How to use oil for age spots on the face, effective recipes

There can be several reasons for pigmentation. Which remedy should I choose to get rid of the problem? Ready-made cosmetics (masks, creams, serums) act quite aggressively. In contrast, oils for age spots on the face whiten the skin much more softly and are suitable even for sensitive types of epidermis.

You can read further in the article about which natural vegetable and essential oils are best to choose for age spots on the face, as well as effective recipes using them.

Common causes of pigmentation

A special pigment, melanin, determines how uniform the skin color can be. The appearance of spots of dark or light shades on the face and body will depend on the increase or decrease in its level. That is, most often skin problems arise due to the activity of melanin, which can change for a number of reasons:

  1. Due to hormonal changes (for example, while taking oral contraceptives or during pregnancy).
  2. Hereditary predisposition.
  3. As a result of post-acne, unsuccessful hair removal, burns, cosmetic procedures, peelings and other traumatic injuries to the skin.
  4. For diseases of internal organs that are chronic.
  5. Frequent and long periods of exposure to open sun.
  6. Due to poor diet (lack of folic acid), stress or as a sign of skin aging.

Regardless of the causes of hyperpigmentation, to get rid of the problem, it is better to use comprehensive measures: eat right, do not avoid physical activity, and regularly moisturize your facial skin in sufficient quantities.

Whitening facial oils are best used in the fall and winter months, avoid direct sunlight during treatment and use facial protection with SPF.

Whitening facial skin at home is a rather long process; depending on the size of the problem, treatment can last at least 2 months. Only after a full course of procedures will it be possible to say with confidence whether folk recipes helped or not. And even then, use heavy artillery in the cosmetologist’s office: acid peels, laser and phototherapy.

How to quickly whiten your face at home

For face whitening, natural ingredients are used that have the ability to suppress the manifestation of melanin and normalize the production of melanocytes. These are fermented milk products, clay mixtures, vegetable and berry masks, and some pharmaceutical products.

Effective Skin Whitening Products

The most effective whitening products:

  • Milk, kefir, yogurt
    . Completely natural, ideal for lightening the epidermis. In addition to fighting melanin, they help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminate oiliness;
  • White and blue clay
    . Such mineral compounds have an excellent cleansing function. As such, there is no whitening effect, but they even out the complexion and remove spot redness. Suitable for pale-faced girls with combination or problem skin;
  • Ascorbic acid
    . Often used in professional cosmetics to relieve irritation and lighten the skin. It is a safe analogue of kojic acid, which also actively whitens, but is highly toxic;
  • Bearberry
    . A herb from the Heather family, actively used in folk medicine to whiten the epidermis. Contains a rare natural component - arbutin, which is used in professional creams to combat pigmentation;
  • Hydrogen peroxide
    . Here the brightening effect is based on oxidation. Can eliminate minor redness almost instantly, but is not suitable for frequent use;
  • Ointments
    . In medicine, for the purpose of whitening, they often resort to the use of zinc and sulfur ointment. These drugs have a strong antiseptic function, due to which they eliminate foci of inflammation and reduce the rate of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. You shouldn’t expect bright porcelain skin after them, but you can achieve an even color and no acne.

Video: Quick face whitening

What basic and essential oils will help get rid of age spots on the face?

The list of safe oil preparations with anti-pigment effects is quite impressive. First, about base oils, these include: castor, camphor, linseed, sea buckthorn, coconut, almond and peach.

Essential oils for age spots on the face that have a strong lightening effect:

  • all citrus fruits (grapefruit, tangerine, lemon, orange, etc.);
  • esters of parsley, vanilla and rosewood.

List of antipigment esters:

  • mint;
  • oregano;
  • limitette;
  • turmeric (especially effective against age spots associated with problems with the liver and spleen);
  • black pepper;
  • blue chamomile;
  • rosemary;
  • patchouli;
  • palmarosa;
  • eucalyptus and sandalwood.

