Editors' Choice: 20 Great Anti-Flaking Creams

  • Xerosis, or dry skin. The tendency to it is inherited or occurs as a result of improper care, lack of water in the diet and, for example, when the protective skin barrier is damaged, which leads to increased transepidermal loss of moisture.
  • Dermatoses. There is a whole group of diseases that provoke peeling: eczema, atopic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, hyperkeratosis, etc. It is dangerous to fight them without medical supervision.
  • Impact of adverse environmental factors. Dryness after a long walk in the cold or under the scorching sun, as well as after professional chemical peeling or dermabrasion, is inevitable if you do not use protective and restorative cosmetics.
  • Some diseases of a non-dermatological nature. The skin on the face may become dry and flaky, particularly in a person with an autoimmune disease or hypovitaminosis. Consult your doctor to rule out internal causes of desquamation.
  • Taking a number of medications. Peeling is caused, for example, by diuretics, as well as external agents, creams with high, therapeutic concentrations of acids or vitamin A derivatives.
  • Age. Peeling of the facial skin and redness of the skin is observed in older people as a result of a decrease in the natural level of moisture in the dermis and epidermis, and a weakening of the skin’s protective mechanisms. This also happens in early childhood, since the epidermis is just learning to renew itself.
  • Why do women's faces peel?

    In addition to the reasons already indicated, dermatologists associate peeling of the skin on a woman’s face with the onset of menopause or aggressive beauty practices. Thus, excessive use of peelings leads to a thinning of the hydrolipid barrier on the surface of the epidermis. And drying care dehydrates the skin, disrupting the normal mode of exfoliation of “dead” cells.

    The habit of constantly following strict diets can also affect the condition of the skin.

    Causes of peeling in men

    It is believed that since an adult man’s sebaceous glands secrete more sebum than a woman’s, he should not have skin problems. However, regular shaving negates all the advantages: the blade leaves microdamages on the epidermis, and as a result, the integrity of the moisture-retaining hydrolipid layer is disrupted. Not shaving at all is also not an option, because the hairs themselves can cause irritation.

    Peeling of the skin on the face in men often manifests itself for a more banal reason - perhaps the only aftershave balm for deep hydration is not enough in your case.

    Let's summarize: even knowing why the skin on your face dries and peels, sometimes you cannot do without an experienced dermatologist. But there are some effective measures you can take on your own.

What not to do for flaky skin?

As mentioned, there are a huge number of reasons why the skin of the face becomes dry. Often women and girls either do not take enough care of their facial skin, or do it excessively and incorrectly.

There are certain rules that must be followed for those who have dry, flaky skin. The following is not allowed:

  • Forget about hydration. It is necessary to use day and night creams for moisturizing;
  • Peel off loose flakes when peeling. This can cause severe irritation, and there is also a possibility that an infection will enter the epidermis;
  • Use scrubs, as they further injure areas of damaged skin. You can use peeling, but not more than once every 2-3 weeks;
  • Wash with hot water. It should be at room temperature;
  • Eliminate or consume in insufficient quantities foods containing vitamins B, A, E, C. In order to look healthy, the skin must receive the full range of essential vitamins;
  • Dry the skin with masks and hygiene products. Masks should be nutritious and natural, for example, cucumber or aloe. Hygienic products must be selected for individual skin type;
  • Use powder, as it dries out the skin greatly. You can opt for a BB cream, which evens out the complexion and does not dry out the dermis.

Proper care for flaky skin

In cases where skin peeling is caused by external influences, proper care of the affected epidermis will help to cope with the problem. This will not harm even in case of more serious internal disorders, but in conjunction with the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Taking care of your skin will also be an excellent preventive measure. The following procedures will help restore skin smoothness:

  • refusal of alcohol-containing cosmetics, which may clean and disinfect the epidermis, but also dry it out quite strongly, which easily provokes peeling;
  • replacing alkaline soap with special products based on natural cleansing and necessarily moisturizing components, provided that they do not contain individual allergens;
  • collecting excess moisture after washing with a soft cloth instead of a towel, so as not to further injure the skin;
  • using a moisturizer selected by a cosmetologist every time after showering or washing your face;
  • protecting your skin from sunburn using special products;
  • humidifying the air in a warm room using special devices or an ordinary damp towel placed on the radiator.

