Effective folk remedies against foot fungus

Treatment with vinegar

Treatment with folk remedies against foot fungus with vinegar is carried out in the form of baths, ointments or lotions . An acidic environment actively prevents the spread of the disease:

  • Pour 200 ml of table vinegar into water heated to 50 degrees. Keep your feet in the solution, which should be ankle-deep, for 15 minutes, repeat 3 times a day. Then the feet are wiped dry and cotton socks are put on.
  • To 2 parts of 70% vinegar add one part each of glycerin, olive oil and dimethyl phthalate. The resulting ointment is applied to the affected nails and skin. Leave for 10 hours, after which the ointment is washed off.
  • The chicken egg is washed, dried, placed in a cup and filled with vinegar essence. Leave for a week in a dark place until the shell is completely dissolved. Add 100 g of melted or softened butter and beat. The resulting emulsion is applied as a compress to previously steamed legs and wrapped on top with plastic film. The course of treatment is until the symptoms of mycosis disappear.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of carrot juice and vinegar, soak a cotton swab in the mixture and treat your feet.

Herbal formulations that help cure mycosis

Plant mixtures and herbs that have a fungicidal effect can cure mycosis. It may be necessary to carry out a course of procedures to consolidate the results.

Medicinal fee

Steam 1 filter bag each of plantain, burdock, yarrow and wormwood in a thermos. Wait until it cools down. The resulting infusion can be added to a basin for steaming the legs or lubricated with it on the skin using a gauze napkin.

Dry collection

For long-term effects, you can make a dry mixture that is placed in socks for a day. Mix crushed leaves or flowers of sage, chamomile, St. John's wort and mint. The concentrated collection will have a depressing effect on the fungus, and sweat secretions will be absorbed into the dry composition.


A fresh large burdock leaf needs to be intensively beaten and rolled out with a rolling pin. When it gives juice, wrap it around your leg and use it as a compress for a long-term effect. To secure the sheet to your foot, you can put a clean sock on top or wrap it with gauze.


Take 1 cup of dried flowers or 10 pharmaceutical filter bags, pour 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew. Rub this lotion into the skin of your feet every day in the morning before leaving the house. The course of treatment is 1 month.


Steam 5 tablespoons of celandine with 1 liter of water in a thermos. As soon as the temperature becomes tolerable for the skin, use it as a foot bath. This procedure can be carried out every day before bed or alternated with salt and soda steaming.

Recipes with celandine

To get rid of mycosis, use celandine juice, from which ointments, tinctures, and baths are made. Treatment methods:

  • Squeeze out the juice from celandine crushed in a blender or meat grinder, mix it with 250 g of vodka and infuse for 24 hours. Treat the limbs 2 times a day after 15 minutes of steaming and complete drying of the skin.
  • 100 ml of celandine is added to 2 liters of water and the feet are steamed for 20 minutes, 2 times during the day.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. spoon celandine juice, calendula, oregano and badger fat. Apply 2 times daily.
  • To prepare the oil, the celandine is dried, placed in a glass jar, filled with vegetable oil so that the grass rises 3-4 cm above it. Leave for about a week at room temperature and add the same portion of oil as at the beginning. The feet are steamed and oil is applied to them with massage movements.

Application of propolis

This product is actively used in folk medicine to treat many diseases, including fungal infections. There are several known recipes for using propolis:

  • Daily overnight compresses from alcoholic propolis tincture are made using a cotton pad generously soaked in it, which is covered with a dry cloth, bandaged and warm socks are put on.
  • Apply a piece of propolis to cleanly washed and steamed problem areas and leave for 30 minutes. The procedure is repeated every day twice.

Sea and table salt

Using salt is the easiest way to kill a spreading infection. You can use it as follows:

  • Vinegar and salt are diluted in equal quantities with two parts of water. Baths are done daily for two weeks.
  • Lotions based on sea salt mixed with mint tincture help well with mycosis.
  • At an advanced stage of the disease, dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt and freshly squeezed garlic juice in a glass of water. The feet are treated twice a day every day.
  • Sea salt with essential oil is an effective method of getting rid of mycosis. Six drops of any oil and 100 g of table salt are added to two liters of water and baths are made for three weeks.

How to identify an infection

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the horny surface of the fingers. Clinical symptoms depend on the cause of the disease and the type of pathogen. Infection of nails with fungus is indicated by:

  • cloudiness;
  • white dots;
  • thickening;
  • delamination of the free edge;
  • surface roughness.

At a late stage of the disease, the subungual and periungual spaces are affected. The skin becomes red, thins, peels, and swells. Onychomycosis is fraught with the addition of a bacterial infection. This is indicated by suppuration around the thumbnail.

