efficacy of the product for allergies

If antihistamines do not have the desired effect, then allergy ointment, which you prepared yourself, should cope with the manifestations on the skin. It is recommended to use the suspension for:

  • elevated body temperature;
  • inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eyes;
  • lacrimation;
  • rashes accompanied by itching and burning;
  • swelling of the limbs.

These alarm bells make it clear that the body is fighting the allergen.

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