“Salipod” patch for core calluses: reviews, instructions for use, analogues

Many people know what calluses are. Uncomfortable or tight shoes can chafe your feet, causing painful blisters. When such exposure continues for a long time, the skin becomes coarser and thickens. Dry calluses form, which grow deep into the soft tissues, forming something like a root or rod. For this they received the name core. Such formations are very difficult to remove, and they often cause very severe pain when walking. There are many medications available for this purpose, but not all of them are effective. The most popular remedy is the Salipod patch for core calluses. Reviews of the application note that with its help you can easily get rid of even old hard formations.

What are core calluses?

A special feature of this type of callus is a core deeply embedded in the soft tissue. Therefore, it is very difficult to remove them. Using conventional methods, only the upper part of the callus is softened, and the root is not affected.

A callus appears due to prolonged exposure to one area of ​​the skin of any irritants. Most often these are uncomfortable shoes. Therefore, such calluses appear mainly on the soles of the feet, most often on protruding places, in the area of ​​​​contact with shoes or between the toes. They can form in athletes, in people who are overweight or who spend a long time on their feet.

If the shoe compresses the foot in some place or rubs the skin, abrasion may form. The resulting thickening of the epidermis protects deeper tissues from irritation. A layer of hardened cells gradually grows, most often inward. It is because of this feature that pain occurs when pressing on the growth or when walking.

Such dry calluses are often a symptom of various foot pathologies. Flat feet, hallux valgus, or plantar fasciitis lead to improper load distribution on the foot, resulting in dry calluses and corns. It is very difficult to remove them, since the coarsened layer of epidermal cells goes deep inside.

Features of the Salipod patch

This product is intended to combat various types of keratoses - that is, keratinization of the skin. The Salipod patch softens rough areas of the epidermis, exfoliating its upper layers. In addition, it has an antiseptic effect, killing all pathogenic microorganisms and preventing infection. Therefore, it is best suited for removing calluses and corns.

The “Salipod” patch is a regular adhesive plaster with a medicinal composition applied to it. Its top layer is impregnated with a special substance that does not allow water to pass through. The patch is available in paper packaging. Its dimensions can be 10X2 cm or 10X6 cm. A cardboard box usually contains several patches, and the kit also includes a regular adhesive plaster. It allows you to better fix the treatment on the skin. Due to ease of use, high efficiency and affordable cost, the Salipod patch for core calluses is very popular. Its price, depending on the place of sale, manufacturer and form of release, ranges from 30 to 80 rubles.

Composition and principle of action

According to the pharmacological classification, Salipod is classified as a dermatotropic drug against calluses and warts. Product components:

  • salicylic acid,
  • sulfur,
  • lanolin,
  • rosin,
  • rubber.

The main active ingredient in the medicinal composition of the Salipod patch is salicylic acid. It has keratolytic, antifungal, antimicrobial properties, softens the dense stratum corneum of calluses, and promotes the penetration of other medicinal substances under the skin.

Sulfur has a drying and healing effect when, under the influence of salicylic acid, a weeping wound forms at the site of the callus. Pine rosin, acting bactericidal, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, preventing them from penetrating deep into the dermis. Lanolin forms the ointment base of the medicine and promotes tissue softening and regeneration. Rubber acts as a binding component, giving the patch plastic and adhesive properties.

The medicinal composition is applied to a special medical fabric. This material is durable and soft at the same time, which minimizes friction between the foot and the shoe. The outer layer of the patch is impregnated with a substance that does not allow moisture to pass through.

For ease of use, the anti-corn preparation is available in two modifications: strips with a protective coating measuring 10x2 cm, 10x6 cm.

The product is sealed in a paper bag with instructions printed on the back side. In addition, a regular adhesive plaster is included in the package for additional fixation of the medicinal product. Shelf life – 2 years of storage in a dry place at room temperature.

Benefits of use

Quite often, calluses cause a lot of suffering to a person. Many people try to get rid of them using folk remedies, making various baths or compresses. But this is quite labor-intensive and not always effective. It is much more convenient to use special medications. Of these, the most popular is the “Salipod” patch for core calluses. Reviews note that it has the following advantages over other similar drugs:

  • in addition to removing fresh calluses, it is effective against old formations with roots;
  • it not only softens dead skin, but also relieves pain;
  • It is easy to use at home; in most cases, calluses disappear on their own;
  • the acidic environment created by the main active ingredient of the patch prevents the development of fungal diseases;
  • in addition to softening components, it contains antiseptics that prevent wound infection;
  • The use of the patch has almost no side effects on the surrounding skin.

