Effective laundry soap recipes for treating nail fungus

Many of us know how difficult it is to cure onychomycosis. Even the use of medicinal antifungal drugs provides only temporary improvement. Soap and soda baths can significantly increase the effectiveness of products. Two components in this procedure can significantly soften the affected areas of the nails and feet, and also have a local antiseptic effect. After such baths, the pharmaceutical antifungal drug penetrates more deeply, which means it acts more effectively and quickly.

Soap for treating nail fungus

Laundry soap for nail fungus

Although soap is often used to treat nail fungus, it is not actually an antifungal agent. Therefore, it must be used as part of complex therapy. Baths with the addition of laundry soap will help cope with various adverse reactions of the body to the fungus. Soap will prevent the fungal infection from joining with a bacterial one, will help in the healing of small cracks, scratches, and will also stop the spread of inflammation.

So, laundry soap has:

  • wound healing effect;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • softening;
  • restorative effect.

It was used back when there were practically no drugs to treat fungus, and already in those days it established itself as a universal remedy for solving any skin problems. They used it to treat lichen, seborrhea, and eczema.

Which soap should you choose?

For treatment, it is better to use 72% laundry soap. However, it is not an independent means of treatment and should be used in complex therapy in conjunction with a local antimycotic drug prescribed by a doctor. It is also a wonderful preventative.

When choosing a quality product based on fats of plant and animal origin for the treatment of nail fungus, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. The color should be dirty gray (the darker the better). Light soap is ineffective.
  2. There must be a specific smell that not everyone likes, but this is a guarantee that the composition does not contain perfume fragrances.
  3. According to GOST, soap is produced at 40, 60 and 72%. For medicinal purposes, only products labeled 72% are used.
  4. Pay attention to the composition. There should be no unnatural, synthetic components, dyes, fragrances or other foreign chemicals.

Operating principle

Bath with soap suds for fungus

Alkali kills most harmful microorganisms and also weakens fungi and viruses. To make laundry soap more effective, it is used not only as monotherapy, but also as part of complex treatment. Foam baths with laundry soap with the addition of salt, soda, and iodine have proven themselves in the treatment of nail fungus at any stage.

If treatment with laundry soap does not bring visible results within a week of use, you should consult a doctor and add traditional medications to folk medicine - creams, ointments, tablets.

Soap effectiveness

Laundry soap against nail plate fungus has been used for decades. Moreover, this soap is an integral ingredient in many traditional medicines. The thing is that it has many useful properties. Thanks to its disinfectant, softening and anti-inflammatory properties, it is used to treat the following diseases:

  1. Laundry soap is suitable for the prevention of dermatological diseases and the treatment of boils, corns and some purulent diseases;
  2. It is used to eliminate pain and reduce swelling in various bruises, joint pain and sprains;
  3. This soap is an excellent prevention against rabies when bitten by sick animals. It is used to disinfect wounds after insect bites or animal attacks;
  4. This is an indispensable remedy for the treatment of thrush, mycoses, rhinitis, sinusitis and even thrombophlebitis;
  5. Soap is often used in the field of cosmetology.

Important! Laundry soap does not cause allergies even in people prone to various allergic reactions. They can even be used to wash newborns, who are contraindicated from using products with fragrances.

Soap is especially effective against foot fungus because it has the following effects:

Instructions for using Keto Plus shampoo and cheap analogues

  • it contains a fairly large amount of alkali, due to which the acidic habitat favorable for fungi changes to the alkaline side;
  • it has a complex (anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial) effect on the skin;
  • the composition does not contain harmful dyes or toxic synthetic components, so there are practically no contraindications to its use;
  • this product is capable of destroying fungal spores, preventing their reproduction;
  • it dries the skin a little, which is very important because mushrooms love warmth and moisture.

How to prepare your feet for soap treatment

In order for the laundry soap solution to produce results, it must penetrate as deeply as possible into the nails damaged by the fungus. To do this, you can first make a bath of hot water and softening shampoo. Soak your nails in a 50-degree bath and trim them short. It is also worth going over the top of the nail with a nail file, especially if they have already transformed into growths. If your nails are too hard, you should steam them as best as possible before cutting them.

After you have removed as much damaged nails as possible, you can begin treatment with laundry soap. Use either bubble baths or grate soap and apply to your nails. Wrap them with a bandage and keep them on for 2 to 8 hours.

Benefits of use

If you or another family member suffers from a fungal disease, then such a soap bar should definitely be in your arsenal of home remedies, since it has many advantages:

  1. This environmentally friendly product can be used for hygiene and treatment of young children, pregnant and lactating women and the elderly. It is suitable even for allergy sufferers.
  2. With its help, you can create an alkaline environment, which will be destructive for most harmful microorganisms, including fungi.
  3. If one of the family members has a fungal disease, all other household members should wash their hands and feet once a day with this product to prevent the disease.
  4. It is suitable for treating shoes and washing clothes of a person suffering from a fungal disease.
  5. A solution of such soap can be used to treat surfaces and wash floors to eliminate fungal spores and prevent their spread.

Baths of laundry soap against fungus

Baths of laundry soap will reduce the spread of nail fungus and relieve the main symptoms - itching, pain, redness. For the bath you should take water at about 50-55 degrees. Soap should be dark, without cosmetic additives (except tar), and bar soap. Using a coarse grater, rub a third of the bar into the water, stir well until dissolved. If the water has cooled, add boiling water. Place your nails in the bath and keep them there for at least 30 minutes.

