Radevit face cream – reviews from cosmetologists and instructions for use

From this article you will learn:

  • Radevit active ointment – ​​composition analysis, analogues,
  • Is Radevit ointment effective against wrinkles – reviews, price.

The article was written by a specialist with higher medical education.

Radevit ointment is a dermatoprotective agent. In other words, Radevit - reviews from cosmetologists agree that this product increases the protective properties of the skin against various harmful effects on it, such as solar radiation or free radicals.

Considering that it is the listed adverse effects that lead to premature aging of the skin, this product can be considered as a preventive measure for photoaging of the skin. But will Radevit ointment be effective against wrinkles? Reviews from experts on this issue will be listed below.

In photo 1 we have shown a new packaging design for Radevit ointment, which appeared not so long ago. In the new edition, the manufacturer added the word “Active” to the name of the drug, but essentially the composition of the old and new “Radevit” is identical (only the form of vitamin D3 has changed), which is not significant for the properties of the drug.

Radevit ointment: composition, release form

Radevit Active is produced in the form of an ointment containing fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E - in tubes of 10, 20, 35 g.

Active substances in 1 g of ointment –

  • vitamin A (retinol palmitate) – 10 mg,
  • vitamin D3 (colecaciferol) – 50 mg,
  • vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol acetate) – 5 mg.

Excipients: butylated hydroxyanisole – 1 mg, butylated hydroxytoluene – 1 mg, emulsion wax – 80 mg, petroleum jelly – 50 mg, glycerin – 100 mg, ethyl alcohol 95% – 100 mg, purified water – up to 1 g.

Analysis of the composition - vitamin A is the only component here that can prevent photoaging of the skin, or even achieve a slight reduction in the depth of wrinkles. It must be said that vitamin A in Radevit is presented in the form of retinol palmitate, which is not pure true retinol, but only an ester of retinol. Retinol palmitate will be significantly inferior in effectiveness to other forms of vitamin A, for example: true retinol, retinaldehyde, and retinoic acid (Fig. 3).

When penetrating the skin, retinol palmitate will slowly transform first into pure retinol, then into retinaldehyde, and then into retinoic acid, which is the only effective form of vitamin A. It must be said that only retinoic acid (of all forms of vitamin A) - Skin cells have special receptors. And that any form of vitamin A must first be transformed into retinoic acid before it can act on the skin.

However, as a result of this conversion process, retinol palmitate loses up to 90% of its activity and effectiveness, and only a little pure retinol is formed from it, and even less retinoic acid.

Important: the concentration of vitamin A in Radevit ointment is 1%. For example, the recommended concentrations of true retinol in anti-wrinkle medicinal cosmetics should be from 0.5 to 1%. Most of the retinol palmitate when converted to pure retinol will be destroyed during the transformation process. This means that in order for retinol palmitate to have an effect comparable to the effect of 1% pure retinol, its concentration must be several orders of magnitude higher.

Another disadvantage of retinol palmitate compared to other forms of vitamin A (such as retinoic acid or pure retinol) is that retinol palmitate penetrates the skin to a shallower depth, affecting mainly only the epidermis. Those. it practically does not penetrate into the dermis, where fibroblasts that produce collagen and elastin are concentrated.

The advantages of Radevit ointment - thus, retinol palmitate will work perfectly only in the epidermis, promoting the regeneration of its cells, its hydration, and also increasing the hydrophobic properties of the skin. The remaining vitamins included in Radevit are also able to act only on the surface layer of the skin, as they cannot penetrate deeper.

But, despite this, Radevit heals dry and irritated skin very well, and can act as an excellent protective cream for dry skin, improving its protective properties under adverse environmental conditions.

Price in pharmacies in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

The cost of a medicine depends on many parameters. It can be influenced by the pharmacy chain and its location, the pharmaceutical company and the country of manufacture. Radevit is considered an affordable drug, its price is relatively low. You can purchase the ointment both in city pharmacies and through the online store.

The approximate cost in different cities is presented in the table.

CityPrice for 35 g, rub.
Moscowfrom 336
Saint Petersburgfrom 329
Ekaterinburgfrom 313
Ryazanfrom 329
Vladivostokfrom 345

Radevit: pharmacological action

The effect of the drug is determined by the active components included in its composition. Vitamin D improves skin immunity, reduces dryness and inflammation (24stoma.ru). Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant, and as a result, it protects the skin from the action of free radicals, and thus prevents its early aging. In addition, vitamin E can accumulate in the epidermis, thereby increasing the hydrophobic properties of the skin (it will prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin).

