Homemade acne toners. Acne Tonic - Homemade Recipes

Homemade acne toners. Acne Tonic - Homemade Recipes

Homemade acne toners at home - remove excess oil from acne-prone facial skin and provide the skin with vitamins. Apply the tonic in the evening before bed, in the morning after cleansing the skin, and within a few days you will notice the desired effect. 1. Recipe for acne tonic with essential oils: Take a quarter glass of boiled water; six drops of lavender essential oil; three drops of sandalwood essential oil; four drops of tea tree essential oil; Mix ingredients in a small spray bottle. Essential oils and water do not mix well, so shake the bottle before each use. Spray the product onto cleansed face.
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2. Anti-inflammatory toner against acne for oily skin: You will need two tablespoons of fresh watermelon pulp; one tablespoon of vodka; two tablespoons of witch hazel extract; two tablespoons of boiled water; Grind the watermelon pulp through a fine sieve, combine all ingredients in a small bowl and mix well. Pour the liquid into a clean container with a tight lid and store in the refrigerator for about a week. Directions for use: pour a small amount onto a napkin and apply to face.

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3. Refreshing acne toner with a tightening effect: To prepare you will need two teaspoons of glycerin; one teaspoon of rose water; four teaspoons of calendula decoction; two teaspoons of Aloe vera gel or one teaspoon of fresh aloe juice; five teaspoons of witch hazel decoction; Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Soak a cotton pad with the prepared mixture and wipe it over your cleansed face and neck. Use daily.

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4. Cosmetic toner for acne for oily skin prone to inflammation: Take three drops of juniper oil; five drops of rosemary oil; one tablespoon of dry mint; three drops of calendula oil; Pour mint into one glass of water, let it boil and simmer over low heat for 1/2 hour. Then remove from heat, cool and strain into a storage container. Then add the remaining ingredients, then shake vigorously to distribute the oil evenly. Soak a cotton pad with the product and wipe your face with it.

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5. Acne toner recipe for combination skin: You will need one tablespoon of dry chamomile; sandalwood oil - five drops; seven drops of lavender oil; 150 grams of witch hazel decoction; Boil one glass of water, add chamomile and simmer over low heat for 1/2 hour. water. Then cool the liquid and add the remaining ingredients. Shake vigorously several times before use.

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6. Cleansing tonic with a nourishing effect: You will need five tablespoons of liquid honey; one glass of milk; half a glass of dried chamomile flowers; seven tablespoons of wheat germ oil. Heat the milk, add chamomile and cook (without boiling) over low heat for two hours. Then cool the liquid and strain. Add honey and wheat germ oil to it. Shake several times before applying.

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7. Recipe for an anti-acne tonic that improves complexion and evens out skin texture: To prepare it you will need 10 capsules of vitamin A and E, 10 drops of tea tree oil, 10 tablets of levomycetin, 50 ml of herbal decoction or green tea and the same amount of salicylic acid acids. Mix salicylic acid with a decoction or tea and add chloramphenicol tablets, vitamins and tea tree oil crushed into powder. Mix well. For prevention, salicylic acid and decoction or tea should be diluted 1:2. Be sure to shake the product before use. It should be applied to clean skin using a cotton pad. After using it, lubricate your skin with moisturizer. The course lasts two weeks. After a two-week break, you can continue treatment.

Main functions of tonic

Here's how it benefits the skin:

  • finally completes the cleansing process;
  • tightens pores;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • removes unnecessary shine on the face;
  • prepares the skin for the application of moisturizer.

The tonic is applied to the face with disposable cotton pads or cotton swabs in the direction of the massage lines . You cannot use the same tampon twice.

Face tonic

Acne toners for teenagers. Features of teenage facial skin

As soon as girls and boys turn 11-12 years old, serious hormonal changes occur in their bodies. The growth of certain hormones affects not only their behavior, but also their appearance. Adolescent children experience a change in figure, personality formation occurs, and first love comes. At the same time, the activity of the sebaceous glands also increases, acne appears, the skin thickens and looks greasy. It is also rare that any teenager manages to avoid the formation of acne and inflammation on the face. Some children wage a grueling struggle with these unpleasant phenomena for several years.

If boys and girls take proper care of their skin, they will soon be able to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and return it to a healthy and radiant appearance. For both teenage girls and boys, facial skin care will allow them to avoid psychological problems, because against the background of defects such as pimples and acne, children often develop complexes and self-doubt.

