Clearvin cream: instructions for use, price, composition and reviews

Clearwin is a skin care cream that has a unique herbal composition and has a multifunctional effect on the body. This medication is actively used to eliminate various deficiencies and cleanse problem areas of the epidermis. The main components of the product are extracts obtained from medicinal herbs. This natural composition of the drug helps increase the elasticity of the skin and smoothes its surface.

Composition and release form

The drug for external use is produced in India. It comes in the form of a thick white cream with a pleasant smell of exotic plants. In the process of creating Clearvin, the principles of the Ayurvedic traditional system of Indian folk medicine were taken into account. The cream is packaged in plastic tubes of 25 g. The white and blue cardboard box also contains instructions for use.

The manufacturer used only useful synthetic additives and beeswax as auxiliary components. They enhance the effect of medicinal plants and promote their penetration into the deepest layers of the dermis. Additional components are evenly distributed on the skin, protecting it from infection and damage.

The active composition is represented by the following ingredients:

  • margosa;
  • medicinal emblem;
  • calamus;
  • lodhra;
  • turmeric;
  • madder cordifolia;
  • kafalom and aloe vera;
  • sesame oil;
  • holy basil;
  • sodium tetraborate.

For several decades, only the traditional Clearvin cream was present in the pharmacy assortment. Now on the shelves there are several types of Ayurvedic products of the same name for the care of the skin of the hands and eyelids. Sunscreen (SPF 50) and whitening creams are popular. And recently, the line of care products was replenished with a lotion to combat skin imperfections.

The product line includes creams and lotions to solve various skin problems

Pharmacological properties

Each active ingredient in Clearvin has its own specific beneficial properties. And in combination, they significantly enhance and prolong (extend) the pharmacological actions of each other. Medicinal herbs contain many flavonoids, phytoncides, tannins, phytoncides, fat- and water-soluble vitamins. This allows for a comprehensive approach to daily skin care.

But Klivrin cream is also well known for its healing effects. Its course or continuous use improves the condition of both the dermis and epidermis:

  • prevents the appearance of acne and small pimples;
  • provides an optimal level of hydration;
  • smoothes the skin surface;
  • suppresses and stops inflammatory processes;
  • maintains water-lipid balance;
  • strengthens local immunity;
  • protects against pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic fungi;
  • cleanses tissues of toxins, toxins, harmful salts;
  • eliminates irritation, swelling and redness;
  • stimulates accelerated healing of microcracks;
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminating oily sheen;
  • saturates the epidermis and dermis with vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Clearvin skin care cream protects it from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. And this eliminates its premature aging and early formation of wrinkles. Herbal ingredients tone the skin, so it looks healthy and well hydrated.

contains licorice phytoextract and vitamin E. This combination of components ensures the rapid elimination of dark circles and bags under the eyes.

A special product for the care of the skin around the eyes effectively combats puffiness and circles under the eyes


Clearwin is an Ayurvedic drug. It contains herbal extracts that act most effectively on the deep layers of the skin, vitamin E of natural origin, as well as active antioxidants. As a result, the elasticity and firmness of tissues increases. Active components help improve microcirculation. Using Clearwin on the face, while improving blood circulation, also helps reduce bags under the eyes. The components of the cream moisturize the upper layers of the skin, while simultaneously restoring its water balance. And the natural oils contained in it make the skin smooth, elastic and soft.

Indications for use

Clearvin's ability to restore tissue is in demand in the treatment of microtraumas. It helps cope with cuts, abrasions, scrapes, superficial burns and frostbite. An Ayurvedic remedy with a whitening effect evens out the complexion and eliminates cosmetic defects. It brightens the skin, making age spots invisible.

What else is multi-component cream used for:

  • prevention and treatment of acne, elimination of blackheads and blackheads;
  • preventing the appearance of facial wrinkles, reducing the depth of age-related wrinkles;
  • improving the oval of the face, tightening the skin and smoothing its relief.

During pregnancy and lactation, many medications for stretch marks are prohibited. Clearvin with natural composition is safe. Therefore, it can be used to prevent stretch marks and eliminate external manifestations of cellulite. The product fights not only acne and comedones. It removes stains from the surface of the skin that remain after squeezing them out. The cream's ability to dissolve scars on the body and face has been noted. After a course of use, rough scars do not completely disappear. But they become much less noticeable.

The cream has a whitening effect, improves skin color and tone

The composition of Clearwin cream is the “key” to unlocking its effectiveness!

  1. Neem extract (Azadirachta indica) is a powerful antiseptic with effectiveness proven by many clinical tests. Neem's ability to heal superficial wounds has also been confirmed, which is especially useful when removing fresh acne.
  2. Turmeric is not only a seasoning, but also a valuable medicinal plant. Tests of oils extracted from turmeric have proven that this plant has high antibacterial activity.
  3. Aloe extract, also present in the cream, perfectly moisturizes dry skin and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Calamus helps heal wounds, but at the same time significantly accelerates the production of collagen, which is necessary for tissues to maintain and restore their structure. It is this property that makes calamus extremely useful in the fight against stretch marks during pregnancy.
  5. Tankan bhasma is one of the most important components of Clearwin®. This is a mineral salt extracted from the depths of the Earth. It is responsible for the whitening properties of the cream and helps to get rid of not only post-acne, but also age spots, which can occur for a number of reasons: unsuccessful tanning, freckles, hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, and so on.
  6. Yashada bhasma is another mineral that has extremely beneficial effects on the skin. It has disinfecting and drying properties, which is especially useful for oily skin.


