Cream "Melanativ" for age spots: composition, instructions for use, reviews

Effect of the drug

The main properties of the Melanative cream include:

  • effective fight against age spots in different areas of the skin;
  • safe use;
  • use for all skin types and at any age;
  • UV protection;
  • elimination of pigment spots of various ages.

The effect of using the drug is not immediately noticeable. The active components of the cream produce a gradual effect. You can get rid of age spots in 1 month.

Indications and contraindications

Melanativ cream has a wide range of uses . It helps get rid of the following symptoms:

  • spots that resemble a butterfly;
  • freckles;
  • lentigo caused by excessive sun exposure;
  • chloasma, which occurs due to the production of pigments;
  • areas with pigmentation on the hands and face.

The drug has no clear restrictions on its use. It can be used for any skin type. However, its use is unacceptable in the following conditions:

  • inflamed pimples, cracks and wounds;
  • weeping lesions on the skin;
  • hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug.

Before using the cream, you should conduct a preliminary test and carefully study the instructions.

Composition of the drug

Currently, many cosmetic products are produced that rid the skin of excess melanin. The composition of Melanativ cream includes:

  1. Alpha arbutin. The substance is found in many plant extracts. Its action is inferior to hydroquinone, but it is safer. Alpha-arbutin of synthetic origin is characterized by great activity and quickly copes with age spots of varying intensity. The component reduces the production of melanin and brightens the affected areas of the skin.
  2. Kojic acid. Whitens the skin and evens out the tone. Refers to natural ingredients.
  3. Glycolic acid. The component has several positive effects. Used to soften and remove the stratum corneum. Thanks to this, the flow of oxygen to the cells increases and the epidermis is renewed. The whitening effect of the component prevents re-staining of the affected areas.
  4. Tocopherol. It is a powerful antioxidant and prevents the aging process.
  5. Stearates. The components create a protective film. They are able to restore normal water balance.

The Melanative cream contains vitamin E as an auxiliary component. It protects against the effects of ultraviolet rays and improves local immunity. Vitamin E provides complete skin care and prevents the aging process.

There are no unnecessary components in the product; they all perform their function. The active ingredient of the product affects the problem at the cellular level. The effect after its use is permanent. The gradual elimination of age spots confirms the gentle effect of the cream on the skin.

Cosmetic procedures

In beauty salons there are many procedures, with the help of a course of which you can significantly reduce pigmentation. They are prescribed after examination by a cosmetologist and identification of the patient’s medical history. The following methods are used:

  • peeling - deep cleansing of the skin layers using various creams and ointments (Korean cosmetics have a good effect);
  • laser peeling - the use of a high-frequency laser that destroys high levels of melanin or other substances that cause pigmentation;
  • chemical peeling - various acids are applied to the skin to prevent the accumulation of melanin, but only on the surface;
  • microdermabrasion is a gentle peeling procedure used using mechanical grinding with a device;
  • mesotherapy - the introduction of various drugs subcutaneously, substances that eliminate melanin are usually used;

  • phototherapy - the action of ultraviolet rays, bright light with different wavelengths.

When the deeper layers of the skin are involved, these methods rarely help. The cosmetologist offers the patient a choice of laser resurfacing and trichloroacetic acid. But after carrying out the method, the person is warned that it is impossible to appear in open sunlight. Otherwise, severe hyperemia and an inflammatory process will form.

Often, 1 course of procedures is not enough. Over time, the spots may reappear. Therefore, other methods may be needed to maintain the resulting effect.

How to apply the cream?

The unique and safe composition of the cosmetic product allows it to be used for different types of skin. The drug is particularly effective against age-related skin changes, pregnancy and exposure to solar radiation.

A cream is used to eliminate age spots after an unsuccessful cosmetic procedure.

How to remove pigmentation on the face? It is best to carry out the procedure in the evening. Apply the cream to dry facial skin. It is not recommended to use the product on the eyelids, the area above the lip and other sensitive areas. Similarly, the cream is applied to other areas of the body where pigment spots have appeared. The cream is not used in the intimate areas.

It is not recommended to treat the skin with the product before going outside. Ultraviolet radiation on contact with the skin will cause the opposite effect.

According to the instructions for use, Melanativ cream is applied to the affected areas only after a sensitivity test. After all, the only restrictions on use are individual intolerance to the components of the product.

A small amount of the product is applied to the elbow. Observe the condition of the skin for several hours. Experts recommend waiting at least 12 hours. If burning, redness, itching or rash occurs, you should stop using the cream. If a reaction appears after the application procedure, then the course of removing age spots is stopped.

The duration of use of the cream depends on the complexity of the problem. On average, this takes 30 days. Pigment spots must be treated daily. When applied to the skin, a slight tingling sensation may be felt, which goes away after 5 minutes.

Due to the fact that the cream has a natural composition, it changes color after opening the package. The manufacturer warns about this, so this does not apply to a product defect.

