Star fever: 6 effective methods for treating rosacea

Recommended Procedures

Removing rosacea on M22

At the moment, among the various methods of removing rosacea, the hardware method of therapy allows you to achieve the best effect. The beam pulses the rosacea with high-intensity light. With each flash, the patient's skin is cooled by the device's unique system, blocking pain. Under thermal influence, spider veins on the face are gradually destroyed. In 1-3 sessions, removing rosacea on the face with photo flashes gives the best result.

How to get rid of rosacea?

Cuperosis is a pathology in which there is a persistent expansion of small vessels, as a result of which their walls lose their former elasticity. On the face, this condition manifests itself as redness in certain areas of the skin, most often in the cheeks, nose and chin. Telangiectasia (persistent dilatation of blood vessels) does not disappear on its own and requires professional treatment and special home care.

So what are the causes of rosacea on the face and are there effective treatment methods?

Review of preparations for facial mesotherapy

The entire variety of mesotherapy cocktails can be divided into two large groups according to the type of effect:


Cocktails for moisturizing, regenerating, evening out the relief and tone of facial skin.


Cocktails for tightening, shaping a clear oval and facial contours.

This division is conditional, since many meso-cocktails combine components that provide a complex effect in all respects.


: moisturizing, regeneration, even out relief and tone

Bioakt (Bioakt, produced by Mesotech, Italy)

Mesococktail Bioact based on hyaluronic acid contains vitamins, mineral salts, coenzymes, nucleotides and nucleosides. The drug allows you to restore damaged RNA and DNA of skin cells, resulting in a noticeable and lasting rejuvenating effect.

NCTF 135 and NCTF 135-HA (NCTF, manufactured by Filorga, France)

In addition to hyaluronic acid, this popular meso-cocktail contains more than 50 bioactive components: minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, nucleosides, coenzymes and vitamins. This combination makes it possible to provide skin fibroblasts with everything necessary for intensive neocollagenesis. Among other things, by effectively neutralizing free radicals, the drug prevents oxidation processes and fights signs of photoaging, replenishes the lack of microelements and vitamins in skin cells.

Biolift (Biolift, produced by Mesotech, Italy)

The drug Biolift, as the name implies, provides an intense lifting effect. In addition, it activates mitochondrial enzymes, normalizing cellular energy potential, protects the skin from chrono- and photoaging, gives it a healthy color and even tone, provides a detox effect and antioxidant protection. All this is possible thanks to a unique formula containing amino acids, inorganic acids, magnesium, vitamins, as well as DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol), known in medicine for its biostimulating effect.

Bio Age DNA (Bioage DNA, produced by Mesotech, Italy)

Mesococktail Bioage DNA (DNA) contains a high-polymer nucleotide DNA of skin cells in combination with vitamin E. Thanks to this combination, this drug restores damaged DNA of skin cells, evens out the relief and tone, protects against free radicals and photoaging, powerfully moisturizes, and accelerates regeneration.

Foto-age Elasthase (Elastase, produced by Mesotech, Italy)

One of the best drugs to protect skin from photoaging. Due to the combination of DMAE, organic silicon, elastin and organic plant components (mimosa and Asian centella) in this meso-cocktail, it intensively moisturizes, smoothes, stimulates blood supply and microcirculation of the skin, and ensures normal cellular respiration. The drug is effective not only against wrinkles, but also against scars, including stretch marks, burns, and post-acne scars.

Embrioblast Filorga (Filorga Embryoblast, produced by Filorga, France)

For a pronounced effect of smoothing wrinkles and preventing aging after 35 years, the mesotherapy cocktail Embryoblast from one of the most famous manufacturers - the French company Filorga - is successfully used. The uniqueness of this drug lies in the fact that in addition to vitamins, minerals, amino acids, coenzymes and nucleic acids, the cocktail contains specially processed embryonic cells (sheep embryos are used), which stimulate the active work of fibroblasts. Thanks to this formula, the drug allows you to smooth out not only fine wrinkles, but also wrinkles of medium depth.

