Hyaluronic acid for facial skin: masks, recipes and home use

Hyaluronic acid is an essential component of the skin, responsible for the firmness, elasticity, and moisture of the dermis. With age, the production of this substance decreases significantly, which leads to rapid aging - the appearance of wrinkles, sagging, and sagging.

It is not easy to prevent an unwanted process, but with the help of simple masks that home cosmetology offers, you can prolong youth - smooth out the relief, restore turgor, eliminate wrinkles. The main thing is to arm yourself with patience, proven recipes, and listen to the recommendations of cosmetologists.

Useful qualities of products with hyaluronic acid

Until recently, the use of hyaluronic acid-based products was only possible in a beauty salon. Nowadays you can easily buy hyaluronic acid, which is recommended to be used for preparing simple but effective masks at home.

Regular manipulation allows you to:

  • quickly rejuvenate the dermis (tighten, smooth, even out the relief);
  • restore firmness and elasticity;
  • remove scars and deep scars from the skin;
  • increase the immunity of the epidermis;
  • even out the tone of the face, restore a healthy matte shine;
  • accelerate the healing of wounds and cracks;
  • saturate with moisture, retain it in the dermal tissues.

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Another advantage of the substance is that under the influence of masks based on hyaluronic acid, the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the youth of the dermis, is activated. Even some time after the procedures, the skin continues to smooth out.


Hyaluronic acid is hypoallergenic and ideal for the face. However, when it is administered, it interferes with the natural process of skin restoration. Preparations containing HA may contain protein impurities, toxins, and destroyed cells. They cannot be removed.

This is why extreme caution should be exercised when choosing the mixture to be injected under the skin. Consultation with a doctor, in this case, is a necessity.

The main contraindications are:

  • the presence of autoimmune and allergic diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to the components that the drug contains;
  • the process of inflammation in the area where the mixture must be introduced;
  • time after other cosmetic procedures;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Acceptable and safe side effects after the procedure are:

  1. that the skin may turn red;
  2. the appearance of swelling;
  3. the occurrence of bruises and painful sensations that should disappear after a day.

Worth taking note! To avoid side effects and undesirable consequences, you need to check your health. Important symptoms indicating deviations include: elevated temperature, pressure and other factors.

Hyaluronic acid: injections

Moisturizing hyaluronic acid mask

Regular procedures using masks with hyaluronic acid help prevent dehydration of the dermis, replenish the lack of moisture, and restore water balance.

Preparation, use:

  1. Peel a small cucumber and turn it into a smooth puree using a grater (blender). If it is too liquid, drain the liquid a little, otherwise it will be difficult to distribute the composition over your face.
  2. Add hyaluronic acid (10-12 drops) to cucumber puree. It is prohibited to exceed the recommended amount of the active component - abuse will lead to the opposite effect.
  3. Knead cosmetic clay with your hands, preferably yellow (15 g), and combine with the main mass.
  4. Cleanse the skin with a scrub.
  5. Carry out steaming - put a warm compress of linden decoction on your face (brew 100 ml of boiling water and 20 grams of dried flowers).
  6. After steaming, apply the cucumber mixture to your face, spread in an even layer, be sure to touch the area near the eyes (“crow’s feet”).
  7. Wash off no earlier than after half an hour.

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Complete the manipulation by rinsing the dermis and applying a nourishing cream. It is recommended to use a plant-based product.

What results will you get?

Hyaluronic acid is recommended for women over 30, when the first signs of aging begin to appear externally. And if you always want to look great, you need to start taking your skin, and your body in general, seriously.

The product is contained in all tissues where hydration and lubrication are needed. Hyaluronic acid is a connecting link in all mucous membranes, cartilage and skin. With age, the circulation of fluids slows down, and it evaporates more from the skin, thereby losing elasticity, wrinkles begin, and the volume of the face and body changes.

Hyaluronic acid allows you to slow down all these processes and, in some cases, stop them for a short time. With masks and creams the process will be smoother.

  • Allows moisture to linger longer in the upper layers of the skin, thereby making it smooth and good looking.
  • The mask contains additional nutrients, hyaluronic acid delivers them faster to the deeper layers of the skin and begins to nourish from the inside.
  • Creates an invisible film over the entire surface of the skin, achieving two effects: protects from the external environment and does not allow moisture to evaporate.
  • Fills all small wrinkles and folds, thereby evening out the surface of the skin

In all cases, you will look better, and the reflection in the mirror will only please the eye, and everyone will receive compliments.

Cream mask to restore water balance and active hydration

A self-prepared cream mask will help eliminate signs of aging, improve the appearance of the dermis, and saturate the epidermal tissue with moisture. After 35 years of age, it is recommended to carry out manipulations at least three times a month - this will allow you to not notice your approaching old age for a long time.

