Removing warts with Cryopharma at home

Along with radical methods of getting rid of warts , such as laser removal, cryodestruction, surgery, electrocoagulation and other options, there are medications and folk recipes. One of the effective means is Cryopharma .

Features of application

The essence of the effect of Cryopharm is due to freezing to -57 degrees Celsius. As a result, the internal cells of the growth crystallize and lose their pathogenic functions. Due to low temperature exposure, papilloma loses nutrition from blood vessels, which contributes to death.

In most cases, it is enough to treat the growth just once and it will completely disappear within 7-15 days. But if the papillomas are medium or large, a repeat procedure may be required. It should be carried out after a two-week break after the first application of the product.

The instructions for using the product itself are as follows.

  1. Remove the drug from the package. Be sure to make sure when purchasing that the kit includes 12 applicators.
  2. Place one of the applicators onto the bottle. Please note that the applicators are disposable. The same applicator cannot be reused.
  3. Press down on the holder until it starts to hiss. This indicates that the applicator is filled with the substance and is ready for use.
  4. Apply the desired side of the applicator to the treated area of ​​skin where the growth is located.
  5. Hold the applicator as directed for a few seconds.
  6. When you finish treatment, you will most likely experience a slight burning sensation. The skin around the growth may also turn pale. This is a normal phenomenon, so there is no need to worry.
  7. Over the next few hours after treating the papilloma, a bubble will appear, as if after a burn. It goes away within a day, and after a couple of weeks it disappears completely.
  8. In some cases, when large papillomas have been removed, complete restoration of the skin can take up to 6 months.

How long to hold the applicator

We noted that the applicator should be held on the skin for a few seconds during treatment

In fact, it is important to strictly adhere to the time frame. This will completely neutralize the growth, as well as prevent an overdose.

The duration of the procedure directly depends on the size of the growth:

  • If the growth is 5 millimeters or more in size, you should hold it for about 20 seconds,
  • For papilloma sizes up to 5 millimeters, the procedure lasts 15 seconds.
  • If you need to remove a growth whose size does not exceed 2.5 millimeters, hold the applicator for 10 seconds,
  • Old, flat and plantar papillomas take the longest to process - approximately 40 seconds.


As you can see, the product is quite effective, and therefore in demand. But you should not purchase the drug Cryopharm at the first opportunity. The fact is that the product has certain contraindications. If you belong to this group of people, then you are not recommended to use Cryopharm.

Contraindications include:

The product for freezing papillomas should not be used by persons under 4 years of age. The drug is not recommended for pregnant women and mothers during breastfeeding. Regarding the possibility of using Cryopharma, you should consult with a specialist if you have infectious skin diseases. Cryopharma should not be used to treat skin with damage - scratches, wounds or bruises, Cryopharma is not intended for mucous membranes, the fight against papillomas in intimate places, Cryopharma cannot be used to remove growths from delicate skin - lips, chest, face, neck and armpits, Cryopharma is prohibited from treating moles and birthmarks, With caution The drug should be used by people who suffer from diabetes or hemophilia. In these cases, there is a risk that the wounds will not heal..

Care after freezing

When you have frozen a papilloma, you must follow some rules regarding skin care. This will prevent the growth from leaving behind scars, and will also prevent possible negative consequences.

  1. Do not apply cosmetics to the skin treatment area. This is especially true for products that contain alcohol.
  2. Do not tear off the crusts until they fall off on their own. Otherwise, you risk introducing infections into the body and leading to scarring.
  3. It is best to cover the treated area with a bandage. This way, dirt and various infections will not penetrate there.

As you can see, there are pros and cons regarding the drug Cryopharm. Therefore, before starting treatment at home, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

Side effects

As with other types of interventions, when using this drug it is necessary to take into account the fact that side effects may occur. For example, a white ring may appear around the site of exposure. It is important to carefully follow the instructions presented on the packaging of the product or in the leaflet included in it. Due to excessively prolonged exposure, the upper layers of the epidermis may be damaged, as a result, scars will appear here, and nerve endings will be damaged.