Salipod: before and after photos

Although Salipod is very easy to use, you should consult a dermatologist before using it. Indeed, in some cases, complex treatment with the use of antiviral drugs for papillomas may be necessary in order to achieve the desired result and get rid of the unpleasant problem.

Why is this remedy so effective?

The “Salipod” patch for dry calluses is used quite often, even doctors prescribe it. Its effectiveness is associated with a unique composition, thanks to which it not only softens dead skin, but removes inflammation and prevents infection of the wound after a callus. This occurs due to the inclusion of the following components in Salipod:

  • salicylic acid has a keratolytic, antibacterial and antifungal effect, exfoliates the upper cells of the epidermis and promotes the rapid penetration of other substances into the deeper layers of the skin;
  • sulfur destroys microbes and promotes healing of damaged skin;
  • excipients that soften calluses are lanolin and rubber, they complement and enhance the effect of the main components;
  • Pine rosin is a strong antibacterial agent; it prevents infection from developing.

Composition of the active substance of the Salipod patch

Therapeutic patch Salipod , according to the instructions for use , has a disinfecting and softening effect on the epidermis.

The main components of the healing surface of the patch are several chemical agents.

They are:

  • Sulfur;
  • Salicylic acid;
  • Lanolin;
  • Rubber;
  • Rosin.

The form of the Salipod patch is adapted for use against calluses and warts.

Indications for use of the patch

The adhesive plaster "Salipod" has a wide spectrum of action. It is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. It is used for varying degrees of skin callus. "Salipod" is effective in the following cases:

  • for dry calluses;
  • corns;
  • core calluses;
  • plantar warts and spines.

This product allows you to gently and painlessly remove dead skin in just a few applications. But if you have plantar warts, it must be used in combination with special products. After all, they are caused by the human papillomavirus, against which the patch is ineffective. You should not use this remedy also for wet calluses, because the substances included in its composition are quite aggressive and soften the skin. Therefore, it is best to use the Salipod patch for corns and dry calluses.

Average prices

A significant advantage of the Salipod callus patch over other similar products is its affordable price. Depending on the region of the Russian Federation, its values ​​range from 35 to 80 rubles:

  • packaging containing 11 strips – 80 rubles,
  • adhesive plaster measuring 2x10 cm - 35-55 rubles,
  • Salipod 6x10 cm – from 40 rubles.

Other similar patches have a similar effect:

  • Mozolin - well softens dense keratinized corns and dry calluses,
  • Compide - exfoliates rough epidermis, relieves pain and heals damaged tissue.

Salipod is a medicine that should always be in your home medicine cabinet in order to solve the problem of dry calluses quickly and effectively if necessary.

Result of application

People like the effectiveness of the Salipod patch for core calluses. Reviews note that it softens the skin well. Fresh calluses and corns are eliminated even after one application, but to remove old calluses with a stick, you may need to stick the patch 2-3 times. But to remove them, you don’t need to use additional means, and you don’t have to contact a specialist. In most cases, the callus disappears on its own, although sometimes it needs to be cut off. But the skin after “Salipod” becomes very tender and sensitive, so all manipulations must be carried out carefully.

To effectively complete the treatment process, it is recommended to proceed as follows: after removing the patch, keep your foot a little in warm water. Then gently rub with a pumice stone, removing the softened upper layers of callus. Do not make any effort to avoid damaging the skin. In most cases, in 1-2 procedures the entire callus disappears. For old corns and calluses with a deep core, it may additionally be necessary to use ointments, for example, “Nemozol”. It can be applied in a thin layer under the patch. This will increase the effectiveness of the impact.

Instructions for using the patch

It is recommended to use the Salipod patch in the cases described below.

For calluses and corns

Corns are areas of the body that have been subject to prolonged exposure to external pressure, similar to old calluses. The difference between calluses and corns is the depth of penetration - calluses penetrate deeper, and corns are on the surface of the damaged area.

To quickly and effectively get rid of this problem, use the Salipod patch. Dermatologists advise using other medications along with the patch that speed up the process of skin restoration. Based on many studies, the effective method for corns and calluses is a special medicinal patch.

Such a remedy acts on the affected area constantly, regardless of whether the person moves or not. The patch is a kind of barrier against various microbes and further damage.

The Salipod patch, according to the instructions for use, should be used at the first appearance of corns or calluses.

First of all, you need to wash and steam the bothering leg for ten minutes, then dry the skin with a towel. Take the patch and cut out the desired part to fit the size of the callus. But before that, in order for the patch to stick better, you need to warm it with your hands.

Original instructions for use of the Salipod patch, printed on its packaging.

After this, you need to remove the protective film from the patch and stick it on the affected area. It is worth gluing a regular white plaster on top for fixation. If the callus is small, then carefully remove the patch after 24 hours, and if the callus is large, then after 48 hours.