Bleaching agents

The products are applied only to problem areas of the skin. They are very drying, so excessively frequent use leads to a deterioration in the quality of the epidermis. The following bleaching agents are used:

  • hydrogen peroxide is a peroxide used for antiseptic treatment, teeth and skin whitening;
  • zinc ointment is a cheap product that has a drying, adsorbing, disinfecting, astringent effect;
  • salicylic acid - a liquid indicated for use in eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, ichthyosis, dries, suppresses gland secretion, has a keratolytic effect;
  • mercury ointment - the substance is toxic, therefore it is contraindicated for patients with a history of allergic reactions or dermatitis; they are used only for a short course.

The products are allowed to be used at home without a prescription from a doctor or cosmetologist. They are not applied on a permanent basis. Negative reactions may occur:

  • itching, burning, pain;
  • peeling, rash, crusting;
  • eczema, dermatitis;
  • rash, papules, vesicles.

Deviations are easily restored. But it is better to use the method in a short course, allowing the skin to recover. After this, pigment spots can be bleached again. Immediately after applying the substance, you can use a moisturizer to restore fluid balance. During therapy, drink a lot of water to reduce the drying effect during whitening.

Precautionary measures

There are no particular difficulties in using Melanative cream. It is applied to previously cleansed skin.

When using the product, the following precautions must be taken:

  1. It is necessary to avoid contact of the product with the eyes and mucous membranes.
  2. Particularly sensitive areas of the skin should not be treated: lips and eyelids.
  3. It is not recommended to apply cream to age spots if there is even minor damage to the epidermis at their location.
  4. How to remove pigmentation on the face? It is necessary to carry out the course of treatment with small doses, applying the cream every 2nd day for the first 7 days.

Upon initial use, a slight tingling sensation occurs on the skin, which quickly passes. Because of this, the drug should not be discontinued.

Product effectiveness

Cream "Melanativ" for age spots is considered an effective drug. Skin defects in the form of brown spots occur due to uneven distribution of melanin and other reasons. The effectiveness of the drug depends on the main factors in the formation of pigmentation. The reasons for its appearance include:

  • Ultraviolet radiation. Frequent visits to the solarium and prolonged exposure to sunlight lead to more than just tanning. As a result, this affects the production of melanin and the appearance of focal pigmentation. The cream will be able to cope with these skin problems within a month.
  • Hormonal changes. Changes in the ratio of hormones in the body occur for various reasons. Pigmentation most often occurs during pregnancy and menopause. Sometimes it appears when taking hormonal drugs. In this case, Melanative cream will cope with age spots, provided that the woman’s hormonal levels improve. If this does not happen, new skin defects will arise, which does not depend on the effectiveness of the product.
  • Liver diseases. In this case, it is useless to fight stains. The root cause must first be eliminated.
  • Cosmetics. Age spots sometimes occur when using cosmetics containing essential oils. It enhances the effect of furanocoumarin. The component is present in the oil. This causes excessive sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. Subsequently, dermatitis and pigmentation appear. Before you start using the cream, you must avoid cosmetics that have a similar effect.
  • Unbalanced diet. A deficiency of vitamins in the body can lead to age spots. In particular, this will lead to a lack of vitamin C. Stress and nervous tension provoke the occurrence of skin defects. To get rid of pigmentation, you need to eat a balanced diet and use Melanative cream.

The effectiveness of the cream largely depends on the causes of age spots. To successfully eliminate them, you need to pay attention to the original cause of their appearance.


Natalya: A serious event was coming up, but suddenly I discovered pigmented areas on my neck. At first I thought that this reaction was caused by Cora cosmetics, which I recently started using. But the dermatologist diagnosed lichen and prescribed Clotrimazole. Within a week it helped restore the condition of the skin without traces.

Alina: I used Achroactive against pigmentation. But a friend recommended Achromin with a similar composition and action, which she liked better, whitened her face. Now the pigment spots are not so obvious.

Andrey: There were pigmented areas on the face, the consequences of acne. He treated me with Badyaga forte, which partially helped. It was possible to completely restore the skin using Skinoren. An excellent product with fast action.

Anna: When I was struggling with pigmentation, I tried everything. Even grandmother's recipes were used using lemon, green tea, and soda. But everything turned out to be to no avail. I discovered Clearwin. I was attracted by the natural composition of the product. And it turned out to be safe and effective. Now I only use this!

Users' opinions

According to reviews, Melanative cream for age spots is highly effective. Many patients are satisfied with its effect.

Women used the cream when age spots appeared on their faces after pregnancy. After 1.5 months of daily use of the product, skin defects completely disappeared. However, the cream was powerless against freckles.

Another group of women used the cream to treat pigmentation that occurred after a cosmetic procedure. They had to use the product for 1.5 months. As a result, pigment spots completely disappeared.

All women note the economy in using the cream. For a monthly course of treatment, one package of the product is enough.

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