Ointments for calluses - a list of effective drugs for the treatment and healing of calluses

Shoes are most often to blame for the appearance of calluses on the feet. New shoes rub the skin, and the high heels of women's shoes, together with thin soles that do not provide adequate shock absorption, plus an uncomfortable last, guarantee an excessive load on the skin and compression of the toes. This is how calluses appear.

Photo: https://binogi.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Plaster_from_corns_3-e1438585463443.jpg

Pain and skin defects

Scuffs on the hands are constant companions of people engaged in physical labor. They often occur on fingers gripping gardening and construction tools. They are associated with a variety of pain and experiences due to the fact that such defects stand out against the background of healthy skin.

Many people are embarrassed to wear open summer shoes because their toes will stick out, and they are covered in hard buttons of calluses, which are often distinguished by a yellowish tint to the skin.

Types of calluses

Under what circumstances can this skin lesion occur?

The following types are distinguished:

  • Mermen.
  • Dry.
  • Core calluses are a type of dry callus.

The prerequisites for their occurrence are prolonged repeated friction and pressure. For example, on the finger that is pressed by the handles of hairdressing scissors, when chopping wood with an ax, when digging up beds with a shovel and carrying heavy objects. Thickening of the epidermis occurs on the skin at the site of constant friction.

With repeated exposure to the same area, the thickening turns into a dry callus, which in turn can transform into a corn or a callus with a core, which are much more difficult to treat. Sometimes it happens that home methods are powerless against them, and surgical intervention is required to radically solve the problem.

Fast Healing Products

There are many pharmaceutical and folk remedies that are recommended to be used to smear calluses for quick healing if the surface of the blister is damaged:

  • “Rescuer” ensures rapid healing and protects against suppuration;
  • “Synthomycin liniment” helps to heal a wound during an inflammatory process;
  • Vishnevsky balm is used to quickly cure purulent pathology;
  • If you anoint the affected area with 10% Salicylic ointment, the treatment of wet calluses will be accelerated;
  • To quickly cure inflamed dropsy, Levomekol ointment is used;
  • For faster healing, it is recommended to treat a callus that has torn with an oil tincture of the herb St. John's wort (pour a glass of raw material into 0.5 liters of any vegetable oil and leave in the dark for 3 weeks). The pathology is treated by applying a gauze bandage soaked in the composition to the problem area.

Before applying pharmaceutical products to broken calluses on your feet, you must carefully read the instructions and follow their recommendations.

Dry and core calluses

Dry ones rarely hurt. Although there may be a burning sensation when walking, pressure or these areas may feel like they have lost sensation. But core abrasions have their roots in the deep layers of the epidermis and beyond. Growing into the tissue, they reach the nerve endings and cause severe pain when pressed.

Photo: https://foothelp.ru/upload/iblock/eb6/eb698cf9831943463465b7d5338870ff.jpg

Calluses with a core are easily recognized by a characteristic depression located in the center of the skin thickening. That's where the root is. The deeper it penetrates into the muscles, the greater the likelihood that it will only be possible to get rid of it through surgery.

Anti-callus patches

To speed up healing, you can use a special anti-callus patch:

  • Compide - suitable for wet and dry corns, relieves pain, promotes rapid recovery;
  • Leuko - disinfects, accelerates healing, prevents the penetration of bacteria;
  • Salipod - softens keratinized tissue, suppresses inflammation, and has regenerating properties.

If the blister interferes with walking, and the patch does not reduce pain, then you should not wait for natural healing. In this case, it is necessary for the dropsy to burst. To do this, you need to carry out the following manipulation:

  • disinfect the corns and nearby skin;
  • make several punctures with a thin needle;
  • let the liquid drain out, squeeze out the remaining residue with a dry cloth;
  • Do not tear off the skin, but press it tightly to the wound and lubricate it with healing ointment (Levomekol, Bepanten).


Water calluses

They are often the first stage of dry. Formed on any areas of soft skin. But most of all at the base of the toes and hands, along the outer edge of the little fingers and big toes. But they cause much more pain and trouble. Water callus cannot be confused with any other. Visually, it looks like a bubble swollen on the skin, filled with exudate, clear as water.