If the aerosol also affects healthy skin, the tissue surrounding the wart will also be damaged. For this reason, the accuracy of the impact and the correct diagnosis are important. It is necessary to accurately calculate the time required for exposure. It is never less than 10 or more than 40 seconds.

Pregnant women should not use Cryopharma for warts. If there are circulatory problems in the body, you should also refrain from using the drug. If there is swelling or redness on the skin near the warts, it is recommended to first get rid of such negative phenomena. Before using the product, it is important to carefully examine your skin. And if formations of an unknown nature are found on it, you should not use the aerosol.

The shelf life of the drug is 2.5 years. As a rule, expiration dates are indicated on the packaging.

When storing the drug, it is important to follow the requirements indicated on its packaging. For example, you should not store the product close to fire or heat. The packaging must not be exposed to direct sunlight. It is prohibited to set fire to or puncture the can. It is important to leave it where children cannot reach it.

Cost of the drug

Unlike various expensive procedures that are used in medical practice to treat papillomas, the cost of Cryopharm is accessible and acceptable to everyone. How much does the product cost? Quite a bit, it all depends on the region that sells it; on average, the price of the drug is 500 rubles. and higher.

For that kind of money, you can easily remove a small tumor from the skin with just one application of the product. If you go to a clinic, such a procedure will cost you several times more. Therefore, when deciding to remove papillomas, think that you would benefit from the savings or the speed of the procedure, even if it costs a lot of money, but with the same result.

Cryopharma for papillomas: method of application

Before use, you should carefully and thoroughly study the instructions and strictly follow them.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • First, you should select the applicator so that its diameter exactly matches the diameter of the growth. Otherwise, the edges must be trimmed to fit so as not to damage the healthy tissue around,
  • Place the applicator on the bottle and press on it for no more than 3 seconds. This is the time it takes for it to be completely saturated with the product and cool to the desired temperature.
  • then the applicator is applied to the papilloma and held there depending on its size. The contact time must strictly comply with the instructions. It ranges from 10 to 20 seconds, but no more. Otherwise, you can cause damage and necrosis of the skin.

Don't worry if you experience a slight burning or tingling sensation when using a refrigerant-soaked applicator. This is the body's natural reaction to freezing.

The applicator is a disposable device and should be thrown away after use.

Precautionary measures:

  • The blister that forms at the very beginning should never be touched with your hands so that it does not burst. It is best to cover the treatment area with a plaster,
  • After a few weeks, the blister will burst on its own, and a crust will form on the market, which cannot be picked off on its own. This may result in you getting an infection or leaving a scar from the procedure.
  • For several more months, the treatment area should be protected, especially from direct sunlight. In summer, the wound can be treated with sunscreen.

If the instructions are followed exactly, no side effects will occur. The treatment time should not exceed 20 seconds for the largest growth.

You should be careful and try not to touch the tissue surrounding the papilloma. Otherwise, a mark will remain on them in the form of a white stripe from the action of the refrigerant.

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2019 Papillomas and their treatment

  • Papillomas
  • Warts
  • Removal
  • Types and places of papillomas In intimate places
  • In pregnant women
  • In children
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  • What determines the duration of exposure?

    There are many types of warts. The most common are five types. Only a doctor can determine what type of wart a patient is dealing with. This must be done, since it is taking into account the type of warts that the duration of the required cooling with the Cryopharma aerosol is calculated.

    The easiest ones to remove are ordinary papillomas. They require minimal exposure time to the Cryopharma aerosol—sometimes 10 seconds of spraying is enough. These neoplasms are gray in color, they are dense, their diameter does not exceed 1 cm. They usually appear on the hands. As a rule, papillomas disappear on their own and even without special treatment, just wait a couple of years.

    Plantar warts resemble calluses; they can cause pain to the patient, are somewhat more difficult to remove, and sometimes cause the patient to lose their ability to work. They occur due to wearing excessively tight shoes and increased sweating in the feet. At first a small plaque appears, but over time it becomes horny. And in order to get rid of it with the help of Cryopharm, you need to devote more than 1 session to this. Due to constant friction, there is a risk that the plantar wart will reoccur.

