What are sebaceous plugs on the scalp? How to deal with them? And what are the consequences if you leave everything as it is?

To keep your skin healthy and beautiful, you need to take care of it every day. The basis of daily care is skin cleansing. Is it possible to cleanse the skin of sebaceous plugs and get rid of pimples and acne at home? This question worries many, and not only women. We offer you several remedies and recipes for homemade masks made from natural ingredients that will help cope with your problem.


Flawless skin is a blessing that only a lucky few enjoy. Many of us, at certain points in our lives, have to wage a tireless battle with clogged pores on our faces. Since our skin is exposed to dust and dirt every day, clogged pores are an inevitable result.

However, sometimes just washing your face is not enough to unclog your pores. For most people, regular care, including deep cleansing, is the most effective way to open pores and prevent acne from developing.

So, what are sebaceous plugs?

To begin with, I will attach a picture with the structure of our hair, in case anyone hasn’t seen it. So in the picture there is a sebaceous gland , which is responsible for the production of sebum. It is needed to moisturize the scalp. It is logical that if very little sebum is produced, then the scalp is dry, and if sebum is produced in excess, then we are dealing with an oily type of scalp.

A sebaceous plug is the result of a disruption in the normal functioning of the sebaceous gland, in other words, a failure.
Thus, it secretes very thick and viscous sebum, part of which accumulates near the mouth of the hair and a plug is formed. The mechanism is very similar to how blackheads form on our face, only the scalp is very difficult to examine with ordinary eyes to see the plugs on it, the hair roots interfere with this.

The main misconception is that sebaceous plugs form only on oily scalps. This is not true; on dry skin types they are also quite common.

Causes of atheroma

The main, but not the only reason for the formation of atheroma is blockage of the sebaceous glands, which occurs due to many internal and external factors. Typically, such changes in the condition of the skin occur under the influence of the following:

  • Increased activity of sweat glands,
  • Hormonal imbalance in women
  • The presence of seborrhea and acne,
  • Accelerated proliferation of bacteria
  • Diseases that are chronic and accompanied by metabolic disorders.

Additional factors contributing to the development of atheroma are:

  • Repeated microtrauma of the skin,
  • The presence of dermatitis,
  • Congenital disorders in the structure of the sebaceous gland
  • Insufficient skin care
  • Excessive use of various cosmetics,
  • Congenital impaired synthesis of fats in the body.

Increased activity of the sebaceous gland, accompanied by insufficient patency of its excretory channel, leads to blockage of the pores. Due to the accumulation of contents in it, the gland swells and increases in size, which usually ends in an inflammatory process.

Signs of sebaceous plugs.

There are no obvious signs as such.
They don't itch or itch or anything like that. Many girls noted that when they scratched their heads with their hands, they found an incomprehensible substance under their nails, but this was not them either - it was a dead layer of epithelium or particles of dandruff. Their presence can be checked using a special skin diagnostic device. But this is again a controversial issue in the sense of making a special appointment with a trichologist and seeing what’s there if nothing bothers you. Sebaceous plugs are quite insidious in nature; they do not appear in any way, but they significantly “spoil” your scalp and the appearance of your hair. By clogging the mouth of the follicle, they disrupt the metabolic processes inside it and, as a result, the hair becomes thinner, begins to grow slowly and is “so-so” in quality. Sebaceous plugs are also one of the causes of hair loss.

Our hair grows in so-called “families”, i.e. One bulb should normally produce 2-3 hairs of the same diameter. A common case in girls is when two hairs are of normal thickness, and one is really thin and the sebaceous plug is right there. This indicates that the hair did not have enough nutrition and is forced to grow like this, and then it will fall out completely at an early stage.

Sebaceous plugs are also a common cause of dandruff. They contribute to the development of pathogenic microflora on the scalp.

Of course, I looked at my scalp using this device and found sebaceous plugs. There are not many of them, but they exist. (But I physically cannot examine every follicle!) And there is also hair of different thicknesses in the place where it accumulates. This fact saddened me, because my hair can look thicker)) To be honest, I hadn’t thought about this problem before, but it turned out to be terribly interesting)

Now I tell girls who complain about constant hair loss and poor hair growth, but have already tried literally everything, to pay attention to the problem described above. Perhaps the reason is an abundant accumulation of sebaceous plugs. In this case, you need a competent specialist who will examine the scalp and give appropriate recommendations.

