Treatment of toenail fungus with Iodinol, reviews of the results

  1. Composition, release form and price
  2. pharmachologic effect
  3. Instructions for use for onychomycosis
  4. Use in children, pregnant and lactating women
  5. Contraindications and side effects
  6. Analogs
  7. Reviews

Iodinol is a local drug with pronounced antiseptic and bactericidal properties. It has antiviral and fungicidal activity, therefore it is used in the fight against onychomycosis. We invite you to find out how Iodinol is used for nail fungus in practice.

General information about the disease

Nail fungus has recently become a fairly common disease. The routes of infection are quite varied: baths, swimming pools, public locker rooms, other people's shoes, poor-quality manicure, etc.

Signs of the disease include yellowing or significant discoloration of the nail plate. Itching and burning of the skin around the affected nail, peeling and disruption of the structure.

Often the patient does not pay attention to the signs of the disease, because they are not pronounced in the first stages. Subsequently, as the pain progresses, the discomfort becomes stronger.

To treat toenail fungus, a drug called Iodinol is used.

Prevention of onychomycosis

Fungal nail infection is a disease that takes a long time to eliminate. Advanced forms are difficult to treat and become chronic.

The reason for the development of fungus is reduced immunity, so you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a nutritious diet to reduce the risk of infection.

Prevention measures:

  • do not wear other people's shoes and clothes;
  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • give preference to linen made from natural fabrics;
  • do not use other people’s tools for manicure and pedicure;
  • During the treatment period, do not visit swimming pools, saunas, or beauty salons.

It is important to note that when choosing iodine-containing products, you need to consult a doctor. Iodinol is a safe drug only when prescribed correctly and in doses.

What is Iodinol

The drug is sold in pharmacies. Its price is 120-150 rubles.

Thanks to well-chosen proportions, it is less toxic and aggressive than an alcohol solution of iodine.

Available in liquid form in glass or opaque plastic bottles (50 ml and 100 ml). There is a characteristic odor of iodine.


The anti-fungal drug contains the following components:

  1. polyvinyl alcohol;
  2. iodine;
  3. Potassium iodide.


The container with the medicine should be protected from direct sunlight. Also, when exposed to alkali, the drug loses all its properties.

Cold temperature is one of the enemies of Iodinol, so when stirring the drug in water, be sure to warm it up.

Price and analogues

The cost of Iodinol is affordable for everyone. It ranges from 20 to 90 rubles. depending on the volume of the bottle, as well as on the region where the medicine is sold.

With the development of the pharmaceutical industry, effective disinfectants appeared in pharmacy markets, which reduced the demand for this drug. But, judging by patient reviews, Iodinol is in no way inferior to advertised antifungal medications.

The solution does not have complete analogues. Only medicines containing iodine are isolated.

Indications for use

Treatment of nail fungus with iodinol is effective because it has the following properties:

  1. promotes rapid tissue regeneration;
  2. antiseptic: due to the high content of polyvinyl alcohol;
  3. bactericidal: the composition of the drug is selected in such a way that it has a prolonged effect in comparison with analogues;
  4. antifungal: due to a wide spectrum of action against gram-negative and gram-positive microflora.

The preparation contains polyvinyl alcohol, which allows it to separate into several particles, thereby not destroying the nails. He doesn't irritate them. The particles contained in the medicine destroy all foci of the disease. Iodinol also has a restorative effect.

pharmachologic effect

Iodinol is an affordable and at the same time effective remedy, which, unlike many analogues and traditional methods, can remove even old particles of mycospores. The drug destroys pathogenic yeast-like microflora even in advanced stages of onychomycosis.

Iodinol has the following medicinal properties:

  • antifungal;
  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • regenerating.

With the help of polyvinyl alcohol, the effectiveness of the drug is prolonged. The slow breakdown of the active ingredients makes it gentle on nails and skin and does not cause irritation.

Active substances penetrate directly into the cell membrane of onychomycosis pathogens, destroying protein fractions. Microorganisms die, their growth and development are disrupted.


According to the instructions for use, Iodinol for nail fungus has a number of contraindications.

Children and pregnant women should avoid taking this drug, because... it is very toxic and can have a detrimental effect on a poorly protected body.


  1. children under 5 years of age;
  2. women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  3. patients with diagnosed thyroid diseases;
  4. people with hypersensitivity to iodine-containing substances.

Side effects:

  1. redness of the skin and rashes;
  2. general disturbance of usual well-being;
  3. weakness and drowsiness;
  4. convulsions.

Side effects

If symptoms of urticaria appear on the hands, you should stop using the drug.

Before starting drug therapy, you need to familiarize yourself with possible side effects. With internal and external use of the drug, the following may occur:

  • skin irritation;
  • hives;
  • salivation;
  • acne;
  • excessive tearfulness;
  • rhinitis;
  • the appearance of local burns;
  • tachycardia;
  • cramps and tremors of the hands;
  • muscle weakness;
  • disturbing sleep;
  • deterioration of the general condition of the body;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • emotional instability;
  • diarrhea.

The appearance of side effect symptoms does not require additional treatment. All deviations pass without intervention. This is due to the lack of a specific antidote in the drug.

