How to get rid of calluses and learn how to choose the right shoes

Types of calluses

Calluses can be wet or dry. Wet calluses are formed as a result of short-term exposure to a damaging physical factor, while dry calluses are a consequence of prolonged exposure to pressure, friction and trauma. Dry calluses can be core or in the form of corns. Core calluses have the appearance of a local compaction of the skin, yellowish in color, small in size (up to 5 mm), in the center of which there is the base of the core, and the apex is directed deep into the skin in the form of a “spike.” Core calluses are extremely painful when there is perpendicular pressure on them and walking. Corns have the appearance of a compacted plaque larger than the core callus, more superficial.

The main method of treating calluses is removal, which can be done in several ways. One of them is freezing with liquid nitrogen.

Callus on the heel: types and ways to get rid of it

Calluses are thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin. At this site, a layer of dead cells forms, which overlap each other and form a callus. Calluses occur in areas of constant friction or pressure on the skin from shoes. There are two types of callus on the foot:

Wet callus


It is a bubble filled with a clear liquid. If the heel of the shoe presses on the skin, swelling and redness occur at the site of friction. The top layer of epithelium peels off and fills with fluid. All this is accompanied by pain and inability to walk. A couple of hours spent in new shoes is enough, and now this nasty, painful blister appears on the heel. If you do nothing, this callus will go away on its own. But there is a danger that when the blister breaks, an infection can get into the wound. For the same reason, you should not pierce the bladder yourself.

With a small callus, the liquid will resolve on its own. This usually takes three to five days. For now, the callus needs to be sealed with a bactericidal plaster - this will reduce pain when moving and prevent infection.

For speedy healing, you can use a compress with aloe: rinse a piece of the plant leaf with warm water and chop it. Apply the prepared mixture onto the bubble and cover with a clean napkin. Also, during the healing period, it is advisable to limit mobility as much as possible.

If a bottle of liquid has opened, do the following:

  • Treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide.
  • At night, apply levomekol ointment to it, cover it with a sterile napkin and tie it up. Antibacterial ointment will disinfect the wound and promote rapid healing. In the morning, the bandage should be removed and, if possible, the injured surface should be left in the open air.
  • If you need to go somewhere, cover the wound with a bactericidal bandage.

Dry callus


These calluses look like a lump on the skin that protrudes above its surface. Most often, such a callus forms on the heel, foot and toes from constant friction with shoes. It is easier to remove a dry callus yourself than a water callus. In addition, with dry calluses there is no risk of infection.

First, the seal on the skin needs to be softened. There are several ways:

  • Make a special bath: dissolve soda and laundry soap in warm water. It is enough to hold your foot in such a bath for 15 - 20 minutes, then carefully remove the stratum corneum with pumice.
  • Instead of soap and soda, you can use a compress of grated raw potatoes and aloe. The pulp is applied to the callus for 10 - 12 hours, after which it is also treated with pumice. Most likely you will have to repeat several of these procedures. It is important to act carefully so as not to damage healthy tissue.
  • Lemon juice softens the skin well due to its acid content. Apply it two to three times a day to the callus until completely dry.
  • After each such treatment, the skin needs to be moisturized. For softening and healing, use salicylic ointment about three times a day.
  • And finally, the easiest and safest way to remove dry calluses is to visit a pedicure salon. The specialist will carefully remove the stratum corneum with a special device and give advice on skin care.

Contraindications for cryodestruction of calluses

Contraindications to the use of liquid nitrogen for the destruction of calluses are:

  • Cold intolerance - manifested by the formation of an itchy rash on the skin when exposed to low temperatures (in the cold, when exposed to cold water, when applying an ice cube).
  • The presence of allergic rashes, pustular elements or a violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​​​expected exposure. To use cryodestruction in this case, preliminary treatment of existing rashes is required.
  • Insufficiency of arterial circulation in the feet against the background of obliterating atherosclerosis, complications of diabetes mellitus.
  • The presence of cryoglobulinemia is a rare disease in which special proteins are formed in the blood (cryoglobulins) at temperatures below 37°C. This condition accompanies various vasculitis - vascular inflammation, Raynaud's syndrome, viral hepatitis C, etc.

New shoes rub on the back: what to do about them?

So. Shoes or boots have been purchased, but there is a suspicion that they will rub your feet when worn. Or they have already shown themselves not to be their best.


