Milk thistle oil for the face: cleansing the body and eliminating age-related changes

Bergamot essential oil

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Milk thistle is a medicinal plant that has long been included in many traditional medicine recipes. The most effective use for medicinal purposes is the oil of this plant, obtained by cold pressing of ripened seeds.

Milk thistle oil, due to its composition (vitamins of various groups and microelements), has a beneficial effect on any type of facial skin, providing it with protecting, strengthening, nourishing, moisturizing, toning, smoothing, and rejuvenating effects.

general description

Milk thistle oil is obtained by direct cold pressing from the seeds of a well-known plant: thistle. Pressing the raw material produces an oily liquid with a light texture. The product has a yellow-green tint of weak saturation, a not very pronounced pleasant herbaceous aroma with light woody notes.

In terms of cosmetic properties, milk thistle oil is equated to the sea buckthorn version. Squeezing thistle seeds is extremely rare in finished cosmetics. The substance is often used in home skin care.

By the way. The product is popular for internal use for medicinal purposes.

How to use milk thistle oil in cosmetology: tips and reviews

  • To achieve the best results, it is preferable to use unrefined, cold-pressed milk thistle oil. It is with this method of production that milk thistle oil retains all its beneficial properties.
  • If you use refined milk thistle oil for masks, the effect of such procedures will be reduced to zero.
  • The best place to buy milk thistle oil is at a pharmacy. There is a risk that milk thistle oil. purchased from a dubious store will not have the properties that natural milk thistle oil has

Marina, 34 years old, Odessa

After 30, I began to think about wrinkles. Little by little they began to appear, especially where the nasolabial fold was. At first I used store-bought creams, but then decided to switch to natural products. The first and last remedy I tried was milk thistle oil. I settled on it because after 10 uses I saw a clear result - I began to look not like I was 34, but like 30. I decided to end my search with this oil. If it stops coping, I’ll change it, but for now I’m completely satisfied with it.

Angela, 39 years old, Stavropol

I have been working as a teacher all my life, the work is nervous, I often frown. Already at 26, severe wrinkles began to appear on my forehead. By 39 they have become very obvious, they are aging a lot. I am allergic to many store-bought creams and masks, and the situation is only getting worse. I read on the Internet that oil masks are the most beneficial. I started using milk thistle oil in half with olive oil. I applied it before bed. 5 masks were enough for me to see the first results. Then, in addition, I began to make a mask from apple and milk thistle oil. Even the wrinkles around the eyes smoothed out. I'm happy with this oil.

Olga, 45 years old, Moscow

The frantic pace of life in the capital made itself felt very early - at the age of 23. The skin “breathed” exhaust, lost precious moisture, and began to deteriorate. I didn't care about her then. And after 20 years we had to correct the terrible consequences. They recommended coconut oil - it didn’t help, jojoba oil - it didn’t help either. I wasn’t hoping for milk thistle oil, but I tried it. To my surprise, the effect was noticeable. While I have settled on it, I need to do 5 more procedures with it (20 in total). Then it will be clear. But today, milk thistle oil is my favorite.

A little history

Milk thistle oil has been known since ancient times as a powerful hepatoprotector. The benefits of the substance for dermatological diseases, for the treatment of diaper rash, wounds, and burns have long been noticed.

A beneficial effect on the skin can be seen with internal and external use of thistle seed squeeze. There is an improvement in metabolic processes in tissues, active removal of toxins and waste, and cell renewal is observed.

Milk thistle oil was also mentioned by the famous physician Avicenna. A squeeze of thistle seeds has been proposed to be used as an antidote for snake bites. The Greek physician Dioscorides and the ancient physician Galen Shiroko also focused on the substance.

How is milk thistle oil used in cosmetology?

The beneficial properties of milk thistle oil were discovered in Antiquity: Ancient Greece and Rome. The oil was widely used to treat wounds and various diseases of the stomach, intestines, and liver. It helped warriors recover faster. With its help it was easy to neutralize the effects of food poisoning.

