Fir oil for facial wrinkles: effective and proven recipes

Fir oil for the face against wrinkles has been used by many women since ancient times. After all, it not only had a pleasant healing aroma, but also additionally helped restore youth and elasticity to the skin. This product received such properties due to its unique biological composition. In our article we want to talk about the properties of fir oil, its benefits for the face, and provide recipes for cosmetic masks against wrinkles.


To obtain essential oil from fir, almost all above-ground parts of the tree are used - needles, twigs, green cones, etc. The raw materials are subjected to the process of steam distillation. During the heating process, essential oils are released, which are collected in a separate vessel. This cooking method allows you to preserve all the beneficial substances of the taiga tree.

Product contains:

  • Vitamin C is the most powerful natural antioxidant, effectively protecting cells from damage and stimulating regeneration processes. Thanks to this effect, the skin looks noticeably younger.
  • of B vitamins that actively fight the appearance of external signs of skin aging, providing cells with additional hydration.
  • Vitamin E has the most beneficial effect on the skin, as this substance stimulates the production of collagen, which maintains skin elasticity.
  • Tannins have a tonic effect on blood vessels and help relieve inflammatory processes.
  • Carotene stimulates the renewal of epithelial cells and protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, the product contains phytoncides, a rich set of microelements, and flavonoids. All these substances have a beneficial effect on the skin.

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Medicinal properties

The medicine has the following actions:

  • antimicrobial;
  • invigorating;
  • relaxing;
  • resistant to viruses;
  • relieving pain;
  • general health.

It has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, as well as the nervous system. The product stimulates digestive function, lowers blood pressure, and restores body functions responsible for protection. It improves sleep quality and helps cope with stress, activates thyroid function and promotes the accumulation of strength.

During storage, sunlight should be avoided in order to preserve all beneficial properties. It is better to choose a dark, cool place out of reach of children.

Benefits of use

Does it make sense to use fir oil on your face? Regular use of this product leads to:

  • to cleanse the skin of impurities and pathogenic microflora that cause inflammatory processes;
  • activates metabolic processes and stimulates cell renewal;
  • improves the structure of the skin, giving the tissues greater elasticity, smoothing out wrinkles;
  • tone the skin, stimulate blood microcirculation, improving cell nutrition;
  • helps fight swelling.

Remember! Fir essential oil, like other essential oils, is a concentrated composition, so it is not recommended to apply it to the skin in its pure form. Undiluted fir oil can only be used spot-on, applying it to acne with a cotton swab.

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Recommendations for using fir oil: method and dosage

Fir oil is an excellent analgesic for inflammatory processes and a local irritant, due to the content of more than 35 effective natural components in proportion (including tannins, carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E), which makes it a valuable product. Its range of applications is very wide:

  • widely used in medicine, cosmetology, production of cosmetic and hygiene products, as well as for home disinfection;
  • the remedy is used in the treatment of colds. It is also rubbed into problem areas of the skin. To prepare baths, a small amount of the product is dripped into the water. It is also possible to use it internally using sugar cubes;
  • when fighting colds, the product is used for inhalation, rubbed into the skin, lubricated the throat;
  • when disinfecting premises, add to house cleaning liquids;

Precautionary measures

The use of fir oil has contraindications. This product quite often provokes the development of allergic reactions. Therefore, before you start using oil for a course of home rejuvenation, you must do an allergy test.

In addition, the use of fir essential oil even externally is prohibited :

  • during pregnancy, as well as during lactation;
  • during infectious diseases accompanied by high fever;
  • for serious pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • in the presence of wounds and other damage to the skin on the face;
  • in the presence of neoplasms on the skin, including benign ones;
  • for asthma or other diseases that cause bronchospasms.
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A little history

The natural habitat of fir is considered to be northern Europe. The tree is cultivated in many countries with a temperate climate: Poland, Switzerland, Germany, France, Austria, Yugoslavia, North America, East Asia. In Russia, fir is found in the wild, in organized plantings.

The beneficial properties of coniferous trees have been known since ancient times. Fir serves as a raw material for the production of turpentine, chamber, essential oil, and resin. Fragrant extracts were mentioned by Hippocrates as a wound-healing agent.

