Hydrogen peroxide: in what cases and how to take it correctly

Today, onychomycosis is the most diagnosed nail disease. An actively parasitic fungus modifies the plates, making them fragile, which ultimately can lead to nail loss. The disease can be treated in traditional ways, using antifungal drugs of external and systemic action. However, there is also alternative medicine.

The title of the best folk healer of Russia was given to academician Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, who wrote more than 200 medical works. One of his main discoveries is the treatment of diseases with hydrogen peroxide.

How to treat wounds with hydrogen peroxide

First of all, hydrogen peroxide is valued for its therapeutic effect. It is often used to treat wounds. The solution can be applied to small wounds, which will remove dead tissue, prevent the spread of germs and stop bleeding. In this case, peroxide can be used once. With frequent use, you can stop the spread of beneficial bacteria involved in healing wounds.

For infectious acne, the solution can be used to treat the affected areas, which will speed up the healing process.

Effect of peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a clear, odorless and tasteless liquid. The solution has a slightly noticeable bluish tint. Peroxide is also called hydrogen peroxide, perhydrol, hydroperite, hyperon. According to its chemical properties, it is a strong oxidizing agent that easily reacts with various substances.

Peroxide is obtained by autoxidation, after which it is diluted to the required concentration used for medical and commercial purposes. Recently, the list of diseases for which this substance is used has expanded significantly. Peroxide is involved in all biological processes, due to its antioxidant properties it destroys toxins and harmful microorganisms, and fights free radicals.

When consumed internally, the composition of the blood is normalized, the body tissues are saturated with oxygen, the acid-base balance is restored, the vessels of the brain, heart and lungs dilate, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized. That is why Professor Neumyvakin has developed many methods for treating the body with hydrogen peroxide. One of them concerns getting rid of nail fungus through external use of the product.

How to dye your hair with hydrogen peroxide

You can dye your hair with the solution. It is especially good at covering regrown dark roots on bleached hair. It is necessary to blot the roots with the solution and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse well under warm water.

The product is also effective for gradual lightening with oxen. To do this, you will need to take equal amounts of water and hydrogen peroxide and add them to the sprayer. Then you need to spray the solution onto the strands and distribute evenly with a comb. Wait until completely absorbed. If you periodically carry out such manipulations, you will notice how the strands begin to lighten.


Victor, 26 years old, Syzran. I read good reviews about how people got rid of fungus using Neumyvakin’s method. At first I thought that antifungal drugs would be more effective, but then I decided to use traditional methods. Despite the dubiousness of the method, the fungus was cured quickly.

Daria, 39 years old, Moscow. Nail fungus appeared suddenly after going to a public bath. It was a pity to spend money on expensive ointments, so I decided to treat my nails with hydrogen peroxide. At first the skin was very dry, but when I began to lubricate the area around the nail with a special cream, the discomfort disappeared

In the video, Professor Neumyvakin briefly and clearly talks about how to cure fungus.

Is it possible to put hydrogen peroxide in your ears?

Drops are effective in the presence of an ear infection, as well as in cases of blockage in the ear. But if you have such problems, you should not rely on hydrogen peroxide alone, but you need to inform a specialist about this, otherwise the problem may only worsen.

Earwax is not an infection, but it can cause blockages. In this case, you can use a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide and olive oil. Instill the resulting solution into the ears. After the procedure, you can rinse your ears a little under warm water.

Some people claim that if you drop 2-3 drops of the solution into your ears, it will help get rid of flu germs and viral diseases.

Features of fungus treatment

For the technique to work, certain rules must be followed. According to Professor Neumyvakin, treatment of nail fungus on the toes and hands without following the recommendations given below does not make sense:

  1. If your nails are affected by a fungus, it is permissible to touch the affected areas only at the time of treatment, otherwise you can spread the infection to healthy nails and become a source of infection for other people.
  2. First you need to steam your feet and then treat your sore nails. If the skin is affected by the fungus, all calluses are removed.
  3. A patient with mycosis must have personal hygiene products (towel, washcloth, nail file, nippers). You cannot give your clothes and shoes to anyone, or use someone else’s.
  4. If you have fungus on your hands, it is recommended to use household chemicals only with gloves.
  5. If the fungus has infected your toenails, your shoes should be regularly aired and treated with an antiseptic.
  6. Sick nails should not be painted with decorative varnish.

Fungal nail diseases are the most common infection of this kind. It is better to get rid of onychomycosis in the early stages, otherwise the disease will quickly spread to all nails, and then to the human skin.

Is it possible to brush your teeth with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is used to whiten teeth. To do this, you need to rinse your mouth with the product for 20-30 seconds and then spit it out.

You can make toothpaste using hydrogen peroxide at home. To do this, you need to mix it with baking soda.

Regularly performing such procedures will make your teeth whiter. In addition, toothpaste based on soda and peroxide helps combat bad breath.