    A flat variety is often found. Otherwise, it is also called youthful. It is also quite easy to remove. More often children or teenagers encounter it. Externally, a flat wart resembles a small lump. It is located on the back of the hand. Usually its occurrence is associated with injury to the epidermis. Genital condyloma is usually found on the genitals. Colors range from the lightest to hot pink. Condyloma appears after the body becomes infected with the papilloma virus. After removing such a wart with Cryopharma, you need to consult a doctor to eliminate the cause of the disease.

    Who is not recommended to use the aerosol

    It is not recommended to use the product during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    It is not recommended to use the product during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The use of Cryopharma for warts is contraindicated for children under four years of age, as well as for people with hematopoietic disorders, diabetes mellitus, as well as inflammatory processes and violations of the integrity of the dermis.

    Do not treat growths localized in areas with very thin and sensitive dermis. If there are doubts about the nature and benignity of the growth, it is preferable to use the drug after consulting a specialist.

    Further prevention

    Using Cryopharma, it is necessary to maintain the optimal state of the body so as not to suffer from warts again. To do this, you need to take into account that the virus is transmitted in cases where there are even minor injuries in the groin area. If condyloma is not removed in a timely manner, it will grow, causing many other diseases associated with the human reproductive system. Sometimes it degenerates into a malignant neoplasm. Senile warts are also called “keratoma”. They appear due to age-related changes. The nature of this type of disease is not viral. They appear as small gray plaques. The form of such neoplasms can be very different.

    Side effects and contraindications

    The patient’s body can respond in the form of reactions such as:

    • Deep tissue damage
    • After using the product, scars may remain on the skin.

    If you overexpose the applicator, a burn may appear on the surface.

    In addition, this drug is not recommended for use:

    • In pregnant women and nursing mothers,
    • For children under 4 years of age,
    • To remove papillomas in the neck, groin, eyelids, lips,
    • To remove genital warts,
    • People diagnosed with diabetes mellitus
    • To remove moles and age spots,
    • For inflammation of the skin.

    You should talk to your doctor before starting treatment.

    Analogues of Cryopharma for its effect on warts

    At the pharmacy you can buy analogues of Cryopharma; these are products of domestic and foreign production.

    • Solcoderm , a drug based on acids and copper nitrate.
    • Feresol , a cauterizing and bactericidal agent.
    • Maxivart , intended for the reduction of warts by freezing, the active cryocomponent is dimethyl ether.
    • Duofilm , a product based on lactic and salicylic acid.
    • Vartox , a Russian drug based on urea and glycyrrhizic acid.
    • Papillylux , a biogenic concentrate based on herbal extracts that have a burning effect.
    • Papillectum , active ingredients: citric, acetic acids, celandine extract, potassium iodide.

    CryoPharma for warts

    14 July 2013

    According to scientific data, approximately every tenth person has warts. Warts most often appear on the hands and feet, and although they do not pose a health risk, they are highly contagious and treatment should be started immediately if a wart appears to prevent the infection from spreading. CryoPharma is a product that freezes the wart to the very base, after which it disappears after 10-14 days. This remedy works in the same way that your doctor might use, but now you can treat it yourself at home. This method is fast, effective and easy to use.

    The CryoPharma system represents the latest innovation in the fight against warts. Now, with its help, you have the opportunity to treat warts at home by “freezing”, a method similar to that used by a doctor.

    CryoPharma is a cryotherapy treatment that kills the virus and removes warts by freezing them. Doctors use the same type of therapy when removing warts. Doctors use liquid nitrogen as a refrigerant, which operates at a temperature of -196°C

    Thanks to the CryoPharma system, which uses an alternative refrigerant consisting of a mixture of dimethyl ether and propane (DMEP), widely used as environmentally friendly propellants, cryotherapy has become available for independent use. This mixture successfully freezes warts at -57°C.

    A scientific study was conducted comparing the effectiveness of liquid nitrogen and DMEP when used as wart removers. No differences were found between the two techniques in terms of efficacy, tolerability and safety.

