Boro plus cream: detailed instructions for use, what it is used for, composition, review of analogues and reviews

Description of the drug

Boro Plus contains only natural ingredients - phytoextracts of medicinal plants. Unlike pharmacological drugs, it has a mild, gentle effect on the epidermis.

The cream has a thick, dense texture, but does not contain any fatty components. After applying it, no stains remain on clothes or bedding. The active components are quickly adsorbed into pathological lesions, providing a therapeutic effect.

What Boro Plus helps with:

  • acne is a condition in which hair follicles become clogged and inflamed. The cream is used to eliminate closed and open comedones, papular and pustular acne, nodules;
  • Boro plus helps get rid of itching, burning, and pain of mild to moderate intensity;
  • traumatic injuries, including those accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin. The natural remedy is used to accelerate tissue healing after dislocations, sprains, and bruises;
  • care for skin of all types prone to inflammation. Regular use of the cream helps to even out the texture, restore healthy color, and smooth out facial wrinkles.

Boro Plus has a pleasant, rich aroma of essential oils and phytoextracts that lasts for a long time. Its ability to eliminate unpleasant odors is used by people with excessive sweating.

The cream is applied not only to the armpits and feet, but also directly to shoes.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Boro Plus is not a drug and is not included in any clinical and pharmacological group. This is a cosmetic skin care product that can be classified as a dietary supplement. Patients often ask dermatologists whether Boro Plus contains hormonal components or not.

The cream does not contain ingredients identical to substances produced by the adrenal glands. This explains the gentle effect of the herbal remedy. Unlike glucocorticosteroids, it does not cause addiction, the so-called “withdrawal syndrome”.

pharmachologic effect

The therapeutic effect of Boro Plus on the skin is due to the pharmacological properties of phytoextracts. These biologically active compounds are obtained by processing flowers, leaves, and roots of medicinal plants. They are saturated with phytoncides that strengthen local immunity and increase resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.

Course use of the cream prevents cell destruction by free radicals. Antioxidant activity explains its use as a preventative against premature aging. It is characterized by a diverse effect on all epidermal layers:

  • relief of chronic sluggish inflammatory processes of various origins;
  • reduction in the severity of pain, burning, itching;
  • elimination of swelling, including inflammatory swelling, hematomas, pinpoint hemorrhages;
  • saturating the skin with moisture, preventing water evaporation under the influence of external or internal negative factors;
  • replenishment of microelements, water- and fat-soluble vitamins in cells;
  • stimulation of exfoliation of keratinized particles by accelerating metabolic processes;
  • restoring skin integrity, increasing the rate of tissue regeneration.

Without exception, all ingredients of the external agent have an antimycotic, antibacterial, and antiseptic effect. They inhibit pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and some types of viruses, inhibiting their growth and reproduction.

After applying the cream, a protective film is formed on the surface of the dermis. Oxygen flows through it unhindered, but pathogenic microorganisms do not penetrate.

Release form and composition

The cosmetic product is produced at an Indian pharmaceutical factory. The cream is packaged in soft plastic tubes of 25 or 50 ml. Secondary packaging is a cardboard box with instructions for use attached.

The active composition of Boro Plus is represented by the following ingredients:

  • ginger root extract;
  • turmeric;
  • phytoextracts of aloe, licorice, neem;
  • sandalwood extract.

To form a cream base, manufacturers use talc, glycerol, and purified water. The Boro Plus therapeutic line includes creams in green and purple packaging, foot product, and lip balm. They differ only in the composition of additional ingredients, but have similar clinical effectiveness. The instructions for creams in purple and green packaging define the same range of applications. But the differences are taken into account when drawing up a therapeutic regimen.

The product in the purple box is thicker, so it is more often used for preventive purposes. The cream in green packaging is less dense and is absorbed faster by the skin. This Boro Plus is usually used to treat chronic pathologies.

Storage conditions and periods

The shelf life of Boro plus cream is 5 years. Once the plastic tube is opened, it should be used within a year. Store the cosmetic product in places protected from direct sunlight. The optimal temperature is 10-25°C.

Damage to the cream is indicated by a change in its color, consistency, or smell. Small children should not have access to it. If it gets on the mucous membranes of the mouth or eyes, pain and burning sensations may occur.

Properties of the cream

Boro Plus is actively used for burns due to its large number of positive properties. Basic:

  • antimicrobial and disinfectant;
  • antifungal;
  • surgical healing of wounds, injuries, scratches;
  • softening the epidermis;
  • elimination of pain, itching;
  • elimination of irritation due to dry erythema;
  • increasing skin elasticity and toning;
  • moisturizing and nourishing the skin;
  • anti-inflammatory effect, due to which redness goes away.