Procedures must be carried out daily, preferably before bedtime. Treatment of fungus with soda according to Neumyvakin involves the use of soda baths before using compresses with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, place 1 tbsp on a small bowl of hot water. l. soda and mix thoroughly. You can replace soda with sea salt in the same amount. It is permissible to add the same peroxide to the water.

You need to steam your arms or legs for 25-30 minutes. Then the free edge of the diseased nail is cut off with nippers, and the rest of the surface is treated with a nail file to make it porous. This preparation allows for better penetration of the healing solution deep into the tissue. Soak half a cotton pad or gauze pad with peroxide and apply to the affected areas for 15-20 minutes. To avoid holding tampons with your hand, you can secure them with adhesive tape.

In the morning, before putting on socks and shoes, you need to drop peroxide into the base of each sore nail and under it. Wait until completely dry. If the disease is advanced, the Neumyvakin method for nail fungus is combined with conservative treatment with medications. In general, this method shows good results, which is confirmed by the popularity of the technique and reviews of people who used it.

The professor recommends combining external use with peroxide taken internally. The drug is taken in 10-day courses three times a day. On the first day, before each meal, drink a quarter glass of water with the addition of 1 drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide. On the second day, add 2 drops, on the third - 3, ultimately bringing the number of drops to 10.

How to remove stains with a solution

Hydrogen peroxide is actively used by housewives in everyday life. It helps remove any stains from countertops, tiles and other surfaces in the house. This will not only clean the house, but will also prevent the appearance and proliferation of harmful microbes.

Peroxide will help get rid of limestone deposits. To do this, you need to spray the solution onto the desired area, leave it for 2-3 hours, and then wash it off with a sponge and soap.

A lot of dirt collects on the tiles and stains appear, which are very difficult to remove over time. Peroxide will remove mold and refresh the appearance of the tiles. To do this, you need to mix the product with flour so that the consistency resembles a paste. Treat the ceramic surface with the resulting solution and leave overnight. Wash the surface in the morning, after which all dirt will disappear.

What are diseases according to Neumyvakin

The eminent professor is sure that there are no diseases as such - our poor health is a state of the body for which we ourselves are to blame.

It all starts with the food consumed, or rather the habit of many people to drink it during or immediately after eating. Gastric juice, which breaks down foods for better absorption, is a concentrated acidic medium. If you drink a glass of water immediately after eating a meal, the concentration of acid in the stomach decreases, and the food can no longer be fully digested - it stays there longer than expected and simply begins to rot.

The main filter of our body is the liver; it is it that takes on all the main “dirt” and, as a result, becomes clogged. Rotting food is a haven for pathogenic microflora. Bacteria rapidly multiply, mutate, reprogram themselves, transforming into cancerous tumors.

The doctor is sure that a person who drinks during or immediately after a meal will never be healthy - sooner or later he will develop toxins and waste that clog the body. Slowly accumulating, they cause the development of all kinds of pathologies, which are quite difficult to cope with.


Ivan Pavlovich warns - drink water 15 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals, only then will you be healthy. The balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the human body is important - proper breathing, as well as minimal physical activity, will allow you to remain healthy until old age.

It is important to learn how to control the body, to be able to coexist with the bacteria, viruses, and fungi that surround us, which live not only around, but also inside a person. The lack of the correct balance leads to the development of “diseases,” in particular onychomycosis (nail fungus).

Neumyvakin says the following about the treatment of fungus - all that is needed to combat pathogenic microflora is hydrogen peroxide.

Therapeutic rules

The therapeutic process will be most successful if the patient, during the process, learns to follow the basic rules, which are the same for any treatment method you choose.

  1. Before using the composition, it is necessary to achieve complete hygienic treatment of nails, having previously cut off areas that have become infected with fungus, as well as calluses.
  2. If the lesion has affected the nail plates of the lower extremities, in addition to the main treatment, you should ventilate the shoes every time after wearing them, and also treat them with an antiseptic.
  3. All hygiene substances must be selected strictly on an individual basis. This primarily applies to towels, manicure accessories, shoes, and clothing.
  4. Touching the affected areas is permissible only during therapy. Otherwise, the infection can be spread throughout the body and even transmitted to another person.
  5. If fungus forms in the hand area, it is permissible to use household chemicals only with protective gloves.
  6. It is strictly unacceptable to apply varnishes with a decorative function to diseased nails.

If you follow all these measures, norms, and recommendations, the therapeutic process will become as effective as possible.

What is toenail fungus

The medical name of the disease is onychomycosis. It is caused by dermatophyte fungi of the genus Trichophyton, less commonly Epidermophyton and pathogens of microsporia (ringworm). Fungal infection of the nail plate is not a cosmetic defect, it is a serious disease that has its own code according to the international classifier of diseases ICD-10. Onychomycosis can involve some areas of the nail plate or the entire nail (then doctors call it total). In Russia, a classification has been adopted based on the appearance of the nail (photos can be found online):

  • normotrophic – stripes, spots while maintaining the normal shape and thickness of the nail,
  • hypertrophic - the plate grows in width, changes color, loses its shine, thickens, begins to crumble,
  • onycholytic - the affected part dies and is torn away from the bed.

