Papules after biorevitalization - when you should worry about how to remove them (10 tips)

Papules after biorevitalization are not uncommon. But when it comes to worrying about how quickly they should disappear, many people ask these questions.

Biorevitalization is a popular procedure that is actively used in cosmetology today. It is used to saturate cells with hyaluronic acid, fully moisturize and eliminate signs of aging.

The technique is implemented through the subcutaneous administration of special compounds, and therefore has some side effects. The most common of them are papules that appear after biorevitalization.

There are a number of reasons that provoke their appearance, as well as recommendations that speed up the process of skin restoration.

When is biorevitalization needed?

The technique involves the injection of useful compounds using a thin short needle.

Healthy skin has a satisfactory degree of moisture and an even, attractive color, so beauty and youth are directly affected by the amount of moisture.

Its lack leads to deterioration of firmness, decreased elasticity and thinning. These changes reduce the natural protection of the epidermis, increase vulnerability to negative influences, and lead to the formation of wrinkles.

The level of moisture in the skin is influenced by many factors. A variety of uncomfortable conditions lead to loss of moisture: dry air, wind, low temperature.

Skin dehydration is caused by aggressive peeling, bad water, and alcohol-based cosmetics. Loss of moisture from the inside is affected by alcohol consumption, lack of drinking water, and poor nutrition.

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays provokes excessive dryness, development of wrinkles and hyperpigmentation.

10 advantages of the procedure

Professionally performed biorevitalization has a number of advantages:

  • reducing the severity of deep folds, smoothing out small ones;
  • complete hydration of the epidermis;
  • reduction of pores;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • increased elasticity;
  • giving tone;
  • accelerating the healing of scars after injuries and surgery;
  • imparting velvety, freshness and radiance;
  • improvement of the condition of the skin of the lips (when performing the procedure on this area);
  • long-term preservation of achieved results.

Biorevitalization is a popular technique that solves many dermatological problems. Injections refresh, rejuvenate and heal the skin.

Women who are just thinking about visiting a cosmetologist are wondering how long ugly papules last after biorevitalization.

Papules after biorevitalization - what is it?

Papules are specific small rashes that appear on the neck, face, and décolleté after punctures.

Biorevitalization involves the introduction of a certain dose of beneficial substances under the skin, to a shallow depth. The intervals between injections are approximately the same.

To perform the manipulations, thin needles are selected, the skin is pierced 2 mm deep, always at an angle of 35º.

The tubercles are formed due to injury to the upper layer of the epidermis, and inflammation and swelling additionally develop.

Hyaluronate, on the basis of which mixtures for biorevitalization are produced, leads to the accumulation of fluid in the treated area. It will also take some time for this component to completely dissolve under the skin.

We must not forget that the papules after biorevitalization, shown in the photo, are normal consequences of a rejuvenating session.

How to avoid complications after injections of drugs with hyaluronic acid

Complications arise in three cases:

  • After using nameless drugs, that is, hyaluronic acid of unknown origin. They buy it because of its low prices.
  • After introducing counterfeit drugs from reputable companies. Therefore, you need to buy any cosmetic products in large pharmacies, or better yet, directly from the supplier.
  • After using a drug that has expired, was improperly stored or is defective. The latter, alas, although very rare, also occurs.

In any case, the patient should avoid cheap nameless drugs and not be tempted to undergo an expensive procedure at an unrealistically low price. It is also important to choose an experienced doctor, because unskilled hands can easily ruin the result, even using the best branded products.

Duration of resorption of papules

The duration of the rehabilitation period depends entirely on the individual characteristics of the epidermis. If the skin is in normal condition, then healing occurs 1 to 3 days after visiting the cosmetologist’s office.

In patients with sensitive skin, the process can last 7 days or longer.

The distribution of hyaluron in the skin also occurs in different ways and depends on several reasons:

  1. Epidermal density.
  2. The thickness of the top layer of skin.
  3. Circulatory conditions.
  4. The amount of moisture contained.
  5. Lymph outflow rates.

Usually, when asked how many days papules last after biorevitalization, cosmetologists answer: a maximum of a week. The beneficial substances are completely absorbed within 10 days.

Which of the two evils is the lesser? What is more dangerous – early or late complications of hyaluronic acid?

Of course, it is best if the patient leaves the cosmetologist’s office happy with the effect and beautiful. But this doesn't always happen. And it is better for the doctor that the complication manifests itself immediately. Then it's clear that the immediate reaction to acid is probably the fault of bacterial debris causing inflammation. To correct the problem, it is usually sufficient to dissolve the acid with an enzyme. In two to three days the swelling will go away.

The situation is different with late reactions. This may be an infection that will need to be treated with antibiotics, or chemical contaminants that will not go away as the acid dissolves. And the body cannot cope with them as easily as with the remains of bacterial cells. In this case, choosing treatment is a very difficult task.

Ways to quickly eliminate papules (10 tips)

To stimulate the absorption of hyaluronic acid in tissues, experts advise following a few simple rules:

  1. Avoid very high or low temperatures. Do not go to baths and solariums, do not stay in the sun for a long time or in the cold for 14 days.
  2. In the summer, before going outside, be sure to apply sunscreen cream to your face. This must be done throughout the week.
  3. Drink at least 2 liters of drinking water per day to prevent dehydration. This rule is especially relevant for the warm season;
  4. If you have allergy symptoms, visit an immunologist or allergist and take prescribed medications.
  5. Do not allow mechanical impact on problem areas, avoid friction, do not itch, do not use peelings and other caring procedures.
  6. Try not to sleep with your face in the pillow; it is better not to touch the bedding with your skin at all. To comply with the rule, you need to rest on your back.
  7. In the first 24 hours after injection, contact of the damaged area with water is prohibited; do not use soap or other cleansers.
  8. It is prohibited to apply powder, blush and other cosmetics.
  9. Limit physical activity.
  10. Use prescribed antiseptics to treat your skin. Touch your face gently, without friction or pressure.