    With the help of the “CryoPharma” system, you can effectively, easily and quickly remove common and plantar warts without outside help and at any time convenient for you, using a reliable freezing method.

    The CryoPharma system is capable of freezing a wart to its very base in one treatment session; after 10-14 days, the frozen wart spontaneously disappears. By this time, new healthy skin has formed under the surface of the wart.

    A wart is a harmless growth on the skin. Warts most often appear on the arms (hands) and feet, but they can appear on any part of the body. As a rule, warts look a little like cauliflower in shape. About 50% of warts disappear on their own within two years and do not require any treatment. However, warts are highly contagious and to prevent the spread of infection, treatment should be started immediately and direct skin contact with other warts should be avoided

    Warts often recur, and this usually happens if you do not take these precautions.

    Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus causes accelerated proliferation of skin cells, which leads to the appearance of peculiar growths on it.

    There are more than 70 different subtypes of HPV that can cause warts. Different types of viruses usually cause warts on different parts of the body. The virus is spread by direct skin-to-skin contact or by touching wet surfaces (such as the floors of swimming pools or locker rooms) where the virus may have been transferred from the skin of a person with warts.

    After initial contact, the HPV virus can remain in the skin cells in an inactive state without causing warts. This means that many people may be carrying the virus without knowing it. It may take several months for the wart to fully form.

    Warts usually appear when HPV infection occurs in people with damaged skin and when the skin is exposed to excess moisture, such as when the feet sweat a lot. Skin damage such as scrapes, cuts, cracks and eczema are factors that predispose to the appearance of warts.

    Mechanism of occurrence and treatment

    There are many reasons for the appearance of warts. As a rule, their appearance is provoked by the papilloma virus. It enters the body through small injuries to the skin. Already three hours after a person comes into contact with its carrier, the first symptoms appear. Infection can occur in any public place, through a kiss or handshake. There are known cases when the virus entered the body if a healthy person held onto the handrail in public transport.

    But not every person who comes into contact with a carrier of the virus will become infected from it. Infection usually requires reduced immunity and a severe stressful situation. The incubation period of the disease lasts up to several years.

    Having discovered warts on the patient’s body, doctors prescribe vitamin complexes along with traditional treatment to support the weakened body. Most often, surgical or laser removal of warts is indicated. But with the invention of modern drugs like Cryopharma for warts, it has become possible to get rid of the disease at home. And it will be no less effective than traditional methods. And yet, in difficult cases, for example, when there are several warts, they merge into one large one, surgical treatment is recommended. After it, as a rule, scars remain.

    Types of warts

    The two types of warts that dermatologists most often treat are common warts and plantar warts. Common warts usually appear on the fingers, back of the hands, arms, and legs. Plantar warts usually appear on the soles of the feet.

    • Common warts
    • Plantar warts
    • Juvenile warts
    • Flat warts
    • Filiform warts
    • Genital warts
    • Mosaic warts

    Mode of application

    How to use the drug so as not to damage healthy skin? Removal of Cryopharm papillomas is carried out strictly according to the scheme specified in the instructions:

    • Having pulled the bottle out of the package, select the desired size of the holder with the applicator, according to the size of the formation (its surface),
    • put the holder with the applicator on the bottle (if the required size is not available and the papilloma is small, trim the edges of the applicator so that the freezing agent does not inadvertently get on healthy skin),
    • saturate the applicator with the refrigerant from the can; to do this, press the can and hold for about 5 seconds,
    • gently press the applicator, cooled to -57 degrees, onto the formation and hold it in this position for some time (the duration depends on the size of the papilloma),
    • If you feel a tingling or burning sensation at the site of use of the product, do not worry, this is your body’s natural reaction to tissue freezing.

    More detailed use of the refrigerant canister is indicated in the instructions, where you can find out the exact time the applicator is held on the papilloma.

    How does it work

    The drug works according to a fairly simple principle. By pressing the aerosol onto the growth, it ensures deep freezing of the wart, right down to its roots. For this reason, a person most often feels a burning sensation. As soon as the applicator is removed, the skin will return to normal - initially turning white, it subsequently becomes normal again.

