Klenzit-C microspheres

Klenzit C for acne: composition

Klenzit C owes its effectiveness to adapalene and clindamycin. Acting comprehensively, they fight the cause of acne formation and help the skin recover after a long inflammatory process.

Clindamycin is an antibacterial agent, a member of the lincosamide group. Its wide spectrum of action prevents the synthesis of microbial protein, which brings about its inevitable death. After applying the substance to the skin, clindamycin phosphate is hydrolyzed in the sebaceous glands in a short period of time and actively fights microorganisms that form acne.

Adapalene is a derivative of vitamin A. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It affects comedones of varying degrees of maturity and normalizes keratinization processes. Studies have shown that retinoic acid nuclear receptors are bound by adapalene, which explains the mechanism of action of the active substance. Adapalene restores the normal course of differentiation processes of follicular epithelial cells, reducing the number of micro comedones formed, and also suppresses the formation of inflammatory reactions.

Composition and description of the dosage form

Klenzit C is a special antibacterial drug whose action is aimed at eliminating acne on the skin surface. Unlike many similar drugs, the drug has a gentle effect on the epidermis and does not destroy cells.

The drug is produced in the form of a gel containing an antibiotic, due to which there is a therapeutic effect on the skin.

Clenzit C contains the following components:

  • Adapalene;
  • Clindamycin;
  • Propylene glycol;
  • Methyl benzoate;
  • Carbopol;
  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Purified water.

The medicinal substance has the form of a gel and is available in tubes of 15 and 30 mg.


The substance adapalene effectively eliminates a large number of problems with the skin surface, including acne and pimples.

The substance has a positive effect on the epidermis and is aimed at performing the following tasks:

  • Prevents the appearance of comedones on the skin - the active substance does not allow clogging of pores and prevents the formation of sebaceous plugs inside the pores;
  • Normalizes the secretion of sebum - due to which the skin does not become dirty and the development of harmful bacteria that cause acne is reduced;
  • Reduces skin aging - the effect of the component is aimed at eliminating free radicals, thereby reducing skin dryness;
  • Inflammation is reduced - the medicinal substance reduces the inflammatory process and blocks the further development of bacteria.

The substance adapalene, which is included in Klenzit C, is a synthetic analogue of vitamin A, which allows it to quickly penetrate the epidermis and cope with the occurrence of problems in the initial stages of development.

Therefore, it is an effective remedy for eliminating pimples and acne on the skin.


The drug substance Clindamycin is an antibiotic with anti-inflammatory properties, and reduces the level of flora that is suitable for the development of bacteria that can form acne and pimples.

The action of the medicinal substance is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • Helps eliminate bacteria that arise inside the pores, due to which the pores are cleaned.
  • Eliminates inflammatory formations;
  • In case of purulent formations, it dries out and removes the accumulation of fat that is present in the pore;
  • Reduces the appearance of acne spots;
  • Promotes the natural process of restoration of damaged epidermal cells;
  • Helps start the process of resolving internal acne.

Clindamycin is not addictive to the skin, but in some cases side effects may occur.

With an increased dosage of the substance, a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment and an overdose may be observed.

Klenzit C: indications

The drug is prescribed for acne, which most often appears on the face of adolescents. Mainly during puberty, young people and girls begin to change their hormonal levels, and with it the functioning of all body systems. The sebaceous glands, especially on the face, work excessively during this period. If the pores become clogged during the day and there is no daily toilet of the skin, the accumulated sebum under the crusty plugs becomes an excellent breeding ground for the proliferation of bacteria. This is used by the microorganisms Propionibacterium acnes. They begin to actively multiply, thereby provoking the formation of foci of inflammation.

The presence of pus in a rash is always an indicator of the presence of bacteria, since pus is formed as a result of the appearance of microbial waste products. A rash with purulent contents on the face is a direct indication for contacting a specialist who will prescribe Klenzit C.

Compatibility with other drugs

  • When using Klenzit S, you should not use other types of antibiotics that have similar effects on the body;
  • It is prohibited to use the gel in combination with other medications that are classified as retinoids;
  • The use of additional products that have a drying effect is not recommended;
  • It is prohibited to use the gel for the treatment of acne in combination with drugs containing erythromycin, lincomycin.

When used in combination with other types of medicines, a doctor's prescription is required; you should not use the medicines on your own.

Clenzit C: instructions

The gel is used exclusively externally. Before application, it is necessary to rinse the skin, removing all visible contaminants, after which the surface should be dried. The product is applied with careful movements without damaging the inflamed areas. It is recommended to use the gel once a day, before bed.

It is important to avoid contact with eyes and lips, as the product is not intended for use on mucous membranes.

The effect does not become noticeable immediately. It will take at least 1 week before the appearance of the skin begins to improve. In some situations, the expected effect may occur after 4 weeks. A long recovery period is associated with the maturation period of acne. The destruction of bacteria is accompanied by the accumulation of purulent contents, which intensifies after the death of the microorganism.

Sustained remission is observed after 3 months. If symptoms return, you can repeat the course, but only after consultation with a specialist. You should not increase the dosage and amount of applied gel in order to speed up the onset of recovery, as this does not provide the expected effect, but only increases the risk of developing adverse reactions.

Who do we recommend Klenzit gel to?