However, the most important component in the composition of the product is vitamin A. With long-term course use, it can have the following effects -

  • accelerate skin cell regeneration,
  • reduce the thickness of the surface layer of skin (consisting of dead cells), which leads to improved skin tone and texture,
  • increase the thickness of deeper layers of skin,
  • stimulates the activity of fibroblasts, which leads to stimulation of the synthesis of collagen and elastin, as well as hyaluronic acid itself,
  • prevents the destruction of collagen by solar radiation,
  • helps reduce the depth of wrinkles,
  • increases skin elasticity.

However, in order for these effects to be fully achieved, an appropriate course of use, an effective concentration of vitamin A, and an effective form of vitamin A are required.

Indications for use of Radevit ointment -

Radevit ointment - reviews from numerous patients confirm this - has a number of therapeutic and preventive properties that make it possible to actively use it for the following diseases:

  • increased skin dryness,
  • dermatoses, dermatitis,
  • eczema, psoriasis, ichthyosis,
  • cracks, erosion,
  • neurodermatitis,
  • skin burns,
  • uninfected wounds and ulcers,
  • allergic manifestations on the skin.

Cosmetologists' opinions

Radevit can be prescribed not only by people with medical education, but also by cosmetologists. The cream is popular among the population, receiving numerous positive reviews. Experts also have an opinion about the drug.

Irina Bakhina, 45 years old:

Radevit is one of the best budget creams for maintaining skin tone. The cream has a balanced composition and ingredients that are necessary for women after 40 years of age. Pharmacy cosmetics are more effective than mass market products due to the higher concentration of natural substances in the composition.

Elena Skulkina, 37 years old:

The skin of cosmetologists also requires appropriate care, nourishment and treatment. For some time I suffered from allergic reactions until I bought Radevit cream at the pharmacy. After the course of treatment, I got rid of skin irritations. Now I recommend this inexpensive but high-quality drug to my clients.

Olga Savosvalova, 41 years old:

Radevit is a worthy analogue to expensive anti-age series. The cream has a soft consistency that nourishes and smoothes the skin. The cream is rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, E, D, glycerin, butylated hydroxyanisole, ethanol 95% and butylated hydroxytoluene. This is a good medicinal cosmetic product.

Maria Volkovskaya, 50 years old:

The ointment has properties that prevent the appearance of wrinkles, which is why I advise my clients to start using it before thirty-five. The effect of Radevit, unfortunately, worsens during the menstrual cycle and practically does not give any effect to women who have reached menopausal age.

Svetlana Popova, 38 years old:

From the age of 35, it is time for a woman to think about preventing the “fading” of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles, because as we age, our skin loses the required amount of components that ensure beauty and health. Radevit cream exhibits not only medicinal properties, but also cosmetic ones. Vitamins A, E, D are the most important for mature skin, helping to retain moisture and nutrients in the epidermis.

Vasilisa Strelikova, 26 years old:

I suffered from pink acne until I discovered Radevit. The inflammation went away very quickly, the itching disappeared. The cream also normalizes sebum production. Now I recommend it to my clients.

When preparing the material, consultation was carried out by:

Ekaterina Smirnova (dermatologist). Certified specialist with 20 years of experience. He is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of dermatological diseases, and removes tumors. Proficient in injection cosmetology techniques for the face and body.

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Does Radevit ointment help against wrinkles: reviews

Many patients tried to use Radevit anti-wrinkle ointment - reviews from such patients showed its ineffectiveness in the fight against fine wrinkles on the face. Even after six months of daily use of this product, patient reviews reported that there was no significant reduction in wrinkles and fine lines on the face.

Although these same reviews note that after regular long-term use, dry skin became softer and less irritated, less likely to dry out and flake, and looked healthier. Therefore, we recommend using Radevit only to prevent photoaging of the skin, but not to reduce existing wrinkles or fine lines on the face.

Effective alternatives to Radevit ointment for wrinkles -

The form of vitamin A (retinol palmitate) included in Radevit ointment cannot penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and effectively interact with fibroblasts that produce collagen and elastin. Let us remember that only acidic forms of vitamin A, which include Tretinoin and Isotretinoin, are better than other forms of vitamin A in being able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin by fibroblasts there.

It is these forms of vitamin A (belonging to the group of topical retinoids) that can reduce the depth of wrinkles, which is confirmed by clinical studies. Drugs based on Tretinoin and Isotretinoin include:

→ cream “Retin-A” (Fig. 4), → drug “Retinoic ointment” (Fig. 5).