Moisturizing or nourishing cream should be used at least half an hour before going outside.

Editors' Choice: 20 Great Anti-Flaking Creams


Natural oils, phytoestrogens, nutritional extracts and ceramides - this is the shortened composition of the army to combat flaking and dehydrated skin. The editors of BeautyHack declared war on dryness and tightness and tested the best nourishing creams that you should definitely try.

Facial moisturizer Perfect Moisturizer, 3Lab

Tested by BeautyHack editor-in-chief Karina Andreeva

The American brand's products are loved by celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Michelle Obama and Hilary Swank. The brand was one of the first to introduce a unique technology for using stem cells and a bioengineered growth factor. I have already talked about the cream for the area around the eyes and about BB cream, it’s time for a moisturizer for the face!

Usually, when you try products that are an order of magnitude higher than the average price, you expect a miracle. And for me it happened with this cream! I tried it this summer - I tested it for a week and carefully monitored the results. Perhaps the big difference between other products that moisturize well and are quickly absorbed is that this gives a prolonged effect.

Every morning I applied a white gel to my face and décolleté with massage movements, and after a minute there was no trace left of the product (the skin greedily eats it up), and after five I was already starting to put on makeup (again, an alternative to primer, because the foundation went on evenly and didn’t roll off). The cream really moisturizes well, and this is not a “one-time promotion”: within a week, my face felt fresher, the flaking on my nose, which had been tormenting me since winter, disappeared and, it seems, they are not planning to return. The cream has no odor (those who oppose fragrances, take note), and it also has a very convenient dispenser (two pumps are enough to squeeze out the required amount onto the entire face) and economical consumption. Contains olive oil and hyaluronic acid. In cold weather, this product will definitely save my skin from dehydration, dryness and flaking.

Price: 10,045 rub.

Royal Honey Essential Queen's Cream, Skinfood

Tested by BeautyHack senior editor Anastasia Speranskaya

When you hear the phrase “royal honey,” your soul just asks you to dip something harmful and forbidden into the fragrant, viscous sweetness. In general, everyone who is on a diet is welcome to familiarize themselves with the assortment of the Korean brand Skinfood, because the description of the products alone will inspire those with a sweet tooth.

The “honey pot” contains a surprisingly classic thick milky gel that smells more like meadow daisies than sweets. Not bad either - considering that we will see these same daisies only in seven months. But there is still honey in the cream, and it is this that deeply nourishes all skin cells of the face, neck and décolleté, mercilessly dealing with flaking. And royal jelly acts as an antiseptic and accelerates the recovery process. For some reason, the cream is recommended specifically for night care, but I noted that it does an excellent job as a primer and gives the skin the right “wet” finish. Peeling is smoothed out instantly even in the most capricious areas - for me these are the wings of the nose and chin.

Price: 1,990 rub.

Universal nourishing cream Skin Food, Weleda

Tested by BeautyHack editor Yulia Kozoliy

The Weleda company was founded in 1921, and one of the first face creams of the brand was created in 1926. So Skin Food cream is an updated version of exactly that product, invented at the beginning of the 20th century. Its main task is to soften and protect the skin in the autumn-winter period.

The cream is nutritious, which means dense and fatty (in second and fourth place in the list of ingredients are sunflower and almond oils). The product does not form a film, is not immediately (but quickly) absorbed and works well with problem areas: local peeling, rough skin on the elbows, knees and heels (for this reason the product can be kept on hand in the summer).

