For high-quality rejuvenation, modern cosmetology offers a cream with a Botox effect, which has a gentle effect. A new product that recently went on sale is a good alternative to beauty injections. Its use smooths out wrinkles, restores firmness and elasticity to the skin and does not cause adverse reactions, unlike anti-aging injections. This cream has accumulative properties and acts gradually. To get the expected effect, use it regularly for 1-1.5 months. During this time, metabolic processes in cells will improve, and the activity of facial muscles will be neutralized.

What is the difference between regular cream and cream with Botox effect?

Conventional creams intended for daily care moisturize and nourish well, but cannot cope with age-related changes. Their composition is not able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and provide a rejuvenating effect.

Botox cream contains components that affect nerve endings and block their impulses. As a result, the muscles relax, and due to this, wrinkles are smoothed out. Additional ingredients include collagen, hyaluronic acid, and herbal extracts. They carry out a complex effect, improving complexion and promoting rejuvenation.

The main differences between the anti-aging Botox composition and regular cream are as follows:

  • used in a course that is repeated 2-3 times a year;
  • not used to eliminate pigmentation, acne and blackheads;
  • does not eliminate swelling and enlarged pores;
  • not compatible with caring cosmetics based on fruit acids.

Botox cream is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The composition cannot smooth out wrinkles that appear in women over 50 years of age. To get rid of them, contour plastic or a circular facelift is required.


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What components of the cream can give the Botox effect?

The name is just a successful marketing ploy, since the creams do not contain botulinum toxin, which is used for anti-aging injections. Muscle relaxants provide a relaxing effect. These include amino acid molecules assembled into a chain by peptide bonds. Substances block the transmission of nerve impulses and prevent muscle contractions.

The peptide chain consists of 3-6 units. Its tiny size allows it to easily penetrate the deep layers of the skin and act on muscle fibers. To improve penetration, some manufacturers add liposomes to the formula - nanoparticles that transport anti-aging substances into cells.

Which components are most often used in creams with the Botox effect can be seen in the table.

Peptide nameAction
ArgirelineEffectively relaxes muscles, smoothes facial wrinkles.
Syn-akeRelaxes muscles, evens out tone, removes and prevents the formation of wrinkles.
VialoxWeakens facial muscles, reduces the depth of wrinkles.
InylineRelieves muscle hypertonicity, eliminates age-related folds and creases.
LeuphasylWell smooths out wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead. Relaxes muscles, preventing the appearance of new folds.
MatrixylStimulates collagen production, removes wrinkles, evens out tone.

Polyacrylamide gel

An interesting substance that only Russia knows how to handle professionally. The Russian drug is “Formacryl”, the Ukrainian one is “Interfall”. The invaluable advantage of polyacrylamide is that it is not only anti-allergenic, but also has the ability to easily absorb moisture and release it. This means that this substance can naturally be included in the body’s metabolic process. Consequently, this gel can be introduced into the body in fairly noticeable quantities, for example, to increase breast volume.

Rules for using cream with Botox effect

To get the maximum effect, do not forget to use the cream regularly and follow certain rules.

  1. Before starting the course, do hardware or chemical peeling to remove unevenness and keratinized particles.
  2. Apply the product instead of regular cream in the morning and evening after standard cleansing.
  3. Distribute the composition in a thin layer along the massage lines and gently tap into the dermis with your fingertips.
  4. Apply makeup no earlier than 20 minutes after using the cream.
  5. For good penetration of the components, once a week take a steam bath with herbs and scrub your face.

The minimum course is 1 month, but it is better to extend it for another 2 weeks. After this, use the product for maintenance therapy 2-3 times a week, but not longer than 3 months. The break between courses is 3-6 months. Then the anti-aging effect decreases and the use of Botox cream must be repeated.

You can learn more about the cream with peptides and its use for facial skin rejuvenation in the following video:

Silicone gel

A true hero of our time! The era of improving appearance began with him. On the one hand, it is good because it is foreign to the human body and cannot cause allergies. But this foreignness can backfire, since our body absolutely justifiably protects itself from the presence of an inert substance and builds barriers from connective tissue. Silicone is safest for our body in minimal quantities. For example, injections with silicone gel can remove nasolabial folds quite efficiently, but it is better not to dare to undertake any great feats.

For what age are these products suitable?

Creams with Botox effect are recommended at the first signs of aging. They are intended for girls from 30 to 46 years old. Peptides cannot eliminate deep age wrinkles and signs of photoaging that appear after 50 years.

For smoothing out facial wrinkles that may appear on the forehead, under the eyes and around the lips at the age of 25, the cream is also effective. Use the composition pointwise. Apply a small amount to the problem area, massage into the skin 2 times a day.

To determine which Botox creams are right for you, study the packaging before purchasing. Each one has a label indicating which age group the product is intended for.

Precautionary measures

Cosmetics with the Botox effect have their own rules of use. To get positive results, you should follow the basic recommendations.


  • individual intolerance;
  • tendency to edema;
  • period of pregnancy, lactation;
  • use of cosmetics with AHA acids.

Before using the cream, it is recommended to test for a possible allergic reaction. Also, you should not use it for more than 2 months; disorders of the lymphatic system are possible.

Important point! You should not simultaneously master facial gymnastics and use products with Botox effects.