Proper care for teenage skin is aimed at solving the following cosmetic problems:

  • excessive fat production;
  • porous and dull skin;
  • formation of milium - white nodules, sebaceous gland cysts;
  • comedones.

Despite the fact that hormonal changes occur in all adolescents, the epidermis may look different in them - some have more rashes, others have fewer. This is due to additional factors that can either improve the situation or worsen it. The number of acne on the face of teenage girls and boys increases several times under the influence of such factors:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • stressful situations;
  • weakened immune system;
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics, excessive use;
  • regular exposure to ultraviolet radiation and moisture;
  • taking certain medications.

Note to parents: Adolescence is a difficult period in the life of every person. To make it go more calmly, it is important to eliminate these provoking factors and pay more attention to the physical and psycho-emotional health of the teenager.

Ready solutions

Among the specialized products for cleansing problematic epidermis, the following facial tonics have proven themselves well:

  • Lambre TTO Tonic;
  • Turbo-Tonic Propeller;
  • Garnier Clear Skin Active;
  • Stay Clear Nivea;
  • Clean line;
  • Lumene Clear It UP!;
  • F-control;
  • Kleona;
  • Eveline Cosmetics SOS;
  • Compliment No Problem;

It should be understood that none of the above tonics will help to completely get rid of acne, which requires an integrated approach to treatment. Their main purpose is to cleanse the epidermis, relieve irritation, and prevent clogging of pores with sebum.

Lambre TTO Tonic

The list of the best tonics in the fight against dermatological imperfections includes the cosmetic product of the company Lambre TTO Tonic, which was specially designed for oily and combination skin. Suitable for ages up to 30 years, does not contain alcohol. It helps regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and creates a matting effect, making existing rashes less noticeable. TTO Tonic, which reduces the number of rashes, also promotes faster tissue regeneration and inflammation relief.

The main active component of TTO is the AC complex. NET, containing oleanolic and nordihydroguaiaretic acids, which suppress the active production of sebum, control the proliferation of bacteria, prevent hyperkeratosis and the development of the inflammatory process in tissues.

TTO Tonic also contains tea tree oil, which is known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

The tonic not only gently cleanses pores, actively fights bacteria and stops the inflammatory process. In addition, it cares for the skin of the face, moisturizes it and forms a protective film. The product helps prevent the appearance of new inflammatory elements.

It is recommended to wipe the skin with a tonic after the washing procedure, after which it is necessary to apply a specialized cream-gel from the same series.

Turbo-Tonic Propeller

Anti-acne facial toner Propeller includes the active Azeloglicina ®+ Zinc PCA complex, which helps fight skin imperfections in the form of acne and blackheads. The composition also contains glycerin, fruit acid extracts, castor oil and alcohol. The main components have the following effects:

  • cleanse and tighten pores;
  • dry out inflammatory elements;
  • have an antibacterial effect;
  • reduce the inflammatory process;
  • tone and soothe the dermis;
  • reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • prevent the appearance of new rashes.

With regular use of the Propeller, the tone of the protective covering becomes more even and the complexion improves. The zinc contained in the composition eliminates oily shine and prevents further growth of acnes bacteria.

Due to the alcohol content, the product is not recommended for use by people with dry and very sensitive skin types.

Garnier Clear Skin Active

Garnier's acne toner is also marketed as a product that helps get rid of acne spots. The product is unlikely to help with existing marks, but it is quite possible to prevent their appearance with its help. It contains 2% salicylic acid, which inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria, as well as a phytocomplex, which includes plant extracts. The latter components actively fight the inflammatory process and accelerate the process of tissue regeneration. The product contains alcohol, so with frequent use, peeling and a feeling of tightness of the epidermis may appear, as noted in reviews of some consumers.

The manufacturer recommends using the anti-acne toner in the morning and evening.

Stay Clear Nivea

Stay Clear is a toner designed to combat acne. Suitable for all skin types. The main active ingredients are magnolia extract and sea salt. The first component has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the plant extract effectively eliminates excess sebum and prevents the appearance of blackheads and rashes. Sea salt helps dry out inflammation, relieve irritation, tighten pores and quickly regenerate tissue in areas of damage.

Stay Clear from Nivea does not contain alcohol, so it does not have an aggressive effect on the protective covers and does not dry them out.

Clean line “Ideal skin”

The company's product Clean Line produces a series of care products "Ideal Skin", which includes a lotion that helps to deeply cleanse the pores without drying out the skin. Effective against blackheads and helps prevent minor blemishes.