The cream has a herbal aroma with pronounced notes of calendula and rosemary - these are the main components of the product that soothe the skin and fight dullness. Another good thing about Skin Food is that it can be used not only for facial care. Firstly, it will replace the primer, giving your skin a healthy glow. And secondly, it will save chapped lips, dry hair ends and help out if you have run out of cuticle oil!

Price: 870 rub.

Nourishing cream with avocado Avocado Rich Cream, Skinfood

Tested by BeautyHack editor Natalia Kapitsa

I have always had oily skin, but after turning 30, my surprise knew no bounds when I discovered that it flakes in winter. My cosmetologist explained: this is the absolute norm. By the age of 40, almost everyone’s sebaceous gland activity slows down, and their skin type tends to normal. After this beauty discovery, nourishing creams took up residence on the bathroom shelf.

The first to land was Skinfood - I love this Korean brand that creates cosmetics based on edible ingredients. Avocado cream is ideal for winter - moisturizes, protects from aggressive environmental influences: wind, frost, temperature changes. The product has a dense, thick consistency and a pleasant aroma - I don’t like strong fragrances. Absorbs once or twice, leaving a velvety trail of softness and silkiness. The main active ingredients in the composition are avocado oil and ceramides. I don't use the cream every day. Twice a week is enough to save her from peeling and redness. I apply it in the evening - if used in the morning, it can cause shine in the T-zone.

Price: 1,690 rub.

Moisturizing cream for dry and very dry skin of the face and body, CeraVe

Tested by BeautyHack editor Daria Sizova

For the first time I saw an impressive jar of CeraVe on the shelf of our editor Natalia - she said that the cream was just super, but at first it confused me. A formula that is too light cannot moisturize the skin so well - but after testing the product for a week, I realized that I was mistaken.

The packaging looks more like a body cream, but the manufacturer openly says “apply the cream to any area.” I did just that - for the purity of the experiment, I put aside oils, masks, balms, lotions for 5 days and used only this product. As a result, the dry skin went away. But the wow effect will appear only after a few days, because the cream works to eliminate the cause, and not the superficial problem.

Yes, if you have peeling, it will not smooth it out at once, but after a while you will notice that it has completely gone away. The composition contains hyaluronic acid - it will not only make the skin moisturized, but also maintain the natural water balance - you can forget about dryness.

At first glance, the cream looks like a child's cream - the usual light texture without fragrances (for most this is a huge plus). The product does not clog pores and is quickly absorbed. It won't work as a makeup base, but it will do its intended job perfectly. For dessert, the skin on my legs peels more than on my face. After five days, the problem went away, and I no longer feel like applying oil to my body (my usual SOS product for saving my skin in winter). Girls with dry skin are strongly recommended for testing. With normal – as a preventive measure (frost and wind spare no one).

Price: 907 rub.

Moisturizing cream WaterBurst, Glamglow

Tested by BeautyHack editor-in-chief Karina Andreeva

I'm a big fan of Glamglow - love their masks, moisturizers and magical lip balm. The cold autumn, turning into winter, is already here, the skin began to peel off, and I needed urgent “reanimation”. WaterBurst cream in blue packaging promises to provide “72 hours of hydration.”

The texture is more of a gel (with an incredibly delicious aroma of fruit chewing gum - you just want to eat it), which is quickly absorbed and immediately gets to work. The composition contains water from Jeju Island (located in the Korean Strait) - for intense hydration. By the way, the cream coped with this task with a solid five: my peeling disappeared within a couple of days of use. WaterBurst really helps the skin retain moisture. I included it in my daily care: I apply it in the morning (after 5-7 minutes you can start applying makeup, it won’t float away) and in the evening before bed (don’t be afraid, the product does not leave greasy marks on the pillow).

On those days when I can do without makeup, I apply this cream, a light tinted balm on my lips and a little concealer under my eyes: I keep getting compliments on how fresh I look (WaterBurst leaves a beautiful glow on my skin).

Price: 4,500 rub.