HydroLine, HydroLine Extra (Hydroline and Hydroline Extra, produced by Mesopharm professional, Italy)

Hydroline series products can moisturize even the driest and most dehydrated skin and reliably protect it from photoaging. These meso-cocktails are recommended to be used to eliminate signs of aging and prevent their appearance after 35 years. The preparations contain hyaluronic acid, thioctic acid, microelements (iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, manganese, nickel, potassium, cobalt), vitamins (groups B, H, PP), amino acids. After a course of HydroLine mesotherapy, the skin becomes significantly smoother, denser, “luminous”, and acquires an even healthy tone.

Lightening Xtra (Lightning Extra, manufactured by SIMILDIET, Spain)

This brightening meso-cocktail contains ascorbic acid, a peptide complex, licorice root extract, arbutin and a patented CHROMABRIGHT complex, which regulates the activity of pigment-producing cells - melanocytes.

Facial mesotherapy using this drug allows you to get rid of problems associated with skin pigmentation disorders, such as hormonal and age-related pigment spots, freckles, dyschromia, and also prevent their reappearance.

Meso-Xanthin (Mesoxanthin, produced by ABG Lab USA)

This drug for mesotherapeutic skin bioreparation contains unstabilized high-molecular hyaluronic acid and fucoxanthin. Fucoxanthin is a special substance obtained from seaweed, it has the most powerful ability to stimulate the activity of fibroblasts.

The drug Mesoxanthin is used to prevent aging at the age of 30-35 years, evens out skin tone and texture, and fights pigmentation disorders.

MesoWharton (Mezowarton, produced by ABG Lab, USA)

A drug for mesotherapeutic bioreparation of mature skin after 40-50 years. Contains high molecular weight hyaluronic acid and a synthesized analogue of embryonic peptide, which acts on skin stem cells, providing a powerful and pronounced effect of rejuvenation, lifting, and tone alignment.

MesoRelax (MesoRelax, produced by ABG Lab, USA)

The MesoRelax cocktail is used to lift the skin when the first signs of aging appear. Effective against expression wrinkles due to a special action similar to the action of drugs based on botulinum toxin. The drug contains acetyl hexapeptide, which is a mild and safe analogue of botulinum toxin, has a relaxing effect on facial muscles, smoothing wrinkles and preventing their appearance and deepening.

Vita Line C (Vitaline C, produced by Mesolab, Italy)

This meso-cocktail based on vitamin C in high concentration is effective against pigment spots of various origins and for their prevention (for example, before going on vacation), it is also effective against rosacea and for increasing the protective and regenerative functions of the skin.

VitaLine B+ (Vitaline B+, produced by Mesolab, Italy)

A real vitamin cocktail for the skin. Contains a complex of 21 amino acids, microelements (iron, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, nickel, cobalt), vitamins (H, PP, B1, B2, B4, B5, B8, B9) and a special buffer system. Mesotherapy with this drug normalizes cellular metabolism, accelerates regeneration and collagenogenesis. The cocktail also has a sebum-regulating and immunomodulating effect and is used in the complex therapy of seborrhea and acne.


: tightening, formation of a clear oval and contours

Biolisi (Biolisi, produced by Mesotech, Italy)

The composition of the Biolayzy meso cocktail includes phosphatidylcholine, deoxycholic acid and L-carnitine. This lipolytic formula allows you to eliminate a double chin and correct the shape of your face. The drug breaks down adipose tissue and promotes the removal of breakdown products by increasing the permeability of cell membranes. As a result, facial contours become clearer, skin tightens, and its quality improves. This drug is also used for figure modeling, treatment and prevention of cellulite

Bio Stretch (Biostretch, produced by Mesotech, Italy)

Mesococktail Biostretch is used against the formation of atrophic scars, for the treatment of scars and stretch marks, as well as to prevent the formation of scars and to accelerate rehabilitation during skin resurfacing procedures and peelings. In preparation for traumatic procedures, skin mesotherapy with Biostretch increases the rate of skin regeneration and serves as a prevention of complications. This mesotherapeutic preparation contains organic silicon, collagen, glycosaminoglycans and sea water, promotes the formation of a clear oval face and ideal skin texture.

