Gravitational ptosis: what is it and how to deal with it

Lightness in the body, a beautiful reflection in the mirror, a great mood - this is how we want to see ourselves after losing weight. But sometimes you have to face unforeseen difficulties: saggy, loose skin, stretch marks, prolapse of internal organs. This, in turn, leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Often such imperfections occur after too rapid weight loss, when the skin simply does not have time to react to the changes.

Causes of loose skin:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • pregnancy;
  • unhealthy lifestyle: insufficient physical activity and unbalanced diet;
  • aging: loss of skin tone in people over 45 years of age.

A cosmetologist knows how to tighten the skin after losing weight and restore lightness and attractiveness to the body.

How to get rid of sagging skin on the face and neck?

To effectively solve the problem of sagging skin, an integrated approach is important - proper nutrition, maintaining water balance, and physical activity.

If we want to restore the tone of the face and neck area, the most effective way is cosmetic procedures. They stimulate the production of collagen and elastin - the main proteins responsible for skin elasticity.

One of the most effective methods will be Thermage radiofrequency thermolifting using the Thermacool device. Cells of the dermis (the main layer of the skin) - fibroblasts - are activated under the influence of radiofrequency pulses and begin to produce skin elasticity fibers - collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin shrinks within two months. To achieve the effect, 1-2 procedures every 2-3 years are enough.

Another popular method is thread lifting, an alternative to plastic surgery. Using special threads made of polydioxanone or polylactic acid with notches or cones, you can tighten the oval of the face, remove the double chin, reduce nasolabial folds and molar bags.

Fight facial sagging with massage

Fortunately, there are effective ways to tighten your face that you can do yourself at home. In order to see the effect, you will have to work for at least 2-3 weeks every day, but these methods are definitely safe and can provide smoother skin and a more radiant complexion in the long term.

A quick massage is one of the best ways to prevent sagging skin. A light massage tones the muscles and provides enhanced support to the upper layers of the skin. This enhanced support tightens the skin and ultimately eliminates sagging. Many salons offer expensive massages, but why pay big money for something you can do yourself? For massage, you can use natural products that you probably have in the kitchen. Try coconut or olive oil because they contain beneficial vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, polyphenols and phytosterols. We also recommend trying squalane.

Video “do-it-yourself lifting effect”

  1. First, warm up your palms.
  2. Place your palms on the “notch” in the temple area and press them tightly.
  3. Stay in this position to warm your temples.
  4. When you feel that they are warm enough, begin to perform circular movements with your palms up towards the top of your head.

Full Face Awakening Video

  1. Also press your palms against the “notch” in the temple area.
  2. Lower your head, feel the tension in your temples.
  3. Gray whiskey.
  4. Slowly move in a circular motion towards your hairline.
  5. Repeat this exercise two to three times.

And at the intensive “Face Oval and Chin” you will learn what other techniques you can use to tighten your face, smooth out wrinkles and remove jowls.

How to remove sagging skin on the stomach after losing weight

Depending on the number of kilograms lost, correction methods will differ. For small excess skin, we recommend the Ultraformer ultrasonic skin lifting procedure. It produces focused ultrasonic waves and, due to targeted heating of certain layers of the skin to 60–70 degrees, stimulates the production of new collagen fibers and active skin regeneration. As a result, we see a long-term effect of skin reduction and tightening, which is formed gradually over two months.

If tens of kilograms have been lost as a result of weight loss, then our clinic performs abdominoplasty - a plastic surgery aimed at excision of excess skin and restoration of the aesthetic proportions of the abdomen.

2. Reasons

If we talk about age-related changes in the skin, they are caused by the natural process of weakening tissue structures, a decrease in the production of elastin and collagen, as well as a gradually progressive deficiency of endogenous (own, produced by the body itself) hyaluronic acid, a multifunctional high-molecular substance that has received so much attention recently attention and which is responsible, in particular, for the hydrobalance of tissues. In addition, sagging skin accompanies many endocrine and metabolic (metabolic) disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, etc. It is known how overwork and lack of sleep, excesses in the diet (abuse of sweets, fatty drinks, alcoholic beverages) and chronic malnutrition, hypovitaminosis, situations of constant stress, and hormonal changes have a deplorable effect on the condition of the skin. Important risk factors include the fanatical use of cosmetic products, including “anti-wrinkle”, “for sagging skin”, etc. The skin almost always becomes sagging with a sharp loss of body weight, for example, due to extreme diets. In addition, sagging and atonic skin may be due to hereditary causes, childbirth (if the stretched skin of the abdomen does not return to its original volume and density), and a decrease in the tone of the subcutaneous muscle fibers.

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Skin tightening on arms, hips, knees

Sagging skin on the arms and legs confuses many women. After 35 years, the aging process becomes more noticeable when the skin of the hands loses moisture and tone. How to improve the quality of skin in problem areas and effectively tighten it?

In these areas, excellent long-term results are achieved by a set of Ultraformer ultrasonic lifting procedures and injection of collagen stimulants (Radies or Sculptra) - one procedure every 6 months. These are injections of calcium hydroxyapatite or polylactic acid, which stimulate the production of new collagen for a long time. Thanks to this, the skin thickens and its quality improves.