Rejuvenating cream for dry skin Premier Cru The Rich Cream, Caudalie

senior editor What does it take for me, a lover of light textures, to be impressed by a nourishing cream? Firstly, the dense consistency should melt on the skin, and not “sit” on top of it like a stuffy veil. Secondly, the relief should be smoothed out - you know that feeling of skin filled with moisture, as if you were 16 again? That's what I'm waiting for. And thirdly, there can be no talk of any peeling in the problem area.

The cream from the Premier Cru anti-aging line did the job on all fronts. At first, he won me over with the included spatula for application - no need to “dive” into the jar with your fingers. The consistency of the cream is so thick that it seems like you are scooping butter. It melts on the skin, but is not absorbed quickly - you need to give it about fifteen minutes. It is because of this that I often use the product as a night care: in the morning the skin is moisturized and so smooth that it seems polished.

Thanks to the rich composition for this: it contains resveratrol (aka the molecule of youth), grape seed polyphenols (where would Caudalie be without them?), vegetable oils, ceramides with peptides and hyaluronic acid (you can read more about this component here ).

Price: 7,565 rub.

Nourishing cream for deep restoration of facial skin Nutritic Intense, La Roche-Posay

Tested by BeautyHack SMM manager Alexandra Grishina

Even oily skin can experience peeling, especially in winter and during hot weather. And when your moisturizer stops working, it’s time to reconsider your care. I came across a cream that is more intended for dry skin, but that didn’t stop me. Having decided to try it on certain areas that are most susceptible to flaking and dryness, I realized that we would definitely work together!

Nutritic Intense has the excellent property of “sealing” annoying peeling visually and “treating” them. If you have ever encountered an unpleasant feeling of tightness after washing your face, then you understand how much you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. La Roche-Posay has created a product that will comfortably moisturize the skin and make it smooth and soft. I also tried to apply the cream as a base for makeup - everything is in place, the tone does not flow or slide anywhere, and the telltale peeling in the center of the forehead and very slightly on the wings of the nose completely disappear!

The cream contains a classic ingredient of the French brand - La Roche-Posay thermal water, which is responsible for moisturizing, as well as shea butter (softens the skin and relieves irritation). There is also vitamin E (read the link for all about the vitamins the body needs in winter) - almost the most important antioxidant in care. It is he who will help protect the skin in winter, actively nourishing it from the inside.

The product has a light aroma that disappears in 10 minutes; its consistency resembles a gel-cream with economical consumption. Take note to use it not only for winter care, but also in sos situations when you urgently need to relieve burning and redness. If the owner of an oily skin type liked this cream, then I’m afraid to imagine what miracles it can work for dry and sensitive skin!

Price: 1,704 rub.

Light Comfort Cream for the face "Shea", L'Occitane

Tested by BeautyHack project manager Anastasia Lyagushkina

Not long ago I became a mother, and as a bonus, in addition to the many changes in my body, the condition of my skin also changed. It went from dry and sensitive to oily, but with flaking and lack of hydration.

Light cream from L'Occitane is not called light for nothing: it really is almost weightless, lies on the skin without leaving a greasy film, while moisturizing and nourishing it (these are two big differences), removing flaking. I use it both in the morning and in the evening. After application, the skin instantly becomes soft and smooth, it even seemed to me that it was visually evened out. And the aroma! Light, tropical, but not at all irritating or disturbing during the day. I associate the cream with a delicacy for the skin, and the neat, beautiful jar with a stylish metal lid invites me to put it under the Christmas tree and give it to someone close to me.

Price: 2,280 rub.

Cream for face and neck “Day care” Balance, Health Quartet

Tested by BeautyHack senior editor Anastasia Speranskaya

If you are not yet familiar with the Health Quartet, let me tell you: the brand, originally from Russia, specializes in anti-age products and adds four main enemies of age-related skin changes to its composition. These are provitamin D3, polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, phytoestrogens and alpha-lipoic acid, but it cannot do without the usual peptides, antioxidants and other moisturizing components.