Preparation, use:

  1. Grind a fresh chicken egg into a thick foam.
  2. Mash homemade cottage cheese (35 g), combine with egg foam.
  3. Pour in hyaluronic acid (15 drops), add tocopherol (one ampoule is enough).
  4. Apply to the skin with a special cosmetic spatula; it is recommended to distribute the composition along massage lines.
  5. Leave for 25-35 minutes.
  6. It is advisable to remove the composition with thermal liquid using paper napkins.

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Completing the procedure by applying a nourishing preparation will help improve the effect of the cream mask.

What does hyaluronic acid look like in ampoules?

Industrial production of the drug has been established in many countries. The packages are completely different, maybe 5, 7, 10 pieces. The volume of one ampoule is 1-2ml. The acid itself is an outwardly transparent viscous gel. Almost odorless. During long-term storage, sediment may appear.

If the entire bottle is not required for the procedure, then the opened hyaluronic acid can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 3 days. With aluminum lids, the problem can be solved by taking the required amount with a syringe, and sending the rest to a cool place. Warm the ampoule a little first, the gel will become more fluid. This can be done in warm water or held between your palms.

Evening product

The most effective home remedies for facial skin are those used before bed. During the night's rest, the active components remaining on the skin penetrate into the lower layers of the epidermis, the results are usually noticeable in the morning.

The dermis is smoothed out, looks refreshed, sagging under the eyes disappears, elasticity and firmness increases. If you use the product regularly (at least once a week), you will be able to quickly eliminate the signs of age - smooth out wrinkles, tighten the contours of the face, and even out the relief.

Preparation, use:

  1. Bake a small apple in the oven in advance.
  2. Chop and grind a little orange zest into a paste (10 grams is enough).
  3. Peel the apple, turn the pulp into puree, mix with the orange mixture.
  4. Add hyaluronic acid (12-15 drops) and pharmaceutical glycerin (3-5 ml) to the mixture.
  5. Stir the mixture and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  6. While the mixture is infused, peel the face, use a scrub mixture prepared by yourself (mix 10 ml of almond oil, 10 grams of coarse oatmeal).
  7. After rinsing, apply the mask using a wide cosmetic brush, spreading evenly.
  8. The duration of the mask is half an hour.

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Remove the composition using cool water or a plant-based decoction. Do not use detergents - the active ingredients will completely cleanse the skin. In the morning, wipe with distilled water and apply olive oil as a moisturizer.

STELLARY, Super Hydro Mask

Where to find: Stellary.ru, Magnit Cosmetic (RUB 129)

Every time you see the price of Stellary products, you want to roll your eyes dramatically and say, “Well, well.” And every time this skepticism turns out to be in vain. I don’t know how they do it, but yes, for 129 rubles you can get an excellent working mask with a good composition. In addition to hyaluronic acid, plant extracts and amino acids were also added here.

The mask is fabric, quite dense. To deploy it, you don’t need to have a pianist’s certificate or a magician’s certificate - everything is easy and simple. The serum is thick, does not drip from the canvas and does not spread during use. Well, it conscientiously copes with its task - moisturizes and plumps the skin. Again, it is better to use it in the evening, because the serum is dense and will feel sticky for some time after removing the mask.

Rules for using products based on hyaluronic acid

Even the most effective mask, tested over the years and by thousands of women, will be useless if mistakes are made in the manipulations. There are several rules that should be followed to prevent unwanted consequences and increase the effectiveness of masks.

Basic tricks, secrets of using hyaluronic acid and procedures:

  • stop using animal products in the preparation of home remedies - the effect is significantly lower than that of synthetically produced hyaluronic acid;
  • carefully study the contraindications for manipulation - abuse of the drug threatens unwanted negative reactions of the skin;
  • do not carry out procedures after aggressive cosmetic procedures (chemical, laser peelings);
  • strictly adhere to the proportions specified in folk recipes, do not engage in experiments, combining different components not indicated in the recipes;
  • purchase only high-quality ingredients, carefully study the expiration dates on the packages;
  • visit a cosmetologist first, consult about the use of hyaluronic acid, find out how effective home procedures will be and whether they will cause harm;
  • monitor the effect obtained after using the products - if the results are not satisfactory, change the prescription, visit the specialist again.

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Another mandatory rule is to pre-test the prepared mixture. To do this, apply 3-5 drops of the composition to one of the sensitive areas of the skin (wrist, small “crescent” behind the ear, bend of the elbow), lightly massage the dermis, allowing the active components to penetrate deep into the layers of the epidermis.

Wait at least an hour - this time is enough to ensure that the product is safe. If no alarm signals appear in the form of an extensive rash, spots of redness, burning or itching, it is recommended to proceed with manipulations without fear of unwanted manifestations.

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