Treatment with Iodinol is carried out after consultation with the attending physician, observing the prescribed dosages and the recommended time for the procedures.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use of Iodinol for nail fungus, treatment should last for 5 days. There are several use cases.

  1. Compresses . Pour the medicine into any container and moisten a piece of cloth (preferably gauze) in it. Apply a compress to the source of ignition of the disease. It is advisable to put a fingertip or cellophane bandage over the compress. It is recommended to do this at night, but you can wear the compress throughout the day. It needs to be changed 2 times a day. The treatment process lasts 5 days, during which time the nail becomes softer, and the medicine destroys the sources of the disease. In the process, the old nail completely falls off, and a new and healthy one grows in its place. If the process is unsuccessful, repeat it 2-3 times.
  2. Baths. To do this, you need to take a suitable container and fill it with about 3 liters of hot water. Add 50-100 g of Iodinol to it. The solution should turn light blue. Place the part of the body that is suffering from the disease in the container and hold for 20-30 minutes. Then you need to get rid of the layer of skin that has become soft. After all procedures, apply the anti-fungal agent to the site of infection, without diluting it with water. You need to do the procedure 2-3 times a day.
  3. Ointment . It is done by hand. It is necessary to grind the celandine and pour it into a small bowl, add Iodinol there (the proportions correspond to the size of the container) and stir thoroughly. You need to apply the ointment to your nails 2 times a day and after applying do not wash off the solution for 40-50 minutes.

All of the above methods must be carried out within 5-6 days.

How to treat nail fungus with Iodinol?

Therapy begins at the first manifestations of onychomycosis, after consulting with a doctor.

After starting health activities, you cannot wear your old shoes. Items that have previously been in contact must be disinfected to avoid re-infection.

Oiling the nails

Only treat the plate affected by the fungus. The drug should be completely absorbed; no bandage is required. The procedure must be carried out 2-4 times during the day.


Gauze is moderately soaked in the solution and applied to the damaged area, repeating the action every 10-15 minutes. for an hour.


A piece of cotton wool is soaked in the medicine, placed on the nail, covered with polyethylene and fixed with a band-aid. The compress is worn constantly, replacing the composition with a new one every 12 hours.

Folk remedy

In folk medicine, there are recipes for nail fungus using Iodinol.

Pour 50 g of vinegar and the same amount of the main medicine into 100 g of water.

This solution should be applied to the site of the disease 2 times a day. The downside is that the course of treatment in this way will take a whole month, and then it will need to be repeated again after 2 weeks.

This product helps when interacting with ethyl alcohol. In a container, mix these 2 components in the required proportion (depending on the complexity of the disease), most often they do 50/50.

It is better to consult a doctor before use. If there are contraindications, less toxic medications should be used, but also as directed by a specialist.

Do not combine Iodinol with hydrogen peroxide and similar drugs. Peroxide contains iodine, so an aggressive reaction and skin irritation may occur.

Precautionary measures

Iodinol is almost completely safe for the human body, however, the drug is not compatible with other antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine).

Combining several antiseptics with different active ingredients can cause irritation on the surface of the skin. This can cause delamination of the nail plate, allergic manifestations and chemical burns.

Using the drug externally for more than 5 days can cause local burns, dryness and flaking of the skin. Sometimes the course is extended to 7 days or an additional course is given after a break.


Fungus is not a fatal disease, but it is very unpleasant. To prevent this disease, practice good personal hygiene and cleanliness.

Most doctors recommend a course of preventive treatment for no more than five days.

Be careful:

  1. In case of complications, nail fungus can be treated only under the supervision of a specialist.
  2. If you independently use other medicinal products, this can lead to fatigue, deterioration of health, the appearance of a rash at the sites where the solution was applied, and convulsions.


Based on reviews, this medicine helps many people. Important and useful points can be highlighted.

  1. It is advised not to overcool the area where the compress is applied during the procedures. Treating fungus for more than one week may cause irritation.
  2. To avoid skin irritation from iodine, you can anoint the area around the point of infection with sunflower oil or baby ointment.
  3. Some people prefer baths and make them by simply diluting Yodonol with water. To do this, wrap your nails in gauze, wait 20 minutes and let them dry in the fresh air.

The use of this medicine is recommended not only by doctors, but also by everyone who has been able to use it.

Features of fungus treatment

Fungal diseases are among the most common infections. They mainly affect the nail plate. The fungus causes a lot of trouble to humans. It is very easy to become infected through normal contact with a sick person or through the use of household items. Most often, infection occurs in swimming pools, bathhouses, gyms, and on the beach.

People with reduced immunity and people with diabetes are especially susceptible to infection. Infection can be caused by non-compliance with hygiene rules, flat feet, and injuries. People who spend long periods of time on their feet in tight, wet shoes also often get sick.

At first, the fungal disease manifests itself as itching and an unpleasant odor from the feet. Later, external signs of damage to the nail plate appear:

  • white stripes and spots;
  • yellowing of the nail plate;
  • the nail thickens;
  • then it becomes brittle and delaminates.

Treatment of the fungus must begin as early as possible, since in advanced cases it will be much more difficult to get rid of it, because the infection will spread to neighboring nails.

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