My personal acquaintance with the brand began with the day cream for the face and neck, but after the first use I wanted to try the entire line. In a modest white jar with a pump (special thanks for this) - the most classic white cream in consistency. At the same time, it smells like dad's aftershave balm - but unobtrusively, only if you sniff it. But its magic manifests itself upon application: the product is quickly absorbed and noticeably tightens the contour, saturating it with moisture. In winter, all skin types become a little sensitive - windy frost and drying indoor air are to blame. After this product, I forgot that it was cold outside - my face began to shine and noticeably smoothed out, like after a vacation.

Price: 4,200 rub.

Soothing anti-stress balm Maca-Cica Intensive Balm, Secret Nature

Tested by BeautyHack editorial assistant Arina Zarudko

For night skin care during the cold season, I choose products with a fairly dense texture - they perfectly restore and moisturize the skin while I sleep. Since mine is prone to peeling and irritation, I have to kill two birds with one stone. This month I discovered the soothing Maca-Cica Intensive Balm from Secret Nature - it satisfied all the needs of my moody skin.

The product has a pleasant texture, reminiscent of a pastry cream, soothes and moisturizes sensitive skin thanks to Damask rose water. The list of ingredients that make up the cream is a real treat for adherents of “vegetarian” cosmetics (even the smell is deliberately herbal). Here you can find aloe extract, broccoli extract, green tea, tangerine, and Asian centella extracts - a storehouse of vitamins for the skin! Together, these components restore weakened skin and provide an “anti-stress” effect, which is important when the face is exposed to external factors. Maca-Cica balm will be able to resist dryness, flaking, redness of the skin - that is, all the actual problems during the cold season.

Price: 1,393 rub.

Regenerating cream for dry and sensitive skin Cold Cream Marine, Thalgo

Tested by BeautyHack SMM manager Alexandra Grishina

Prepare your sleigh in the summer – or at least in the fall! Autumn “in all its glory” is already ending, and the first serious frosts are just around the corner. And this cannot but affect our skin: dryness, redness, peeling... This is not a complete list of adversities that befall us in the autumn-winter period.

If you have dry skin, you can’t do without a good nourishing cream. So pay attention to Cold Cream Marine. For sensitive skin there is a bonus - there are no allergens in the composition. But it contains the Cold Cream Marine complex, containing wax and algae oil, which delicately restore and soothe the skin. Enriched with organic white lupine extract and wheat germ oil, the formula is able to correct the metabolism (!) of lipids and protect against dehydration.

And the execution is as if you are holding a piece of ice in your hands. At first it seems that there is a blue gel waiting for you inside, but in fact, under the lid there is a white thick cream with a pleasant smell of rose and musk.

Price: 3,780 rub.

Lipid-restoring cream with ceramides Vitamin F, LibreDerm

Tested by BeautyHack editorial assistant Anya Khobotova

Products from a Russian pharmacy brand have been in my cosmetic bag for a long time and have always worked with a bang. Now I have found the ideal cream for autumn and winter - frequent temperature changes cause the skin to become very dry and small rashes appear.

The main component of the product is vitamin F, and it is accompanied by ceramides and prebiotics, which actively moisturize and restore the skin. I apply the cream before going to bed. After washing, a feeling of tightness appears, which this product combats perfectly.

In the morning, your skin feels like it’s been after a nourishing mask. Problems with rashes and minor peeling disappeared after just a week of use. And the main feature of the cream is that it can be applied even to newborn babies; the packaging is marked “0+”. The product is recommended by leading dermatologists and is completely safe to use.

Price: 308 rub.

Protective cream for very dry skin Coldcream, Weleda

Tested by BeautyHack editor Natalia Kapitsa

There are tools that you can take with you anywhere: even to the North Pole, even on an expedition to Altai (I don’t know how it is there, but they say it’s interesting). Weleda protective cream is just that. A dense, but not heavy product will save you from peeling, irritation, and even minor rashes - I say hello to those with combination and oily skin.