    Once the freeze is weakened, the surface of the skin may turn red. A couple of days after freezing, a blister may appear under the new growth. It will be difficult to notice with the naked eye.

    The skin at the site of exposure begins to fall off after about two weeks. During this time, new skin forms in the place where the blister grew. In cases where the tumor has not disappeared two weeks after exposure, therapy can be repeated without risk to health.

    Taking Precautions

    Before using the product, be sure to consult your doctor. If the product gets on healthy skin, wash it with water.

    1. If the drug gets into your eyes, be sure to contact an ophthalmologist.
    2. Do not wrap the treated area with a bandage, seal it with a plaster, or clean it of the crust that forms after the product dries.
    3. The treated area should not come into contact with synthetic materials.
    4. It is not recommended to use the product on skin located in folds, for example, the groin area, anal area and spaces between the fingers.
    5. Burns can occur if you use the products in areas that are subject to heavy sweating.
    6. Do not use the product before the time recommended by the doctor. This applies to re-application of the product.

    It is advisable that the treated areas dry naturally in the air. During the day, it is forbidden to wet the skin or apply ointments or other products to it.


    There are many reviews of “Cryopharm” for removing warts on the World Wide Web. For example, people note that only after trying many means of combating neoplasms did they decide to resort to this drug. Many are afraid that the impact will be painful. However, it is not. As indicated in the reviews, “Cryopharma” helps against warts effectively and quite quickly. After just two weeks they fell off.

    One aerosol helps get rid of several warts at once. As a rule, a single use was enough to forget about the problem of skin growths.

    First meeting

    Photo of cryopharma for papillomas

    Many of you know that for the treatment, or rather the removal of papillomas, the cryodestruction method is often used. That is, the growth is frozen using liquid nitrogen in a clinical setting, after which the wart gradually dies and falls off.

    A similar method, only available for implementation at home, was proposed by the developers of the drug Cryopharma.

    How to use

    Freeze the wart remedy “Cryopharma” starting from the base of the formation. At this moment the patient feels a burning sensation. It is likely that the area on the skin will turn white. After 14 days from the date of the procedure, the tumors fall off on their own. And if Cryopharm affects plantar warts, several sessions will be required.

    Effect of the drug

    Cryopharma is a leader among wart removal products in terms of ease of use and effectiveness. The drug was developed by Omega Technology (Ireland). The composition of the drug is a mixture of propane and dimethyl ether. When mixed, these substances form low temperatures that can have a destructive effect on growths, destroying them.


    The drug has undergone a series of clinical studies, which have shown that its effect is not inferior in effectiveness to cryodestruction. It can be successfully used at home.

    The drug is available in aerosol form with a holder and 12 replaceable applicators, each of which is used once to remove one wart. Bottle volume – 35 ml. The product is available in two forms:

    • to remove common warts,
    • for removing plantar growths.

    The second drug has a stronger effect and is intended to destroy complex and old formations on the soles of the feet.

    Cryopharma successfully copes with viral warts of various types. This is, first of all:

    • common warts on the skin of the hands, feet, and some other parts of the body,
    • juvenile (flat) warts.

    How does it work?

    The mechanism of action is similar to cryodestruction performed in a medical office. Using the shock freezing method (down to -57°C), you can get rid of one to twelve warts at home. Freezing affects the cells of the growth, cutting off its blood supply and leading to death.

    Only a specialist can determine the benign quality of the growth and make prescriptions regarding the method of removing the growth and the possibility of using Cryopharm.

    The cryodestruction method, used in a dermatologist’s office or at home, has a number of features:

    • targeted targeted impact on the wart,
    • simplicity and accessibility of the method,
    • no scars or scars after use,
    • relatively short recovery period after the procedure.

    Disadvantages and contraindications

    The disadvantages of cryodestruction include the inability to control the depth of penetration of the freezing substance, which must reach the root of the wart and kill the virus. In some cases, repeated procedures may be possible.

