Which eye ointment is most effective for inflammation of the eyelids? Review of effective drugs

array ( 'ID' => '8465', '~ID' => '8465', 'NAME' => 'Atopic dermatitis around the eyes', '~NAME' => 'Atopic dermatitis around the eyes', 'IBLOCK_ID' = > '43', '~IBLOCK_ID' => '43', 'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => '1185', '~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => '1185', 'DETAIL_TEXT' => ' Atopic dermatitis around the eyes
is in most cases a hereditary disease and appears at an early age.Symptoms: dry, reddened skin, swelling around the eyes, weeping blisters that burst, dry out, form crusts and crack.All this is accompanied by very severe itching.

The disease is chronic.
The causes are external and internal. External reactions include: allergic reactions to food, plant pollen, animal fur, and some medications. Trauma to the skin of the eyelids may also be the cause. Internal causes - diseases of the stomach and intestines, worms, improper metabolism. Atopic dermatitis usually appears on the eyelids of one eye. For proper treatment of atopic dermatitis in adults and children,
it is necessary to identify the allergen that affects the occurrence of the disease and eliminate it. After this, therapy can begin. First of all, dietary adjustments are necessary: ​​spicy, sweet, citrus fruits, cow's milk - absolutely not. Completely stop using cosmetics. Wash inflamed areas only with running water without hygiene products. After stopping the disease, use only hypoallergenic cosmetics for makeup.

Dermatitis of the eyelids - what kind of disease is it?

Eye dermatitis is an inflammatory pathology that affects the skin of the eyelids. Inflammation is usually accompanied by itching, hyperemia, swelling, burning, and rashes. The symptoms of the disease depend on the form, which is determined by the cause that provoked the disease.

The danger of pathology lies in the fact that people usually eliminate only its symptoms. Burning, itching, dry skin on the eyelids cause severe discomfort. The patient tries to get rid of it using ointments, creams and drops without prior examination by an ophthalmologist. At the same time, the disease itself continues to affect the body and its immune system. This leads to other diseases: blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis. Scars may form on the skin of the eyelids, wrinkles may deepen, and sometimes the palpebral fissure does not close. It is rare, but it also happens that dermatitis becomes one of the causes of cancer.

Treatment of the disease is complicated by the fact that it takes a variety of forms. Only a doctor can determine the causes and type of dermatitis. In this regard, it is not recommended to combat this pathology at home.

Tips for using ointments for inflammation

Keep in mind! To achieve maximum positive results, it is necessary not only to choose the ointment correctly, but also to place it correctly under the eyelid.

If necessary, you can ask someone present to help with this, since when applying the ointment, the patient needs to look as high as possible, and this makes it difficult to perform the procedure.

The algorithm for applying the ointment looks like this:

  1. The patient or whoever will be administering the product should wash their hands with soap .
  2. The patient's head should be thrown back , while the person should sit on a chair.
  3. pull down the lower eyelid with your index finger and thumb .
  4. A strip of ointment squeezed out on the finger in advance (it should not be more than one centimeter) is applied to the inside of the lower eyelid .
  5. After this, the patient needs to close his eyes and massage the eyelid for three minutes to better distribute the product.

For serious pathologies, two or more drugs may be prescribed .

In such cases, the order of their application does not matter, but the interval between the use of different ointments should be 5-10 minutes .

Types of dermatitis on the eyelids

Depending on the speed of progression of dermatitis, it is divided into two main types: acute and chronic. The first is developing rapidly. The patient's temperature rises, the eyelids swell and stick together in the morning, and there is increased sensitivity to light. Sometimes a person gets chills and gets dizzy. The chronic form is sluggish. It can drag on for years and is characterized by periodic relapses. Symptoms appear gradually, waxing and waning. The patient's eyelid skin turns red and peels, swelling and rash are observed.

Based on the reasons that caused dermatitis, it is classified as follows:

  • Seborrheic. This form of the disease is accompanied by itching, hyperemia, decreased vision, a feeling of “sand” under the eyelids, and loss of eyelashes. Yellow crusts with scales form on the eyes.
  • Atopic, in which the skin of the eyelids becomes rough and cracks. Inflammation develops in the upper and lower eyelids. Medicinal (medicinal). This dermatitis occurs during treatment of a disease. In some patients it appears after electrophoresis. Sometimes eye drops become the cause of inflammation. In such cases, it is localized in the corners of the eye.
  • Eczematous. This form of the disease is rare. It is a reaction to ointments made on the basis of sulfonamides, as well as to antibiotics. This type of pathology is distinguished from the previous ones by the presence of such a sign as pain in the eyes.
  • Herpetic. Herpes does not only occur on the lips. It also affects the skin of the eyelids. Watery blisters form on it, which become cloudy and dry over time. In their place, crusts form. With herpetic dermatitis, the temperature rises and the head hurts.

A common form is allergic (contact) dermatitis of the eyelids. It can be delayed or immediate. In the first case, signs of the disease appear after about 6-12 hours. The disease lasts for several days or even weeks.

Allergic dermatitis of the eyelids of immediate type appears within 15-30 minutes after exposure to the allergen on the body.

Symptoms usually disappear on their own within a couple of hours. Let us take a closer look at the delayed form of the pathology.

Causes of allergies

There are, in fact, as many allergens as there are substances and compounds known to man. In other words, the cause of an allergic reaction on the eyeball (conjunctiva) and the skin around the eyes can be anything: plant pollen, any food, household chemicals, animal hair, bird down and feathers, house dust (infested with microscopic mites), insect bites, hygiene and cosmetic products, medicines, sweat, saliva or hair of other people, etc., etc. At the same time, to this day the etiopathogenetic mechanism, which in one person “triggers” an individual violent (in some cases catastrophic) reaction to any substance, has not been thoroughly clarified, while the body of another person remains completely indifferent to the same substance. However, the role of congenital predisposition, as well as the cumulative (cumulative) nature of the allergenic effect, has been reliably established.