The cream owes its “superpowers” ​​to almond and peanut oil, beeswax and glycerin – a Weledo-style “homeopathic” solution to the problem. In the summer, it saved my lips on the beach, soothed my skin after sunbathing and helped “pacify” red spots from acne no worse than acid peeling. It’s autumn, which means it’s time to think about how to please your skin during the season of sun deficiency. There’s definitely already one candidate for a place in your makeup bag! And you can choose cold cream for your baby here.”

Price: 690 rub.

Xemose Face Cream, Uriage

Tested by BeautyHack special correspondent Daria Mironova

I have oily and slightly dehydrated skin. During cold weather, I often notice that in some areas of my face it begins to peel off. I usually try to use good exfoliators in tandem with light creams to avoid clogging my pores.

“Xemoz” from the pharmacy brand Uriage is very thick in consistency and practically odorless. I applied it in the morning after toner and pore-tightening serum. The moisturizing effect of the cream was enough for the whole day, and there was no feeling of discomfort. And most importantly, it didn’t clog my pores. At night, I added three drops of restorative booster to the cream for an additional nourishing effect. In my opinion, one of the advantages of the cream (besides good hydration and the fact that it does not clog pores) is that it has a simple composition. This product can be applied on top of any serum (both vitamin C and retinol), and it can also be mixed with any boosters, and all this will not cause a conflict of ingredients.

Price: 580 rub.

Cream care for dry skin protection Nutrilogie, Vichy

Tested by BeautyHack special correspondent Maria Alferova

The first cold weather played a cruel joke on me - I got sick, and the skin on my face became so tight that it hurt to smile. I needed to save myself urgently: at the pharmacy I grabbed not only cold medicine, but also moisturizer.

I trust pharmacy brands immensely, so I knew right away that I would like the cream. But I didn’t even expect such an effect - the tightness went away after the first use. After two days, the fever subsided and the skin became soft again. I didn’t throw the cream into the back drawer - I continue to use it, because the product perfectly helps protect the skin from the cold.

The composition enhances the synthesis of its own lipids, and does not moisturize in the “here and now” format. The list of ingredients includes the legendary thermal water (read why it's really great here), glycerin and apricot and jojoba oils - a claim to success and proof that the product actually works.

Price: 1,920 rub.

Face cream “Coconut oil. Recovery", Avon Care

Tested by BeautyHack editorial assistant Arina Zarudko

Light nourishing face cream from Avon Care with wheat germ was almost the first in a row of my day creams. For this reason, I tried a product from the same series with coconut oil without any fear.

Probably everyone knows the magical properties of this miracle oil, which not only deeply moisturizes the skin, but also takes care of a healthy complexion, evens out the tone and enriches the skin with vitamins. If you are the owner of oily or problem skin, do not be afraid of the threatening inscription on the jar “for dry and very dry skin,” because coconut oil stabilizes sebum production and prevents inflammatory processes.

For dry skin, all the benefits are obvious; coconut oil is an excellent nutritional source. The cream really instantly softens the skin without leaving any unpleasant sensations. The texture is incredibly delicate and light, so I use the product as a base for makeup; throughout the day it moisturizes the skin and protects it from flaking. The cream is absorbed quickly enough and is used sparingly, so you can extend this coconut pleasure for a long time.

Price: 190 rub.

Protective cream Derm Acte Anti-Pollution 365 UV Screen SPF 50, Academie

Tested by Beautyhack editor Yulia Kozoliy

Before trying the product, I studied the history of the French brand Academie. The company is 128 years old; in 1895, its creators already opened the first salon in Paris, and in the 20s of the 20th century, the first beauty massage sessions began there. Next - a century of development, the first patent (by the way, Academie were the first to add collagen to the composition of face cream) and what the brand has now - a huge series of face and body care, makeup products and techniques used in beauty salons around the world .