    The main contraindications are:

    • pregnancy and lactation,
    • children under four years of age,
    • diabetes,
    • infectious skin diseases,
    • violation of the integrity of the skin.

    In addition, the use of Cryopharm for warts on delicate areas of the skin (neck, armpits, chest), mucous membranes (lips, eyelids), and intimate places is not recommended.

    Before use, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist who will distinguish a viral wart from other skin formations and exclude its malignant form.

    Use this remedy with caution in the presence of infectious and complicated chronic diseases, immunodeficiency states, hemophilia, high blood pressure

    Description and composition of the drug "Cryopharma"

    Pictured is Cryopharm for papillomas and warts

    Cryopharma is a means for external treatment used to remove growths resulting from infection of the body with HPV. It is used both in medical centers and beauty salons, and at home.

    Cryopharma fights the following epidermal defects:

    • Common (vulgar) warts;
    • Flat warts;
    • Spikes;
    • Papillomas (read what is the difference between a wart and a papilloma).

    The drug consists of only two components. However, only one of them has a therapeutic effect. The second is used to displace the first from the cylinder, which is under high pressure.

    The composition of the drug "Cryopharma" includes the following components:

    • Propane . An organic compound related to alkanes. It is a component of natural gas. It is synthesized from the cracking of petroleum products, during the separation of associated petroleum gas, as a by-product of chemical reactions. This gas is odorless, explosive and easily causes fire. It is low-toxic, but can have a harmful effect on the nervous system, as it can cause mild narcotic intoxication. The therapeutic effect of Cryopharm is based on this component.
    • Dimethyl ether . This is a gas classified as an ether. It is colorless, chemically inert, but has a sharp, specific odor. Synthesized from natural gas, coal, biomass. It is this substance that is used in the preparation as a substance due to which excess pressure is achieved, displacing propane from the aerosol can.

    Available in aerosol bottles, equipped with special applicators that facilitate the use of the drug, in the amount of 12 pieces and one reusable holder for applicators. The volume of the product is 35 ml.

    The price of Cryopharm is from 804 rubles in Russia (from 798 hryvnia in Ukraine).

    There are no analogues of the drug Cryopharma.

    What is CryoPharma

    This new generation product has become a real breakthrough in the field of dermatology. It acts similarly to the cryodestruction method, that is, it removes plaques and nodes directly from the root, without having a negative effect on the surrounding healthy tissue. In just one application, it is possible to eliminate several nearby tumors at once:

    • papillomas,
    • warts,
    • calluses,
    • condyloma,
    • moles.

    The freezing concentrate not only cleanses the body and face, but also kills the viral flora in the epidermis, preventing relapses of skin pathology. It helps restore the immune defense of the dermis and prevents the appearance of scar tissue and hyperpigmentation.

    What are warts?

    Warts are skin diseases, the symptoms of which are small tumor-like formations of a non-inflammatory nature

    Warts are skin diseases, the symptoms of which are small tumor-like formations of a non-inflammatory nature.

    These small skin growths are benign. Most often their size is several mm, but larger ones are also found. Warts can appear in a variety of places, including on the face and hands. Warts look extremely unsightly, so all women try to get rid of them.


    It is contraindicated to use the drug Cryopharma in children under 4 years of age, in pregnant women and breastfeeding, in patients with diabetes mellitus

    It is contraindicated to use the drug Cryopharma in children under 4 years of age, in pregnant women and while breastfeeding, in patients with diabetes mellitus, otherwise, due to possible disruption of tissue healing processes, the area of ​​the affected skin treated with the product may not recover quickly and completely. Persons with symptoms of circulatory disorders should consult a doctor before using CryoPharma.

    Do not use on areas with delicate and sensitive skin, such as the face, neck, axillary area, chest, buttock area, genital area. Do not use if there are skin irritations in the affected area, dermatological diseases accompanied by redness of the skin, or other signs of inflammation, such as itching and swelling. Do not apply to birthmarks, dark moles, pigmented areas of skin, or to areas of skin with areas of hair growth or skin lesions of unusual appearance and unknown origin.

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