The tree has a special property: it does not grow in an unfavorable ecological environment. This indicates the high quality of products obtained from the plant.

Essential pomace is made from different types of fir growing in different areas. Options made from trees from Tuva and Khakassia are of particular value.

Rules of application

When planning to use fir oil against wrinkles, it is worth studying the rules for home use:

  • Do not use pure fir ether ; dilute it with base oils or cosmetic creams. Applying undiluted ether can cause burns;
  • Fir ester combines well with most base oils and other esters, however, you should not create too complex combinations. It is not recommended to combine more than three different esters in one composition ;

  • It is recommended to use products with fir oil in courses, the duration of the course is no more than a month . Then you will need to take a break, during which you will need to use other anti-aging agents;
  • It is not recommended to use fir ether before going outside; it increases skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, to carry out procedures using this oil ;
  • When using a cream enriched with fir oil for application to the skin around the eyes, you need to be especially careful to prevent the mixture from getting on the eye mucosa;
  • The duration of the procedure depends on the chosen recipe; as a rule, keeping formulations with the addition of fir oil for longer than 20 minutes is not recommended.


To restore normal joint function, inflammation must be eliminated. This is usually the cause of collagen damage and subsequent cartilage destruction. Legumes have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. They contain protein that replenishes collagen reserves. Thanks to this product, cartilage tissue is restored. In addition, legumes contain amino acids that promote cartilage regeneration. It remains to be recalled that legumes include beans, peanuts and peas.

How to use?

Let's figure out how to properly use fir oil for skin rejuvenation to get excellent results.

Evening care

Fir oil can be added to your regular evening cream. You need to add just one drop of cream to a regular portion of cream and stir. You can also use hypoallergenic baby cream as a base. This composition should be applied to a cleansed face, complementing the procedure with a light massage, tapping the surface of the skin with your fingertips.

Cosmetic ice

It is recommended to use fir oil to prepare cosmetic ice if inflammation on the face . If you wipe your skin with this ice every day, replacing your morning wash, you will soon notice that the number of pimples has decreased significantly.

To make ice, it is recommended to dissolve a spoonful of honey in a glass of warm boiled water and add 2 drops of fir ether. Stir and pour into molds. Instead of honey water, you can use chamomile infusion as a base.

Massage Oil

Cosmetic massage is a very effective rejuvenating procedure. It stimulates blood circulation, allows the beneficial substances contained in the massage oil to penetrate not only into the superficial, but also into the deeper layers of the skin. However, during the procedure you need to be very careful not to stretch the skin. Massage movements should be delicate.

To prepare massage oil, you will need to stir 2 drops of fir ether in a tablespoon of base. It is recommended to take base oils of grape seed, olive or almond as a base.

Composition for delicate peeling

To exfoliate the top layer of dead cells, you can use a composition based on rice flour. To prepare it, you need to grind dry rice in a coffee grinder. Mix a spoonful of flour with base oil until you obtain a paste that has the consistency of cream and add a couple of drops of fir ether. Apply to skin with massaging circular movements. Rinse off with warm water.


This is a very simple recipe, but with regular use of the product you can achieve very good results. You need to mix 50 ml of any base oil with 6 drops of fir ether. Keep the lotion in a dark glass bottle in the refrigerator. Wipe the skin with the prepared mixture every evening, do not rinse.

Disinfectant recipe

To disinfect floors and surfaces and give them a pine smell, cleaning liquids are used. You can easily prepare this product yourself.

You will need liquid or solid soap, grated, water and fir oil.

200–300 grams of soap are dissolved in two liters of hot liquid and two bottles of oil are added. When the resulting composition has cooled, it is poured into a convenient container. When using, mix 1 part concentrate with 1 part water. The mixture is perfect for washing and disinfecting floors, walls, surfaces and the bathroom.

Eyelid skin care

You can use fir oil for wrinkles under the eyes, but, of course, you need to apply it after diluting it with a base oil or including it in an anti-aging mask.