Derm Acte is an anti-age series, so the main components of all products are hyaluronic and glycolic acids and vitamins. For such a high SPF (50!) the cream has a very light, even runny texture. Due to this, it spreads easily and is immediately absorbed. Don’t let the anti-age label confuse you either - the age category of the cream is 25+. It's great to use in the summer (comfortable in the heat and high humidity), so I'll save it for the holidays over the New Year holidays. But even in our latitudes it is good: it moisturizes, replaces the base for foundation and protects the skin from city smog.

Price on request

Night anti-aging repair cream, Retinol

Tested by BeautyHack special correspondent Polina Kochetova

Products with retinol have long become the main weapon in the fight against skin imperfections and effectively improve its quality among the fair sex. Retinol is an American brand with a 30-year history, which is famous for its innovative formulas and effective action. It is loved by dermatologists and cosmetologists all over the world. And this is the only brand that, concentrating on skin care, contains retinol in every product: from cleansing to night care.

Retinol night cream not only perfectly nourishes the skin, removing flaking and making it healthy and silky, but also has an anti-aging effect: it eliminates both completely invisible and quite deep wrinkles. Thanks to this product, facial skin becomes firm and elastic. The cream is pleasant and easy to use: it is quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving a sticky or greasy feeling on the face. Vitamins A, C and E restore your skin's health while you sleep, so you don't have to worry about how you'll look in the morning. I boldly declare that the cream is ideal for those who want to preserve natural beauty and youth without resorting to salon treatments and injections.

Price: 2,500 rub.

Moisturizing fluid for face A, E, F, Dr. Stern

Tested by BeautyHack special correspondent Alexandra Kozlova

With the onset of cold weather, the fluid of Dr. Stern has become a daily assistant for me. For skin that is sensitive to temperature changes (like mine, for example), it is very difficult to choose a product that will not only become a moisturizing base for makeup, but will also combat dryness, irritation and other problems in a comprehensive manner.

D-panthenol in the composition copes with these tasks perfectly. The cream not only gives the desired matte finish, but also deeply nourishes, restoring water balance thanks to vitamin F. This does not create a mask effect: the skin seems to begin to breathe in a new way. Vitamin A increases elasticity, accelerates cell regeneration, and the squalane contained in the composition helps smooth out fine wrinkles.

Thanks to its watery texture and uniform application, it is used very economically. I use the fluid during my morning (before applying foundation) and evening care. Overnight it helps eliminate minor troubles such as redness and peeling.

There are no intrusive fragrances in this product. The barely perceptible pleasant herbal aroma gives a feeling of freshness and seems to instantly tone the skin. Suitable for any type: it will make oily and combination skin velvety, removing oily shine, and for dry and sensitive skin it will become an indispensable moisturizing assistant.

Price: 345 rub.

Seborrheic dermatitis. Causes

The main causes of this disease are:

1) genetic predisposition;

2) metabolic processes;

3) influence of the external environment.

In 1874, the French microbiologist L. Malassez first hypothesized that the causative agent of seborrheic dermatitis is the yeast-like lipophilic fungi Pityrosporum, which later received its name in honor of this scientist. Fungi of this species are concentrated in the middle and superficial parts of the stratum corneum, inside and between the horny scales, as well as in the hair follicles.

Until now, both names of the causative agents of the disease can be found in the literature: Pityrosporum and Malassezia. Currently, the role of the pathogen Pityrosporum in the pathogenesis of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp and dandruff has been confirmed by numerous clinical and laboratory studies.

These yeast-like lipophilic fungi are a permanent component of the healthy skin microflora in more than 90% of the population. Fungi concentrate around the sebaceous glands and use their secretions for growth and development. Pityrosporumovale (P. ovale) or according to another classification Malassezia furfur is more often found on the scalp, and Pityrosporumorbiculare on the skin of the trunk.