If blisters appear due to a burn, Boro Plus helps prevent infection. It also helps prevent burn scars for blisters.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use recommend using Boro Plus ointment for medicinal purposes as prescribed by a doctor.
Its active ingredients reduce the intensity of inflammatory reactions, but are not able to stop acute pathological processes. Antiseptic therapy is possible when diagnosing chronic diseases.

Indications and contraindications

Boro plus ointment is often used as a regular nourishing or moisturizing cream. This method of application stimulates improvement of skin condition, including by eliminating rashes. In dermatology and cosmetology, cream is used to reduce the severity of the effects of acne: scars, pits, cicatrices.

Doctors recommend using it to get rid of “blackheads” - comedones. Indications for the use of Boro Plus cream are the following pathological conditions:

  • chapping, frostbite, thermal, radiation, chemical burns of 1st degree of severity;
  • allergic rashes of any localization with a chronic course;
  • furunculosis, herpes simplex at the initial stage;
  • dry eczema, not accompanied by tissue suppuration;
  • dry calluses, corns, roughening and thickening of the dermis;
  • cuts, abrasions, bruises, cracks, including nipples.

The only contraindication to the antiseptic is individual intolerance to the active and auxiliary ingredients. It should not be applied to large wound surfaces, especially in the presence of pathological exudate.

Directions for use and doses

Using Boro Plus cream for acne or blackheads involves 2-3 times daily spot application. The same frequency of use is indicated in the treatment of allergies, burns and frostbite. For skin care, it is enough to use the cosmetic product 1-2 times a day for an unlimited time.

Single and daily dosages depend on the area of ​​the affected areas. If necessary, a large amount of cream can be applied. For better absorption, it should be slightly rubbed into the skin. The duration of the therapeutic course is until the symptoms disappear completely.

Side effects and special instructions

Despite the natural composition of Boro Plus, there is a possibility of local side effects. Therefore, before carrying out therapy, medical consultation is necessary. Allergic reactions are possible, clinically manifested in swelling, redness of the skin, and the formation of rashes.

As an antimicrobial medication, the cream is usually used to prevent tissue infection. If contamination has already occurred, then Boro Plus is advisable to use after local antibiotics or antimycotics.

It is characterized by weak antiviral properties. Therefore, a natural remedy is used in the initial stages of pathologies. The ointment has been proven effective in the treatment of herpetic infections - “colds” on the lips. Its application to reddened areas relieves burning sensation and prevents the formation of a painful blister. But with a vesicle that has already formed, Boro Plus will not help.

Pregnancy and lactation

Boro Plus can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is recommended for healing wounds, eliminating heaviness in the legs, getting rid of allergies and acne.

Use in childhood

Boro Plus is used in children for skin irritations of non-infectious origin. It effectively copes with diaper rash, diaper rash, and also prevents their occurrence.

special instructions

For increased effectiveness of using the ointment, it is recommended to follow the following special instructions:

  • The ointment is stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees;
  • The shelf life of the ointment is 5 years; after expiration, the drug cannot be used;
  • Can be used with other types of medications;
  • During pregnancy, the use of ointment must be treated with increased attention;
  • If there is no result after a course of treatment, you should consult a doctor.

If any side effects occur, use of the ointment should be discontinued.


Svetlana, Penza

I like Boro Plus in the green box better than in the purple box. After applying it, there is no feeling of a greasy film on the skin. Extracts of medicinal plants quickly relieve itching and irritation, eliminate rashes.

Evgenia, Chelyabinsk

Boro Plus contains many herbs that enhance each other's effects. The product helped me get rid of large acne on my face and body in just a month.

Boro plus cream (review) from 50 rub.


  • Efficiency
  • Price
  • Safety
  • Availability


  • Economical consumption
  • Efficiency
  • Price
  • Wide range of applications


  • Fatty
  • Smell
  • Compound

Contraindications for use

Boro Plus for sunburn in most cases is very well tolerated by patients and practically does not cause any side effects. Doctors allow the use of the drug even while pregnant and breastfeeding. The use of the drug in pediatrics is not prohibited.

But there are a number of exceptions that must be taken into account during therapy. These include:

  1. Excessive sensitivity to the components in the composition. This problem occurs quite often. That is why before using the cream it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. If irritation, redness, or rashes appear, then treatment should be abandoned.
  2. Expired date. It is strictly forbidden to carry out treatment if the remedy is no longer suitable.

In all other cases, applying cream for burns is not only possible, but also necessary. The cream will help quickly get rid of all symptoms and heal the dermis.

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