In cosmetology, the use of milk thistle oil has borne fruit. The regenerating properties of the oil help treat:

  • Skin (dermatitis, dry skin)
  • Hair (hair loss, dandruff)
  • Acne (also redness, inflammation)
  • Wrinkles (deep and fine)
  • Eyelashes (loss of eyelashes, poor growth)

This is what milk thistle looks like

  • Milk thistle oil is useful to add to homemade creams to improve the regenerating properties of the skin. It is used as part of almost any mask for hair, face, and hands. Added to body scrubs
  • This oil is unique in its properties. It has become the favorite oil of many women around the world who prefer natural cosmetics.
  • It is known for certain that the best way to get rid of a problem or disease is to treat it from the inside, to treat its original source. Taking milk thistle oil internally helps cleanse and rejuvenate the body from the inside. It has a positive effect on all systems of the body, forcing them to work at full capacity.

Milk thistle oil

Composition and beneficial properties

The fatty acid composition of thistle oil is represented by linoleic (up to 62%), oleic (up to 22%), palmitic (up to 8%) acids. Stearic, arachidic, and behenic acids are also present in small quantities. This complex is ideal for those who seek to maintain skin freshness and achieve rejuvenation.

Contains macro- and microelements:

  • potassium - activation of metabolic processes;
  • calcium - regulation of metabolism;
  • magnesium - improves metabolism;
  • iron - maintaining local immunity, normal blood flow;
  • manganese - prevents the formation of edema;
  • copper is indispensable for the formation of new elastin fibers;
  • zinc - regulation of sebum secretion, relief of inflammation;
  • selenium - indispensable for maintaining elasticity and tissue tone;
  • iodine - maintains hormonal balance and immunity.

The presence of vitamins in the composition is also valuable:

  • retinol - promotes the healing of damage, maintains velvety, protects against external negative influences;
  • tocopherol - prevents the aging process;
  • representatives of group B - maintaining healthy tone and color;
  • F - maintaining moisture balance, normalizing sebum production;
  • K - stabilization of blood circulation, processes of nutrition and respiration of cells.

The content of the unique flavonoid silymarin in the squeeze of thistle seeds attracts attention. The substance has strong antioxidant properties, protects and strengthens cell membranes, and stimulates tissue renewal processes.

Attention! Cosmetologists value milk thistle oil for its absolute harmlessness. The substance is used externally and internally in its pure form without the risk of harming the body.

The only limitation is individual intolerance and reasonable moderation of use.

How to use milk thistle oil for acne?

Milk thistle oil, as mentioned earlier, has a good anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it is logical to use it to combat acne both externally and internally.

External use is reduced to simply rubbing the face twice a day with milk thistle oil. It is better to carry out the procedure in the morning (an hour before going outside) and in the evening (an hour before bedtime). How to do it:

  • The face is prepared: cleansed of cosmetics and sebum released during the day.
  • Apply a small layer of milk thistle oil using a cotton pad.
  • Massage a little oil into the skin of the face
  • Leave the mask on for 15 minutes
  • Remove any remaining oil with a clean cotton pad.

Result: after 2 weeks, your skin will noticeably clear up. New pimples will appear much less frequently and will heal much faster.

Getting rid of acne with milk thistle oil

Using the oil as a supplement to food or on an empty stomach also gives excellent results.

To achieve the best results, drink the oil in the morning on an empty stomach with a glass of lukewarm water.

Indications for use

Milk thistle oil is universal. The option can be used at any age by owners of different skin types. The texture of the substance is light; when applied externally, the oil is perfectly absorbed without forming a dense film, and no greasy sheen remains.

External use of thistle seed squeeze will have the following beneficial effects:

  • will accelerate the healing of wounds, burns, diaper rash;
  • will improve the condition of dermatoses, psoriasis, lichen;
  • will protect against the spread of vitiligo and hyperpigmentation;
  • will remove inflammation during rashes, reduce the severity of post-acne;
  • regulates sebum secretion;
  • reduces the tendency to swelling and bruising;
  • normalizes tone, moisture, appearance of the integument;
  • will reduce wrinkles and sagging tissues.