If the corn or callus is still hard, repeat the procedure. When the skin becomes softer and the affected area is mobile, then nothing needs to be done. After a week or 10 days everything will go away on its own.

Attention! To make the treatment of calluses more effective, the Salipod patch should be used in accordance with the instructions .

Using a patch to remove warts and spines

To cure warts and spines, the same instructions are used as for calluses and corns. The Salipord patch is a painless and effective remedy that can help you get rid of warts in a certain period of time.

At the site of the formation of a wart or thorn, you need to glue a small piece of adhesive tape that will correspond to the size of the formation on the skin. You need to glue a white one onto the brown patch to fix it and hold it for 24 hours.

After the expiration date, the patch is carefully removed. There should be a softened zone.

Using nail scissors, you need to cut off the spine , the wart parallel to the skin, right to the root. Experts do not recommend rubbing this area with a pumice stone - this method can harm healthy skin and create a wound.

Therefore, each time it is necessary to cut off a smaller piece of the patch so as not to touch the healing areas of the skin. After these steps, you need to re-glue the healing plaster onto the cut site of the spine for the same amount of time. It is recommended to remove the patch after 2 days , but depending on the severity of the skin damage.

An example of the use of a patch for multiple foci of pathology on the toes.

After the expiration of the period, it is necessary to remove the strip and allow the wound to dry and the skin to rest. It takes about 2 weeks to remove a small wart. Taking this into account, the wart should not be left for a long time without a patch.

When the wart begins to go away, after a while a pink spot will form, which will heal over time. Dermatologists categorically prohibit removing a wart yourself , so as not to cause yourself even more harm.

It is important to know! If after a few days of using the product it becomes noticeable that the wart continues to grow, it is necessary to stop treatment and use a laser to cauterize the site of wart formation.

“Salipod” patch for core calluses: instructions

Using this tool is very simple. Many people like that they do not need to carry out special manipulations, use ointment or other drugs. It is also not necessary to precisely monitor the time of application. The patch is simply glued to the callus and removed after 2 days. But to increase the effectiveness of treatment, as well as to prevent side effects, you need to strictly follow the instructions and follow some rules.

  • To increase the effectiveness of treatment, you must first steam your foot in a soap and soda bath. Carry out the procedure for at least 10 minutes, then dry your feet thoroughly.
  • Cut a small piece from the patch exactly to the size of the callus. Warm the patch in your palms and remove the protective film.
  • It is advisable that the medicinal composition does not come into contact with healthy skin. To avoid this, you can seal it with a regular plaster, in which a hole is made according to the size of the callus.
  • To better fix the Salipod, you need to stick a regular adhesive plaster on top of it. Then he will stay on his leg for the required time. For the same purpose, it is necessary to avoid using ointments and creams before applying the patch.
  • You need to keep “Salipod” on the skin for 1-2 days. Fresh calluses are removed within 24 hours; old growths require more time to treat. But you cannot keep the patch on for longer than 48 hours.
  • After removing the patch, you need to wash your foot. If the callus has softened, its use is no longer required, but sometimes it is necessary to repeat the procedure 2-3 more times.

Patient reviews

People who have used the patch for warts and calluses note the effectiveness of Salipod. But some people think that treatment takes too long.

In winter, you have to walk in tight shoes, which often causes calluses on your feet. When a spike appeared on my heel, I didn’t pay attention to it. I hoped that the growth would go away on its own, like the calluses. But within a few days, the plantar wart grew larger and began to cause discomfort when walking. I searched the Internet for remedies that help get rid of this problem. Many people praised Salipod. I bought a set of medicinal plasters and stuck them on the spine every day. I treated the growth for more than a month, but after removing the wart there were no traces left.


I often wear high-heeled shoes, and because of them, corns often appear, which are difficult to prevent. When another callus appears, I immediately buy Salipod patches at the pharmacy. The product should be cut to the size of the corn itself. Since calluses are usually small, one patch is enough to get rid of the problem. I carefully tear off the strip with rough skin, which heals in a few days. For large corns, several patches may be needed, but usually within a week you can get rid of the unpleasant formations.


A year ago, a wart appeared on my hand.
The growth was small, but it looked ugly. Friends recommended different remedies. But I was afraid that I might worsen the condition of the education, so I consulted a doctor. He said that the wart was small in size, so Salipod could easily deal with it. The drug is available in the form of patches that must be glued to the affected area. The strips must be cut out, since the product should not come into contact with healthy skin. I stuck patches on the wart and changed them every two days. After three procedures, the wart disappeared. There are no traces of her left. Tatiana

Features of application

Like any other medicine, the Salipod patch has some features and limitations in use. It is advisable to consult a doctor before using it, especially if you are taking other medications. Salicylic acid, which is part of the patch, is incompatible with antitumor drugs, sulfonylureas and those used to treat hypoglycemia. The use of Salipod in combination with Resorcinol cream is contraindicated. In addition, salicylic acid is incompatible with zinc oxide. And it is often included in toothpaste and other cosmetics.