All of them are effective in combination, combining esters in mixtures with anti-pigment effects, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin of a particular person. Then the effect of aromatic oils will increase many times over.

By the way

Blue chamomile and eucalyptus esters are especially suitable for getting rid of age spots on sensitive facial skin, as they have the properties of neutralizing a possible reaction to other components of the mixture and soothing the skin.

You don’t need to buy all the essential drugs on the list; one or two are enough. And we must remember that only high-quality esters have a truly strong effect. Therefore, you need to make a purchase responsibly.

Review of whitening cosmetics

The table below presents a rating of popular cosmetics for skin lightening, as well as a description of its action.

NameComposition and application
Styx Naturcosmetic Alpin Derm Night CreamAlmost completely natural product. Consists of goat milk proteins, wheat extract and base oils. Contains coenzyme Q10. Helps even out colors and smooth out wrinkles.
Tony Moly Panda's Dream White Sleeping PackNight whitening mask from Tony Moly is the most famous Korean cosmetics for lightening. The active ingredients are vitamins and herbal extracts.
Himalaya Tan Removal Orange Peel-Off MaskThis mask is designed specifically to control melanin synthesis and reduce tanning. Consists of natural honey and orange peel extract.
Day face cream against freckles and age spots from VitexContains a proprietary active “smart” lightening formula. Suitable for any type of epidermis, characterized by a quick effect. Supplemented with wheat germ oil.
Lightening emulsion against age spots with SPF 20 Babe LaboratoriosAn organic combination of passion fruit concentrate, fruit and lactic acids and some other ingredients. The effect is noticeable the very next day after use.

Don't forget to apply sun protection before going outside. If the cream has SPF or more, then this is not necessary. In addition, combine special care products, additionally apply emulsions, serums and fluids to the epidermis.

Castor oil for face against age spots, recipes

Castor oil acquires whitening properties due to the content of oleic and recinoleic acids. The oil is perfectly absorbed and relieves inflammation, suitable for dry and age-related facial skin.

Castor oil for the face against age spots can be used in its pure form. It is better to apply the product as a compress to problem areas at night. Course: 3-4 weeks.


An allergy test must be performed first.

For sensitive epidermis, castor oil is best used as the main component of whitening face masks. Contraindications may include the presence of open wounds on the face and pregnancy.

  • Lemon mask

Lemon juice + castor oil (1:1).

Heat the oil product in a water bath, add citrus juice. Apply with a cotton swab to pigmented areas and leave for 10-30 minutes. The exposure time of the composition depends on the type of skin: for dry – 10, for oily – 30. Wash off with the usual gel or foam.

An additional bonus is the radiance of the skin and the reduction of dark circles under the eyes.

  • Mask with castor oil and sea buckthorn oil

Castor and sea buckthorn oils in equal parts.

Mix and apply to problem areas up to 3 times a day. Course: at least 2 months.

  • Mixture for pigment spots with soda

Castor oil + soda (just a little bit).

Mix and apply to pigmented areas before bed. At the end of the procedure, use a nourishing cream. Course: 3 months.

  • Mask with honey, iodine and Vaseline

Castor oil and honey (1 tablespoon each) + Vaseline (1 teaspoon) + Aevit (10 drops) + iodine (5 drops).

Heat the oil and honey a little in a water bath, add the remaining ingredients, mix thoroughly. Apply to problem areas, leave for half an hour, rinse with water and your usual cleanser. Store the mixture in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

On a note

In addition to whitening, the mask will help even out skin tone, cleanse the skin and get rid of fine wrinkles.

Lightening infusions and lotions

, a soft lotion with cucumber is ideal.

. To prepare it, add 5 to 10 cucumber slides and a few drops of lemon juice to a glass of mineral water. This composition does not contain preservatives and its shelf life is only a day. 250 ml is just enough for two times use. Rub your face with lotion morning and evening. During the day you can use it as a spray by pouring it into a container with a spray bottle.