Thistle oil is suitable for thin, sensitive skin, without causing allergic reactions, irritation, or clogging of pores.

The substance can be used to care for the delicate skin around the eyes. This option will eliminate dryness, smooth out wrinkles, remove swelling, and help lighten dark spots around the eyes.


Overall, milk thistle oil is not harmful and can be used by almost everyone. In very rare cases, individual intolerance occurs, so you should consult a doctor if you have previously experienced allergic reactions. You should also not use it if you are experiencing an exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially cholecystitis or kidney stones.

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Features of purchase and storage

Milk thistle oil is rarely found on the market. You can actually buy the food version in a hypermarket or pharmacy, and the cosmetic version in a specialized store.

The pomace is stored in a cool place, inaccessible to light, without direct access of oxygen to the substance. To do this, be sure to tightly seal the product with a stopper after each use. The container should be placed away from windows, preferably in a cabinet closed with a door. It is not necessary to use a refrigerator for storage.

The shelf life of opened packaging is usually at least a year. The maximum benefit of the product with proper storage is observed in the first 3–6 months. Hermetically sealed containers can be stored for at least 2–3 years.

Terms of use

Milk thistle oil can completely replace the cream. The maximum benefit of the substance is revealed when using the substance at night (without additional application of cosmetics). Continuous use of the product is not recommended.

Advice. It is better to conduct treatment courses: intensive courses for 1–2 months, followed by a break of at least 3–4 weeks.

It is permissible to add thistle seed squeeze to finished cosmetics or make your own care products based on or with the addition of healthy oil. This option goes well with common mask products.

Milk thistle oil is allowed to be mixed with other basic plant bases, add esters (it is advisable to use no more than 1-2 concentrates).

For facial beauty

The oil has nourishing and moisturizing properties, relieves inflammation, helps fight pimples and acne, and evens out tone. It is suitable for all types, helps sensitive skin cope with redness, and reduces the harmful effects of chlorinated water. The product is indispensable for mature women. It helps restore tone and elasticity, smooth out wrinkles.

How to use milk thistle oil for your face:

  • apply directly to inflammation or irritated areas;
  • lubricate the face in case of frostbite, peeling, or increased dryness;
  • add 1-2 drops to a single serving of night or day cream.

Can be used as an ingredient in homemade masks. The product works no worse than Moroccan rose oil or macadamia nut oil. In addition, it is believed that the maximum benefit to a person comes from those products that grow in his area.

Application options

Milk thistle oil is excellent for caring for different areas of the skin and hair. The product can be consumed internally. The method of use is chosen depending on the skin type and the existing problem.

Facial skin care

Milk thistle oil can be used in its pure form. Apply a little substance to a cotton pad to remove makeup. Taking 5-10 drops of the product can replace your usual cream or massage oil.

The squeeze can be applied pointwise to problem areas: acne, post-acne spots, burns, shallow damage. To quickly achieve a pronounced effect, it is recommended to make masks according to indications:

  1. Deep cleansing, rejuvenating scrub. A couple of teaspoons of milk thistle meal (dry ground seeds) are mixed with a squeeze of thistle grains. You should get a homogeneous mass reminiscent of sour cream. The mixture is applied to a clean face with soft massaging movements, taking into account the location of the lines of minimal tissue stretch. After 2–3 minutes of gentle massage, the mass is left on the skin for 15–20 minutes. Wash off any remaining product from your face with water. After the procedure, it is recommended to use a toner, moisturizer or anti-aging cream.
  2. Warm oil applications for wrinkles. Compresses are useful to improve the texture of aging skin. The skin is cleansed; it is recommended to additionally use a soft gommage. It is advisable to lightly steam the covers. The squeeze of thistle seeds (2–3 tsp) is heated in a water bath to 30–40°C. It is recommended to add 1 tsp to the warm substance. oil solution of vitamin E, a drop of lavender and rosemary esters. The thoroughly mixed mass is applied to gauze. The material is placed on the face. It is recommended to make slits for the nose, and supplement the structure with cling film and a warm towel. After 15–20 minutes, the skin is released. You can wash your face or simply remove excess substances from the surface.
  3. Nourishing mask. This option is suitable for those with normal, but tired, dry, mature skin. A couple of tablespoons of finely ground oatmeal are soaked in warm milk. Add 1 tsp to the resulting mass. milk thistle oils. For dry skin, add half a spoonful of glycerin to the mixture; for mature skin, add the contents of a couple of capsules of the drug “Aevit”. The mask is applied to the face. After 20 minutes, wash off with water. The skin is additionally nourished with cream.
  4. Cleansing mask. The contents of 2 aloe leaves are added to a couple of spoons of cosmetic clay powder (you can use an ampoule of the finished extract). For those with mature skin, it is useful to additionally add a solution of nicotinic acid, the contents of a couple of capsules of the drug “Aevit”. The mixture is supplemented with 15 ml of milk thistle oil. The mass is brought to a creamy homogeneity. It is permissible to additionally use water or starch. The mask is applied to the surface, avoiding the eye and lip area. After 20 minutes, wash. The skin is toned with ice, and it is permissible to apply a moisturizer.

To reduce wrinkles, squeezing thistle seeds can be applied locally to the formed folds at night.

Attention! It is good if the oil effect complements the massage.

Effect on eyelashes, eyebrows, lips

Milk thistle squeeze is also beneficial for hair.

To strengthen the hairs of the eyebrows and eyelashes, it is enough to periodically lubricate them with a squeeze of thistle seeds. The oil is applied along the entire length and left overnight. When adding esters, lubricate the hairs from the middle to the ends, and wash off the mask after half an hour.

It is recommended to regularly lubricate your lips with pure milk thistle oil. This will prevent the surface from drying out and cracking. Supplementing the procedure with a massage will enhance the effect. Using the oil will strengthen tissues and delay the appearance of signs of aging.


Milk thistle oil is a common product for internal consumption. The substance helps cleanse and renew the liver. The product is also good for the stomach, intestines, heart, skin, and has an antihistamine effect.

Squeezing thistle seeds is taken for preventive and medicinal purposes. Depending on the expected result, use 1 teaspoon or tablespoon half an hour before meals.

By the way. Internal use of the substance invariably has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Application to combat addiction

Everyone knows that alcohol has a negative effect on the liver, but milk thistle oil can somewhat reduce the damage it causes to the liver. In particular, it is able to fight toxic substances that appear in the human body due to alcohol consumption. In order to quickly and effectively remove toxins from the body, you only need 10-15 drops of milk thistle oil every day.

Including the ability of milk thistle oil to remove toxins from the body helps people who have given up drug addiction or smoking. In addition, this oil seriously reduces the impact of harmful substances on the cardiovascular system.

Precautionary measures

Milk thistle oil is considered a completely harmless product. The option is not contraindicated for allergy sufferers and is allowed for use for any health condition.

External use is possible on any area of ​​the skin, regardless of the type of integument. At the same time, no one canceled the preliminary testing of the product.

Negative reactions of the body are extremely rare, but if they occur, the product should not be used.

You should be more careful when using thistle seed squeeze during the active course of any disease. Particular attention is paid to the behavior of the body during pregnancy.

Oncology treatment

Milk thistle oil can be very effective in fighting cancer, especially if the formation of a tumor is associated with an imbalance in hormonal levels. In particular, doctors recommend using it for those undergoing chemotherapy, as it can reduce the side effects of this aggressive treatment.

In some cases, with regular use of milk thistle oil, tumors in the body are isolated, sometimes even reduced in size. Of course, this does not mean that it can cure cancer, but if used regularly, cancer treatment will not be so dangerous. This means that milk thistle oil in this case works as an adjuvant, and is quite effective.