The patch itself contains an adhesive layer and a waterproof surface. But it is still recommended to stick a regular adhesive plaster on top of it. This ensures that the treatment layer does not move out of place.

Due to the presence of salicylic acid, the patch should not be left on the skin for longer than 48 hours. After removing it, you need to wash your skin. The adhesive from the adhesive plaster may not come off immediately, but do not rub it as salicylic acid makes the skin sensitive. Because of it, wounds or small cracks may appear next to the callus. In patients with diabetes, such skin lesions heal very poorly. Therefore, it is better for diabetics not to use Salipod.

Precautionary measures

Before attaching the patch to the affected area, you first need to steam your legs. When the skin is steamed, dry it with a towel. The patch should be removed a day after application , but in more advanced cases, doctors recommend keeping the patch on for 2 days.

If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several more times until the skin becomes soft and the callus separates.

To treat plantar lesions, it is convenient to use special bandages that prevent the patch from rolling off when walking.
Salicylic acid is incompatible with resorcinol and various zinc oxides. Therefore, you need to be careful when using the product simultaneously with taking hypoglycemic, antitumor or antidiabetic drugs, since the salicylic acid contained in the patch can provoke an allergic reaction on the surface of the skin.

Contraindications and side effects

Treatment with Salipod, judging by numerous reviews, is effective, but it is not suitable for everyone. After all, the main active ingredient of the patch, salicylic acid, is a rather aggressive agent. It can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions, and even burns if used incorrectly. After sticking the patch, burning, itching, and redness of the skin may occur. It is advisable to remove it in this case. The reason for this may be either individual intolerance, or improper use when the patch is glued to healthy skin.

Therefore, the use of Salipod is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • if there are moles, wounds or inflammatory diseases on the area of ​​the skin that should be treated;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 10 years old;
  • with renal failure;
  • when taking certain medications.

Analogues of the drug

The Salipod patch is considered the most affordable and effective remedy for dry calluses. You can buy it at any pharmacy, especially since the price is quite low. But in some cases, for example, due to individual intolerance, patients are not able to use Salipod. Its analogues will be preferable. You can use one of the remedies that have a similar effect:

  • the Chinese Enzi patch also contains salicylic acid, but in addition to it, it also contains propolis and herbal extracts;
  • liquid "Mozolin" effectively removes dead skin, copes with calluses and corns and is not much more expensive than "Salipod" - 100-150 rubles;
  • the “Compid” patch, in addition to softening keratinized skin, quickly relieves pain and prevents the development of infection, it is available in different versions, and one patch costs an average of 50 rubles;
  • Sophia cream with leech and urea softens rough skin well, but is not effective for removing the core of dry calluses.

“Salipod” patch for core calluses: reviews

Many people suffer from calluses for a long time. They try different means, but they write that removing the rod itself is painful and very difficult. And only the Salipod patch helps to quickly soften rough tissue not only on the surface, but also in the deep layers of the epidermis. This is due to the salicylic acid it contains. Reviews mostly note that it does not cause any negative reactions. And it removes calluses gently but effectively. Many people write that nothing helped them, and only 3 applications of the Salipod patch allowed them to cleanse the skin of their feet and make them smooth and soft again.

The Salipod patch quickly deals with dry calluses. But it’s better to prevent them from appearing. To do this, you need to follow the rules of foot hygiene, regularly remove rough skin, and lubricate your feet with cream. To prevent calluses from appearing, you need to wear comfortable shoes and promptly treat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Mechanism of action

Salipod has an antiseptic and keratolytic effect on skin formations and surrounding tissues, preventing the spread of infection. It strengthens local immunity, promoting high-quality removal of growths. There are no scars left after applying the patch.

Under the influence of salicylic acid, the top layer of skin, modified by the resulting growth, softens and is removed during the hygiene procedure. The peculiarity of the main component of Salipod is that it is able to maintain an acidic environment in the treated area. This effect of the drug helps reduce the risk of developing a fungal or bacterial infection, which often happens when the skin exfoliates.

Sulfur is able to penetrate into the deep layers of tissue. It has an antimicrobial effect and inhibits infection from the inside. In addition, sulfur has a drying effect. Pine rosin also destroys pathogenic bacteria on the surface of the skin. Lanolin and rubber help soften it and speed up the healing of damaged areas.

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