Allergic dermatitis of the eyelids: diagnosis, treatment

If allergic dermatitis is suspected, several diagnostic studies are carried out with the participation of an ophthalmologist, dermatologist, therapist, and allergist. It is necessary to take action immediately, since there are many types of pathology, and they are all treated differently. After an external examination and a blood test, during which the level of leukocytes, erythrocytes, and eosinophils is checked, tear fluid samples, scrapings, and biomicroscopy are prescribed. After confirming the diagnosis, appropriate medications are prescribed.

First of all, you need to stop using cosmetics. In this case, the eyes are washed daily and several times with a solution of “Furacilin”. Then the skin is treated with ointments. Patients are often prescribed corticosteroid medications.

General strengthening drugs can also be used in therapy. The patient is advised to balance the diet. Bad habits will interfere with rapid recovery and should be abandoned.

We list the main medications prescribed for allergic dermatitis.

Blepharitis: classification

Blepharitis is classified according to the site of development. Highlight:

In this article

  • Blepharitis: classification
  • Blepharitis: causes and symptoms
  • Methods for diagnosing seborrheic blepharitis
  • Preventive measures against seborrheic blepharitis
  • Seborrheic blepharitis: treatment
  • Subtleties of treatment of seborrheic blepharitis
  • Tips for recognizing symptoms and treating blepharitis
  • anterior marginal - occurs along the ciliary edge;
  • posterior marginal - develops on the meibomian glands, can affect the cornea and mucous membrane.

As a rule, a person develops both types of blepharitis at once, so the eyelid is completely affected. Blepharitis can also be dry - accompanied by tightness of the eyelids and a feeling of dryness of the eyelids. It also happens the other way around - the eyelashes stick together and a secretion is produced that forms a greasy film. Both forms of the disease are treated in the same ways, only the medications may differ. Seborrheic blepharitis is the most common type of this disease. Its characteristic feature is flaking scales on the eyelids. With this disease, the eyelids thicken at the edges and turn red, and scales appear between the eyelashes, which are pressed tightly to the eyelids. When trying to remove the latter, there is no bleeding, but the scales quickly reappear. At the edges of the eyelids, they become covered with a greasy secretion, which turns into a yellow crust. Scaly blepharitis develops in the shortest possible time. In this case, the eyelids quickly swell, resulting in excessive tear production.

If the outcome is unfavorable, seborrheic blepharitis can cause complications: the development of blepharoconjunctivitis, eyelash loss, and entropion. The course of the disease may be accompanied by the development of seborrheic dermatitis on the head, eyebrows and other areas.

Treatment of dermatitis with antihistamines

These medications relieve external signs - rash, itching, lacrimation. Such drugs are available in tablets, drops, and ointments. As a rule, they are prescribed:

  • "Cetirizine." It has no contraindications and has a gentle effect on the body. Improvement occurs within 1.5-2 hours after administration: itching, redness and other signs disappear.
  • "Cetrin". It is suitable for children over two years old.
  • "Chloropyramine." This medicine has a sedative effect, that is, it calms you down and helps you sleep. However, it is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
  • "Tavegil". Available in tablets. Suitable for treating adults and children. The drug quickly and gently relieves swelling and burning.

Suprastin, known to many, is used only in extreme cases. It is very toxic and has many contraindications. But it works almost instantly. All of these medications can only be used with a prescription.

Preventive measures against seborrheic blepharitis

Prevention of seborrheic blepharitis comes down to following a few simple rules that will help avoid the development of this unpleasant disease:

  • Follow the rules of personal hygiene. Wash your face regularly with cool water, have personal pillowcases, towels, scarves and other hygiene products. Remember: textiles are the best environment for the development of pathogens, so their cleanliness must be treated with special attention.
  • Treat diseases of any body system in a timely manner: their chronic form can cause the development of seborrheic blepharitis.
  • Pay attention to your sleep and rest patterns. You need to sleep in complete darkness, away from the glowing screens of smartphones and TVs. They cause eye strain, interfere with blinking speed and adversely affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Eat a balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals necessary for eye health. The menu must include carrots, blueberries, kiwi, and spinach. If there are problems with the immune system, then the diet should be supplemented with tableted vitamin complexes.
  • Be responsible when choosing eye cosmetics. It is best to choose hypoallergenic cosmetics that have been tested by dermatologists.

Allergic dermatitis: treatment with ointments and drops

Products for external use are prescribed to children and adults. Ointments suppress inflammation well, eliminate swelling, and kill germs. Such drugs are inexpensive and are used almost without restrictions. To speed up the healing process and improve the patient's condition, eye drops are used for allergic dermatitis. With their help, symptoms are eliminated and further progression of the pathology is prevented. Often the patient receives a prescription for drops such as Olopatadine, Allergodil, Azelastine, etc.

Do folk remedies help with allergic dermatitis in the eyes?

Traditional medicine should not become an alternative to drug treatment. Use them only after examination and conversation with an ophthalmologist. They cannot cure the disease, but they help improve the condition by eliminating some symptoms. The following recipes can be used as an auxiliary treatment:

  • A decoction of chamomile or string. Rinse your eyelids with it in the morning and before bed.
  • Tea tree oil. It is suitable for wiping inflamed areas of the skin.
  • Compresses made from string or hops. Apply them to your eyelids for 20 minutes 1-2 times a day.
  • Infusion of celandine and vodka. It is infused for two days in a dark place. After this, use it to wash your eyelids.
  • Mix castor oil with aloe juice, apply the resulting mixture onto gauze and wipe the skin of the eyelids with it.

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