Gold threads for facial reinforcement - how they work

Until recently, the age of 50 for a woman was considered pre-retirement, and at 60 all that was left was to nurse grandchildren and grow flowers in the country. Modern 50-60 year old ladies are completely different: they reap the benefits of career achievements, have many hobbies outside of work and are not going to give up their personal lives and hobbies. And, of course, they want their external appearance to be in harmony with their inner world.

On the other hand, not every woman, even in adulthood, is ready to decide on rejuvenation surgery. Some people are afraid of surgery in itself, others are afraid of the need for recovery, and still others are afraid of harm to their health from anesthesia. For those who take care of themselves, but are not ready for radical measures, there are conservative methods of facial rejuvenation that allow you to look decent at any age. One of the newest promising technologies for rejuvenating an older face, which has virtually no contraindications, is thread implantation.

What are facial threads and how do they work?

The technology of implanting gold threads under the skin of the face appeared at the end of the last century. They were intended to correct the first age-related changes in relatively young women 30-35 years old. Nowadays, gold threads are used much less frequently. They were replaced by completely inert absorbable materials, which gave a new impetus to technology: modern threads make it possible not only to reinforce tissue, creating a durable frame. but also to move them, tighten them, which is especially important for facial rejuvenation after 50 years - and, even more so, for correcting facial changes after 60 years.

For thread lifting, or, as it is often called, thread lifting (the English word “thread” means “thread”), threads made of polydioxanone, polylactic acid, and caprolactone are used. For quite a long time they served as the basis for surgical suture material and their hypoallergenicity and safety are beyond doubt.

Once under the skin, the threads form an aseptic (microbial-free) inflammation around themselves. At the same time, many biologically active substances are released into the tissue, which dilate blood vessels, improve microcirculation and activate cells that synthesize collagen and elastin - proteins that give the skin strength, firmness and elasticity. A collagen capsule is gradually formed around the thread, which tightens the skin. This capsule remains even after the thread itself has dissolved. This creates a natural frame that resists age-related changes.

About the results

Cosmetological gold threads are used for general skin rejuvenation, eliminating wrinkles, folds and stopping the aging process. The mesotherapeutic effect of gold reinforcement makes the skin firm, elastic and dense. Oxidation of gold in tissues stimulates skin regeneration and blood circulation, improves its nutrition, and removes toxins and waste. Gold activates the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin, improves the condition of the skin and the body as a whole.


Bruising and swelling are the most common consequences of gold reinforcement. These are natural phenomena that will go away on their own in a week or two. Discomfort at the sites where the threads are inserted also goes away quite quickly.

The first results from the procedure can be assessed already 1.5 months after the procedure. The full rehabilitation period lasts from two to three months. During this period, it is very important to restrain the manifestations of facial expressions, avoid exposure to heat, and control the amount of salt consumed (to avoid swelling). For the first few months after reinforcement, you cannot visit the dentist or hardware cosmetology office.

What threads can there be and who are they best suited for?

Threads for facial rejuvenation can be smooth and structured (braided, spiral or notched). Which threads to use depends on the characteristics of the face and the tasks of the cosmetologist.

Smooth threads provide rejuvenation and biorevitalization of the face. Due to the mechanisms described above, the skin smoothes out, becomes more toned and fresh. But for a facelift after 50 years, this is usually not enough, because by adulthood, not only the density and elasticity of the skin usually changes: fatty tissue is also redistributed, gradually “sliding” into the lower third of the face. Therefore, smooth threads after 50 with a single use can cause a noticeable effect in women with fine-wrinkled aging. With this type of face, after 50 years, subcutaneous fat is moderately expressed and does not “tend” down: thin, dry skin forms a network of wrinkles, but there is no double chin or “jowls” (sagging cheeks). After the introduction of threads and the formation of a collagen framework, wrinkles are smoothed out, providing a noticeable rejuvenation effect. however, it will develop gradually - the first changes appear no earlier than 2-4 weeks and intensify within 4 months - six months.

With the deformation type of aging, when there are relatively few wrinkles, but the skin clearly loses its elasticity and the tissues begin to sag, smooth threads for the face after 50 can become the first stage of rejuvenation. They help restore elasticity to the skin, after which barbed threads are implanted to move and hold the tissue. Or the doctor immediately applies structured threads, if the skin condition allows. Only a specialist should decide which threads to use for a particular person.