Cucumber face lotion
, lotion with parsley is ideal

. To prepare it, you need to mix half a glass of finely chopped herbs, 100 grams of alcohol and about 50 grams of any suitable oil to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The tincture is placed in a cool, dark place for 14 days. It needs to be shaken periodically. After two weeks it is ready for use. Wipe your face with this solution morning and evening.

Some essential oils

also have a strong whitening effect. For example, a lotion with lavender, lemon and chamomile esters will help reduce age spots, wrinkles and inflammation. To prepare the product you need to take 300 ml of mineral water, 6 drops of chamomile and lavender and 10 citrus. Mix the solution thoroughly and leave to brew for 10 minutes. Shake the mixture lightly before use.

Oil face masks
soda, salt and any lightening infusion will help cleanse the epidermis of blackheads and pimples, whiten it and give it elasticity and smoothness.

(green or chamomile tea, herbal tea with bearberry, water after boiling bay leaves). For 200 ml of liquid, take no more than a spoon of each of the mineral components. Wash your face with this water twice a day before and after removing makeup.

Essential oils for age spots on the face

Cosmetologists advise using esters as an effective means of combating pigmentation, which helps relatively quickly and painlessly. In addition, aromatic oils make the skin more elastic and elastic, and increase tone.


Esters cannot be used in pure (undiluted) form, as this can lead to burns and severe irritation of the facial skin.

Essential oils are added literally drop by drop to base oils (almond, olive, etc.). Cosmetic clay or ready-made cream can also serve as the base for whitening mixtures. A faster effect when using oils for age spots on the face can be achieved by using several esters in combination with the base product.

Thus, the citrus group of esters (orange, lemon, grapefruit, etc.) is characterized as a source of natural antioxidant - vitamin C. They are effective against pigmentation, whiten, soothe the skin and fight rosacea.

Parsley oil for the face against age spots is an excellent antiseptic, whitens and disinfects the epidermis. Contraindicated in pregnancy and kidney disease.

Carrot oil , in addition to whitening, also has a rejuvenating effect, cleanses and fights age-related pigmentation.

Rosewood improves skin tone and stimulates the immune system, restores elasticity and helps get rid of spider veins.

Blue chamomile and eucalyptus esters soothe and regenerate the skin, and also enhance the brightening effect ; they can be added to any mixtures and anti-pigment masks.

Lemon oil for face against age spots

Citrus essential oil is characterized by whitening and rejuvenating properties and is excellent for oily epidermis. Here are some homemade whitening recipes:

  • Applications with lemon ether
  1. Honey (1 teaspoon) + lemon ether (3 drops). Mix, soak cotton pads or pieces of gauze in the mixture, and apply to problem areas for 20 minutes. Course: every day for 3 weeks.
  2. Citrus ether (7 drops) + hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon) + boiled water (1 tablespoon). Apply cotton pads soaked in the resulting mixture to the pigmented areas, hold for 5 minutes, remove and apply moisturizer to your face.
  • Whitening masks
  1. Oils: sea buckthorn (1 tbsp.) and lemon (2 drops). Add ether to the base and apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with milk. Course: 2 rubles/week.
  2. Oils: jojoba and lemon (6 drops each) + boiled mashed potatoes (1 tablespoon). Mix everything and apply to a cleansed face, rinse after 10 minutes with clean water.
  • Oil scrub

Oils: chamomile (4 drops), lemon (3 drops), wheat germ (7 drops) + a pinch of salt.

Combine all ingredients in one container, apply to age spots, massage. Course: 2 rubles/day until the spots disappear.

Whitening grapefruit oil for face

Lemon juice (1 teaspoon) + grapefruit and rosewood esters (2 drops each) + egg white (1 pc).

Beat the whites with a whisk or blender until foamy, and carefully add the remaining components of the mixture. Keep the mask on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Course: every other day for 3 weeks. In the recipe, instead of two types of esters, you can use only one - grapefruit, the effect will not change.