This section is written based on international protocols for the treatment of acne and pimples, which are described in detail in the most famous textbook on dermatology, Fitzpatrick's Dermatology.

  • If you have acne – in this case, you will only have non-inflammatory elements (white or blackheads) on your facial skin. In this case, only monotherapy with Klenzit will be enough for you, but in addition, cleansers with salicylic acid or alpha hydroxy acids (24stoma.ru) will not hurt. The only thing we still want to warn you about is the side effects.
    The fact is that in patients with dry and/or sensitive skin, topical retinoids in the form of gels can highly likely lead to skin irritation (even more dryness, redness, itching or burning). Therefore, in these types of patients it is better to use adapalene cream rather than a gel. Clenzit is not available in cream form, so we can recommend either Differin cream or Adaklin cream, which also contain adapalene.

    → International acne treatment protocol

  • If you have acne (papules and/or pustules) - in this case we will need combination therapy, which will differ depending on the predominance of papules or pustules. If you have mostly papules without pus, then we prescribe Klenzit gel once a day (in the evening before bed) + Baziron AS containing benzoyl peroxide once a day (in the morning). Benzoyl peroxide is an antimicrobial component.
    But if you have papules with pus, then the situation changes, and in this case we will definitely need an antibiotic in the treatment regimen. For papulopustular acne of mild to moderate severity, antibiotics are prescribed externally. And in this case, it would be better to prescribe not Klenzit, but the drug Klenzit-S (it contains adapalene 0.1% and the antibiotic clindamycin 1%) - we prescribe it once a day in the evening before bed. Plus, in the morning we again prescribe Baziron AS with benzoyl peroxide to the patient.

    If we have a severe form of acne, then in this case antibiotics are prescribed only orally. In this case, in addition to antibiotics (read about them at the link below), we will prescribe Clenzit gel once a day in the evening before bed, and in the morning we will again prescribe Baziron AS with benzoyl peroxide.

    → International acne treatment protocol

How to apply the drug correctly. What course of treatment?

Clenzit can only be applied externally, avoiding lips, eyes and mucous membranes. This is done only once a day (before bedtime). It is important that before applying the product you cleanse your skin with a mild cleanser and dry it well, because... Application to wet skin will immediately lead to irritation. The drug is applied in a thin layer to areas of the face affected by acne and pimples. The drug is quite economical, and one 30 g tube will last you a long time.

When you see the result, patients with oily skin will notice almost on the second day that their skin has become much less oily. As for acne, the first visible result will be noticeable no earlier than 4 weeks from the start of therapy. A satisfactory result should be expected no earlier than after 8 weeks. A good lasting result is the field of completing the full course, which should last at least 3 months.

If you have acne, then we have already said that combination therapy is needed. If you use only Clenzit alone, the improvement of your acne will occur slowly (see the time frame for acne). But with combination therapy, for example, “Klensit + benzoyl peroxide” or “Klensit + benzoyl peroxide + antibiotic”, we will see the first results within 10-14 days.

Possible adverse reactions from Clenzit C

The following list of reactions may occur on the skin:

  • dryness and flaking;
  • burning at the site of application;
  • dermatitis;
  • swelling of the epidermis;
  • hives.

An allergic reaction often manifests itself in the organ of vision in the form of swelling of the eyelids, itching, erythema and a burning sensation. In addition, reactions from the digestive system may occur in the form of abdominal pain, diarrhea or vomiting. If any side effect occurs, treatment is stopped or the dose is adjusted downwards.

Reception features

Treatment with Klenzit C gel is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age, as well as to expectant and nursing mothers. During the first few days of using the gel, acne may worsen. This is not a manifestation of adverse reactions. The abundant formation of pus is explained by the death of bacteria and the ripening of acne, without which it is impossible to achieve cleansing of the skin.

Clenzit C increases the skin's surface sensitivity to sunlight. In this regard, experts do not recommend being in the open sun during the period of gel treatment. It should also be borne in mind that negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract do not always occur during use of the drug. Sometimes the first pain, nausea or diarrhea occurs 21 days after stopping treatment. If diarrhea is associated with treatment with Klenzit C, it is unacceptable to use drugs that stop intestinal motility to stop it.

The simultaneous use of systemic medications does not affect the effect of the gel, just as the active substances of Klenzit C do not in any way affect the course of treatment with drugs intended for oral administration, since they are practically not absorbed into the blood. However, concomitant use of clindamycin and erythromycin should be avoided. During clinical trials, it was found that the use of clindamycin affects neuromuscular transmission, enhancing the effect of muscle relaxants.

Treatment with Klenzit C has not been studied to reduce the reaction rate, so it is impossible to say unambiguously about the safety of the drug for drivers and people whose activities involve operating complex mechanisms.

Clenzit S for outdoor use

The drug Klenzit C, a specially developed gel for external use, effectively penetrates the layers of the epidermis.
Eliminates bacteria that cause inflammation and acne.

The light texture of the gel eliminates pore contamination and blocks the further development of bacteria.

Use of Klenzit S is prescribed by dermatologists for the treatment of problematic skin of varying degrees of complexity; most often, the drug is well tolerated by the skin.

However, before using the drug, it is recommended to read the instructions and consult a specialist. The helium structure of Klenzit S allows you to use the drug before going outside at any convenient time.

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