Preparing for treatment

To ensure improved penetration of peroxide into the thickness of the infected nail, it is advisable to carry out preliminary preparation of the infected limbs before starting the procedure.

During the preparatory process, it is recommended to take half-hour baths with a solution of baking soda in proportions of 10 g. per liter of water. After steaming, the affected parts should be removed as much as possible from the nail plates and the nails should be completely cleaned. Upon completion of preparation, you need to thoroughly dry the treated limbs.

Carrying out treatment procedures without prior preparation will limit the effect of the substance on pathogens only from the outside of the nail without penetrating into the internal structure, which minimizes the effectiveness of the technique.

Types and signs of fungus

Even a small nuisance can turn into a big problem when the onset of the disease is missed. A striking example is onychomycosis, a fungal nail disease.

The first signs of infection depend on the type of pathogen:

  1. Dermatophytes - provoke yellow spots, stripes on the sides of the nail plate, causing itching and peeling.
  2. Yeast fungi cause redness of the skin, scales appear along the edges of the nail, and the plate becomes thinner.
  3. Mold fungi - settle on the surface of the sore finger, changing its color from pale yellow to black.

Based on the location of the disease, four forms are determined:

  • distal (when the plate is affected from the side of the free edge),
  • lateral (changes in the sides of the nail),
  • proximal (the parasite appears on the posterior fold of the nail),
  • total (here the entire plate has been changed).

The disease is divided into three types, with characteristic symptoms:

  • the color of the plate changes, stripes and inclusions appear, the thickness of the nail plate remains normal, called “normotrophic”,
  • the shine disappears, the color changes, the plate thickens, it is called “hypertrophic”,
  • part of the affected nail is rejected - an atrophic type of disease.

Who is Professor Neumyvakin

Neumyvakin is a professor whose track record includes more than 200 scientific publications, and in his works he paid special attention to the positive effects of hydrogen peroxide on the body.

It is important to note that Academician Neumyvakin dealt with issues that, from the point of view of modern scientists, are pseudoscientific. Being a specialist in alternative healing methods and esotericism, the academician criticized official medicine and considered the scientific approach to the treatment of pathology to be fundamentally wrong.

According to his theory, there are no diseases, there is only an imbalance of body systems in which the body cannot function correctly. He saw the reason for this phenomenon in the process of digestion. After food enters the stomach, it is digested with the help of hydrochloric acid produced by the walls of the organ. Since many people prefer to wash down their food with water, the gastric juice is diluted, which means that the food cannot be digested correctly, it rots in the digestive tract, loads the liver, promotes the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, and causes intoxication due to slagging.

Modern doctors share Neumyvakin’s opinion that it is undesirable to wash food down with water. Otherwise, science refutes the view of the Soviet academician on the functioning of the body, especially since nail fungus does not exist in the body, manifesting itself when immunity decreases, but is transmitted from person to person through close contact. However, treatment of nail fungus according to Neumyvakin is still not a popular method.

Prevention of re-infection

After complete cure of a fungal infection, in order to avoid recurrence of infection, you should follow simple rules:

  • After completion of treatment, patients’ bedding and underwear should be disinfected by boiling in a soda solution;
  • treat the premises and items used by recovered patients using disinfectant solutions;
  • monitor regular hygiene procedures using products with an antibacterial effect;
  • prevent the formation and promptly treat the resulting external damage to the skin and nails;
  • use only custom-made shoes, preferably made from natural material;
  • regularly carry out immune-strengthening measures, expressed in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and consuming the amount of vitamins the body needs.

In cases where the patient’s body is predisposed to infection by a pathogenic fungus, it is possible to treat parts of the body susceptible to infection with antifungal agents, both medicinal and related to traditional medicine.

Doctor's recommendations

Despite the fact that the treatment of Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich has no contraindications for use, except for intolerance to the drug, it should be treated with caution:

  1. If you feel worse, the drug should be discontinued for a while or its dosage reduced.
  2. You must follow the dosage and not exceed the permissible maximum, which for a mature person is 30 drops per day.
  3. It is necessary to take breaks during treatment.
  4. Under no circumstances should perhydrol be taken orally without dilution, as there is a high probability of getting a burn to the mucous membranes.
  5. After a person has cured nail mycosis, it is necessary to completely treat the shoes so that the disease does not recur.
  6. During treatment of onychomycosis, it is necessary to completely abstain from alcohol.

Despite the fact that Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich suggests treatment with perhydrol, considering it as safe as possible, this does not mean that you cannot have an allergic reaction to the drug

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