Products for healthy facial skin: rashes and how to deal with them

December 12, 2013

Skin is our shell. But, above all, it is an important human organ that requires special care.

Skin is our shell. But, above all, it is an important human organ that requires special care. Often, when caring for the outside of our skin, we forget that inflammation and acne, a feeling of dryness and loss of elasticity can be a consequence of poor nutrition. But the internal saturation of tissues with useful microelements is important to a much greater extent than the use of the most advertised creams or the most expensive peelings. A healthy balanced diet is the key to beauty and youth. And if giving up chips, fast food, soda and other “pollutants” to the body did not give the desired result, you should reconsider your menu more carefully. After all, products that are harmful to your skin may seem completely harmless to you.

The main enemies of our skin

One of the main causative agents of facial rashes is baked goods. Delicious flour products contain large quantities of sugar and fats of animal origin, including margarine, which belongs to the category of trans fats. Believing that nothing bad will happen from one bun, you are overloading your liver, which will subsequently affect the condition of your skin. Some substances that the body cannot process and eliminate remain in the blood. And since they have nowhere else to go, toxins try to escape through the pores of the skin. As a result, the sebaceous glands cannot cope with the load, become clogged, and this leads to the formation of rashes and blackheads. To improve the situation, replace animal fats with vegetable fats. Eat cold-pressed olive, flaxseed or sunflower oil. Vegetable oils have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, preventing pores from becoming clogged. As for butter, it also does no harm if it is of high quality and is eaten in moderation. But smoked and fried meat - another source of animal fats - is extremely difficult to digest by the body. If you notice skin problems developing, carefully monitor the presence of nuts in your food. On the one hand, they are very useful and rich in various vitamins and microelements, but in large quantities they can aggravate the skin situation. But the most important thing is to exclude from your diet everything fried, spicy, salty, as well as all kinds of sausages, coffee and alcohol.

Physical exercise

How to restore skin firmness and elasticity? Everyone knows that tone is maintained through exercise. In addition, exercise helps remove toxins and waste from the body, stimulate metabolism, and improve blood circulation. It is enough to devote 15 minutes to morning exercises. But no one has canceled the swimming pool, dance studio or gym.

If you combine fresh air and exercise, this is ideal. You can, for example, do exercises outside or run in the morning.

Few people today play sports, especially women. After all, they constantly think about everyday life and raise children.

But the skin will remain elastic and the muscles toned only with regular physical activity. Even if a woman is busy all the time, she will find time to exercise. You can combine it with cleaning the house, ironing clothes, and preparing breakfast.

Proper nutrition for beautiful skin

To make your skin beautiful and clear, add at least 600 grams of vegetables, fruits or berries to your daily diet. Your skin will especially like it if your closest friends in the food world are cabbage, carrots, broccoli, apricots and rose hips. But eating a large amount of exotic fruits can have quite the opposite effect. Also healthy foods are brown rice, lean meat (chicken, turkey) and fish if they are steamed. All kinds of fermented milk products also help the body cleanse itself - they improve the functioning of the digestive system, helping to eliminate harmful substances. And for smoothness, your skin simply needs sulfur, which is found in large quantities in onions and garlic. Eat more foods that contain vitamin C: oranges, kiwis, broccoli, strawberries, sweet potatoes, blueberries and black currants. By eating these vegetables and fruits, you help the body produce collagen, which strengthens the blood vessels responsible for nourishing the skin.

Causes of loss of skin elasticity

The skin remains elastic thanks to the fluid contained within the cells. As for elasticity, this effect is achieved due to the thickness of the collagen fibers that support the skin. When a woman gets older, collagen becomes thinner, epithelial cells are not renewed so quickly, the skin itself becomes thinner, it stretches, resulting in folds and wrinkles. There is no way you can prevent or interfere with the aging process, but you can make it slower and reduce the impact of external negative factors on the skin.

