Facial microdermabrasion: features, benefits, rules

What are the types of facial microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion with aluminum oxide crystals.

This procedure involves grinding with the help of tiny crystals, which are applied under pressure to the skin through a system of special tubes. These crystals have an “abrasive” snowflake or star shape and are hypoallergenic. Penetrating into the top layer, they are fixed on the keratinized particles and, together with them, are removed with a special vacuum apparatus. The procedure does not require pain relief, as the patient only feels a slight tingling sensation. At microscopic points where the top layer of epidermal tissue is removed (“microwells”), the removed skin particles are rapidly replaced by young cells. Thus, in one microdermabrasion procedure, a double effect is carried out: polishing the upper layers of the epidermis and smoothing by stimulating the growth of new cells.

Diamond microdermabrasion.

This procedure is similar to similar systems for home use. The only difference is that with diamond microdermabrasion, the crystals work directly on the skin, removing dead cells using a special vacuum, while with aluminum grinding, microparticles are supplied under pressure through an air jet. Diamond microdermabrasion is, in fact, a more gentle method that can be used on delicate areas of the skin, since it does not injure the cornea of ​​the eyes or the border of the lips. This procedure is also called diamond peeling. Depending on the condition of the epidermis, the duration of the course can range from 3-4 to 15-20 procedures. Thanks to this resurfacing, many aesthetic imperfections of the skin are eliminated: wrinkles, acne scars, scars, loss of elasticity, stretch marks, enlarged pores, etc.

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Oxygen microdermabrasion.

With this type of procedure, the effect on the skin is carried out using not only an air flow of crystals, but also oxygen supplied under high pressure. This allows for more gentle resurfacing and reduces side effects. Oxygen has a regenerating effect on damaged epithelial cells and also reduces the proliferation of bacteria, which helps reduce inflammatory processes.

Hydrodermabrasion. With this type of grinding, a double effect on the skin occurs: treatment with abrasive microcrystals and an aqueous solution containing biologically active substances.

Results of diamond microdebrasing

This peeling not only removes dead skin cells from its surface, but also stimulates the production of collagen by the skin, which is the key to increasing its firmness, elasticity, and tone. The relief and tone of the skin are evened out, peeling can remove or smooth out scars, scars, post-acne, and shallow wrinkles from the surface of the skin.

The color quality of the skin improves, it acquires an even tone, becomes young and radiant. Thanks to this peeling, age spots, freckles, and areas of hyperpigmentation will be eliminated from the facial skin. Enlarged pores on the face become less noticeable. The skin acquires tone, the elasticity of the skin increases, it literally looks younger.

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Colady illustration

Microdermabrasion of the face: beauty salon or at home

Microdermabrasion does not require a visit to a beauty salon. It can be done independently at home if you have the proper equipment. You just need to complete the necessary preparation for the procedure and follow all the mandatory care rules, including those provided after finishing the grinding.

However, you should not take risks if you have doubts about your professionalism and qualifications. In addition, conducting a cosmetic session in a salon is significantly cheaper than purchasing the equipment necessary to apply this method yourself. If you do not plan to provide mechanical grinding services at home and doubt your abilities, we recommend contacting a specialist who will perform it professionally and in compliance with all necessary precautions. In addition, in the salon you can consult on all types of microdermabrasion and try this method on yourself. Gorodskoy will help residents of Moscow and the Moscow region receive not only detailed information about mechanical resurfacing, but also recommendations for self-care of facial skin.

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Precautionary measures

Fine-plate peeling is normal after microresurfacing. However, if the epidermis peels off in large layers and crusts appear, it is better to contact a cosmetologist for recommendations.

Side effects:

  • facial redness;
  • micro-hemorrhages as a result of exceeding the time or force of impact of cutters or vacuum attachments;
  • pronounced peeling, crusts in the recovery period. Occurs when choosing operating parameters that do not correspond to your skin type.


  • dermatological diseases – dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema;
  • pustular skin lesions;
  • exacerbation of herpes infection;
  • rashes, manifestations of an allergic reaction on the face;
  • rosacea;
  • acne in active phase;
  • numerous or large moles, papillomas;
  • autoimmune diseases with skin lesions;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • tendency to form hypertrophic scars;
  • age up to 16 years.