Among the active ingredients of the lotion, zinc, aloe vera and chamomile should be highlighted. Zinc inhibits the growth of bacteria, reduces inflammation, tightens pores and dries out existing rashes. Aloe vera gently cares for facial skin, moisturizing and nourishing it, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Chamomile has antiseptic properties, so it also helps fight skin imperfections.


Anti-acne and oily tonic from Lumene is considered one of the best remedies in the fight against skin rashes. It normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and dries out existing rashes. The product for the care of problematic dermis includes the following components:

  • arctic plantain extract;
  • Castor oil;
  • vitamin B3;
  • glycerol.

Clear It UP! contains alcohol, therefore not suitable for sensitive epidermis. To increase effectiveness, the toner should be used together with a cleansing gel from the same series.


Antibacterial shake toner F-control is ideal for teenagers with problematic facial skin. The main active ingredients are:

  • zinc;
  • allantoin;
  • celandine extract;
  • sage extract;
  • salicylic acid;
  • Castor oil.

F-control contains alcohol, but due to allantoin, the product does not dry out the dermis and does not leave a feeling of tightness.

This cosmetic care product copes well with problems that are typical for oily skin. Regular use helps reduce pores and sebum production, as well as reduce the number of blackheads and blackheads.


Kleona Balance Tonic contains natural salicylates and biostimulants extracted from plants and fruit acids.

The active ingredients carefully remove excess sebaceous secretions from the pores and have a slight warming effect, thereby improving local blood circulation. Anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects enhance the therapeutic effect of specialized creams and gels against acne.

After application, the dermis takes on a matte tint, becomes clean and velvety to the touch.

Eveline Cosmetics SOS

Evelyn's deep cleansing toner for acne and post-acne changes normalizes the pH of the skin, tones and refreshes the skin, mattifies and prevents the appearance of new breakouts.

The main active ingredients are salicylic acid and D-panthenol. The first ingredient has an antibacterial property, dries out inflammatory elements, the second one moisturizes, stops the inflammatory process, and starts a faster process of tissue regeneration. The product is intended for all dermis types.

Compliment No Problem

The cosmetic care product Compliment No Problem from a Russian manufacturer has proven itself to be effective against acne and blackheads.

The product contains silver ions, which have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Due to this action, the amount of redness and inflammation in the form of acne on the face decreases.

Salicylic acid dries out inflamed areas, has a keratolytic (exfoliating) effect, and prevents the appearance of blackheads.

The special Fast-mat complex imparts a matte finish to the skin and regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.

The epidermis receives the necessary hydration during the period of use, the pores narrow, and the oily sheen on the face disappears, and the number of rashes decreases.


Tonic for oily and problem skin from Aravia includes plant extracts, including string, sage, celandine and mint. It also contains panthenol and salicylic acid.

Acting together, the active compounds of the product effectively combat all the problems characteristic of the dermis, which is prone to acne and increased oiliness. ANTI-ACNE TONIC does not dry out the epidermis, due to the absence of alcohol and the presence of allantoin.

Acne toners at the pharmacy. Video - The best acne remedies

Lotion lotion can be easily prepared at home and used as an adjuvant to the main course of treatment. The recipe is as simple as possible and does not require any effort: you need to take 25 grams of vodka and squeeze out lemon juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and can be used. Rub your face with light massage movements several times a day. Lemon juice can be replaced with apple juice (juice based on fruit acids). Over time, the result will show a significant reduction in acne.

Our most widely used preparations are for external use: all kinds of ointments from well-known manufacturers are in great demand. Let's look at the most popular ones.

  1. Zinc ointment . In this product, the optimal combination of zinc oxide and petroleum jelly was found. The composition has a delicate drying effect, significantly reduces the production of harmful subcutaneous fat, and disinfects well, eliminating the pathogenic environment.
  2. Levomekol. This drug consists of methyluracil and chloramphenicol. Targetedly destroys microbes, all harmful bacteria, relieves inflammation and stimulates natural tissue regeneration.
  3. Ichthyol ointment. This remedy is very popular among people. True, it has a rather specific unpleasant odor, which is why it is recommended to use the ointment only on weekends, in the evenings, without contacting people you don’t know well after the procedure. The composition included Vaseline with ichthyol. The product relieves irritation and pain, has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. It fights subcutaneous acne very effectively.