Factors that negatively affect facial skin include:

  • the state of the body inside. Skin is an element of the excretory system. It is through it that all harmful substances pass that enter the body and clog it. For example, if a woman eats sweet, fatty, rich food, then she will develop acne, inflammation, clogged skin ducts located inside, and secrete a lot of sebum. To restore freshness to oily skin, you should change your diet and avoid eating harmful foods;
  • Loss of facial skin elasticity is caused by insufficient amounts of vitamins and nutrients. Cells belonging to the outer epithelium are constantly growing and being renewed. To do this, they simply need nutrients, and in large quantities. If there are not enough of them, then the skin becomes less elastic, dry, and begins to peel off. In addition, rashes appear. The skin also needs minerals and vitamins. For cleanliness and freshness of the skin, it is recommended to eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, and cereals, because they are the sources of all the necessary substances and vitamins. You can also use special masks, multivitamin preparations containing vitamins;
  • insufficient amount of water. A large amount of water is contained in the skin and its cells. Folds and wrinkles often appear as a result of the fact that there is not enough fluid inside the cells, so its reserves cannot be replenished. A person should drink 2 glasses of water a day, constantly moisturize the skin and use a humidifier in the room if there is a low percentage of humidity in the room. The last points are especially relevant if there are always heating devices, devices that dry air, and air conditioners next to you;
  • the skin is not cleansed. Due to dust, decorative cosmetics, and other substances contained in the air, a thin crust forms on the skin, pores become clogged, resulting in the skin being unable to breathe. The result is that wrinkles and inflammation appear early, and cells age faster. If you regularly clean your skin and use special products and medicinal herbs to wash your face, your skin will remain healthy longer.

How to solve skin problems?

If you have dry, rough skin that looks tired, vegetables rich in beta-carotene, such as yellow and red peppers, dark green leafy vegetables, dressed with flaxseed oil or flaxseeds, will help improve its condition. If your skin is itchy and flaky , take more B vitamins. They will improve blood circulation, problems with which often cause itching. Vitamins in this group are found in foods such as eggs, nuts, fish, lentils and other grains. If your skin is oily , limit your intake of harmful fats. End your meal not with tea and cake or cookies, but with a slice of fresh rye bread and jam. If you are worried about skin rashes , fight acne by using foods rich in selenium (tuna, bran bread, etc.).
To improve the effect, start taking pharmacy vitamin E. And remember that no matter how expensive and good your cream is, it will not be able to solve skin problems associated with poor nutrition. Therefore, it is better to spend money not on what is expensive, but on what is tasty and healthy. Your skin will thank you for it. Photo: Tags:

  • Nutrition
  • Leather

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Hair Health Products

Hair also needs proper nutrition. To strengthen them it is important:

· proteins (in this case - keratin),

· selenium, iron and zinc (regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands);

· copper, magnesium and potassium, which improve breathing processes and oxygen supply;

· B vitamins.

In order for your hair to be thick and beautiful, you need to eat lean meats, beef liver, and sea fish that contain fatty acids - the body does not know how to produce them on its own and receives them only through foods. Without enough omega-3 acids, hair appears dull. Seafood as a source of protein, almonds and walnuts (these are fatty acids and vitamin E), fermented milk products, berries and bananas are also important for their health.

Why natural hydration is not enough

Natural hydration in the skin is constant. Rising to the dermis through the capillaries, water combines with hyaluronic acid and turns it into a gel. The remaining evaporates from the surface of the skin. Ideally, this process should provide complete hydration, but in reality this does not happen.

According to research by cosmetic companies, in half of the cases, lack of moisture in the skin is a consequence of improper care, and the main mistake in it is the abuse of cleansers.

Signs of skin dehydration:

  • feeling of tightness;
  • dull color;
  • uneven surface;
  • enlarged pores;
  • peeling;
  • redness.

It is worth considering that all skin types are susceptible to dehydration to one degree or another, therefore, for each of them you need to choose the right moisturizer:

  • normal. Light textures containing a sufficient amount of collagen.
  • fat. Low-fat preparations, high in vitamin E.
  • dry. Fatty creams with a high content of natural oils, elastin, collagen, vitamins A and C.
  • combined. Oil-free mattifying gels.

The main problem for most is determining the skin type, because... A dehydrated person may exhibit symptoms inherent in several. In this case, it is better to entrust the therapy to a specialist. The cosmetologist will conduct the necessary research, prescribe procedures and select the right care.

Products to Avoid

List of foods to avoid:

  • Canned food
  • Refined sugar
  • Overly spicy or salty foods
  • Sweet soda

It is advisable to abandon frying in favor of boiling, stewing and baking. The menu for beautiful skin follows the principles of rational nutrition.

An excellent source of complete amino acid composition and highly digestible protein is the specialized food product Diso Nutrimun.

What it is?

SBKS Diso Nutrimun is a milk protein concentrate that does not have a pronounced taste or smell. It does not change the usual characteristics of your favorite dishes, and at the same time enriches them with complete, easily digestible protein, necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

How does he help?