There are other forms of vitamin A that will be weaker than Tretinoin and Isotretinoin, but much stronger than retinol palmitate. We are talking about anti-aging cosmetics with pure retinol or retinaldehyde (Fig. 6). Their advantage is that they will cause less dryness and redness of the skin than retinoic acid-based products.

Radevit ointment - instructions for use

Radevit ointment - instructions for use for skin diseases indicate that the ointment can be used immediately after the acute inflammatory process has resolved.
Radevit ointment should be applied to the affected areas of the skin in a thin layer 2 times a day. For severe peeling, you can use ointment with an occlusive dressing. If there are wounds or cracks on the skin, they must first be treated with antiseptics. Treatment of skin diseases with Radevit ointment can take several weeks. During the first few weeks, side effects such as dryness and redness of the skin are possible. These effects are completely normal and do not require discontinuation of the drug. They will go away after the skin gets used to vitamin A. It should be noted that if you use the ointment on the face against the background of acne, the condition of the facial skin may also worsen within a few weeks.

Contraindications and side effects –

Radevit ointment has a number of contraindications, as it contains vitamins that can cause unwanted reactions on the skin. The instructions for use included in the package of Radevit ointment states that this drug is contraindicated in the following conditions...

  • pregnancy,
  • during lactation,
  • hypersensitivity,
  • hypervitaminosis A, D, E,
  • acute inflammatory skin diseases.

Possible side effects –

  • itching, burning of the skin,
  • peeling of the skin (Fig. 7),
  • redness of the skin (Fig. 8),
  • allergic reactions,
  • exacerbation of acne (blackheads and pimples),
  • hyperpigmentation of the skin (to avoid this, be sure to use sunscreen of at least SPF30 during the entire period of use of the ointment).

It is also not recommended to apply Radevit to large areas of the skin (more than 80%) to avoid the development of hypervitaminosis A, D, E. According to the instructions, it is also not recommended to use the drug for more than 6 weeks.

It must be said that the drug was not created specifically for facial skin rejuvenation, and therefore it does not have such an indication in the instructions. The standard recommended duration of a course of using retinoids (vitamin A) to reduce the depth of wrinkles is a minimum of 24 weeks, and optimally 36 weeks.

For whom is the cream intended and for whom is it prohibited?

The main effect of using “Radevit” is the relief of inflammation, starting the process of natural restoration inside epithelial cells. It eliminates itching, treats peeling, quickly heals pimples, and at the same time nourishes the skin from the inside, making it moisturized. At the same time, the tone and texture of the skin improves, it becomes soft and velvety. If a woman uses it, regular use noticeably evens out the texture and smoothes out small and large wrinkles.

Is it possible to use Radevit in the summer? Cosmetologists do not prohibit applying it from time to time: this way collagen will not be destroyed under the influence of sunlight, and the skin will remain elastic. But after using ointments and creams, pigment spots may appear, so it is better not to apply Radevit before leaving the house.

The cream is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • dermatitis (including allergic);
  • erosions;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis;
  • with cracks on the surface of the epithelium;
  • for the treatment of wounds (excluding open ones).

Dermatologists also advise using it after hormonal therapy with ointments with corticosteroids: the use of this product softens the “hormonal shock”, promoting the speedy restoration of the integument.

Like any other medical product, Radevit ointments and creams have their contraindications. The medicine is prohibited for anyone who has an individual intolerance to individual components (see composition above), or who has increased sensitivity of the epithelium. The cream should not be used by people with hypervitaminosis of retinol, tocopherol, or vitamin D. It is also not recommended for anyone who takes retinoids.

Pregnancy is considered a relative contraindication: if necessary, the doctor allows its use, but the situation is always discussed individually, taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman.

Doctors talk about using the Radevit cream:

But in general, Radevit is safe, side effects are recorded in the rarest cases. The cream is hypoallergenic and easily tolerated by people of different ages.

Ointment Radevit: analogues

Many people are interested in whether Radevit ointment has cheaper analogues that are not inferior in composition and effectiveness. Radevit ointment has no analogues with exactly the same composition. However, there are similar drugs -

  • “Retinol palmitate” (vitamin A in oil) – 170 rubles per 50 ml bottle.
  • “Tocopherol acetate” (vitamin E in oil) – 80 rubles, 50 ml bottle.
  • “Videstim-cream” (vitamin A in the form of retinol palmitate) – 190 rubles.
  • “Vitaprinol-cream” (vitamins A, E...) – 175 rubles.


1. Higher medical education of the author of the article, 2. Textbook on dermatology “Fitzpatrick's Dermatology” (8th edition), 3. American Academy of Dermatology (USA), 4. National Library of Medicine (USA), 5. Clinical studies published at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/.

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