How to remove swelling under the eyes after biorevitalization?

Modern cosmetic procedures can correct many appearance defects. But at the same time, such interventions sometimes cannot do without consequences.

One of these procedures is biorevitalization , the action of which is aimed at eliminating structural changes in the skin by introducing synthetic substances under them .

After biorevitalization, always forms under the eyes , which can vary in size and severity.

What is biorevitalization?

The task of biorevitalization as a rejuvenating procedure is to eliminate bags, folds and wrinkles that form with age.

For your information! This is achieved by introducing hyaluronic acid under the skin. The effect of this procedure is temporary and after a certain time a repeat course is required.

During biorevitalization, a smoothing of the network of wrinkles and folds is observed.

Hyaluronic acid can be injected into different areas of the face - near the lips, in the nose and around the eyelids.

The process of introducing a synthetic component is carried out using various tools and methods :

  • laser processing;
  • ultrasound;
  • exposure to current;
  • injections.

When hyaluronic acid is introduced, the rejuvenating effect is achieved not only due to the tension of the skin with such a filler .

During the procedure, the natural mechanisms for the production of elastin and collagen in the epithelial layers are activated. Such substances moisturize the skin and give it elasticity, providing an overall rejuvenating effect.

Important! Such procedures do not always pass without a trace, and despite the fact that swelling after biorevitalization is considered a typical phenomenon, sometimes such disorders manifest themselves to a greater extent than is allowed in cosmetology.

Biorevitalization: consequences and complications

Injection procedures may be accompanied not only by the temporary effects that we discussed above, but also by more serious side effects that require qualified medical attention. In these cases, you should not self-medicate. Otherwise, the negative consequences of the procedures may intensify and lead to even more serious complications.


Some people have an allergic reaction to the anesthesia, the drug, or even the material the needle is made of. Allergies after biorevitalization or mesotherapy can manifest themselves in different forms. This may be allergic dermatitis, accompanied by persistent redness and sometimes blistering rashes.

When exposed to an allergen, a local anaphylactic reaction with itching, blisters and swelling may also develop. In rare situations, there may be anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema and urticaria. In any case, if an allergy occurs, the help of a qualified doctor is necessary.

Inflammation and infections

Complications after biorevitalization or mesotherapy in the form of infection can occur if antiseptic standards are not observed during the procedure or if skin care is improper. As a result of the inflammatory process, the patient may develop small, painless nodules under the skin.

In case of inflammation and infection, you must immediately contact a specialist to avoid more serious consequences.

Skin depigmentation

This side effect is rarely encountered in practice. And the main reason is a violation of the technique of the procedure. Thus, if a filler gets into a vessel, the patient may experience quite severe pain, and the risk of subsequent skin depigmentation increases significantly.

Nodules and other structures under the skin

Sometimes there are quite serious consequences of mesotherapy: persistent lumps under the skin, prolonged redness, necrosis (death of an area) of the skin.

The causes of such complications may be inflammation against the background of an associated infection, impaired blood supply due to damage to a vessel, or ignoring serious contraindications to a cosmetic procedure.

In the absence of timely help, these consequences will not pass without a trace, and a person will remain with unesthetic skin defects for the rest of his life. Therefore, if you notice such consequences after biorevitalization or mesotherapy, immediately consult a doctor. This requires competent diagnosis and treatment, and sometimes surgical intervention.

Why is there swelling under the eyes after the procedure?

Swelling after biorevitalization is a natural reaction to the introduction of a foreign body.

But if the swelling does not go away for a long time and causes painful and uncomfortable sensations , something went wrong during the procedure, and other factors may be the reasons for the development of disorders

  1. Before the procedure, the faces were not cleaned , as a result of which dirt particles got under the skin along with the filler.
  2. The patient is allergic to hyaluronic acid and other fillers. It is usually necessary to undergo an allergy test before such a procedure. But a cosmetologist cannot always oblige the patient to do this, and he, in turn, can hide information about such predispositions.
  3. Ignoring the rules of hygiene and sanitary standards by the specialist performing the procedure. As a result, an infection gets under the skin, causing inflammation to develop.
  4. During the procedure, low-quality materials , which themselves can become a source of allergic reactions.

Note! Swelling can also occur if too much filler is injected under the skin.

As a result, “congestion” forms in such areas and a large amount of fluid accumulates, but this is not considered a pathology, and such consequences are considered a normal phenomenon, although the swelling takes a little longer than usual.

Why do late complications of GC occur?

It seems surprising that problems arise months later, since by this time the acid should have partially, if not completely, dissolved. This is the paradox: the complication becomes obvious precisely after partial metabolization of the drug. This is because the acid previously masked the problem.

Late complications are associated with the chemical composition of the drug used to purify and cross-link the hyaluronic acid. While there is a lot of acid, these chemicals are hidden, and when the acid is depleted, chemical additives make themselves felt.