1.General information

According to explanatory dictionaries, the word “flabby” means “flaccid, lost or lacking elasticity, freshness, normal strength, strength, density; loose, weak”, etc. When applied to the skin, such definitions not only sound dull - in some cases it creates a noticeable aesthetic defect and becomes a source of serious medical and psychological problems. Humanity (mainly, of course, its fair half) makes enormous efforts to develop, produce and especially consume countless skin care products designed to preserve its freshness and prevent, in particular, age-related fading - although with age as such, sagging The skin is not always and not fully connected.

Natural uniform color, matte shine, turgor (elastic tone), smoothness of the skin, absence of visible pores, “stretch marks”, unnecessary folds - on an instinctive level is perceived as a sign of health, which is due to completely rational reasons, and not just the requirements of fashion or aesthetic tastes. Indeed, the skin performs many functions and is connected with almost all physiological systems; it is the largest and most visible human organ; For these reasons, the condition of the skin serves as a reliable and informative indicator of the overall health of the body.

Sagging skin, accordingly, is an anomaly. And the younger its bearer, the more pathological this seemingly purely cosmetic phenomenon is.

A must read! Help with treatment and hospitalization!

Skin tightening methods in the décolleté area

For those who want to have a beautiful seductive neckline, our clinic offers a method of combining laser resurfacing using the ESTETICA 2.1 device with PRP Regenlab:

  1. The erbium laser used painlessly renews the skin, smoothes out the network of wrinkles and creases, and evens out the color of the skin. A distinctive feature of this type of laser is the minimum rehabilitation period (4–7 days), the effect is visible after just a few days. Cosmetologist Elena Mikhailovna Bakulina: I recommend a course of 3–4 procedures with an interval of 1–1.5 months
  2. Plasma therapy PRP Regenlab. This is the type of plasma therapy that doctors chose to work in our clinic because it is a scientifically proven, safe and effective technique. The world's only patented Cellular Matrix tube with plasma enriched with platelets and hyaluronic acid is used. During therapy, up to 90% of viable platelets are retained. All this gives a pronounced effect of regeneration, rejuvenation and radiance of the skin.

Flabbiness of the body after losing weight is not a death sentence! In the arsenal of cosmetologists at the Real Trans Hair clinic, effective methods of skin tightening have been developed over many years. If you want to solve this problem, come to our clinic for beauty and health!


Only regular, properly selected procedures and care products can keep the skin elastic.

In addition to procedures from a cosmetologist, you need to take care of your skin at home: select high-quality cosmetics, regularly moisturize your skin, give yourself a massage and exercises.

It is also important to lead a healthy lifestyle: give up bad habits, walk in the fresh air, get enough sleep, eat right, take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Cosmetologists remind that the sooner you start caring for your skin, the longer you will be able to keep it young, beautiful and elastic. You can make an appointment in St. Petersburg by phone or through the form on the website.

Ways to tighten the oval face

  1. Surgery is the most effective, but at the same time expensive and complex method, which is accompanied by a long recovery period.
  2. Hardware correction is a more gentle, non-invasive method, but less effective.
  3. Facial gymnastics is useless for an older person and is suitable as a preventive measure at the turn of 30-35 years.
  4. Thread lifting and contour injection plastic surgery are modern, gentle techniques that are considered the best choice when there are contraindications to surgery or you simply want to avoid the unpleasant consequences of surgery.

Traditionally, contour plastic methods are used to correct the oval of the face . A number of experts recommend plastic surgery, but these interventions are aimed exclusively at lifting; it is impossible to replenish the volume lost with age using surgery .

Why is the skin loose?

Let's list the main reasons that may have contributed to the fact that your facial skin has become loose.

  • cheap cosmetics;
  • improperly selected care;
  • poor ecology in the city;
  • stress;
  • lack of collagen and elastane;
  • insufficient amount of water in the body;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system.

There are actually many reasons. Only a cosmetologist can deal with your case during an individual consultation.

At our Institute of Plastic Surgery, specialists are ready to advise you free of charge regarding the care of sagging facial skin.

We are getting old - that's a fact. But everyone is different.

Loose skin on your face gives you a sickly and tired look and actually adds an extra 5 or even 10 years to your appearance. Agree, such skin does not suit anyone. How to get rid of sagging skin on your face?


Of course, therapeutic measures for skin correction and regeneration are prescribed exclusively on an individual basis and are determined by diagnostic results. In some cases, eliminating the pathology that causes skin laxity (and it can be asymptomatic or latent, hidden) naturally restores the desired characteristics. In other situations, physiotherapy, water-thermal procedures, normalization of sleep patterns, exercise, nutrition, and daily fluid intake are effective. Sometimes the only truly effective treatment is plastic surgery.

In cosmetology, many methods of instrumental correction have been developed, incl. various peelings, ultrasound and microcurrent stimulating techniques, ozone and mesotherapy, laser biorevitalization, hyaluronic acid therapy and many others.

An even larger number of “true”, “tested over thousands of years”, “secret” and other methods can be found on the Internet and commercial advertising. However, if possible, you should maintain common sense and caution: this kind of remedy, even if it really helped your friends, in a specific individual case may be categorically contraindicated and, when used, cause serious damage, and not only to the skin.

Therefore, the smartest step is to consult your doctor first.

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