Thread lifting
Gold threads for facial reinforcement - how they work
Until recently, the age of 50 for a woman was considered pre-retirement, and at 60 there was only
Activated carbon VS blackheads – who will win in a difficult fight?
02/05/2018 A gigantic number of pores - the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands - are comfortably located on our skin.
inflammation of the clitoris and labia
Inflammation of the clitoris and labia: symptoms and proper treatment
An acute inflammatory process, which, usually starting from the labia minora or majora, gradually spreads
Adaptal for wrinkles
Adaptalene for wrinkles, why they began to use it as an anti-aging skin product reviews
Adapalene is known as a substance that helps get rid of juvenile acne (acne) and comedones. But
Enterosgel for face: mask for swelling, acne, dry, oily skin
Pimples are painful and quite often cause complexes and self-doubt.
What are stretch marks on the body: what they look like, which doctor to see, treatment methods
During pregnancy, a woman's body changes under the influence of the endocrine system. As a result, in
Botox or Dysport
“Botox” or “Dysport”: what to choose, comparison of drugs
The main causes of undesirable manifestations: Allergic reactions; Errors in the procedure; Violation of the regime before and after
Retinoic ointment: review of the drug, how it helps against wrinkles, where to buy
Retinoic ointment: review of the drug, how it helps against wrinkles, where to buy
Skin problems can occur at any age: during adolescence due to hormonal changes
Black face mask
Black face mask: the best brands with charcoal for blackheads, TOP 5 pharmacy products, home recipe
The most effective and simple means of intensive facial cleansing is a black mask. With her help
Provoking factors for psoriasis: obesity
Palmoplantar psoriasis - treatment, causes, symptoms, prevention
Palmoplantar psoriasis in the photo with description Photo 1. Provoking factors for psoriasis: obesity. Photo
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