Tar soap for nail fungus: reviews from doctors, treatment methods and results

  1. The effectiveness of tar soap
  2. How to carry out treatment?
  3. Use in children, pregnant and lactating women
  4. Contraindications and side effects
  5. Disadvantages of using tar for nail fungus
  6. Where to buy tar soap?
  7. DIY cooking
  8. Reviews

At the first signs of onychomycosis, it is recommended to seek medical help and treat the disease with medications. Not everyone follows this rule - many people choose traditional medicine as an alternative. Tar soap for nail fungus is often used as a reliable way to get rid of the infection. Let's find out more about it.

Why is tar soap used to treat nail fungus?

Tar soap for nail fungus

Tar soap is a brown bar with a sharp, specific odor. To treat fungus, baths with soap and various additives, lotions, compresses and pastes are used. It has disinfectant, antimicrobial properties, dries, eliminates itching, improves protective properties, strengthens nails and hair. It is used in almost all areas - both in medicine and in cosmetology. But despite this, not everyone decides to use it. Women may be embarrassed by its pungent smell, which takes a long time to dissipate. In addition, this is a fairly gentle remedy that does not help at all stages of onychomycosis.

Useful properties of tar soap

The beneficial properties of tar soap more than compensate for the specific smell

All the beneficial properties that are found directly in tar soap are also contained in birch bark. It is the main component for the manufacture of such a product. It is known for its beneficial properties in cosmetology, where it is often used to treat acne. In addition, birch tar acts as an antiseptic, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also improves blood circulation in the body's blood vessels. Tar soap against nail fungus has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Tar as a component of tar soap is an excellent remedy against infectious and other diseases, helps the body develop immunity to such diseases, and acts as a prophylactic agent.
  2. Tar acts as a drying agent, and it is thanks to this property of the substance that all defects on the skin, such as acne or wen, begin to disappear.
  3. Tar soap also perfectly cleanses and scrubs the skin, which helps it regain its freshness and beauty.
  4. The use of tar soap also helps to reduce the risk of penetration of any parasites, which is the key to healthy skin.
  5. Tar soap can also be used for preventive purposes to prevent the likely appearance of some unpleasant defects, and also helps the skin quickly recover after it has experienced the appearance of the same acne or wen.

Operating principle and properties

Soap, like any alkali, changes the PH of the skin, making it unsuitable for colonization by fungi. In addition, it destroys the shell of the microorganism, as a result of which the fungus dies. The tar itself is also useful. It contains betulin resin, phenol, xylene, organic acids, tuluene and other substances. Thanks to them, soap receives antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Soap also has the following effects:

Tar is an excellent antiseptic

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Regenerating;
  • Antifungal;
  • Antiparasitic;
  • Drying;
  • Painkillers;
  • Antipruritic;
  • Drying;
  • Absorbable.

In addition, when treating nail fungus, tar soap heals wounds, scratches, ulcers, purulent lesions, and removes redness and swelling.

What happens if thrush is not treated?

Untreated thrush can lead to serious problems.

The diagnosed disease must be treated. Despite the fact that Candida fungus is an opportunistic microorganism, the body needs help to cope with overgrown colonies and neutralize the consequences of their vital activity. Untreated disease:

among women:

  • will reduce immunity, resulting in the development of secondary sexually transmitted infections;
  • will provoke erosion of the mucous membrane;
  • disrupts the menstrual cycle;
  • will cause inflammation of the cervix.

for men:

  • will lead to prostatitis, vesiculitis, which can cause infertility.

How to prepare your nails for treatment

In order for the nails to be prepared for treatment, they need to be softened. This can be done using baths or lotions. Here are some recipes for preparatory baths:

  • Bath with sea salt and shampoo;
  • Bath with soda;
  • Vinegar bath;
  • Bath with hydrogen peroxide;
  • Bath with lemon and soda.

All baths are prepared approximately the same way. They are based on hot water, the temperature of which is from 50 to 60 degrees. For 1 liter you should take 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of soda, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 lemon or 50 ml of peroxide. Gel, shampoo or liquid soap will add a softening effect.