Reviews from cosmetologists and users

Cosmetologists are generally positive in terms of recommending milk thistle oil to users. It is non-allergenic and suitable for all skin types.

Women often use milk thistle oil for oral administration. Eating it helps cleanse the body and have a positive effect on the skin. Sometimes unexpected reactions of the body occur. When applied externally, the result usually causes positive emotions.

Negative effects on the skin when taken internally.

The effect of eliminating edema when taken internally was obtained.

I like the effect on the skin.

Benefits of the plant


  • Benefits of the plant
  • Dental and ear, nose and throat applications
  • Oncology treatment
  • Use to combat allergies
  • Application to combat addiction
  • Application in cosmetology
  • Use in cooking
  • How to use
  • Contraindications

The benefits of milk thistle oil are invaluable - it is used to treat many diseases, as well as for their prevention. Its special composition allows it to be used as: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, bactericidal, healing, immunostimulating and anti-radiation agent.

Also pay attention to the healing properties of argan and flaxseed oils - they may be more suitable for you.

Silymarin contained in the plant normalizes the process of bile formation and its removal from the body. Additionally, it helps strengthen cell membranes and also stimulates the body to create new cells. And the selenium contained in the plant stimulates the immune system and has a huge impact on overall health.

Milk thistle supports the body in treating kidney failure and also helps prevent the formation of kidney stones.
It is used even after kidney surgery, as a maintenance treatment. Chemical composition

Fatty oil32 %
Essential oil0,08 %
Flavolignansup to 4%
Iron0.08 mg
Calcium16.6 mg
Magnesium4.2 mg
Potassium9.2 mg
Selenium22.9 mcg
Chromium0.15 mcg
Manganese0.1 mcg
Iodine0.09 mcg
Copper1.16 mcg
Bor22.5 mcg
Zinc0.17 mcg
Arachinovaya2 %
Oleic20 %
Palmitic9 %
Stearic4 %
Begenovaya1 %
Linoleic62 %

For the liver

The flavolignans contained in the plant act as a protective barrier for the liver, help it remove toxins from the body and contribute to the normal course of metabolic processes. This effect is multiplied by the work of silymarin, which stimulates liver regeneration in cases where it cannot cope with the elimination of toxins. It is this property of milk thistle oil that allows it to be widely used as a supportive treatment for diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis. It has a huge impact in the prevention and treatment of dyskinesia or liver dystrophy.

Milk thistle oil helps the liver fight the effects of toxins, including alcohol or certain types of heavy metals. Milk thistle also helps eliminate residual effects from many medications, and even helps remove many types of poison from the body.

In case of poisoning

Judging by the research of scientists, milk thistle can help the body even with very severe poisoning, such as poisoning by toadstools, which are considered the most dangerous mushrooms in the world. Of course, the effect of the oil in no way replaces medications, but it provides them with high-quality support. In particular, doctors recommend eating it in case of chlorine poisoning, for example, with regular use of substances that contain chlorine.

For heart diseases

Milk thistle oil is excellent for treating many diseases and syndromes associated with the cardiovascular system.

In particular, it can be used to combat:

  • ischemic disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • risks of heart attack.

This effect is due to the fact that the oil contains many unsaturated acids, vitamins and minerals. All the substances contained in it gradually reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood if consumed regularly. In addition, they help the walls of blood vessels strengthen and become more elastic. They also have a huge impact on blood clotting. In particular, this oil helps lower blood pressure and also prevents the formation of blood clots if the blood composition suggests such a risk. Thus, it allows you to avoid plaques in the blood that form due to atherosclerosis.

The oil can protect heart tissue and blood vessels from inflammatory processes and helps maintain normal heart function. In particular, the chlorophyll contained in the oil improves metabolism in the tissues of the heart, thereby strengthening the heart muscle and maintaining energy resources for its work. As a result, doctors recommend using milk thistle oil for supporting treatment of the heart, as well as for the prevention of cardiosclerosis or varicose veins. Moreover, regular use of oil in food helps reduce the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke, and it is also very often used to support the body that suffers from anemia.