Clinical picture and possible complications

The cyst is located under the skin and has a round, smooth shape. It is usually not bothersome and may only be painful when you press on it. However, the very nature of such education, as it develops, can cause the following problematic situations:

  • Open the cyst with the formation of a non-healing ulcer in its place,
  • Lead to the formation of an abscess with the formation of a large abscess,
  • It is rare, but possible, for a cyst to degenerate into a malignant formation.

A characteristic complication of blockage of the sebaceous gland is its suppuration, which causes a certain degree of danger, is accompanied by severe pain and requires medical attention. If this does not happen and suppuration does not occur, then after two to three weeks the formation may disappear on its own, leaving no trace. If, nevertheless, the pus from its contents comes out, then the infection may spread to the surrounding tissues, and at a fairly high speed. As a result, papules, after fusion, create formations with larger sizes, and can also form numerous ulcers, boils and abscesses that affect the deeper layers of the skin. Even after eliminating them, getting rid of unsightly marks and scars on the skin will only be possible with the help of cosmetic surgeries and salon procedures.

How to deal with sebaceous plugs?

It is important to understand that shampoos do not wash out sebaceous plugs! If you wash your hair more often and more diligently, there will be fewer of them.
What then? Scalp scrubs are a good, but controversial product in this regard. It is especially difficult for girls with long hair to convey the particles and massage every centimeter of the skin well and efficiently. Also, many people do not like scrubs because of the strong mechanical effect on the hair roots, which leads to more hair loss after washing. The ideal solution in this case is cream-based peelings. But not all peelings are effective(

The most important advice from me is to look carefully at the ingredients. The peeling should contain acids that will gradually dissolve sebaceous plugs with regular use (for example: salicylic acid, fruit acids, lactic, glycolic, etc.). And yes, for a good effect, such things need to be used on a regular basis. Get used to the fact that the scalp needs this just like scrubs and peels for our face.


Blockage of the sebaceous gland with the formation of atheroma in it is not accompanied by severe symptoms for a long time and does not cause special discomfort to patients with its presence. Usually at first they are painless, and only pressing on them can cause discomfort. The growth of a cyst with an increase in its size is also not very noticeable, since the resulting formation can remain the same for several years. Symptoms such as pain, swelling, tissue hyperemia, fever and a putrid unpleasant odor appear only if the disease is advanced. The inflammatory process when the sebaceous gland is blocked can result in the rupture of the cyst with the release of its contents in the form of fat and pus to the outside.

What have I tried?

Scrubs became a regular part of my care routine as soon as I became “sick” with my hair. At the beginning it was ordinary fine sea salt with a drop of essential oil. It was affordable and effective for me at that time. And at that time (and this was almost 8 years ago!) there were very few products of this kind on the market or none at all.

Now things are much better and many professional lines have begun to produce scrubs and peels for the scalp. For a long time, the scrub from Natura Siberika with sea buckthorn was my favorite. It gave me a very powerful cleansing of the hair roots, not so much due to the particles, but due to the working composition. It kept my head fresh longer and overall it is a very pleasant product that I can confidently recommend. In addition to a bunch of extracts that are aimed at improving the health of the scalp, it contains an important component - glycolic acid, which dissolves sebaceous plugs.

I didn’t like the peeling from the Korean company L’ador , although I know many are delighted. Firstly, it costs a pretty penny to do this regularly (one small tube costs 100-150 rubles), and secondly, I didn’t feel anything special after it.

At the moment I have a peeling mask from the System 4 brand. It contains a storehouse of useful substances, it fights dandruff and sebaceous plugs. But the problem is that I don’t feel any effect from it at all, unfortunately. And after a month of active regular use, my sebaceous plugs were with me. With such a high cost and high consumption, I expected more.

Therapy methods

If atheroma is large in size or if it suppurates, mandatory surgical intervention is required; a small size of the formation does not require this. Usually in this case they resort to less traumatic methods using laser or radio waves.