Ten best creams with Botox effect

The list of the best creams with the Botox effect includes formulations that have proven effectiveness and received good reviews from customers. The top ten rating products include products from domestic and foreign manufacturers.


Czech cosmetics are intended for all types of dermis. The lifting drug relaxes muscle muscles, evens out and brightens the complexion. Regular use makes the skin soft, tender and renewed.

Dermacol cream with Botox effect guarantees an immediate positive effect, which becomes stronger every day of the course. Rapid rejuvenation is promoted by a complex of plant components and Gatuline-Intense. Together they smooth out all the unevenness, remove wrinkles and prevent their reappearance. The price of the box is about 1300 rubles.


The line of Russian cosmetic products offers a lifting product for girls 30-35 years old. The composition contains wheat proteins, which are a plant-based natural analogue of Botox, herbal extracts, moisturizing ingredients and thermal water.

The course of Cora is designed for 2-3 months. During this time, you can get rid of facial wrinkles and improve the general condition of the skin. Packaging costs 450 rubles.


The product of the pharmaceutical company Evalar is recommended for anti-aging facial correction for women over 40 years old. The formula is enriched with phytoestrogens and hyaluronic acid. The main component of youth is the peptide argireline.

Qi-Clim quickly eliminates signs of aging around the eyes, smoothes nasolabial folds and deep creases. The complex effect restores elasticity and perfectly moisturizes. Price 320 rubles.

LiftIntense cream from Payot

French cream for mature skin smooths out even deep wrinkles, models the oval of the face, eliminates roughness and unevenness.

The thick texture of LiftIntense contains lipopeptides, tocopherol, hyaluronic acid and a unique Acti-lift complex. The components deeply nourish, moisturize, and reduce contraction of facial muscles. The cost of a jar is about 4,500 rubles.

Divine harmony from L'Occitane

The gentle air product is instantly absorbed and penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, providing a pronounced effect. After the first use, the face becomes soft, tender, and moisturized.

Divine Harmony contains lipophilic components of essential oils and herbs. They smooth out age-related changes and signs of fatigue. After 2 months of daily use, an anti-wrinkle cream with a Botox effect smooths out wrinkles by 85%. The price of the new product is approximately 8,000 rubles.

RevivaLabs, Nasolabial Fold +

The product is designed to combat deep wrinkles and is suitable for all skin types. The formula contains a complex of peptides, therefore guarantees maximum effectiveness.

Contains multipeptide NasolabialFold + matrixyl, progelin, sinake. Additional ingredients are aloe juice, hyaluronic acid, and tocopherol. Cost 2500 rubles.

Derma E

Cosmetic products are made exclusively from natural ingredients. It is based on anti-aging antioxidants, green tea extract, vitamin C. The smoothing effect is provided by argireline and matrixyl peptides.

Derma E is a dual action cream that eliminates wrinkles and promotes natural collagen production. The price of the container is 1800 rubles.

Perfecting Time

Devita brand gel cream starts the process of cell renewal and protects against premature aging. The composition is enriched with argireline, palmitoyl and hyaluronic acid. A plastic tube of PerfectingTime can be purchased for 1,400 rubles.


The cosmetic product is made from snake venom. Its action relaxes muscles, eliminates fine facial wrinkles and large creases. Contains a complex of vitamins, microcollagen, white tea extract. In the rating of creams with the Botox effect, Gaea is in the first positions, since noticeable results appear after 2 weeks of use. The cost of the innovative product is about 3,550 rubles.


Korean anti-aging cream contains Syn-ake peptide, which is an artificial analogue of snake venom. Designed to smooth out wrinkles on the neck, tighten the oval of the face and get rid of nasolabial folds.

Purebess softens, moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis. Its cost is about 850 rubles.

Procedures for those over 40

Sometimes the contour of the lips does not change with age, but purse-string wrinkles appear above the lips and the corners of the lips droop. The introduction of hyaluronic gel into the corners of the lips using a special “pulling loop” pattern allows you to lift the corners, which immediately revitalizes the face without changing it at all. A little bit of IAL-system gel into the purse-string wrinkles of the lips will straighten them out.

“Lifting” the cheekbones gives very beautiful results, the face acquires charm and style, denser preparations are good here - Evolance collagen gel and high-viscosity Surgiderm 24 hyaluronic gel.

And Belotero soft gel allows you to completely restore the youthful texture of the back of the hands, neck and décolleté. Don't believe me? Try it yourself! Wreaths and wrinkles will become invisible immediately after administration.

Is it easy to get confused by gels and techniques? Not at all! An experienced cosmetologist can immediately see which area of ​​your face is best to use with which gel. All these drugs are natural, harmless, hypoallergenic and have virtually no contraindications.

Is it worth defying old age?

It is very difficult to come to terms with the passing of youth. It is simply impossible to mentally prepare for the process of withering. It seems that the woman understands that wrinkles are inevitable. But it’s one thing to think of them as something distant. And it’s completely different to see them in the mirror every morning.

Every year there is a growing understanding of how short-lived youth is. Someone gives up and does not interfere with natural processes. And some people challenge nature and try to maintain their own attractiveness for as long as possible. If you belong to the second category, try a face cream with Botox. It will become an indispensable assistant in the fight against aging. In addition, the treasured jar will always be at hand.

You will always have time to take more radical measures. Whether there will be a need for them is another question. Proper skin care and the use of revolutionary cosmetics work wonders!

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