Another temporary limitation is taking hormonal pills and drugs that reduce blood clotting.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

It should be borne in mind that it is advisable to carry out home procedures after consulting a cosmetologist, who will tell you for which areas of the skin you need to use certain attachments. There is no need to get carried away with home polishing in the summer, since areas of unequal skin thickness perceive ultraviolet radiation differently.

Microdermabrasion of the face at home

As you already understand, cosmetologists strongly recommend microdermabrasion as one of the most effective ways to regenerate facial skin. However, to achieve the best results, it must be done regularly. If you do not have the opportunity or desire to visit beauty salons and undergo sessions, you can purchase a specially developed cosmetic complex for home use.

Micro-grinding is carried out using a dense air flow. Aluminum oxide crystals under high pressure penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis, freeing them from accumulated impurities and dead cells. Renewed skin is saturated with oxygen, microcirculation improves, the oval of the face is tightened, pores are cleaned and reduced. Experts recommend home microdermabrasion from the age of 15.

This procedure is suitable for all skin types. Acting as gently as possible, it is safe even for particularly sensitive areas around the eyes or around the lips. Glycolic peeling significantly increases the effectiveness of the effect if used in combination with microdermabrasion. All layers of the skin are deeply cleansed, which improves complexion and reduces blemishes. Contraindications for home resurfacing procedures are various inflammations, pustular formations, as well as rosacea (vascular network).

If you decide to master microdermasia on your own for personal use, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the latest cosmetic products from the world's leading manufacturers.

RoC Renewex Microdermabrasion System

The RoC company has developed one of the most effective complexes for micro-grinding at home. As with salon dermabrasion, peeling is carried out through the use of a device that delivers a dense air flow with aluminum oxide microcrystals to the skin. At the end of the session, it is recommended to apply a special cream that accelerates the regeneration of epidermal cells and moisturizes. Using the complex from the RoC company helps renew the skin, revitalize the complexion, and wrinkles become less noticeable. However, if an allergic reaction occurs, use of the system should be discontinued.

Mary Kay Microdermabrasion System

One of the most affordable at-home microdermabrasion complexes is offered by Mary Kay. A deep cleansing scrub containing aluminum microcrystals polishes the skin, freeing it from dead cells. The procedure ends with the use of a serum that contains glycerin and caffeine, which saturate the epidermis with moisture, and your renewed face looks smoother and fresher.

Microdermabrasion system from Oriflame

The Swedish cosmetics manufacturer offers one of the most affordable and convenient microdermabrasion complexes for girls over 25 years old. This two-component system, consisting of a cleansing cream and a soothing serum, will allow you not only to carry out high-quality micro-resurfacing in comfortable conditions, but also to independently regulate the duration of the session and the amount of products applied. After a course of exfoliating procedures with Oriflame products, the skin looks smoother and renewed thanks to the natural vitamins included in their composition.

Vichy microdermabrasion system

The complex for home micro-polishing from Vichy includes three components:

  • Exfoliator containing glycolic acid;
  • Cream with aluminum oxide microcrystals;
  • Serum RN 7, saturating the skin with moisture.

The price of this complex is very affordable. After 21 days of course use, the skin is evened out, its shine decreases, and minor imperfections become less noticeable. Photos before and after microdermabrasion with Vichy products demonstrate a significant improvement in the condition of the epidermis.

After grinding, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • Use vitamin creams and lotions that maintain the desired level of epidermal moisture.
  • Avoid using cosmetics with glycolic or lactic acids.
  • Exfoliating scrubs are prohibited for 3 days after the procedure.
  • Protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation. Use special creams with SPF protection of at least 20.
  • It is better to postpone visiting the fitness room or sauna for a while. At this time, the skin of the face is especially sensitive to external pollutants (sweat, dust) and temperature changes.
  • The use of decorative cosmetics is possible only after two days after the end of the procedure.