Even if surgically removed, antibiotic treatment will be required in the postoperative period. With the help of drugs such as amoxicillin and penicillin, it is possible to speed up healing and prevent the inflammatory process from appearing again.

In case of residual effects in the form of a small compaction that occurs after removal of the atheroma, it is eliminated with local medications in the form of Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment. Dressings with these medicinal compositions are used daily until the seal is completely eliminated.

Now I will show you a small selection of peels and scrubs that I liked in terms of composition:

Scalp peeling Ciel Parfum Cleansing Comfort Zone - based on acids: glycolic, lactic, citric, salicylic.

Nioxin Scalp Regenerating scalp peeling Renew Dermabrasion Treatment - also based on fruit acids, salts, herbal extracts, essential oils.

Scalp peeling Dsd de luxe 1.3 – also based on acids and beneficial extracts.

PEELING SHAMPOO DERCOS MICRO PEEL, VICHY – salicylic acid 1.3%, can be used as a shampoo, or can be left as a peeling for several minutes.

Eliminating acne during pregnancy

How to deal with the appearance of acne during pregnancy remains an open question. When prescribing any medications to a patient during pregnancy, those should be those that will not harm either the fetus or the woman herself. To be sure of this, it is necessary to test the drugs directly on a group of people with the same condition. However, pharmaceutical companies are reluctant to do this because they fear harmful consequences from the experiment.

Therefore, in relation to pregnant women, to eliminate acne, first of all, they use a more attentive attitude to the foods they eat. The diet includes those types of dishes that will not contribute to increased sebum secretion. In addition to dietary nutrition, the following measures can be applied to pregnant women to eliminate or prevent the appearance of acne:

  • Thorough hygienic care for problem skin,
  • Using high-quality cosmetics for moisturizing,
  • On the recommendation of a dermatologist and with the permission of a gynecologist, preparations with azelaic acid can be used.

In case of severe acne with extensive acne rashes all over the body, after the end of the 14th week of pregnancy, the drug josamycin can be used for treatment.

Local and systemic preparations of retinoic acid and tetracycline antibiotics are prohibited drugs for eliminating acne in women during periods of fetal development. These medications can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the child.

Preparation for manual mechanical facial cleansing

No special preparation is required for cleaning. Try not to drink alcoholic drinks the night before, as they thin the blood. Due to thin blood during menstruation, cleaning is also not carried out. You can come to the clinic with makeup - your face is completely cleansed before the procedure.

For primary patients, the procedure is preceded by a consultation. Here you meet the doctor, voice your wishes, and listen to recommendations. It is at this stage that contraindications to the procedure are determined.

Even if this is not your first time at the clinic, you still need to talk to the cosmetologist before the session, especially if you have reasons for concern. A trusting relationship between patient and doctor is a guarantee of quality work.

The preparatory stage consists of three steps:

  1. Makeup removal, thorough cleansing of the skin. The doctor removes makeup and disinfects the skin.
  2. Superficial peeling. Essential for removing dead skin cells. This opens access to the pores, making the process of removing fat and dirt easier and more painless. If chemical peeling is contraindicated/not required, the doctor moves on to the next step.
  3. Steaming the face. Required to open pores. If exposure to steam is contraindicated, use a special gel that opens the pores without heating the face.

After these manipulations, the patient is ready for cleaning. By this time, the doctor has sterile instruments and napkins ready. The doctor must wear disposable medical gloves.


Blockage of the sebaceous gland may not be a serious disease that causes fear for the lives of patients, however, it can lead to very unpleasant consequences. First of all, this affects the aesthetic side, since a growing formation on the face or on open areas of the body attracts unnecessary attention from others. To prevent such problems from occurring, it is best to listen to the recommendations of specialists on the prevention of atheroma formation and follow them. First of all you need to:

  • Use mild cosmetics to wash your skin, since complete removal of the protective fat layer creates ideal conditions for the development of harmful microflora,
  • Review your diet, more often use fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables, cottage cheese, and it is better to eat a little food, but of good quality,
  • Good digestion and proper metabolism are promoted by sufficient consumption of plain drinking water,
  • If possible, you need to reduce the consumption of foods that cause digestive problems, such as sugar, fats, starch, pickles, hot sauces, and smoked delicacies.