The procedure is carried out for 15-30 minutes, after which we dry the nails with a towel if you plan to make a compress with tar soap.

Tar soap baths for fungus

Tar soap baths are good because they not only help to cope with fungus directly on the nail plates, but also because they reliably protect the entire foot from the spread of this disease. The most popular baths with tar soap:

  1. Tar soap with soda. Heat the water to 60 degrees so that it is hot. Lather the soap in this water. You can also grate the soap and dissolve it. Add a tablespoon of soda for each liter. Keep your nails in the bath for 20 minutes. Then wipe them dry and lubricate with cream.
  2. Tar soap with salt. Heat the water until it is hot. Lather the soap or rub it on a grater and dissolve. Add 2 tablespoons of salt for each liter. Keep your nails in the bath for 20-30 minutes. Wipe them dry and apply antifungal cream.
  3. Tar soap with vinegar. Heat the water to 55-60 degrees so that it is hot. Lather the soap in this water or dissolve the soap in any other way. Add a glass of vinegar for each liter. Keep your nails in the bath for 20-30 minutes. Wipe and apply nail fungus cream.
  4. With herbs. Many herbs actively fight nail fungus, making them useful to add to bath solutions. The most popular herbal mixtures for the treatment of dermatological diseases are the collection of celandine, calendula flowers, oak bark, chamomile, mint, and pine needles.

After using the baths, you need to remove the soaked parts of the nail and lubricate your fingers with anti-fungal cream. The cream must be prescribed by a doctor, so if you have onychomycosis, you must consult a dermatologist. Baths are best done before bedtime.

How long to treat fungus with soap

In each specific case, treating fungus with soap takes a different time. This depends on the stage of the disease, the patient’s immunity, and how accurately the doctor’s recommendations are followed.

At the initial stage, if treatment is carried out regularly, tar soap gives very good results. The main symptoms may subside within the first week of use. However, most often the treatment is longer - about 1-2 months.

Soap with tar for nail fungus

In the middle stage, soap with tar is used only as part of complex therapy, since the disease is likely to recur. When the general symptoms are eliminated, preventive measures should not be stopped under any circumstances. In addition, the use of Clotrimazole ointment or analogues is mandatory. Special ointments and creams will help speed up the healing process from fungus on the fingernails and toenails.

At the last stage, tar soap can only be used as an auxiliary agent. It perfectly heals minor skin damage, relieves tooth and inflammation, and steams nails. But it will not save you from fungus at an advanced stage - you will have to go to the doctor and take fairly strong pills, while simultaneously treating your nails with creams, ointments and sprays.

How to avoid relapse of candidiasis?

Candida is an opportunistic microorganism that is usually present in the microflora of intimate areas. In order not to provoke its excessive reproduction again:

  • strengthen your immune system;
  • do not wear tight synthetic underwear;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • take enough vitamins, reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates;
  • reduce the amount of foods and drinks that contain mold and yeast;
  • use contraception;
  • avoid stress.

During treatment for thrush, you will have to adjust your diet

Regardless of lifestyle, thrush can develop:

  • when hormonal levels change (pregnancy, taking birth control pills, endocrine diseases);
  • after operations;
  • as a result of antibiotic therapy;
  • during serious illnesses;
  • with vaginal dysbiosis;
  • after hypothermia.

Lotions with soda and soap

Lotions are an effective remedy for treating nail fungus. They are done like this: cotton wool, a bandage or a piece of fabric is soaked in a medicinal solution, applied to the diseased nails, after which a fixing bandage is made. Lotions are made for different times - from half an hour to 5 hours. If you wrap the lotion in plastic wrap, you will get a compress.

One of the most effective lotions is with tar soap and soda. To create a lotion you need: tar soap, a teaspoon of soda, 30 ml of water. Lather the soap until thick foam, add it and baking soda to the water, stir. Take a cotton pad, apply the resulting solution and attach it to your nails. Wrap the lotion in a bandage so that the lotion stays securely in place for at least 2 hours. After the procedure, apply antifungal cream.