Main sources of peeling

Regardless of whether the victim is faced with the problem around the mouth or on the fingers, he will first need to make an appointment with a cosmetologist or even a dermatologist. Otherwise, local therapy, which simply includes a cream, some lotions with decoctions of medicinal herbs, will be ineffective.

This is explained by the fact that in many victims, dryness along with necrosis of the epidermis does not appear at all due to the influence of harmful detergents and cleaning products. They are carriers of the ichthyosis gene, which manifests itself in the child at an early age. Pathology of a dermatological nature is often mistaken for traditionally dry skin.

In fact, ichthyosis is inherited, representing severe peeling, which occurs an order of magnitude more intensely than in those who did not receive the problematic gene. In addition to the fact that in men and women the torso is covered with a layer similar to artificial snow, the affected areas also periodically itch unbearably.

With such symptoms, only an experienced doctor can help get rid of the disease. Otherwise, the situation that has been ignored for years will get out of control, turning the body gray and white. The top layer is covered with small scales, which have a different color palette: from pearlescent to distinctly pink. In this situation, not a single mask or ointment made “according to grandma’s recipe” will help.

Difficulties are added by the fact that such staining with spots progresses constantly, only the localization of the new focus of inflammation changes. As soon as the slightest negative impact is exerted on the irritated area, the inflammation mechanism starts again. Against this background, many victims simply do not know what to do and how to remove unattractive manifestations at home, because even ordinary soap can provoke an exacerbation.

No less often, other dermatological diseases are the culprits of the abundant separation of superficial cells:

  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • pityriasis rosea;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • dry erythema.

There are cases in medical practice when the skin near the eye, on the eyelids, elbows, nose, and palms is affected by a fungus that is diagnosed even in newborns. But adults are more often affected by the consequences of destabilization of chronic internal organs, possibly secondary syphilis.

The huge family of various dermatitis, which includes three main categories, deserves special attention:

  • atopic;
  • contact;
  • allergic.

All of these diseases result in the victim having to fight against excessive formation and subsequent accumulation of dead skin cells, which ends in traditional peeling.

If during the examination it turns out that the catalysts for deterioration of well-being are not cosmetics, but systemic ailments cause irritation, then therapy should be comprehensive. This means that you will first need to eliminate the lesion itself, and only then develop a treatment regimen for skin defects. Without detailed laboratory diagnostics, it is impossible to determine the treatment of the deviation.

Among the external influence factors, the most common culprits of peeling of the lips and other parts of the body are:

  • alcohol-based skin care products;
  • excessive passion for peeling;
  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, as well as overdoing it with a solarium;
  • shower gels and shampoos inappropriate for skin type.

In second place is vitamin deficiency, which is equally common in women, infants, and representatives of the stronger sex. Here, the root of the problem should be sought in an acute lack of vitamin A. In addition to the fact that the lack of such a vital element in sufficient quantities leads to peeling in the groin and chin, its deficiency often provokes dryness of the eye shell. In advanced cases, the clinical picture is supplemented by pustular rashes, especially in children with weakened immune systems.

According to some studies, a lack of vitamin B2 also negatively affects the appearance of the skin, especially visible on the forehead, near the wings of the nose, on the cheeks, in or near the ears. Additional markers are the acquired purple tint of the tongue, as well as small cracks in the corners of the mouth, which no oil softens.

No less often, abnormalities of this kind on the eyebrows, feet, and between the legs cause various hormonal disorders. Most often, the general condition is disrupted by an imbalance of female sex hormones or thyroid hormones. Taken together or individually, this leads to a significant decrease in natural elasticity, even if the victim initially had oily skin. The most striking example of such a disorder is hypothyroidism, a disease in which the level of production of thyroid hormones is significantly reduced.

The situation is even worse for women during menopause, when, along with dry feet, more wrinkles appear, as well as sagging skin, which is no longer masked by scrubs and creams.

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