To prevent blockage of the sebaceous glands, it is important to cleanse the skin in a timely manner, which requires daily cleansing hygiene procedures.

Blockage of the sebaceous canals on the face can bring a lot of unpleasant moments. Even if they do not threaten inflammation, their appearance suffers significantly. Such a violation of the skin also affects the psycho-emotional state of a person, lowering his self-esteem. In this regard, you need constant care for your skin, and in the case of active development of pathology, do not delay contacting specialists.

Comparison of mechanical and ultrasonic methods for removing blackheads

Mechanical cleaning Ultrasonic cleaning
Advantages High efficiency, maximum cleansing Gentle and painless procedure, does not cause complications
Flaws Risk of scarring, inflammation, pain Removes only superficial impurities from pores
Preparation for the procedure Steaming the skin Not required
Rehabilitation Darsonvalization, healing and vasoconstrictors Nourishing mask, moisturizing cream
Side effects Skin injuries, possible infection when carried out at home None
Contraindications Infectious or allergic rashes, furunculosis, large moles Cardiovascular diseases, hypertension
Result Visible after a few days, when the redness has subsided Visible immediately: skin brightens, tone evens out

Progress of the procedure

Manual mechanical cleansing of the face is carried out using metal instruments:

  • loops;
  • curettes;
  • spoons;
  • Vidal needles.

By pressing the loop onto the skin, the doctor captures and removes contaminants. A curette is needed to scrape out dirt and fat from problem areas. Use a spoon to remove small impurities and dead cells. A Vidal needle is required to puncture the pustules before subsequently removing their contents.

In some cases, you cannot limit yourself to tools. To completely remove the sebaceous plug, the doctor uses his fingers. Wrapping them in sterile napkins, the doctor squeezes out the dirt. It can be unpleasant, but the result is excellent. The most uncomfortable area for cleaning pores with your hands is in the area of ​​the nose and temples. But to return health and beauty to the skin, patients are willing to endure.

The more professional the cosmetologist, the less painful the procedure. So, the instruments should touch the skin, being in a parallel position relative to it. Otherwise it will be very sensitive.

At the end of the manipulations, the doctor treats the skin with an antibacterial agent and applies a restorative composition.

Skin care after manual facial cleansing

  1. The cosmetologist will prescribe medications that relieve inflammation and help accelerate regeneration. This could be an antibiotic ointment, Bepanten, or other formulations. Be sure to use them. The doctor will also give recommendations on the use of skincare products. These could be soothing masks, non-alcohol based antiseptics, etc.
  2. In the first days, it is not recommended to wash your face with running water. You can use thermal water from a pharmacy. During this period, you should not use decorative cosmetics or dye your eyebrows. Skin contamination should be avoided as much as possible. In places where imperfections were removed, crusts may appear. They should not be picked off, as traces may remain - stains and even scars. To speed up healing and disappearance of sores, you need to use the products prescribed by the doctor.
  3. In the first week, you cannot steam your face, sunbathe, or go to the pool or sauna. Solariums are prohibited. Intense physical activity is also not recommended. During sports, the pores expand and the face becomes vulnerable to pollution.
  4. In addition to medicinal products, you need to use moisturizing formulations - serums or tonics. A cosmetologist will help you make your choice.

Possible complications

If the cleaning technique is violated, unsterile conditions are used, or contraindications and doctor’s instructions are ignored, unpleasant side effects may occur. This:

  • prolonged swelling;
  • the appearance of inflammation;
  • allergy;
  • hematomas;
  • scarring;
  • dark spots;
  • spider veins;
  • infection.

We carry out cleaning in accordance with global protocol, ensuring safety and sterility for patients. However, your contribution to your skin is very important. We ask you to listen carefully to your doctor and follow all recommendations. Then unwanted consequences will not affect you. If for some reason you encounter them, do not delay your visit to the clinic. Timely provision of medical care will prevent the development of larger problems.

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