Carrying out microdemabrasion at home maintains the healthy state of the epidermis and provides the necessary care. For those with young facial skin, this will allow them to maintain their freshness and blooming appearance for a long time and avoid serious cosmetic procedures. At an older age, deep peeling will help delay the withering and loss of elasticity of the epidermis. However, microdermabrasion on its own will not get rid of more significant problems, such as acne, scars, and age spots. In this case, we recommend contacting a specialist who will select a set of treatment procedures and competent care to get rid of imperfections in the skin of the face or body.

Be sure to read the instructions for using home peeling products. Avoid using these complexes too often. If you have any doubts about using microdermabrasion systems on your own, it is better to contact a specialist. Experienced masters of the Moscow beauty salon “Veronika Herba” will select a course of procedures that is suitable for you, preserving youthful skin and a blooming appearance for many years.

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Indications for diamond peeling

  • Enlarged pores on the skin.
  • Pigmentation, age spots, freckles.
  • Wrinkles, sagging facial skin.
  • Dull, tired, lifeless skin.
  • The presence of post-acne, scars, wrinkles, scars, comedones on the skin.
  • Cellulite (body peeling).
  • Acne, clogged pores.
  • Ingrown hair on the face and body.
  • Oily skin prone to acne formation and clogged pores.
  • Stretch marks on the skin of the body.
  • Very uneven, bumpy surface of the skin.
  • Rapid aging of the skin, lack of elasticity.

How is facial microdermabrasion performed in a beauty salon?

If you want to get a guaranteed effect after a course of treatment, you must follow the recommendations of specialists. The procedure consists of several steps.

  • Preparation. At this stage, it is recommended to use specific products that help soften the outer layer of the skin and make cleaning easier.
  • Cleansing. Removing makeup residues using special products that prepare for the procedure.
  • Grinding with microcrystals or diamond nozzles. Depending on the type and thickness of the skin, the session lasts from 20 to 40 minutes.
  • Application of skin softening and soothing agents that accelerate regeneration and relieve inflammation.

The duration and number of microdermabrasion sessions depend on the specifics of the patient’s skin, as well as on the specific defects that need to be eliminated. To eliminate minor deficiencies, 5-8 procedures are enough. In any case, you should trust only professionals, whose skill and experience will allow you to carry out the necessary grinding procedure efficiently. Residents of Moscow can find such highly qualified specialists in the city.

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Healing period

After the procedure, hyperemia appears on the face, which disappears within 12-24 hours.

Do not apply decorative cosmetics for 1-2 days.

It is necessary to avoid aggressive cleansers for 2-3 days, and be sure to use sunscreen: in winter SPF at least 15, in the warm season - at least 30.

For 5-7 days it is forbidden to go to the bathhouse, solarium or swimming pool.


Contraindications for diamond peeling are:

  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • rashes in the active stage;
  • open wounds and burns;
  • elevated temperature;
  • presence of warts or moles;
  • high sensitivity of the skin;
  • menstruation;
  • asthma;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation.

It is recommended to conduct diamond facial peeling sessions in the absence of pronounced inflammatory processes in the treated areas, so as not to worsen the problem.

Memo to visitors

Diamond vacuum cleaning may cause undesirable effects. Here is their list:

  • microcracks from an unsuitable (rough) diamond attachment on the device;
  • skin inflammation. Life-giving masks will remove him;
  • the appearance of new pigment smears. After the diamond-vacuum procedure, there is no need to rush into the sun or to a solarium;
  • swelling of the face (for a short time).

Possible complications

The effectiveness of the cleaning largely depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist. For example, excessive pressure on the skin or the wrong choice of nozzle provokes the occurrence of spider veins, small abrasions and hyperemia.

When the patient takes vasodilators, inflammatory complications may develop during diamond resurfacing - hyperpigmentation, bruising, herpes rashes. In these cases, it is more advisable to wait until the end of the course of conservative therapy.


Microgrinding is a hardware procedure. To conduct superficial mechanical peeling sessions, professional devices with handpieces coated with diamond dust are used.