There are also famous creams for acne on the face in the pharmacy. Two effective remedies are especially popular:

  1. Aknestop is based on azelaic acid. Thanks to its targeted effect, the production of free radicals in the skin is sharply reduced. As a result, the inflammatory process stops in a short time.
  2. Azelik, as well as its analogue Skinoren, also contain azelaic acid. It is with these creams for acne and pimples, available in pharmacies, that you can eliminate the pathogenic environment, stop the development of bacteria and inflammation. It is important that the compositions are not addictive. Experts note: they can be used even for several years, maintaining the beauty and health of the skin. At the same time, there are no negative consequences or contraindications.

Alcohol-free acne toners. How to choose a toner for oily and problem skin?

So, we found out what kind of work this tool actually does, and what it will never be able to cope with. To sum up everything we said in the previous section of this article, a good toner should be great at removing residue from cleanser and cosmetics that failed to wash off, as well as provide additional skin care. And if all products of this type can wash off dirt from the face more or less normally, then it’s with additional care that questions arise. How to choose a cleansing toner for problematic skin, with oily skin and a lot of acne? What should this product do and what components should it have? In fact, everything is simple here.

If you have an oily skin type that regularly suffers from acne, then first of all you need to choose an anti-acne toner, which is positioned as a remedy for acne. This thesis seems obvious, but many girls think that absolutely all toners can help solve their acne problem. Actually, no: only products that are declared as anti-acne cosmetics work on this. Therefore, it is necessary to buy tonics for problem skin, which are designed specifically to combat acne.

In addition, you should follow the following rules:

  • Before purchasing a tonic for oily, problem skin, you should definitely read the reviews. Some products are too aggressive and some are too gentle. This is very important because anti-acne toners work differently on different skin types;
  • A good product should not contain alcohol. This is rare for anti-acne cosmetics (since alcohol dries out the skin and creates the illusion of fighting acne, so manufacturers often push this component in huge quantities), but it’s worth the effort and finding a tonic that contains a minimum of this substance. Alcohol dries out the epidermis and weakens it. As a result, acne will first go away and then appear again, only now there will be 2 times more of them;
  • if the composition contains salicylic acid, this is a huge plus. This component is very effective against pimples and acne;
  • The toner should contain natural plant extracts that soften the skin and protect it from the aggressive effects of the active component (for example, alcohol) and the environment.

Of course, it is practically impossible to find budget funds that would meet all of the above requirements. Yes, indeed, all of the above are high standards that manufacturers of expensive cosmetics try to follow. However, you should not skimp on skin health. Plus, now we will recommend several products that are inexpensive, but at the same time we liked them according to all criteria.

Ice cube tonic for oily and tired skin

An excellent tonic that tightens pores and stimulates blood circulation. Gives a feeling of freshness and helps to wake up in the morning .

Required ingredients:

  • a bunch of fresh mint;
  • fresh lemon.

Cooking process:

  1. Chop the mint and pour in 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 5 hours, strain, add 5-6 drops of lemon juice.
  3. Then pour the liquid into ice cube trays and place in the refrigerator.
  4. Wipe your face with the resulting ice cubes after washing.

Tonic in the form of ice cubes
Contrast procedures help maintain youthful skin and slow down the aging process.

Acne toners. DIY acne lotion: 7 best recipes.

Skin covered with acne looks unsightly and is very poisonous to the life of its owner. That is why young girls, in an attempt to get rid of a hated defect, rush to buy a variety of products that promise them smooth, clean skin. Unfortunately, not all of them live up to expectations, the collection of tubes and jars is replenished every month, but acne remains in its rightful place. I don’t want to say that all the advertised products are bad, but often instead of the desired result, young ladies get either a short-term effect , or its complete absence. Before you run for another super-cream, I advise you to try traditional methods, for example, homemade acne lotion. Low price and time-tested effectiveness are the main advantages of such a product. There are many options for making acne lotion at home. I suggest you familiarize yourself with some of them.

1. With glycerin

To prepare we will need:

- glycerin (1 tsp);

— borax powder (0.5 tsp);

- camphor alcohol (0.5 tsp).

The components are diluted in boiled water and poured into a clean glass or plastic container. Wipe the skin cleansed of cosmetics with the prepared lotion, and after the product has completely dried, do a contrast wash. Shelf life (in the refrigerator) is one week, after which a fresh portion is prepared.

2. With grapefruit

To prepare this lotion, you will need the juice of half of the indicated citrus fruit, as well as one tablespoon each of vodka and lemon juice. The mixture is put in the refrigerator for two days, after which it is used for rubbing in the morning and evening.

