Contraindications for biorevitalization and what not to do after the procedure

Biorevitalization: mechanism of action of beauty injections

A few words about how beauty injections work and how the desired effect is achieved.
Renewal of the intercellular substance of the dermis and its cellular composition is a continuous process. In fact, the skin is constantly renewed through a self-healing process called physiological regeneration. In youth, the rate of physiological regeneration is high, due to which the skin maintains its tone and elastic properties. With age, the regenerative potential of tissues weakens. The proliferative and synthetic activity of cells decreases, and the degradation of collagen and hyaluronic acid molecules, which form the basis of the intercellular substance, begins. As a result of these changes, the skin loses its tone and becomes less elastic. External manifestations of aging are static wrinkles, deep folds, increased microrelief, and changes in skin color.

The goal of the biorevitalization course is to enhance the regenerative potential of integumentary tissues. The purpose of beauty injections is to stimulate the division, differentiation and synthetic function of fibroblasts - cells responsible for the synthesis of key components of the intercellular substance. Biorevitalizants promote renewal of the collagen framework, increase the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the dermis, improve skin hydration, and restore lost elasticity to it.

The desired changes are achieved by enhancing physiological tissue regeneration; in the context of biorevitalization and alcohol, it is important to focus on this. Most biorevitalizants include hyaluronic acid in combination with various organic compounds (vitamins, growth factors, trace elements, amino acids, homeopathic substances) that have a stimulating effect on regenerative mechanisms.

In other words, the goal of a course of anti-aging procedures is to renew and self-heal the dermis by activating internal reserves. Yes, under the influence of the introduced hyaluronic acid, tissue hydration improves, but its stimulating properties are much more important. The task of a cosmetologist is to stimulate restoration reactions, change the direction of the resulting vector of metabolism from gradual degradation to synthesis, renewal, rejuvenation!

Side effects after Botox

Side effects of Botox are extremely rare and are most often the result of an incorrectly performed drug administration procedure or the result of non-compliance with post-procedure recommendations. The composition of Botox itself does not have any significant toxicity to the body and is not capable of causing complications or unpleasant consequences.

The most common side effects of Botox include:

  • Swelling after Botox . Many patients are interested in what to do if Botox causes swelling under the eyes or in other facial areas. This complication occurs in approximately 4% of patients and, depending on the severity and location, may resolve on its own or require additional correction. The most unpleasant option is eye swelling after Botox, which is recommended to be eliminated with medication and physiotherapy;
  • Headache . About 2% of patients experience headaches after Botox, which is corrected by taking mild analgesics;
  • Eyelid ptosis after Botox . Another rare complication of the procedure is ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelid, which occurs in no more than 1% of patients. Treatment of ptosis of the upper eyelid after Botox is usually not carried out, since after 2-3 months, after the drug is removed from the body, muscle tone is restored on its own. The same rule applies to those cases where the eyebrows have drooped after Botox;
  • Hematomas . They develop after injections in 6% of patients and go away on their own within 3-4 days.

A guarantee of the absence of side effects and complications after Botox will be the qualifications of the cosmetologist and strict adherence to all post-procedure recommendations. The NEOMED clinic is ready to provide cosmetology services using safe drugs and under the supervision of experienced professional cosmetologists.

Find out the cost of the Botox procedure

Physiological regeneration and alcohol

Now about how the concepts of physiological regeneration and ethanol are combined, is it possible to drink alcohol after biorevitalization? There is an expression in the fitness community that “sport and alcohol do not mix.” This is explained by the fact that improvement in body composition is a consequence of the systematic activation of physiological regeneration by stimuli generated during training. Alcohol blocks self-healing and negates the efforts made.

Likewise, alcohol weakens and even neutralizes the effect of anti-aging procedures. Self-healing processes under the influence of ethanol slow down so much that even the most powerful biorevitalizants either will not have an effect, or it will not be sufficiently pronounced. The following explains in more detail why this happens.

1. Ethanol and enzymes . All synthetic processes, and indeed all biochemical reactions in the human body, occur with the participation of enzymes, or enzyme systems. The activity of enzymes determines the condition of muscle tissue, dermis, and the functioning of internal organs. The processes of physiological regeneration are entirely dependent on enzyme activity. If the enzymes are inactive, recovery becomes impossible.