How to cure thrush during pregnancy?

Statistics say that Candida fungi are detected in 80% of expectant mothers. Before giving birth, you must say goodbye to them. If this event is postponed until later, the baby will become infected during childbirth. Transmission of the fungus is also possible after - during feeding or hygiene procedures. This is fraught with thrush in the mouth, in girls - on the genitals, and a series of subsequent problems with the baby’s health.

To treat expectant mothers, gynecologists prefer to use topical medications - suppositories, tablets, creams. Suppositories Pimafucin and Primafungin can be used in any trimester of pregnancy, Terzhinan tablets - in the second. Systemic drugs are prescribed if the disease cannot be cured locally. Only the doctor prescribes medications and outlines the treatment regimen, depending on the clinical picture; amateur activity is unacceptable here.

Self-medication of candidiasis is unacceptable

Lotion with salt and soap

You will need: tar soap, a teaspoon of sea salt, a teaspoon of water. Lather the soap until thick foam, mix with salt and water. Take a cotton pad, apply the resulting solution and attach it to the damaged nails. Wrap the lotion in a bandage to keep the lotion securely in place. After the procedure, apply antifungal cream. This lotion can be used throughout the night. Make sure that you do not experience any unpleasant sensations on your skin when the solution comes into contact with it. If this happens, remove the bandage and rinse your nails with cool water and apply cream.

Paste with soda and soap

The paste is a fairly concentrated remedy for nail fungus. It is distinguished by its consistency - since practically no water is added to it, the result is a thick product that is literally applied to the nail plate and fixed with a bandage. How to make a paste against fungus yourself from tar soap?

  1. Wet the soap generously.
  2. Lather it up. The more you foam it, the drier the foam you will get. Accordingly, the paste will be thicker.
  3. Collect the soap suds in a separate bowl. Add soda. Stir.
  4. While the soda has not dissolved, apply the resulting paste to pre-steamed nails.
  5. Cover your nails with a bandage.
  6. Keep the paste on your nails for at least 1 hour.
  7. Rinse with cool water and apply antifungal cream.

Homemade soap with tar for nail fungus

Treatment prognosis

The prognosis for treatment of nail fungus is generally favorable, but some rules must be followed:

  1. Be sure to follow good hygiene rules to prevent the disease from spreading further.
  2. Treatment procedures should be carried out daily.
  3. Use an integrated approach and in no case give up traditional medicines, completely relying on traditional methods of treatment.

If after 2 weeks there is no stable remission, or the disease has not gone away within 2 months, you must urgently contact a dermatologist, who will adjust the treatment by prescribing stronger drugs.

Use in pregnant women and children

Pregnant, lactating women and children are much more sensitive to various chemicals than ordinary people. However, tar soap consists of completely natural ingredients, so it can be used without restrictions. The exception is for patients with extremely sensitive skin. The tar in soap is very drying to the skin, so to avoid this, you should apply moisturizer or olive oil.

In addition, in this case, it is desirable that the treatment regimen be adjusted by a doctor, since only a specialist knows what medications can be used for pregnant women or children.

Tar therapy during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant and lactating women can use tar treatments only after consulting a dermatologist. An experienced specialist will give recommendations on the use of this product, adjust the frequency of procedures and recommend the safest methods of treating the disease.

Tar remedy for fungal pathologies has a number of undeniable advantages, such as effectiveness, accessibility and ease of use. However, every person should understand that treatment with traditional recipes is only an addition to traditional drug therapy.

Pros and cons of treatment

Tar soap has its pros and cons in treatment. The advantages include:

  1. Versatility - soap can be used to treat not only mycosis, but also dandruff, lichen, hair loss, diaper rash, and ulcers.
  2. A completely natural product, tar is obtained from birch bark, and abroad it is called Russian oil.
  3. Gentle effect on the body.
  4. Relatively cheap.

But soap also has disadvantages:

  1. Dries the skin.
  2. Needs long-term use.
  3. Efficacy has not been clinically proven.
  4. A visible effect occurs only with an integrated approach.
  5. Procedures cannot be skipped.
  6. The soap has an unpleasant odor.