The method of administration may also be different: most often the doctor forms a mesh frame under the skin, but there are techniques (they are especially relevant for facial rejuvenation after 60 years) when the ends of the threads are fixed to bones or fascia, strong connective tissue formations. For example, by “tightening” the tissues of the lower third of the face, the doctor can attach the ends of the threads to the bone behind the ear. This type of lifting is more traumatic and painful, but the result becomes noticeable immediately after the intervention, improving over time. The effect after thread lifting lasts 2-3 years.

The manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia, with the exception of techniques that require fixation of threads.

At what age should threads be used for facial rejuvenation? Most cosmetologists agree on 35-40 years as the optimal age for the first procedures. But, of course, you can use thread lifting for the face after 50 and even 60 years. True, procedures for facial rejuvenation after 60 years require an integrated approach, which we will talk about now.

Precautionary measures

To receive high-quality cosmetology services, it is very important to pay special attention to the choice of a specialist.

The final result depends on the doctor and his experience. When treated by a non-professional, patients are more likely to suffer from severe side effects and complications.

It is necessary to make sure that you have a higher medical education, license, and certificates to carry out such manipulations. The package with threads is opened immediately before the procedure; all instruments and materials used must be sterile.

Following the doctor's recommendations reduces the likelihood of unwanted consequences. Hyperemia of the skin, swelling of the tissues, and discomfort will disappear in a short time, and the patient will feel much better.

Side effects

If all manipulations are performed correctly, undesirable effects occur extremely rarely. However, the appearance of:

  • allergic reaction;
  • facial expression disorders;
  • facial oval deformations;
  • itching, peeling of the skin.

If a clinical picture occurs, you should consult a cosmetologist; additional treatment may be necessary.

Threads for facial rejuvenation after 60 years

Amateurs, speaking about the work of a specialist in the field of aesthetic medicine, often complain: they say, a person comes with one problem (for example, wrinkles around the eyes), and several more are imposed on him (loss of skin tone, redistribution of subcutaneous tissue. But aging does not occur simultaneously and is exciting all areas of the face. Therefore, when solving the problem of facial rejuvenation after 60 years, it is necessary to take into account the whole complex of age-related changes. This includes a slowdown in the production of collagen and elastin, as a result - reduced skin elasticity and wrinkles. This also reduces the number of capillaries of the skin, which is poorly “nourished” , which means it loses its healthy color and is renewed worse. Fat deposits are redistributed: the eyes “sink”, the cheeks become smaller. The tone of the muscles changes: the depressor muscles are activated: the lowering eyebrows (and creating a horizontal wrinkle on the bridge of the nose), the lowering corners of the mouth. And the muscles - The levators (raising the eyebrows, corners of the mouth, eyelids), on the contrary, relax. Even the bones change, decreasing in volume (resorbing). And for rejuvenation after 60 years, it is not enough to just “inject” the eyes with botulinum toxin or just “correct” the cheekbones with contour fillers. Such interference will make the face unnatural. In order for the changes to look harmonious, at the age of sixty, along with thread lifting, both fillers and Botox are necessary, but the effect has to be on the entire face, and not just on certain areas.

There is one more nuance: at the age of sixty, the regenerative abilities of tissues decrease. Therefore, many techniques designed only to activate metabolic processes reduce their effectiveness. And if smooth threads for the face at the age of 50 can be used under certain conditions as an independent procedure, then at sixty one revitalization effect alone will clearly not be enough.

Botulinum toxin helps reduce hypertonicity of the muscles that give the face a “tired” expression, and reduce the depth of facial wrinkles. Fillers fill wrinkles that did not respond to Botox, eliminate the nasolacrimal groove and hollows in the area of ​​the temporal fossa, and replenish the volume in the cheekbones and lips. And lifting threads for facial rejuvenation after 60 can reduce tissue ptosis.

Cost of the procedure in salons

The cost depends on the region where the patient lives, the pricing policy of the salon or cosmetology center, the specialist, and the material he uses. Details are shown in the table.

CitySalonAddressNumberPrice in rubles for 1 piece
VoronezhMedhelpst. Lizyukova, 85 +?1200-2100
MinskLinlinest. Surganova 18 +375 44 704-60-041300-1500
KurskOK health and beautyst. Bocharova, 4 +71600-1800
MoscowFamily Clinicst.
Festivalnaya, 4, 1st floor District of the Northern Administrative District, Levoberezhny District
KrasnodarSkinericast. Stavropolskaya, 230 +71700-2000
Saint PetersburgMedia aestheticianLeninsky Prospect, 178+72100-3000

Rejuvenation schemes for ladies of elegant age

Here are the schemes that experts recommend:

Upper third of the face: botulinum toxin in wrinkles of the forehead, between the eyebrows, outer corners of the eyes and for the correction of ptosis (drooping) of the eyebrows. After 2 weeks, when the botulinum toxin “rises” - fillers into deep wrinkles, retraction in the temple area and for visual eyebrow lifting. After another 10 days - eyebrow thread lifting.