Here are some recipes:

  • A spoonful of grape seed oil is mixed with a drop of fir ether and, after soaking gauze pads or cotton pads in this mixture, place them on the skin of the lower eyelids. After twenty minutes, remove the lotions;
  • Boil one potato in its skin, peel and mash while it is still warm. Dilute mashed potatoes with cream and add two drops of fir ether, stir and apply a thick layer to the skin of the lower eyelids. This composition eliminates fine wrinkles and bags;
  • for pronounced wrinkles, the following composition will help: mix wheat germ oil (a spoon) with the contents of one ampoule of vitamin E and three drops of fir ether. Soak gauze pads with this mixture and apply to the area where wrinkles are located on the eyelids.

Brown rice

Brown rice contains a large amount of hyaluronic acid, which is used in the development of injections to treat joint diseases. Hyaluronic acid is a kind of lubricant for joints. It acts as a shock absorber. It is often used to treat minor cartilage injuries. Therefore, foods high in this substance should always be in the diet of a person who has joint problems.

In addition to brown rice, carrots and beef are high in hyaluronic acid.

Mask options

The use of fir oil in homemade masks is especially recommended. You need to choose an option taking into account the characteristics of your skin.

With avocado

This option perfectly moisturizes and smoothes the skin. To prepare it, you need to use a ripe avocado. Peel half the fruit and grind until a homogeneous puree is obtained. Combine the resulting puree with 50 grams of thick natural yogurt and three drops of fir ether. Mix everything and apply for twenty minutes.

With apple

This composition is universal, it smoothes wrinkles well and refreshes.

The base will be a baked apple. Bake half of the peeled fruit in the oven or microwave and mash it into a puree. Add a teaspoon of natural honey and olive oil to the apple, stir and enrich the composition with three drops of fir ether.


This version of the mask is recommended for use for pronounced wrinkles. It is necessary to separate the egg white and beat it to a stable foam. Separately, melt a spoonful of honey, mix it with a spoonful of sour cream and three drops of fir ether. Gently mix the honey-sour cream mixture with the egg whites. Apply for twenty minutes.


This composition is recommended for oily skin with enlarged pores. It is necessary to stir a spoonful of dry mustard powder with a small amount of water until a thick mass is obtained. Pour into the mixture a teaspoon of lemon juice, the contents of one capsule of a solution of vitamin E in oil, and five drops of fir oil. Keep this composition on the skin for no more than five minutes. If you feel a strong burning sensation, do not tolerate it, wash it off earlier.


This simple composition perfectly tones and nourishes. You will need two chicken egg yolks, which will need to be ground with a tablespoon of base oil, such as almond oil, and four drops of fir ether.

Apply the composition with a brush in several layers. Each new layer is applied after the previous one has dried. Fifteen minutes after applying the last layer, the composition is washed off with water.


Masks that contain several different oils - basic and essential - are very effective. The prepared compositions are applied to the face using a tampon in several layers. Then you will need to lie down, cover your face with a terry towel and lie there for about half an hour. After that, excess oil can be removed with paper napkins.

Formulation options:

  • Take a teaspoon of base oils (grape seed, avocado and almond) and add three drops of fir ether. This composition refreshes and tones well.
  • Mix a spoonful of almond oil and wheat germ base, add three drops of fir ether and the contents of five capsules of the vitamin preparation “Aevit”. This composition tightens and eliminates sagging
  • Mix a spoonful of avocado and olive oils and add three drops of fir ether. The composition gives the face a healthier color and increases elasticity.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Professional cosmetologists have ambivalent views on the use of fir oil for home care. On the one hand, this is a fairly effective product that will help in skin care. On the other hand, you need to use this product with great caution, taking into account the characteristics of your skin . You need to understand that there is no universal recipe that will suit everyone without exception.

Best of all, fir oil is suitable for aging, dehydrated and oily skin. But for those with dry epidermis, this product may not be suitable and may even cause peeling.

Composition of fir oil

Fir oil has a liquid structure and thin consistency.

The smell is pleasant, with notes of mint and lemon, the color is from yellow to green. The composition is enriched with camphor, cadinene, myrcene, phytoncides and other organic components. All of them, as a result of proper use, can provide one or another benefit to the human body. The product must be stored in a dry, dark place out of reach of children.

Did you know? Fir needles do not fall off even from dry tree branches. That is why this coniferous plant is so popular as an attribute of the New Year holidays.

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