Ethanol blocks enzyme systems, which deals a crushing blow to the regenerative abilities of tissues. The degree of blocking depends on the dose, but even minimal amounts can slow down regeneration and neutralize the effect of the rejuvenating procedure. As a result, synthetic processes in the dermis, which should lead to strengthening and rejuvenation of the intercellular substance, not only do not accelerate, but even slow down. The resulting vector of metabolism still remains directed towards degradation caused by the aging process.

2. Alcohol and toxins . One of the conditions for complete tissue regeneration is the timely removal of toxic substances formed during metabolic processes. Normally, the body quickly eliminates toxins, but drinking alcohol slows down the removal of metabolic byproducts. The accumulation of toxic products of biochemical reactions in the skin negatively affects the rate and quality of restoration processes. In addition, ethanol itself is a poison; this should also not be forgotten.

3. Ethanol and growth factors . Beauty injections help enrich the dermis with nutrients and catalysts for regenerative processes, including growth factors, amino acids, and vitamins. Under the influence of alcohol, the destruction of biologically active substances accelerates and their stimulating activity decreases.

4. Alcohol and blood vessels . Another aspect of the influence of alcohol on the human body is associated with changes in the vascular bed and peripheral circulation. It is a well-known fact that drinking alcohol leads to a short-term dilation of blood vessels in the skin, which is accompanied by a feeling of warmth. The effect is short-term, followed by a reverse reaction in the form of vascular spasm with worsening blood circulation.

Vasospasm with slower peripheral circulation leads to the fact that cells do not receive enough oxygen. The generation of energy for restoration processes deteriorates. Tissue trophism is disrupted, the delivery of nutrients and building materials necessary for the synthesis of key macromolecules (collagen, hyaluronic acid) of the intercellular substance of the dermis is slowed down. It has already been said about slowing down the elimination of toxins.

Botox: recommendations and contraindications after the procedure

When a patient decides to undergo rejuvenation using botulinum therapy and goes to a cosmetologist’s office, it is very important that the specialist warns him in detail about the restrictions after Botox and provides a full list of recommendations. Not only the effectiveness, but also the safety of the technique depends on how detailed this consultation is. At the same time, such a scrupulous approach should not frighten a person, because we are talking about the simplest precautions after Botox injections, the implementation of which does not require significant effort.

First of all, it is worth saying that Botox injections can be classified as “weekend cosmetic procedures” that do not require a long recovery period from the patient and do not limit performance. The duration of the procedure does not exceed half an hour, and recovery is not accompanied by severe pain or discomfort. At the same time, the minimal trauma of the technique is achieved by using local anesthesia and the use of ultra-thin cannula needles that do not leave marks on the skin.

So, you leave the cosmetologist’s office already young and beautiful and all that remains is to find out what not to do after Botox injections.

How to enhance the rejuvenating effect?

So, there are at least four reasons for the incompatibility of biorevitalization and alcohol. If you want to get the maximum possible effect from the course, give up alcohol for the entire rejuvenation period. To enhance the effectiveness of the procedures, it is also advisable to quit smoking. Nicotine is another toxin that blocks enzyme systems, provokes vasospasm, and impairs tissue trophism and oxygenation. If you cannot completely give up the bad habit, try to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke.

To enhance the anti-aging effect, you should follow a healthy, balanced diet. Do not try to combine weight loss diets with a course of biorevitalization; A diet with a calorie deficit will make a complete renewal of facial skin impossible. The menu should contain a lot of plant foods rich in microelements and vitamins.

It is very important to provide the body with sufficient amounts of omega-3 fats and other PUFAs. They are part of cell membranes, have anti-inflammatory activity, and perform regulatory functions. The optimal source of omega-3 is fatty fish or fish oil. The currently popular flaxseed oil, unfortunately, does not provide the body with a sufficient amount of essential fats (eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid).