An absolute contraindication to the use of Clearvin is individual intolerance to one of the components. And the cream has a lot of them, and many herbs do not grow in our country. Cosmetologists recommend that their clients conduct preliminary testing. To do this, rub a little ointment (about the size of a grain of rice) into your wrist or elbow. It remains to wait about an hour. If during this time the skin does not turn red or swell, then there is no hypersensitivity to exotic ingredients.

Caution should be exercised when applying Clearvin to the skin of children to treat microtraumas. The child's blood vessels are located close to its surface, so the risk of allergic manifestations is high.

Does Clearwin help with stretch marks?

This product penetrates into the upper layers of the epidermis, thereby increasing the elasticity of the skin, making it smoother, and evening out unevenness. This is why Clearvin cream is so effective against stretch marks. Its advantage over other means is that it can be used even during pregnancy. Therefore, women who are afraid of the appearance of stretch marks on the skin after childbirth can start using it from 4 months. If you regularly apply a thin layer of cream on your stomach, it will increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin. This will help prevent stretch marks from appearing. And since all the components of the cream are non-toxic and do not enter the bloodstream, it will not cause any harm to the child. The product should be used for such purposes for 2-3 months. Clearvin cream is also effective for stretch marks that have already appeared. According to women, if you use it regularly, they become less noticeable and the skin gradually smoothes out.

Instructions for use

Following the instructions in the instructions will help eliminate cosmetic effects without fear of side effects. The best time to apply Clearvin is morning and evening (before bed). During these hours, restoration processes in the dermis and epidermis are most active. Using an Ayurvedic remedy is easy:

  1. Clean the skin with warm water and soap, dry.
  2. Remove the required amount of cream from the tube and spread it in a thin layer on the skin.
  3. Rubbing the product in a circular motion will help speed up absorption.

Clearvin cream is well and quickly absorbed by the skin, especially dry and normal skin. In other cases, a greasy sheen may appear. For people with oily and combination skin, it is advisable to blot their face with a paper napkin after applying the product.

The product should be applied twice a day to previously cleansed skin.

For the face (acne, scars, wrinkles)

Clearwin copes with acne faster than with scars and wrinkles. Its components slow down the growth and reproduction of bacteria in skin pores. Using the cream for 1-1.5 months has a positive effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Fresh acne stops appearing, subcutaneous pimples on the face disappear.

To make wrinkles less pronounced, daily application of a natural product is required for 2-3 months. Including those designed to care for the delicate skin around the eyes. The same amount of time is needed to reduce scars and scars.

Preliminary removal of decorative cosmetics is mandatory. After washing, Clearwin should be applied to problem areas and massaged in with your fingertips. The instructions for use say it can be used under makeup. To discolor pigment spots, it is advisable to use a special whitening cream.

We recommend

Achromin cream is an effective remedy for evening out skin tone.

For body

To care for body skin, a product with a natural composition is used daily up to 3 times a day. The method of application depends on the purpose of use:

  1. The cream is rubbed pointwise into pigment spots.
  2. To combat dry skin, Clearvin is evenly distributed on its surface in a thin layer. And then rub it in in a circular motion.

But there are also exceptions. Freckles are also considered increased skin pigmentation. To eliminate them, the cream is not applied pointwise, but rubbed into the hands or décolleté area. It is similarly used to eliminate stretch marks in the thighs, abdomen, chest, and sides. Stretch marks gradually fade, and skin tone evens out. But you should not expect quick results - the duration of the course varies from 3 to 6 months.

The product is also used to combat stretch marks on the abdomen during and after pregnancy.


The components of Clearvin are not able to accumulate either in the dermis or in the epidermis. So there have been no cases of drug overdose in clinical practice. It is possible when it is swallowed and is manifested by digestive and peristalsis disorders. After gastric lavage they quickly disappear.

Side effects

The ingredients of the product are metabolized in the skin, so systemic side effects are unlikely. But they can cause the development of a local allergic reaction. It is indicated by itching, pain, rash, swelling and redness of a certain area of ​​the body. It is necessary to quickly wash off Clearvin, and then consult a doctor for symptomatic treatment.

special instructions

When using Clearvin, you must follow the rules of hygiene. Before applying it, you need to wash your hands and clean the neck of the tube after each procedure. If there is delamination, change in color or odor, do not use the cream for treatment.

Apply the product to the face with caution. If it gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of running water. Severe burning and redness of the conjunctiva require consultation with a doctor.

Storage conditions and periods

The shelf life of Clearvin cream for face and body is 2 years. It should be stored at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Young children's access to the drug should be limited.

Caution: product may cause severe irritation if in contact with eyes.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Both pharmacies and cosmetics stores sell Clearvin cream. You do not need a doctor's prescription to purchase it.

Drug interactions

Clearvin does not interact with other agents for local and systemic use. It does not alter the absorption, metabolism and distribution of their ingredients. But for better absorption, it should be used 15 minutes before or after other external medications.

Use during pregnancy

During practical research of this cream, it was found that Clearvin significantly reduces the likelihood of stretch marks and reduces sagging skin. For preventive purposes, it should be applied to the skin of the abdomen and other problem areas, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, until childbirth, and for a certain time after them.

Before using the cream for the first time, you need to conduct an allergy test on the back of your wrist. In the absence of hypersensitivity, you can safely use it in the future.

Expert opinion

Lyudmila Sheveleva

Higher pharmaceutical education, pharmacist. Work experience in a pharmacy - more than 20 years.

Ask a Question

Clearvin is a universal cream with a wide range of applications. It has a fairly pronounced antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial effect. The product regenerates well and intensively softens problem areas of the skin. Clearwin can rightfully be called “First Aid” for domestic injuries. It also copes well with acne, skin irritation, and age-related changes. The drug is safe, does not interfere with the functioning of internal organs and is well tolerated.

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