A few days after the procedure, you can return to your normal lifestyle.

Be sure to consult with a cosmetologist about what procedures are permissible in the first days after biorevitalization.

If you are planning other anti-aging procedures in the near future, be sure to inform your specialist about the use of the injection technique. This is important even if the tubercles have already completely disappeared.

Many women do not know what to do if papules do not go away after biorevitalization.

There is a method that instantly gets rid of the problem; it is used quite rarely, since it completely removes the effect of the procedure.

A product based on hyaluronidase is injected under the skin. Under the influence of this enzyme, hyaluronic acid is broken down, and the papules disappear. But there will be no effect from the procedure as such.

How do peptides work?

Peptides are protein molecules consisting of amino acids and regulating physiological processes. They moisturize, smooth the skin, and restore its cells.

Peptides regulate a large number of processes in the human body, including taking part in cell regeneration processes.

Biomimetic peptides have different mechanisms of action. For example, they help synthesize new connective tissue cells (fibroblasts), which renew the collagen layer.

During peptide biorevitalization, complex preparations are administered, which include:

  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • Biomimetic peptides;
  • Minerals;
  • Coenzymes (substances that slow down the aging process);
  • Vitamins;
  • Amino acids (building material for protein, which supplies cells with oxygen).

This combination of substances normalizes the synthesis of DNA molecules in the skin, helping to actively fight age-related changes. The presence of peptides in the composition provides excellent results for any skin condition.

Reasons for long-term persistence of papules

In addition to the individual characteristics of the human body, the rate of skin restoration may slow down due to:

  • hypersensitivity to hyaluronate and excipients of drugs, which provokes an allergic reaction;
  • violation of hygiene standards at the recovery stage, ignoring medical recommendations;
  • carrying out manipulations despite contraindications;
  • injections in areas of compacted connective tissue, slowing down the distribution of components;
  • restructuring of the hyaluron structure that occurs when the standards for manufacturing or preserving the product are violated;
  • high frequency of injections, this slows down the resorption of components;
  • incorrect implementation of the injection technique.

As mentioned earlier, papules that appear after biorevitalization completely disappear after a couple of days.

Lumps that persist for more than 10 days should cause serious concern. You will also need to consult a doctor if your skin behaves abnormally during the recovery stage after injections.

The most common negative consequences include:

  1. Swelling that persists or grows in size.
  2. Pain in problem areas.
  3. Formation of bubbles at puncture sites.
  4. Pronounced redness.
  5. Allergy.
  6. Formation of pustules.

If the papules after biorevitalization do not go away after 3 days, and the listed negative signs appear on the face and neck, you need to seek help from a dermatologist.

Recommendations for skin restoration

The appearance of tubercles after a rejuvenating procedure is a temporary and completely natural phenomenon. But the skin does not look very nice, so most women strive to get rid of this annoying defect as soon as possible or activate the process of hyaluron distribution.

There is no point in accelerating the absorption of beneficial components under the skin, because the longer they stay in the skin, the better the achieved positive effect is maintained.

It is for this reason that papules should be reduced after biorevitalization only by reducing irritation of the epidermis and relieving swelling.

The best option for reducing bumps would be masks with a calming effect. They are allowed to be done 6 hours after the punctures.

Previously, any manipulation is prohibited, since the epidermis is very irritated. There are several recipes for effective homemade masks:

  1. You will need to mix Troxevasin gel (6 cm column) with chlorhexidine (2 ml) and one aloe ampoule. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the finished mass is carefully applied to the treated area. After 15 minutes, the composition is carefully removed with cotton pads.
  2. Store-bought fabric masks are a good way to cope with inflammation of the skin. It is important that they contain components with a calming effect: algae, honey, aloe, placenta extract.

For effective skin restoration, it is important to adhere to the recommendations outlined earlier. You should not expose your skin to negative factors such as sunlight, high or low temperatures, or decorative cosmetics.

What do doctors advise?

If papules persist after biorevitalization and last more than 4 days, contact a specialist.

Based on the inspection, the following measures can be taken:

  1. Prescribing medications with antihistamine properties. They are used if the reason for the long-term restoration of the epidermis lies in the increased sensitivity of the human body to the drug used. Taking medications in this case promotes rapid resorption of papules.
  2. Microcurrent therapy. Sometimes metabolic processes in the epidermis slow down, which leads to sluggish absorption of hyaluron. Metabolism is accelerated by exposure to electric current.
  3. Lymphatic drainage massage. Swelling in the areas where injections were made is often associated with the accumulation of tissue fluid. The use of various massage techniques reduces the size of swelling.

Prescribing medications, microcurrent manipulations and lymphatic drainage massage is relevant in cases where patients develop complications after using injection techniques.

Correction of complications

To avoid complications, never try to eliminate side effects after cosmetic procedures on your own. Only a specialist can correct negative consequences. At the same time, it is important that he has sufficient qualifications and experience, because your health and beauty depend on this.

Our clinic has a specialized department for dealing with complications after cosmetic procedures. The consultations are conducted by the best doctors of the clinic with many years of experience.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

Papules that appear on the skin after biorevitalization are the norm if the procedure is performed correctly. If the skin is in normal condition, the defect will disappear within a couple of days. But sometimes it happens that the bumps do not heal for a long time, spoil the appearance and cause concern. There are recommendations that activate tissue regeneration and quickly restore an attractive appearance. The doctor should definitely tell you about them.

Theda Contis

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