When choosing a device, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Power. The higher its indicator, the deeper the cleaning can be. It is recommended to buy devices with power regulation in order to select the optimal exposure mode.
  • Dimensions . The stores offer portable and stationary devices. A lightweight mobile device for independent procedures is more convenient to use.
  • Functionality . For a more powerful effect, many devices are equipped with additional functions - massage hands, vacuum, ionization.

The cost of the device may depend on several criteria. It is recommended to buy certified equipment from trusted manufacturers with a warranty.

Below is a list of the most popular peeling devices:

Device name Features of applicationPrice
CkeyIn diamond dermabrasion MR039WQ

The dual-action device combines microdermabrasion and vacuum cleansing to tone and improve tone. A portable device with adjustable power (3 modes), complete with three vacuum attachments, as well as three diamond-coated handpieces, can be used for any skin type, including sensitive areas. 3200 rub.
Beurer IFC 78

A device for diamond dermabrasion sessions with sapphire coating. Allows you to independently perform peeling and revitalizing acupressure to stimulate blood circulation and cellular renewal. The set includes three tips with spray of different degrees of grain for cleaning different areas of the face. 4100 rub.
Beauty Benefit MINI ES-004Inexpensive portable device for diamond peeling procedures with a power of 5 W. Can be used regularly for home sessions, the set includes three vacuum attachments and one sapphire-coated tip. 1500 rub.
Diamond dermabrasion device T-06

Professional vacuum device for medium and superficial peeling sessions. The procedures allow you to even out the relief, eliminate unevenness and defects, and activate rejuvenation processes. The set includes 9 diamond-coated attachments of different fractions for treating rough areas and particularly sensitive areas. 18,000 rub.
BtGirl DL-18The professional diamond grinder combines vacuum and cleaning functions with sapphire-coated tips. The set includes 8 sprayed tips and 2 vacuum nozzles of different diameters. It is equipped with a touch display to regulate the power and intensity of action on the epidermal layers. 4800 rub.

For home peeling procedures, professionals recommend choosing a portable device with simple manual controls and a minimal set of functions. Using a professional device without prior training and preparation may result in serious injury to the skin.

Reviews about the sensations after the procedure

Nina, Maykop. I underwent a hardware peeling procedure with diamond tips three days ago. After the session, my face was very hot and burgundy, I had to apply moisturizer almost every half hour. I even put the cream in the refrigerator, it was nicer that way. The next day some tingling remained, but it was tolerable. Now there is no redness, nothing burns or stings, the skin has become a pleasant pink shade, and as smooth as a child’s. So far I'm happy with the result, let's see what happens next. I'm going to take a course of five procedures.

Maria, Blagoveshchensk. My skin became like a peach, although I only had two procedures, two weeks apart. I heard that the course usually lasts longer, but the cosmetologist said that this is enough for me at my age. I'm 23, and my main problem is oiliness and blackheads. Well, there were also traces of acne, but not very noticeable, since I never squeezed them. The procedure itself is not painful, then the face is a little red, but the next day everything goes away.

Ekaterina, St. Petersburg. Still, the procedure turned out to be tougher than I thought. During the process, you don’t really feel anything, but then... The burning sensation was strong on the first evening, and the next morning the face still remained red and somehow tight. There was no longer a burning sensation, but a noticeable heat on the skin remained. Of course, the spray that they gave me at the beauty salon helps, when you spray it, it’s such a pleasant coolness, but after a while the heat returns. In general, two days of discomfort after the session are guaranteed. And, in total, as they explained to me, eight sessions are needed to achieve the result I need - a facelift and elimination of fine wrinkles. So, we will be patient.

Galina, Arkhangelsk. After diamond peeling, it’s better to sit at home for a couple of days, so I do it on Friday, before the weekend. Two days is just enough for the redness to go away. On Monday morning the face is pink, maybe a little too pink, but with powder it’s just right. But the skin is smooth, soft, as if new. A very pleasant feeling, worth a little patience.

Facial peeling at home: we offer the best recipes.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Diamond resurfacing of the face helps maintain the health of the dermis, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and inflammation.

Some people perform peeling on their own, but home devices cannot completely solve the problem.

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