Tea tree oil for age spots on the face

Oils: tea tree (10 drops) and olive (30 ml).

Mix, apply to pigmented areas of the face and leave until completely dry. If the mixture burns, do not wait the prescribed time, but remove the mixture immediately with a clean paper towel. The best time for a mask is in the evening, before bed.

Pink ether for age spots on the face

It is obtained by distilling with steam rose hip petals. An excellent, gentle whitening product, suitable even for sensitive epidermis. After a sensitivity test, it is permissible to use it even in its pure form, locally in the form of compresses on age spots (in time - no longer than 10-15 minutes). And also as part of masks and oil mixtures with base oils. For dry types, it is useful to add 1-2 drops of oil to the facial massage cream.

  • Anti-pigmentation mask

Oils: olives (1 tablespoon) and roses (5 drops).

Combine and heat a little in a water bath. Lubricate problem areas and leave for 30 minutes. Course: daily until lasting improvement.

  • Oil tonic

Oils: tea tree (1 drop), lemon and rose (2 drops each) + apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon) + dried chamomile flowers (1 tablespoon) + water (1 glass).

Pour boiling water over chamomile, leave for 30 minutes and strain. Add everything else to the resulting broth and cool. Wipe pigmented areas with tonic 2 times a day. Store in glass in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 weeks.

Quick toner recipes for hyperpigmentation

Such tonics or lotions should be applied to pigmented areas for 20 minutes, then washed off with a napkin or tampon.

  1. Chamomile or grapefruit essential oil + apricot oil.
  2. Eucalyptus ether (10 drops) + liquid jojoba wax (1 tablespoon).
  3. Grape seed extract + lemon juice (1:1).

In addition, esters can be added to water for washing. You can also use them to enhance the effect of your usual cream (1-2 drops per single dose of cosmetic product).

Recipe for vitiligo

Oils: corn and sunflower (1 tablespoon each) and olive (2 tablespoons) + St. John's wort (1 tablespoon).

Mix and place the mixture in a cool, dark place for a month. Then strain the mixture through several layers of gauze and apply to damaged areas. Course: several months, regardless of the condition of the skin.

Properties of essential oils

Parsley oil has an antiseptic effect

Lemon and grapefruit essential oils effectively remove pigmentation, so they are often used when there is a need to whiten the skin. These products have a calming effect and also help get rid of spider veins.

Oil obtained from carrot seeds can rejuvenate and cleanse the skin. Whitening essence perfectly fights pigment spots that appear due to age.

Rosewood essential oil helps get rid of age spots and spider veins on the face. It restores the immune system, puts the body in order, and gives the skin elasticity.

Parsley is a natural antiseptic. The oil obtained from this plant whitens the skin and removes inflammation. But it should not be used during pregnancy or for kidney disease.

Tea tree essence does an excellent job of removing stains left by acne scars. Stimulates the secretion of sebum.

Essential oil extracted from sandalwood moisturizes and softens the skin. It is used to lighten and remove age spots. This anti-aging product keeps skin healthy and youthful longer.

Precautionary measures

  1. Ether cannot be used undiluted (with rare exceptions and only spot-on).
  2. A sensitivity test is required before using an essential or herbal product for the first time.
  3. Sessions using lemon, bergamot or orange esters are best done before bed.
  4. It is advisable to whiten age spots during periods when the sun is inactive: in autumn and winter, most esters make the skin more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. Exceptions: esters of parsley, ylang-ylang, vanilla.
  5. During treatment, you need to use protective cosmetics with SPF.
  6. The whitening course usually lasts 21 days, followed by a break of 1-2 months.

Direct contraindications to the use of essential products:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  2. Personal intolerance to the components of essential products.
  3. Hormonal imbalances.
  4. Children's age (only after consultation with a pediatrician).
  5. Skin diseases in the active phase.
  6. Use caution in case of vascular and heart diseases, blood pressure problems and bronchial asthma.
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