Wipe dry using a towel, wait until completely dry and put on socks or gloves, depending on which nails were damaged by the fungus.

To make the soap more effective, apply an antifungal agent to your nails in the form of a spray, ointment or cream. You will find a wide selection of these drugs at any pharmacy. For example, Clotrimazole has proven itself to be excellent.

Several reasons to take soda baths

The need for foot baths develops over time. If you did this before, and then quit or began to use baths less often due to lack of time , think about what your legs lost from this.

Reasons that could force a woman not to forget about the need for procedures may look like this:

  1. Soda baths are used to disinfect the feet. In this way, over time, you can get rid of corns or calluses that form as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes and standing on your feet for a long time.
  2. Soda foot baths eliminate unpleasant odors, as soda fights harmful bacteria and helps get rid of them and fungal diseases. How does this happen? It's all about the acidic environment where bacteria can multiply. Water helps them with this. But soda already destroys acidity. No habitat - no bacteria. This only helps at the initial stage. Severe fungal infection can only be treated with medical methods.
  3. Uncomfortable shoes can lead to the formation of purulent inflammations under the nails. In this case, a hot bath with soda will help.
  4. Another good thing about baths with soda is that small cracks in the legs heal, burning and itching go away. Also, taking such baths helps soften the skin on the heels.
  5. In the morning you will not feel the same effect of baths as taking them in the evening. Exhausted feet will be doubly grateful if some essential oil is present in the water.
  6. An equally important reason for the procedures is women's health and beauty. Beautiful and healthy legs give health to the whole body and delight not only your eyes with beauty.

Getting more benefits will come from alternating different soda baths . It all depends on what effect someone needs.

Laundry soap and soda

Baking soda perfectly complements the action of laundry soap. Both ingredients have worked well when used as hot baths for nails. For the bath, you will need to coarsely grate 2 tablespoons of soap per 5 liters of water and add 2 tablespoons of soda. You can add 50 ml of vinegar. Mix everything until the soap dissolves. Keep your nails in the bath for 15 to 40 minutes. Dry, put on clean socks or gloves. If the fungus has affected your toenails, do not wear shoes for 2-3 hours.

A bath based on soap, soda and vinegar will defeat the fungus

Laundry soap and tar

Birch tar is a natural and healthy product that is obtained by processing birch bark. Tar is known for its disinfecting properties. It kills germs, bacteria and fungi. It is thanks to this last property that it is actively used in the treatment of nail fungus. It can be used either separately or as part of various recipes against fungus. Tar is sold in pharmacies in the form of a liquid that can be added to medicinal baths. We will tell you about one of the most effective recipes against nail fungus, based on a mixture of laundry soap and tar.

Tar soap for fungus

For the bath, take a bar of laundry soap and tar, which is a blue-green oily liquid. Pour a tablespoon of tar into 5 liters of hot water, and also add 4 tablespoons of coarsely grated soap. Stir. Use this nail bath for 7 days daily.

After the procedure, apply an antifungal cream or other product recommended by your doctor to your nails. Remember that treating a fungus on your own is less productive than after consulting a doctor who will prescribe medications suitable for your stage of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of fungus on the toenails are:

  • Compaction, cloudiness, various deformations and the nail plate crumbles.
  • The growing nail plate is too thin.
  • The appearance of multi-colored spots or stripes on the nails.
  • Change in color of the nail plate. It can completely change and become, for example, yellow, gray, black, green or brown.

The appearance of the fungus begins from the regrown edge, after which the infection covers the entire area. When it reaches the nail fold, the nail plate is completely destroyed.

In some cases, the fungus can cause allergies. Then the disease will proceed quickly and acutely. Blisters, erosions, and ulcers on the skin may appear.

Soap and salt bath

Salt is a natural antiseptic. It prevents bacteria, viruses, and fungi from spreading. At the same time, sea salt is famous for the fact that it draws out all infections from the skin and nails. Of course, this property of salt could not go unnoticed by traditional medicine, so salt is actively used not only to treat sore throats, abscesses, rhinitis, but also to get rid of such an unpleasant disease as nail fungus.

To make a more effective bath, take 1 tablespoon of grated laundry soap for 1 tablespoon of salt. We keep our nails in this bath for 15-30 minutes, after which we wipe them dry, cut off the softened parts of the nails and apply anti-fungal cream. This procedure must be carried out at least every other day, and then the effect will occur within 1-2 weeks.

There are cases when methods of treating nail fungus based on laundry soap do not bring results. Each such specific case should be dealt with by a dermatologist.

How long to treat fungus with soap

Treatment of fungus with soap depends not only on the stage of the disease, but also on the characteristics of the body and the patient’s immunity. Therefore, in each specific case, the time from the start of treatment to complete recovery is different. On average, treatment will take at least 2-3 weeks, and it is possible to completely get rid of the fungus only when the diseased nail grows back and is completely cut off.

When using laundry soap, the healing process can be accelerated, especially if the treatment was comprehensive - using traditional medicine. Only in this case can we talk about cure without the possibility of relapse. If there are no visible results within a month and the disease causes discomfort, consult a doctor who will adjust the drug use algorithm or recommend a stronger remedy.

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