A few tips from a shoemaker to help make your shoes more comfortable:

  1. You can put on shoes with a thick or woolen sock and walk around in them for 1-2 hours.
  2. To expand the product, you need to moisten a cloth or napkin with alcohol and wipe the inside of the heel of the shoe (be careful so that the alcohol does not get on the outside of the shoe), then put it on cotton socks and walk around the house. After treating with alcohol, the heel of the shoe can be kneaded with your fingers.
  3. Castor oil also has a softening effect. They also need to wipe the inside of the heel.
  4. Wet a napkin, place it on the inside of the backdrop and gently beat with a hammer. This option is not suitable for a product made of varnish; it can be damaged by mechanical stress.
  5. You can use pliers instead of a hammer. To do this, you need to wrap the heel of the boot on both sides with fabric and wrinkle it. Here you also need to be careful not to damage the product.
  6. For suede shoes, rubbing the inner surface with beer is suitable. After this, you can also stretch the heel with your fingers and walk around in the shoes for a while.
  7. Vinegar has worked well for softening shoes. You need to moisten a piece of cloth, push it inside the shoe and leave it overnight.
  8. Wax, soap or paraffin is also used to rub the backdrop to make it softer.
  9. Let's remember physics: pour water into a sealed bag, close it and place it in your shoes. Place the shoes with bags inside in the freezer. When water freezes, it will expand and put pressure on the walls, which will cause the inside of the shoe to stretch.

However, using folk remedies, there is a risk of spoiling or deforming the material. This will be especially offensive if the shoes are expensive. To solve this problem, shoe stores sell special aerosol products that will help stretch or soften the hard backs of shoes. Also, in the store you can purchase heel pads in advance, which are glued to the heel in areas of possible chafing. And at the pharmacy you can buy a special pencil against calluses. It contains emollient and antiseptic components. They need to treat the skin of the heel in the area where chafing is most likely.

  • Author: Ekaterina Kozhevnikova

Stages of the procedure

The procedure for removing calluses with nitrogen is performed as follows:

  • Before removing a callus, an examination by a doctor is required to confirm the diagnosis and exclude contraindications to cryodestruction, determine the causative factors of callus formation and underlying diseases.
  • The cryodestruction process takes place in a comfortable position for the patient, lying on the couch.
  • Pain relief during cryodestruction of calluses is possible, but more often it is not performed, since the procedure is quite tolerable and short-term.
  • Application of liquid nitrogen is carried out using a cotton swab on a wooden stick, soaked in a solution of liquid nitrogen, or a nitrogen aerosol supplied under pressure through the tube of a cryodestructor apparatus. The duration of cooling, as a rule, does not exceed 60 seconds and depends on the area and expected depth of the callus and the thickness of the skin.
  • During the cooling process, the callus area turns white in the form of “frost”; upon thawing, the whitening resolves. For deep calluses and calluses located on thickened skin, repeated application of nitrogen is carried out.
  • After the procedure, the skin treated with nitrogen turns red, and a bubble with clear or bloody contents may form.
  • As a result of freezing and thawing, destruction processes form in the tissues of the callus; the bladder shrinks to form a crust, which is torn off in the form of a “scab” after 2–4 weeks.
  • After properly performed cryodestruction, a scar does not form at the site of the removed callus.

Choosing the right shoes

By the end of the day, feet often swell, actually increasing by 0.5 -1 size, so it is better to buy new shoes in the evening. Shoes should not squeeze the foot, but should not dangle loosely on it. It is important to remember that the size may vary on different feet, so you need to try on shoes on both feet at once. You need to walk a little in new shoes. In order to understand that these shoes suit you and will not rub when you walk, you don’t have to walk around the store in them for half a day. Walking for two to three minutes is enough. If during this time you realized that your legs are not entirely comfortable, it is better to pay attention to another model, even if you liked the previous pair more. Even if you choose shoes that you will wear from time to time, for example, when going out, comfort is still an important criterion when choosing. What good are new boots if they end up collecting dust in the closet? Well, you need to pay maximum attention to the choice of shoes that you plan to wear every day.

Right size

Shoes should be neither larger nor smaller than your size. Before purchasing, measure your foot in centimeters and check the manufacturer’s sizing chart.

Hard ass

When purchasing, pay attention to the heel of the shoe. A hard heel is more common in patent leather shoes, as well as products made from artificial materials. The heel should hold its shape well, but not put too much pressure on the heel. There should be no rough parts or seams on it, otherwise this will inevitably lead to the appearance of calluses.