Middle third of the face: thread lift to correct ptosis. A month later - injection contour plasty: restoration of volume in place of lost adipose tissue, correction of the lacrimal, palpebromalar, midzygomatic groove, nasolabial fold. Botulinum toxin is rarely used in this area: to correct the so-called gingival smile, which exposes the gums.

Lower third of the face: botulinum toxin to relax the muscle that depresses the corners of the mouth and the subcutaneous muscle of the neck (allows you to slightly correct the lower jaw line). “Purse-string” wrinkles around the mouth are also corrected. After 2 weeks – thread lifting to eliminate ptosis. A month later - fillers in the oromental folds, purse-string wrinkles, ring wrinkles on the neck.

But, of course, in each individual case, the doctor chooses specific methods and the sequence of their use, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s face. However, an integrated approach is always necessary, otherwise the result may be disappointing.

Thread lifting can be combined not only with the described techniques. After it, it is allowed to use laser (Fraxel), radio wave lifting (Thermage), biorevitalization, mesotherapy and other injection methods that speed up recovery.


Despite the safety and high efficiency of gold threads, in the presence of certain conditions such cosmetic manipulation is not only not recommended for use, but can also pose a real threat to human health.

Chin lift with threads

Chin lift with threads is one of the types of anti-aging procedures that is offered by most cosmetic clinics.

Thus, experts identify a number of contraindications, including the following:

  • fungal , viral, bacterial and infectious processes in places where threads are supposed to be introduced;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage, for example, ARVI or influenza;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • clotting disorder ;
  • tendency to bleed ;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs that are in the acute stage;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • oncological diseases;;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

Also, the method should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

What you can and cannot do before and after a thread lift

The lift itself using threads is a low-traumatic and safe intervention. But, like any cosmetic procedure, you should prepare for it.

  • To reduce the likelihood of bruising, it is not recommended to take medications that reduce blood clotting for at least two weeks, including Aspirin Cardio or Thrombo Ass, which are often prescribed to older women to prevent cardiovascular problems.
  • To avoid extensive swelling, it is wise to avoid pickles, marinades, smoked meats, and alcohol a few days before the intervention.
  • If the menstrual cycle has not yet stopped, it is better to prescribe the procedure for the days of the middle of the cycle: immediately before the “critical days,” the body accumulates fluid, which causes swelling to increase, and during menstruation itself, pain sensitivity increases.
  • After implantation of mesothreads, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. The fact is that in almost any body there are foci of infection: carious teeth, “female” inflammation, from which microorganisms can spread through the bloodstream (this is called the hematogenous route of infection). To prevent this from happening after installing the mesothreads, you should not ignore the recommended products.
  • You cannot use cosmetics for 12 hours after the procedure.
  • From a week to 10 days you will have to watch your facial expressions, do not bite off large pieces (for example, large fruits), do not rub or massage your face, do not support your cheeks with your palms, and do not use scrubs. Thermal procedures are prohibited for a week: baths, solariums. You will have to avoid physical activity for up to two weeks.

Come to our clinic, and Dr. Begma’s team of experienced specialists will select for you an individual and effective rejuvenation method that will help preserve your beauty for many years!

Carrying out the procedure

Reinforcement of the face with gold threads includes three stages: preparation of the skin, the procedure itself and the healing period with subsequent care.


Before lifting, the doctor assesses the condition of the skin and prescribes a consultation with specialists, if indicated. The doctor clarifies the presence of allergic reactions and surgical interventions.

According to the standard, the patient undergoes a general blood test, serum for the presence of HIV markers, hepatitis viruses, and undergoes a coagulology test. In some cases, instrumental examination is required.

  • You must stop taking antibacterial agents and drugs that affect blood clotting within two weeks.
  • For seven days, cosmetologists advise giving up alcohol and cigarettes.
  • There is no need to undergo any cosmetic procedures.

How it goes

Implantation of gold threads consists of several stages:

  • cleansing the surface of the face using professional cosmetics;
  • anesthesia of tissues with an anesthetic in the form of a gel or cream, its removal after a few minutes, treatment of the skin with an antiseptic;
  • drawing with a marker a marking, a diagram that the doctor will be guided by during the process;
  • performing a puncture using a triangular guide needle;
  • implantation of thread to a depth of 3 mm, creation of a mesh frame;
  • treating the puncture area with a disinfecting solution, applying sterile plasters.