Essential oils

Natural plant essential oils have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.

To treat mycosis, tea tree oil, lavender, ylang-ylang, and rosemary are used. Used in the form of compresses and baths.


  • Compresses. A little oil is heated to +30 degrees, mixed with two teaspoons of water. Soak a cotton swab well in the resulting mixture, apply it to the sore spot, secure it with an adhesive plaster and hold it for 40 minutes. Then the compress is removed, and the softened skin or nail is treated with a file.
  • Baths. Add 10 drops of any oil to 3 liters of hot water. Pre-washed feet are placed in a container with flavored water for 20 minutes. After the procedure, wrap in a warm towel and leave for another 15 minutes.

General rules

Therapeutic and hygienic measures must be carried out regularly; treatment cannot be interrupted until the fungus is completely eliminated. The duration of the recovery process depends on the degree of neglect of the disease and the affected area. Read also: Fungus on the fingers: treatment and symptoms with photos.

For a successful outcome of treatment and prevention of infection of others, it is recommended to follow the basic rules:

  1. For the entire period of treatment, you should avoid visiting swimming pools, saunas, beaches, and pedicure rooms.
  2. The patient must have individual means for hygienic treatment of feet: files, pumice stones, soap, towels, etc.
  3. Shoes must be thoroughly disinfected and dried. Insoles and the inner surface of shoes can be treated with special solutions or sprays.
  4. Feet must be dry at all times. Fungal pathogens actively reproduce in warm and humid environments. After water procedures, feet should be dried with a clean towel, and if the feet are sweating, use talcum powder, powders and powders.
  5. Particular attention is paid to hosiery. It is better to choose socks made of natural cotton. This material absorbs moisture well and ensures normal ventilation of the skin of the feet. Socks should be changed as often as possible, and used items should be boiled.
  6. Drug treatment is carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions of the attending physician after confirmation of the diagnosis by the results of laboratory tests of the infected material.

The keratinized skin of the fingers and soles must be constantly removed with a special foot brush or pumice stone. Otherwise, cracks may form through which the fungus penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and the bloodstream.

Preference should be given to comfortable shoes made from natural materials to prevent the accumulation of excess moisture.

Homemade ointments

Ointments prepared independently help with mycosis well. The recipes are as follows:

  • Remove a tablespoon of cream from the milk, add an egg and 100 g of birch tar. Mix, apply to feet and bandage. Do it before bed.
  • Spruce needles are crushed and placed in a 250-gram glass jar in 1 cm layers (needles + butter) to the very top. Cover the container with foil and simmer in the oven on low heat for 6 hours. After cooling, the mixture is filtered and cooled. Lubricate the feet with the resulting oil 3 times a day. No need to bandage. The effect occurs after the second application.

Other means

To cure foot fungus with folk remedies, there are many more recipes.

For example, the following homemade methods are very effective:

  • Calendula. Make a decoction, leave for about 30 minutes, lubricate the feet and wait for them to dry completely. The course of treatment is 3−5 weeks.
  • Birch tar. The feet are steamed in soapy water, excess skin is removed with pumice, dried well and the affected areas are smeared with tar. After 1.5 hours, the feet are wiped, but not washed. After two days, the procedure is repeated.
  • Bulb. Peeled and halved onions are lubricated on the feet or crushed in a blender and applied as compresses.
  • Herbs. Place a handful of dry herbs of chamomile, celandine, mint, nettle, and sage into clean socks. In summer you can use fresh herbs.
  • Kombucha is infused for a week in a sugar solution and the damaged areas are treated. You can also treat mycosis using the following recipe: a small piece of mushroom is freed from films and crushed. The resulting pulp is rubbed into the infected areas. Repeat 3 times a day until complete healing.
  • Shag will quickly and effectively help cope with mycosis. To do this, brew 1 tbsp in a liter of boiling water. spoon of shag and boil for two minutes. Pour into a basin and steam your feet until the water cools. After the procedure, the product is not washed off or wiped off - the feet should dry on their own. To prepare the decoction, you can choose a pan or other container that is unnecessary on the household.
  • The burdock leaf is beaten with a hammer from the bottom side and rolled with a rolling pin until the juice appears. Wrap the sheet around the leg, bandage it and put on a sock. Apply at night.
  • Alcohol. A cotton swab is moistened in alcohol and placed between the fingers once a week. The course of treatment is 3 months.
  • Salicylic ointment. For a week, they smear their feet with it in the morning and put on a plastic bag and socks. In the evening the manipulations are repeated.
  • Baking soda works well to get rid of infection. For the procedure, prepare a bath of 7 liters of water, to which three tablespoons of soda and grated laundry soap are added. After the components are completely dissolved, lower the legs into the container and hold for 20 minutes. Repeat for four days. It is recommended to combine the procedure with drug treatment.
  • Boric acid. At night, the feet are steamed, but not wiped dry, and the still wet feet are powdered with boric acid powder, then socks are put on and left until the morning.
  • Potassium permanganate. Before going to bed, the feet are steamed and wrapped in gauze soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Coffee. Night baths are prepared using strong natural coffee. Additionally, they will make the skin soft.
  • Hot water. This method can cure fungus between the toes in just 2-3 procedures. To do this, turn on hot water, which your hands can barely tolerate. While standing in the bathroom, place your foot with your toes spread out under running water 5-10 times for a few seconds. Dry your feet with a towel and spray the sore areas with 6% vinegar.
  • Mint. The crushed herb is mixed with salt and placed between the fingers for 60 minutes.
  • Freshly picked rowan leaves are kneaded and applied to the affected areas, fixed with a bandage. It is recommended to keep the bandage on around the clock.
  • Ammonia. Add a tablespoon of ammonia to 200 ml of water. Soak gauze in the solution, wrap the foot and put a plastic bag on top. Do it before bed.
  • Potato sprouts are crushed and poured with alcohol, infused, and compresses are made from the resulting pulp.
  • Apple vinegar. This folk remedy for foot fungus is used only at the early stage of mycosis. Cotton pads are moistened with vinegar and applied to the affected areas for 8-10 hours. Manipulations are carried out until the signs of the disease disappear with a weekly break of 2 days.
  • BF glue. Quite a bold way. It is necessary to lubricate the damaged areas of the skin with glue once a day for a week.
  • Fraction ASD-2. The affected areas, previously washed with soap, are lubricated with an undiluted solution 2-3 times a day.

General methods of treating affected skin

Varieties of treatment procedures, each of which has its own amenities:

  • Steam baths . The required component is added to hot water, after which you need to immerse your feet in the liquid for a certain time. This procedure will soften the keratinized layers of the epidermis, which are easily removed and do not interfere with the action of the next medicinal composition.
  • Lubrication . A self-prepared medicinal mixture or solution is smeared and rubbed into the affected areas of the feet, after which you need to put on cotton socks and leave the product overnight to absorb.
  • Wraps . This method is used after steaming. Gauze or bandage is soaked in a special solution and wrapped around the affected foot. It is better to leave the compress overnight.

You should start treating the fungus immediately after it appears, otherwise there is a risk of seriously developing the disease and infecting your household.

Useful tips

In order for the treatment of foot fungus with folk recipes to be successful, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations. There are few of them, so there will be no difficulties:

  1. To prevent re-infection, it is recommended to purchase disposable nail files.
  2. To prevent the infection from spreading, throughout the course of treatment you should pay special attention to foot hygiene and regularly treat your shoes with alcohol tinctures or vinegar solution.
  3. The patient should have separate personal hygiene items and shoes.
  4. Before each use of home remedies, the first thing you need to do is steam your feet well, cut your nails, remove loose epithelium, file the nail plates and wipe your feet dry.

In case of an advanced form of fungal infection, the patient should seek help from a medical facility. This is necessary for the reason that traditional methods are not the main, but only auxiliary therapy, so they are unlikely to cope completely with complex cases.

Rules for the prevention of mycosis

To avoid or minimize the risk of foot fungus infection, you should follow certain rules.

  • Pay sufficient attention to foot hygiene. Washing your feet every day after going outside will be more effective if you use tar or antibacterial soap.
  • Do not use shared hygiene items. Even in a family, everyone should have their own washcloth, towel, razor, and pumice stone.
  • Do not overuse visiting public places where you have to undress or take off your shoes. This applies to beaches, baths, swimming pools, and beauty salons. Ensure that instruments are thoroughly cleaned before using them and spray your feet and hands with an antiseptic yourself after visiting such places.
  • Do not wear tight or uncomfortable shoes. This provokes poor circulation and increases sweating, and these components are a favorable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms.
  • Eliminate corns and calluses in a timely manner , as well as monitor the condition of cuts and other leg injuries.
  • Increase immunity during the season of colds and vitamin deficiency. A weakened body is not able to fight the effects of fungi.

Effective remedies for treating fungus are available in every home; just open the medicine cabinet or kitchen cabinet. The therapeutic effect of cheap folk remedies is often not inferior to expensive medicines. Everyone will be able to choose a convenient form of application and means for themselves.

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