Photo: https://bagiraclub.ru/images/bagiraclub/2017/11/v31.jpg

When touched, this water sac is elastic and easily moves in different directions. But he responds to every touch with sharp and burning pain. There is often a temptation to puncture the bladder and squeeze out the liquid from it so that everything heals faster and the pain stops. But this is not recommended. It is better to give blistered skin rest and time for natural recovery.

This is important because the clear liquid inside the wound is nothing more than lymph. It, like a barrier, separates dead skin and living tissue. It contains all the proteins, microelements and cellular substances necessary for recovery. The presence of lymph in the bladder shortens the recovery period for the rubbed area of ​​skin.

Treatment of water calluses

But it happens that the friction continues, and the bubble itself bursts. In such situations, an extremely painful wound is formed. It must be treated with any antiseptics without alcohol. For example, an aqueous solution of Furacilin, Miramistin, pink weak potassium permanganate, Chlorhexidine, Povidone-iodine.

In general, stinks are much easier to treat than others. If the integrity of the bubble is not broken, you need to remove your shoes and wash the damaged area with laundry soap. If possible, it is better for the bubble to remain open. As a last resort, other shoes should not damage it. You cannot continue to wear the same pair that caused the wear, otherwise a bloody wound will appear in the same place.

Silicone pads and patches will help protect the damaged area from further friction. During natural recovery, you should not remove the skin remaining after the water callus, as it will still serve as protection for the delicate newborn skin underneath.


Pharmacies may offer a special cream for such cases. And at home it can be replaced by baths with infusions of calendula, yarrow or chamomile. Such herbs promote rapid healing. Dry ones will have to be treated patiently for a longer time. pre-steaming them in hot water.

If desired, softening herbs, soda or bath salts are added to the water. After softening the rough patch of skin, you can try to remove it with a pumice stone or a grater from a pedicure set. After separating the upper layer of skin, this area is lubricated with cream. If the dry callus does not disappear the first time, the procedure will have to be repeated every other day.

Very old calluses that have a core or have a large superficial growth of keratinized skin are very difficult to treat at home. Often, after consultation with a surgeon, they have to be operated on. The growths on the surface are cut off, and the roots are burned out with a laser or frozen with liquid nitrogen.

How to get rid of calluses at home

If the roots are not too deep, you can try home treatment:

  • Hot baths with mustard and subsequent treatment with pumice. Approximately 4 procedures will be required.
  • Propolis. A piece of lard is melted. Crushed propolis is added to the hot fat. After cooling, a cake of suitable size is formed from the mixture, which is fixed on the wound for 12 hours.
  • Fresh celandine juice extracted from the stem of the plant. It is dripped onto a plaster and the previously steamed callus is sealed. Keep for 10 hours.
  • A mixture of chopped onions and garlic, applied after steaming under a fastening bandage. Approximately 8 such compresses will be required.

Dry calluses, especially those recently acquired, are not so insidious. You can use them in a pedicure salon or do it at home, armed with a basin into which hot water with sea salt or infusions of sage, chamomile, and calendula are poured. When it has steamed, scrape it off layer by layer with pumice. Then rub in foot cream.

Orthopedic products

Often the cause of the formation of dry calluses and corns are problems treated by orthopedists. These are arthritis, flat feet and deformity.

Photo: https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB19ALwAfiSBuNkSnhJq6zDcpXae.jpg_q50.jpg

To correct the situation, experts in this profile recommend wearing:

  • Subtarsal gel half insoles.
  • Interdigital spacers.
  • Sleeves and finger covers.
  • Orthopedic shoes or special insoles.

Such goods are sold in specialized stores or made to individual measurements in orthopedic workshops.


Preventive action

The conditions for new wounds to appear are created by excessive friction and moisture. Synthetic socks and boots made of artificial, non-breathable materials create a greenhouse effect for the feet. What if the shoes are too small or too tight? the feet in it take the wrong position.