Overall, this soap is an excellent alternative to alkaline solutions for treating nail fungus.

Side effects

To avoid side effects, the following recommendations for using tar soap should be taken into account:

  • do not use tar soap constantly;
  • After the procedure, it is better to use a moisturizer that is good for your skin;
  • Remember that tar has a strong odor and can stain clothes.

Tar soap from different manufacturers may differ in tar content. Lighter varieties do not leave stains on clothes, but the effect of using such soap is much weaker.

Making tar soap yourself

Tar soap is available in many stores, and its price rarely exceeds 50 rubles. However, you can also prepare it yourself. To do this you will need:

  • Regular soap in a bar - you can take the cheapest, household, children's soap. The choice of base depends on your preferences.
  • Tar - sold in any pharmacy, is a dark-colored substance.

Heat the soap in a saucepan in a water bath. You need to make sure it doesn't boil. When it becomes elastic and viscous, pour 1 tablespoon of tar into it. Mix. You can also add 1-2 drops of essential oil for scent. Pour the soap into molds and leave to harden. There is no need to cover it indoors.

In just a few hours the soap will be completely ready for use. By the way, if you use moisturizing soap as a basis, it will not dry out your skin as much as regular store-bought soap.

DIY cooking

Of course, it is not difficult to buy a finished product these days, especially since it is sold in any nearby household chemicals store.

But if you want, it’s not difficult to make it yourself, and besides, it will be even more useful, because the soap can be supplemented with healing ingredients in the form of essential oils and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

We will learn how to make a tar product with our own hands from a small table.

Execution stepsDescription
  • Buy a bar of ordinary soap without additives and grind it into shavings on a grater.
  • Buy pure birch tar - you will need 1 tbsp. spoon, and essential oils, such as jojoba or sea buckthorn.
  • Pour 100 ml of water into the grated soap and melt the mixture in the microwave.
  • Add 2 tbsp. spoons of essential oil (any).
  • After the product has cooled, add tar to it and mix thoroughly.
  • Pour the prepared soap into the existing molds while it is liquid and leave for 3 days to completely harden.
  • From this moment on, the finished product can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Reviews about treatment with tar soap

Homemade soap with tar for nail fungus

  • Marusya: “I caught nail fungus while walking barefoot in the hotel. I didn’t even know that this could happen, but first there was an itching on the foot itself, then spots appeared, and then the nail began to turn yellow. I read on the Internet that tar soap can help. I made baths with it, which relieved both itching and irritation. After about 3 days the effect appeared. Arriving home, I immediately went to the doctor, who prescribed me clotrimazole ointment. In total, the treatment took me about 1 month.”
  • Vadim: “I still can’t understand where I managed to get infected with nail fungus. Everything was fine, and then I noticed that something was wrong with my nail. He became as if dirty, yellow, like a smoker's nails. I was advised to make a paste - a little soda, a little tar soap, which I crushed on a fine grater, and estuary juice. The result should be a porridge with the consistency of thick sour cream. It should be applied to the nail and left for two hours. The result appeared in about 3 weeks.”


In order for tar soap to help in the treatment of nail fungus, it should be used as part of complex therapy, without neglecting traditional medications for mycosis. In addition, it works if the fungus is not very advanced. This is an excellent remedy for the prevention of various types of mycosis. However, it is very difficult to completely get rid of the fungus with its help alone, and this may require several months of treatment.

Self-made soap will allow you to avoid excessive dryness of the skin when using it, moreover, it has proven to work well in baths with other traditional medicine products that are used to treat mycosis on the nails.


This seemingly harmless disease can have very serious complications:

  • damage to smooth skin and secondary infection;
  • fungal sensitization with the formation of allergic reactions and foci of microbial eczema;
  • complication of chronic dermatoses, varicose veins of the lower extremities and foot lesions in diabetes mellitus, etc.

It is impossible not to mention the epidemiological significance of existing foci of fungal infection: a sick person will infect public places and other people, and in everyday life will be a source of intra-family transmission of fungal infection.

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