Diso Nutrimun is 5 grams of protein per scoop, it was developed by scientists and recommended by doctors for use constantly, and not just during illness. You can add it to any dish: soups, broths, purees, soufflés, porridges, etc.

You can stir Nutrimun in drinks: milk, compote, fruit drink, juice and even tea.

How to properly carry out home hydration and nutrition treatments

It is no coincidence that morning creams are considered moisturizing creams, and evening creams are nourishing ones. This is due to biological rhythms, because In the morning the skin is less receptive. In order for skincare procedures to have maximum effect, the following sequence of actions should be followed:

  1. Cleansing. Thoroughly cleanse your skin of makeup, sebum and dust. Wash your face with foam suitable for your type.
  2. Toning. Use a tonic; it will not only moisturize the skin, but also increase the effectiveness of subsequent manipulations. Don't neglect this stage; the right tonic can work wonders.
  3. Hydration or nutrition. Use the cream by applying it with light patting movements on the face, neck and décolleté.

It is impossible not to mention masks at this stage. Moisturizing or nourishing - they are the key products of any care. It is best to use them in the evening, when the effectiveness will be maximum.

When selecting, keep in mind that they contain a large number of biologically active substances, which can lead to allergic reactions if you are predisposed to them. Before purchasing, consult a cosmetologist.

It is advisable to take courses in salon procedures several times a year aimed at nourishing and moisturizing the skin, and between them use cosmetics specially selected by a specialist specifically for your skin.

Drinking regime

Many years ago it was found that for the health of the whole body it is necessary to maintain water balance. The condition of the dermis, hair and even nails depends on compliance with this rule. As with any process, there is an exception. Humidity indicator has a relationship with the amount of water consumed, but is not a fundamental factor.

The role of water is limitless; with its help it is possible to protect a person from direct exposure to ultraviolet rays and wind. With proper water consumption, the skin will not crack much, without peeling. Gradually a natural shine will begin to appear.

To maintain the health of the epidermis, it is recommended to follow these rules:

  • in order to optimize metabolic and metabolic processes, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day (attention! We are talking only about clean and still water, this list does not include tea, coffee and compote);
  • distribute the volume of liquid so that you do not drink liquid later than 19:00. Otherwise, swelling may form;
  • It is recommended to keep a water bottle near your work area, in your car, or next to your bed.

By observing the drinking regime, you can maintain the normal functioning of internal organs.

Rule No. 2: remove foods with individual intolerances from your diet

Remove foods with individual intolerance from your diet (photo: @foodphoto_minsk) It is necessary to carefully review your diet again and, in addition to the harmful products listed above, remove those to which you have an allergic reaction or individual intolerance.
The problem is that some foods manifest themselves in the form of rashes and redness not immediately, but after a long time. Therefore, it is possible to independently determine what suits you and what absolutely does not, but it is very difficult. To do this, you should still turn to professionals and get tested for food intolerance. An alternative option would be to keep a food diary and observe how your skin behaves after consuming a particular product. For the purity of the experiment, it is advisable to eat the same thing throughout the day, and not mix it with other foods and especially drinks. But, to be honest, all this is quite complicated and time-consuming, so it’s easier to take the test once and get accurate results in a week.

Most often, coffee, tobacco, baked goods, pork, milk and dairy products are included in such a blacklist. By the way, about dairy products. Initially, they are considered healthy and beneficial, because it is not for nothing that a child drinks milk from birth. But the problem is that many people have intolerance to certain components of milk, such as lactose, which not only leads to gastrointestinal disorders, but also upsets the balance of the microbiome. All these internal problems are reflected in the form of inflammatory elements and irritations on the skin.

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How to ensure that the skin is elastic?

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Ultrasonic facial cleansing

Many have heard about such a method as ultrasonic cleaning, which is often performed in salons and beauty parlors, and it has gained great popularity among women. Ultrasonic facial cleansing allows you to restore the elasticity of the facial skin, deeply cleanse the skin, remove dead cells and impurities, cleanse pores, and rejuvenate the skin.

Specialists carry out this procedure efficiently, so after it the woman takes on a new look. Her skin becomes elastic and firm.

You can sign up for ultrasonic facial cleansing at our cosmetology center in Kozhukhovo. Leave a request on the website or call: +7 (495) 120-29-55.

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