Gold threads are usually placed in the forehead, bridge of the nose, cheekbones, and nasolabial triangle. In general, the procedure lasts about 50-60 minutes. Immediately after the lifting, the patient goes home.

Healing period

If no complications arise after a facelift using gold threads, the rehabilitation period takes no more than three days. This interval is quite enough for the redness and swelling to disappear.

In order for the recovery process to proceed as quickly and without consequences as possible, experts advise adhering to certain recommendations.

For 5 days after the rejuvenation session, doctors advise sleeping exclusively in a supine position. In this case, the pillow should be slightly raised and the face should not be allowed to come into contact with it. The pillowcase is replaced every day.

For a period of up to two months you need to refrain from performing various cosmetic procedures. The puncture sites must be treated regularly with a wound-healing gel or ointment, which will be recommended by the cosmetologist performing the rejuvenating procedure.

In addition, until complete recovery, you should not allow active facial expressions, that is, do not open your mouth wide when talking or while eating food, do not laugh.

For a period of up to 60 days, you should also avoid visiting the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool and solarium. Exposure of the skin to direct sunlight is also prohibited.

If you strictly follow all the instructions, the rehabilitation period will go faster and with minimal discomfort.

After the skin has completely recovered, you can use additional rejuvenating or restorative techniques, for example, mesotherapy, contouring or botulinum therapy.

Patient reviews

Svetlana, Moscow introduced gold threads for the first time 11 years ago. There are absolutely no wrinkles on the forehead. And before that there were. I am very pleased with the procedure.

Nadya, St. Petersburg The cosmetologist in St. Petersburg did not advise me to rejuvenate with gold threads. He says that it is better to use polymer threads with polylactic acid, as they are more effective and dissolve over time.

Marina, Krasnodar My mother had such an operation 17 years ago, in Korea. Now she is 54! And not a single wrinkle, just a small crease between the eyebrows, but very small. I'm 30 years old and have more wrinkles. I’m definitely going to do it, since there’s an example nearby. Now I'm choosing a clinic.

Olga, Novosibirsk The rejuvenating effect lasts up to five years, but no more! Clearly they raised it to ten. I did it, the result is very noticeable, it’s worth the money.

Maria, Belarus And I did filament lifting - the same thing as gold threads, only not for the face, but for the buttocks. It gives a cool effect and is not that expensive. A real tightening of everything that is sagging!


Despite the fact that reinforcement with gold threads is a low-traumatic procedure, for certain reasons various side effects and complications may occur.

Temporary consequences that occur immediately after the manipulation include the following.


During the implantation of the biomaterial, capillaries are injured. This condition is considered normal and goes away on its own after a short period of time. To speed up the healing process, the doctor will recommend the use of special ointments that help speed up blood flow.


Refers to the natural reactions of the human body to various types of interventions. In different areas of the face, swelling may have varying degrees of severity.

So, with obvious fullness, swelling will be more noticeable. It will take about two weeks for this symptom to disappear on its own. To speed up this process, you can apply compresses to your face, as well as take medications.

Dents and bumps

They usually appear at puncture sites. This effect can also be observed during tension of the thread frame. The cause of unevenness is often uneven thread tension.

If this condition persists for 7 days or more, you need to seek help from a specialist.


This is a process in which unnaturally raised eyebrows or prominent cheekbones are observed. According to numerous observations, it was found that this is exactly the result that most cosmetologists are trying to achieve. After about 14 days, the swelling subsides and the face returns to its normal state.

It is also worth paying attention to more serious complications that may arise as a result of the introduction of gold threads under the skin.

Allergic reactions

When carrying out reinforcement, an allergy can be to both anesthetic and antiseptic solutions. To stop the further development of such a reaction, antihistamines are required. If anaphylactic shock occurs, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Inflammation and infection

Such complications are considered common. The reason for their development may be the cosmetologist’s dishonest performance of work or the patient’s failure to comply with all instructions during the recovery period.

Antibiotics are prescribed to suppress the infectious process. If a large abscess is observed, the threads are removed immediately.

Violation of facial expressions

This effect most often occurs when the threads are incorrectly positioned. If the violation is persistent, the threads are also removed.


This is a condition in which threads appear through the surface of the skin. Such a reaction is possible when they are located close to each other, when introduced to the wrong depth or uneven distribution.

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