Effect on the digestive system

Milk thistle oil is excellent for the prevention or maintenance treatment of stomach or intestinal ulcers, as it has an excellent effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. It can even heal ulcers, of course, to a certain level.

It is used to treat various gallbladder diseases. That is why it is recommended to use it for gastritis and cholecystitis. Milk thistle oil also helps in the treatment of intimate diseases such as hemorrhoids or anal fissures. If you use it in complex therapy, the result will be much more pronounced, and the body will receive the support it needs during treatment.

This plant has a pronounced laxative property, so it is recommended as a gentle treatment for constipation. It helps remove all excess from the body, and does not cause any harm. In addition, it can strengthen the intestinal walls and help with minor bleeding.

For skin treatment

Milk thistle oil is used not only internally, but also externally to treat many skin diseases. The fact is that the ability of this oil to heal wounds and relieve inflammation is beneficial not only to internal organs, but also to the skin, which suffers many harmful influences every day. The best guarantee of the oil’s effectiveness are considered to be clinical trials that have proven the ability of this plant to treat various types of burns, including those caused by the sun or high temperatures. Treatment of frostbite with milk thistle oil is just as effective, and it is also used in the presence of ulcers, various kinds of wounds on the skin, and even to combat bedsores.

Few people know, but milk thistle fights burns much more effectively, much more effectively than sea buckthorn, which is usually used in such cases.

Another pleasant feature of milk thistle oil is that even when applied to burns or open wounds, it does not cause any unpleasant sensations such as burning. This means that it can even be used to help children. In addition, the gentle effect of this oil helps to heal wounds so that they do not leave scars.

Milk thistle oil helps treat the following problems:

  • allergic reactions;
  • various types of lichen;
  • psoriasis;
  • acne;
  • eczema;
  • trophic ulcers.

In addition, with regular use, it stimulates the skin's protective abilities.

Endocrine system

Milk thistle oil has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system, as it has a positive effect on the pancreas. It contains a wide range of trace elements and minerals, which, in particular, stimulate the production of insulin. That is why doctors prescribe it to those who are struggling with diabetes or as a preventive measure for this disease.

For weight loss

Milk thistle oil contains active substances that can neutralize the harmful effects of cholesterol. The fatty acids it contains help improve metabolism, which also helps maintain good shape. In addition, regular use of milk thistle oil stimulates the removal of toxins and waste from the body. In general, it can fight excess weight, but it is very important to observe moderation when consuming it. The fact is that 100 g of oil contains almost 900 kcal, so excessive consumption can, on the contrary, interfere with the fight against excess weight.

Reproductive system

To combat

Milk thistle oil is used both internally for a broad effect on the body and for tampons. Ingestion helps, including because it contains a very large amount of vitamin E, which contributes to the high-quality functioning of the female genitourinary system. In addition, vitamin E can inhibit the growth of tumors and is used to prevent cancer. It is thanks to the vitamin E it contains that the oil is used by women during menopause or to treat emotional imbalances during the premenstrual period.

Overall, milk thistle oil improves the health of the body and helps fight bacteria and inflammation. Gynecologists, among other things, use it to treat atrophic vaginitis, which is often associated with unpleasant itching. Milk thistle, combined with the well-known tea tree oil, helps for:

  • inflammation in the vagina;
  • prevention and treatment of cervical erosion;
  • preventing scar formation.

In addition to fighting gynecological diseases, milk thistle oil also helps fight male problems of the genitourinary system, in particular it is used to combat adenoma, prostatitis and urethritis.

The beneficial effects of milk thistle oil on women's health do not end there. Some substances included in its composition help support reproductive function. Regular consumption of the oil of this plant also helps in the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, these substances help maintain reproductive function in general and slow down the aging of the body.

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