Poor quality material

Natural materials such as leather and suede provide not only a presentable appearance, but also guaranteed comfort and safety for your feet. Shoes made from natural materials tend to wear out and take the shape of the foot, taking into account its characteristics. If it is chosen correctly, the discomfort that may be present at the beginning will disappear over time. The shoes adapt to the anatomy of the foot and become comfortable. Artificial material does not have the ability to expand and change. If such shoes rub at the very beginning, nothing will change later during wear.

Excessive sweating

Excessive sweating of the feet is often the cause of calluses. Even if the size is chosen correctly, excess moisture contributes to skin injury. You can apply a little talcum powder to the skin of your feet and the heel of your shoes before going out, this will help cope with heavy sweating.

Heel bend - a feature that not everyone knows about

You will be surprised, but all people have different heel structures. The degree of bending is individual for everyone, it is important to take this into account when choosing a new pair. There are 2 types of bending: smooth and active .

A smooth bend will be closer to a right angle. Active - on the contrary, strive for something spicy. When choosing the model you like, pay attention to whether the heel of the shoe suits the structure of your heel. After all, if the lines of the corners on the heel of the shoe do not correspond to the line of your heel, such shoes will certainly rub. It is necessary that the foot sticks to the heel of the shoe as much as possible, this will ensure wearing comfort and avoid the appearance of calluses. Surely, like many, you had no idea about all these intricacies, and perhaps a pair of shoes that rub your heel is already collecting dust in your closet. Don't rush to get rid of it! There is a chance to return it to your wardrobe.

What recommendations are important for a patient to follow after cryodestruction of a callus?

After removing the callus with nitrogen, it is important to:

  • limit the pressure on the site of destruction by reducing the load (walking, playing sports, wearing high heels, tight shoes, etc.);
  • do not injure, rub or scratch the frozen area;
  • Maintain foot skin hygiene: wash your feet daily with soap, then dry them with a clean towel, change your socks.

To prevent recurrence of callus formation, it is necessary to eliminate possible causative factors:

  • wearing tight or narrow shoes;
  • use of shoes with or without high heels.

It is also important to promptly treat lesions of the osteoarticular system to prevent further joint deformation, and for overweight patients to reduce it. Doctors recommend using orthopedic pads to reduce the likelihood of relapses of calluses, and timely pedicures to eliminate local thickening of the skin of the sole.

Why new shoes rub your heel, and what to do to avoid mistakes when buying

There are many reasons for this problem. It is important to know the basics in order to avoid problems when purchasing.

  1. The size is incorrect.
  2. The model is not right for you, since everyone has different fullness and width of the foot, as well as a different curvature of the heel.
  3. The back of the shoe is too hard.
  4. Poor quality material, rough seams.
  5. Excessive sweating of the feet.


What is a callus and where is it treated?

A callus forms on the skin of the feet. It differs from a regular callus in that its base is located deep under the skin of the foot. It appears in cases where the body tries to protect the skin from excessive exposure. If you do not start using appropriate medications in time, then over time it goes deeper and deeper, and the skin becomes very rough. Removing it yourself is very problematic; you need the help of a specialist. The network of clinics "Stolitsa" offers everyone who is faced with a callus to undergo a course of drug treatment at a favorable price. Our medical centers employ the best doctors who will help you get rid of calluses quickly, painlessly and efficiently.


To confirm that you do have a callus, your doctor will need to take a blood test from you at your first visit. Tests are taken to check blood glucose levels and the presence of papillomavirus.

It is possible to cure a callus without surgery; the patient is offered a choice of several methods, including:

  • drilling using a special device followed by application of a special bandage;
  • cryotherapy involves treating the callus with liquid nitrogen;
  • laser therapy;
  • radio wave therapy;
  • electrocoagulation.

The cost of treatment depends on the chosen removal method. In addition, the healing process also depends on the chosen method.

How does a callus appear?

The first sign that you are developing a callus is pain in your foot when walking. This manifests itself because the core of the callus is in close contact with the nerve endings and, when pressed, contacts them.

You can distinguish it from other problems by the following signs:

  • the rod is visible to the naked eye;
  • dense structure;
  • the shade of the callus is whitish and gray;
  • at the site of callus formation, the skin pattern changes;
  • It hurts to press on the callus.

If a callus is detected, it must be immediately removed at a medical center. Otherwise, as our patients describe in their reviews, there is a need to change shoes to more spacious ones, and lameness also occurs.

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