Water blisters appear on your hands when working with garden tools without gloves. If your hands are wet, contact with equipment all the more contributes to the appearance of pain and the red spot that precedes dropsy. If you stop working at this stage and start processing it, it is guaranteed not to appear.

To treat abrasions on the skin, use:

  • Bread crumb soaked in a weak vinegar solution. It is applied at night.
  • Aloe has a reputation as a healing plant. The spines and top layer of peel are removed from the thick and fleshy agave leaf. The jelly-like pulp is applied to the abrasion and secured with a bandage or fixed to the damaged area with a plaster.
  • Grandma's recipes remind me of potato lotions. Grated raw tuber is used to line the area of ​​abrasion and leave overnight under a fixing bandage.
  • from the lemon , capturing a small part of the pulp. Apply for a couple of hours.
  • Dandelion juice. Garden weed is also an excellent healer. Fresh juice is carefully applied to the painful redness and allowed to dry on the skin.
  • Honey is a well-known natural antiseptic and an affordable aid in restoring damage. After lubrication, cover the sore spot with film until the morning.
  • Calendula tincture or dried flowers infused in boiling water not only heal wounds, but also remove calluses. Apply as a compress with insulation for a couple of hours.

Excellent results are obtained by mixing several components. For example, take potatoes and onions along with aloe for a compress. The composition is not removed for 24 hours. After this, it is easily removed, its top layer itself lags behind the skin.

Main symptoms

The main manifestations are pain and difficulty walking.

Constant pressure leads to redness of the skin, swelling, and noticeable pain. A subcutaneous bubble forms. It fills with clear body fluid. The walls are tense.

When damaged, the water callus opens and fluid flows out. An opened watery callus can lead to severe inflammation. In some cases, abscesses form - purulent infections. They can develop in subcutaneous tissue, muscles, bones, and organs.

Tearing of the bladder wall increases the risk of contracting a staph or streptococcal infection. This is evidenced by larger redness, pain without friction, additional yellowish formations, pus, and increased temperature. Treatment depends on the stage of development.

Treatment of dry old calluses

The main principle will be repeated steaming with gradual scraping with a pumice stone. Or, after softening in hot water with herbal infusions, with the addition of salts and oils, medicinal ointments are used for baths.

Photo: https://www.notizie.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/verruche-plantari.jpg

Traditional recipes help remove calluses:

  • Onion skins soaked in vinegar. In the form of acid, it is kept for two weeks. Then dry and apply. But healthy skin around the area needs to be protected with greasy cream, Vaseline, lard or goose fat.
  • Kalanchoe leaves with the outer skin removed. They are tied onto a pre-steamed callus. Then they scrape off what has softened and rub it with moisturizer.
  • Indoor Crassula or Money Tree. Treat its leaves in the same way as Kalanchoe.

Beauty salons offer hardware removal. A special technique easily removes rough, dead epidermis. But such services are expensive, and there is always a risk of infection.

If treated correctly, they are removed without leaving any traces. But neglected, very outdated ones can lead to unpleasant and painful complications. And, of course, the best option would be to prevent the appearance of calluses.

New shoes should be worn together with socks until they take the shape of your feet. Flesh-colored patches are the most useful thing in your purse in case of scuff marks. Gel insoles also save you from discomfort.

Ways to prevent formations

Treating water callus is much more difficult than preventing its formation. To avoid rubbing dropsy, it is recommended to comply with the following requirements:

  • It is advisable to break in new shoes using a special product to soften them;
  • use “footprints” so that the heel does not rub;
  • Don't put on shoes if your feet are wet.

The problem area should heal in no more than 2-3 weeks. For inflammation that lasts longer, the patient should visit a doctor (dermatologist, surgeon).

A wet callus, if it bursts, causes pain and discomfort to a person, so you should not delay treatment and a visit to the doctor. To prevent the development of a pathological process, if you notice increased friction, stick a piece of adhesive tape on the problem area. It is recommended to select shoes according to your foot size and wear them at the appropriate time according to weather conditions. Compliance with hygiene rules reduces damage to the feet by calluses.

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