Throughout the entire rejuvenating course, it is important to follow the recommendations of the cosmetologist who performs the procedures. You can always get more detailed information about biorevitalization and the factors influencing its effectiveness at a personal consultation with a cosmetologist at the Soho Clinic.

Why can't Botox and antibiotics be combined?

A very important aspect of preparing for botulinum therapy is the need to complete in advance (preferably at least 1 month) all medications that may affect the effect of Botox on muscle tissue. Antibiotics are also among these medications. In particular, you should limit the use of the following medications:

  • tetracycline antibiotics - this group of drugs significantly reduces the effectiveness of botulinum toxin, which will not allow obtaining the desired aesthetic result;
  • aminoglycoside antibiotics - these drugs, on the contrary, potentiate the effect of the drug, which can lead to such unexpected consequences of the procedure as drooping eyelids and changes in facial contour;
  • erythromycin, lincomycin, macrolides, polymyxin - these antibiotics can disrupt the distribution of Botox in tissues, which sometimes causes unpredictable visual consequences;
  • muscle relaxants - all medicinal substances that can affect muscle tissue are strictly contraindicated for at least two weeks after Botox injections due to the likely increase in effects;
  • aspirin and all anticoagulants - agents that can reduce blood clotting significantly increase the likelihood of bruising and hematomas at the injection sites of Botox.

You should limit yourself from taking antibiotics after Botox injections for 10-14 days. If there is an urgent need for antibiotic therapy, you should definitely inform your doctor about your recent procedure, in order to select the safest combination of drugs.

Benefits of biorevitalization

  • Firstly, the quality of the skin, especially mature skin, noticeably improves, this is visible and felt almost immediately: the skin seems to fit more tightly, a pleasant feeling. And after another two weeks, it becomes noticeably more elastic and full, acquiring a healthy, radiant appearance.
  • Secondly, biorevitalization not only provides a positive cosmetic effect (of course, in the absence of allergies to drugs and contraindications), but also rehabilitates tired skin and prevents aging at the cellular level.
  • Thirdly, the cost of the procedures, although not cheap, is affordable for many. New generations of drugs are emerging that are inexpensive and effective.

Does this mean that there are no negative consequences after biorevitalization? No, because this is still a medical intervention. But negative consequences most often arise due to our own neglect of safety rules and/or the recommendations of a cosmetologist. These rules are not so complicated, they are not difficult to follow.

How to prepare for biorevitalization

There are several important rules for preparing for biorevitalization; a good specialist will definitely tell you about them:

3 days before injections, you should not take aspirin or other blood thinning medications. If you neglect this rule, during injections there is a higher risk of bruising and bleeding, and the skin will take longer to heal.

For the same reason, it is advisable to exclude alcohol, energy drinks and tonic drugs on the eve of the procedure. Such as ginseng and ginkgo biloba.

Plan the procedure for a weekend or vacation, as it will take you 2 to 5 days to restore your appearance. In addition, alcohol is not advisable after the procedure, so do not do biorevitalization on the eve of possible celebrations.

Contraindications to biorevitalization

The list of contraindications to biorevitalization is quite standard, including:

  • oncology, autoimmune diseases, acute infections and herpes;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In addition, an allergy to the components of the drugs can be a serious obstacle to injection rejuvenation. If you are allergic, during your initial consultation with a cosmetologist, find out the composition of the drugs he works with and choose the one that suits you.

Choosing a specialist is one of the most important issues when preparing for biorevitalization. Take this task seriously. Under no circumstances should you do at-home procedures. We have certified specialists working in our center, and if you go to a private office, then ask about the qualifications of the cosmetologist and find out reviews about his work.

What is important during biorevitalization

Before the procedure itself, it is recommended to drink a cup of tea with sugar or candy. This helps make the procedure seem less painful by increasing blood sugar levels.

To numb the injections, local anesthesia is performed - the skin of the face and neck is smeared with a special gel with a strong cooling effect. “Freezing” reduces pain, but some discomfort from the injections may remain. In general, the procedure is quite tolerable. In order for it to go as smoothly as possible, without consequences in the form of minor bruises and bruises, calm down and try to relax. And, of course, trust in a cosmetologist is important.

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