The biggest danger in such situations is that the doctor does not know exactly what these elements are and how they should be dealt with. Patients, turning to a cosmetologist, often do not even remember or do not know what exactly was injected into them. And even if this is known, after so many months it is impossible to track the quality and composition of the administered drug.

Photo 1. Late complications of GC

Photo 2. Late complications of GC

Photo 3. Late complications of GC

One of the possible complications is severe swelling at the site of GC injection. If the problem is not in the hyaluronic acid itself, after it is dissolved by hyaluronidase, the problem of swelling will not go away. This is because the tissue has been exposed to a foreign chemical that the life-saving hyaluronidase cannot target.

This problem concerns poorly purified acids. And we are not talking about removing the cell walls of bacteria, but about adding or retaining harmful chemical compounds used to “improve” the drug.

How long does the swelling last?

The normal period for swelling to persist after biorevitalization is two to three days .

If there are physiological characteristics, the amount of injected acid is exceeded and the skin is hypersensitive to foreign bodies, this period may increase to 10 days .

Everything that lies beyond this period is abnormal and is a pathology .

It is worth noting! Some people who undergo complex biorevitalization may be confused by the fact that swelling in the eye area remains even when swelling in the lips and nose has already resolved.

This is considered normal, since the skin around the eyes is the thinnest on the entire body, therefore, the consequences of any physical impact take longer.

Precautionary measures

Unfortunately, the formation of swelling and bruising is a common occurrence in cosmetology. But you can reduce the risk of their occurrence by choosing an experienced specialist. A professional always collects a detailed medical history of the patient before introducing filler and “tests” the correction area with small volumes of the drug: 0.2-0.5 ml.

After the procedure, the patient must follow all recommendations for caring for the injured area. Otherwise, even after a high-quality filler injection, there is a risk of complications and, as a result, unforeseen results.

Solutions to the problem

Some patients prefer not to take any measures to eliminate swelling and are willing to wait a couple of days until such disorders disappear naturally.

At the client’s request, a master cosmetologist or dermatologist
can prescribe special decongestants that accelerate the normalization of the skin condition.
You can use one of the following remedies to speed up the healing process:

  1. Homeopathic arnica . This product is based on natural ingredients (mumiyo, chestnut, plantain and arnica extracts). It not only relieves swelling, but also eliminates pain that sometimes occurs after the procedure. To do this, after biorevitalization, the product is applied twice a day until the swelling goes away.
  2. Lymphomyosot. A natural remedy in the form of an oral solution, which includes potent components and can cause additional inflammation if you are intolerant to such substances. This drug should be taken within ten days after biorevitalization. Reception is carried out three times a day. The product is not used in its pure form, but is diluted with purified water at the rate of 15 drops per half glass of water.

Remember! If the use of such funds is impossible for some reason, but the swelling takes longer than the prescribed three days, you can speed up the process simply by refusing to take certain actions.

In particular, during the entire rehabilitation period you cannot use decorative cosmetics and moisturizers .

How effective is it?

In the photo above you can see the effect of facial biorevitalization before and after the procedure. It lasts quite a long time, the specific period depends on the condition of the client’s skin, the severity of the problems, heredity, lifestyle and other factors. On average, one session lasts 6-12 months. To improve the results, you can carry out additional manipulations, their number will depend on the goal:

  • Preventive – 1-2 sessions are enough.
  • Medicinal – less than 5 is required.

The interval between them is determined by a specialist, usually the interval is about 1 month. How often biorevitalization is done after the main cycle again depends on the recommendations of a specialist. Usually one procedure is prescribed every six months, this allows you to maintain youthful skin for a long period.

How to remove the Tyndall effect

If a filler based on hyaluronic acid was used, it needs to be absorbed. Most often, hyaluronic injections are used, so to eliminate the consequences, an injection of an enzyme preparation, hyaluronidase, is used.

This substance breaks down excess hyaluronic acid (in the case of the Tyndall effect, it fights excess filler) into simple elements, for example, water. Water is removed from the body naturally, and the swelling goes away within 6 hours after the injection, in especially severe cases - within 72 hours.

It is best to get rid of unsuccessful consequences in the same salon where the first procedure was done. The cosmetologist knows what drug was used and how deeply the substance was injected. But if you doubt the doctor’s professionalism, it is better to look for a competent specialist in another clinic. Pay attention to reviews before visiting a cosmetologist's office.

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doctor Svetlana Viktorovna Ogorodnikova.


It is also important to accurately calculate the location and amount of hyaluronidase, because it can remove all the filler - then the beauty injection will have no effect at all. Many cosmetologists believe that poor-quality work should be removed entirely, so be prepared to repeat the filler injection, but not earlier than 2 weeks after hyaluronidase.

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