3. With salicylic acid

The product line of many cosmetic companies contains lotions with salicylic acid, both alcohol-based and alcohol-free. These are excellent and inexpensive remedies for treating acne and various rashes; they are also effective in combating age spots and other skin problems. You can prepare salicylic lotion at home. You need to purchase salicylic solution and calendula at the pharmacy. A tablespoon of dried flowers is poured into one hundred milliliters of solution, set aside for a day, then filtered. The resulting tincture is diluted with boiled water (a glass of water per spoon of tincture), and rubbed over the problem skin twice a day.

4. With wormwood

A spoonful of wormwood is poured into a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for half an hour, after which it is filtered and a spoonful of lemon juice is poured in (can be replaced with the same amount of apple cider vinegar). Finally, add a small spoonful of regular table salt and mix thoroughly until it is completely dissolved.

5. With apple cider vinegar

This is probably the simplest homemade acne lotion. It is prepared in a matter of seconds, and the result is no worse than from previous recipes. Just dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of boiled water, soak a cotton pad in the liquid and wipe your face with it after morning and evening washing.

6. Cucumber Acne Lotion

This product helps not only remove the pimples themselves, but also the stains left behind by them. Grate the vegetable on a coarse grater and pour in vodka. The product can be used immediately; the remainder is kept in the refrigerator until the next use.

7. With bay leaf


- bay leaves (150 g);

- water (1 glass).

Heat the water, pour in the bay leaves and put the mixture on the fire. A few minutes after boiling, filter and cool to a comfortable temperature. The decoction has excellent antiseptic properties and perfectly eliminates the problem of acne if used regularly.

Cucumber toner for oily skin

Cucumber-based tonic perfectly refreshes the skin and improves complexion.

Required ingredients:

  • one large cucumber;
  • 200 ml boiled water;
  • fresh lemon.

Cooking process:

  1. To prepare cucumber tonic, you need to finely chop the cucumber along with the peel.
  2. Next, fill it with boiled water.
  3. Leave for 5-6 hours, then strain and add a few drops of fresh lemon juice.

The resulting product can be used within 3 days, after which you need to prepare a new portion.

The tonic according to this recipe will be especially useful for oily skin , but it can be used for both sensitive and dry skin. In this case, lemon juice should not be added; it will dry out the epidermis.

Cucumber infusion facial toner

Toners for acne on the face. Pharmacy products for acne

Many lotions against acne on the face can be found in the pharmacy chain. They contain a clearly verified and balanced composition, which contains substances with a proven effect on acne and other blemishes of problem skin. These lotions include the following:

  • Zenerit (erythromycin, zinc acetate).
  • Zerkalin (clindamycin).
  • Ugresol (benzoyl peroxide).
  • Calamine (zinc carbonate and oxide).
  • NanoCode Anti-Acne (metronidazole, zinc and sulfur, salicylic and boric acids).
  • SaliZinc (salicylic acid, zinc, sulfur, vitamin A, aloe, chamomile, string extracts).
  • Demolan Forte (aloe juice, burdock and cloudberry extracts, silver citrate, panthenol).
  • Clearvin (aloe, neem, licorice, magnolia, turmeric extracts).

These are products supplied by manufacturers, but pharmacies can also prepare lotions according to doctor’s prescriptions. One of them includes salicylic and boric acids, resorcinol, calendula tincture, ethyl alcohol and water. Among pharmacy cosmetics there is also an anti-acne lotion with the following composition:

  • Salicylic alcohol.
  • Boric acid.
  • Tincture of calendula.
  • Chamomile extract.
  • Sodium tetraborate.
  • Camphor.
  • Bisabolol.
  • Essential oils (tea tree, lime).

As you can see, the choice of drugs and remedies for acne is very wide. Among them there are both mono- and multi-component products containing active substances with already proven effectiveness. But it is better not to use medications on your own, but to seek prescriptions from a doctor.

Pharmacy products have a pronounced therapeutic effect on acne, promoting its disappearance and preventing recurrence.

Fresh aloe toner

The fleshy leaves of aloe have antimicrobial, wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties .

Aloe juice moisturizes dry skin and saturates oily skin with nutrients.

To prepare a tonic, you need to add 10-15 drops of fresh aloe . You need to wipe your face in the morning and evening, you can also do this during the day to refresh your face. The product must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days, otherwise the tonic will lose its beneficial properties .

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