Celluphase (Cellyuface, produced by Mesotech, Italy)

Lipolytic drug. Includes horse chestnut, fumifera, pulsatilla, ascorbic acid, barium, caffeine, rutin, copper, organic silicon, flavonoside.

Promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue, is used to form a clear oval face, eliminate a double chin, increase skin elasticity, as well as in figure correction and cellulite treatment programs.

Only an experienced doctor can choose the right meso-cocktail, because even if you have previously tried one of these drugs and liked its effect, time passes, the needs of the skin change, science does not stand still, new, more effective drugs appear. GMTCLINIC cosmetologists have extensive experience working with various mesotherapy cocktails and know the advantages and capabilities of each of them. During an individual consultation, the doctor will help you make a choice so that the result exceeds your expectations.

Sign up for a consultation at the Aesthetics and Quality of Life Clinic to give your skin every opportunity to become even younger, more well-groomed and more luxurious.

Mesotherapy of body skin and scalp

Some meso-cocktails are used in body modeling and scalp treatment programs. At GMTCLINIC, these services are also presented and successfully applied as part of comprehensive programs by our trichologists and body specialists.

Causes of rosacea on the face

The area of ​​the wings of the nose and cheeks are most susceptible to rosacea. Hereditary factors (that is, skin prone to rosacea, regardless of lifestyle), trauma from cosmetic procedures and incorrectly selected products are not the only factors that provoke pathology.

The cause of rosacea can be:

  • Vascular disorders;
  • Digestive tract dysfunction;
  • Climatic factors;
  • Psychovegetative disorders;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Mechanical effects on the skin (peelings, scrubs, cleansing);
  • Chemical exposure (inappropriate skin care).

Features and effectiveness of mesotherapy

An integrated approach to solving aesthetic and age-related skin problems is the main feature of fractional mesotherapy. It works in three directions at once.

  • Mesotherapy. Micropunctures are a kind of microchannels through which substances relevant to the skin easily penetrate inside.
  • Superficial regenerative peeling. Delicate grinding of the skin with microneedles creates many micropunctures on its surface. They are surrounded by intact areas of tissue - a kind of “islands” of mobilization. Cells of undamaged tissues migrate to sites of microdamage, becoming involved in regeneration processes. Closing of microchannels is observed, which provides skin tightening (lifting effect), as well as the growth of new epidermal cells, which leads to renewal of the epidermis.
  • Plasmolifting. Micro punctures do not create serious damage to the skin, so there is no bleeding. However, in this case there is a slight effusion (outpouring) of the intercellular liquid part of the blood - plasma, which permeates the areas of microdamage, stimulating the processes of regeneration and natural renewal of the skin.

Carrying out fractional mesotherapy of the face and other problem areas allows you to saturate the skin of the face and body with both high-molecular substances that slow down the aging process and inhibit cell death, and low-molecular substances that demonstrate a stimulating effect.

Depending on the individual characteristics and needs of the client’s skin, these can be amino acids, vitamins, microelements, plant extracts, as well as medications, lipolytics, etc. The price of the procedure will depend on this. To achieve maximum effectiveness of the procedures, topical substances are administered individually or in combination.

Expert commentary

Elena Oleinichenko, cosmetologist, dermatologist, dermatovenerologist

Dermatologist, cosmetologist, expert at the Premium Aesthetics Academy of Cosmetology Elena Oleinichenko comments:

“Cooperosis can be corrected, but, alas, it is not completely curable. This must be taken into account when starting a course of therapy. If we consider the problem as a whole, success is based on the patient’s efforts to eliminate provoking factors: exposure to solar radiation, high and low temperatures, wind, alcohol, spicy foods, emotional stress, endocrine diseases, cosmetics and detergents that have an irritating effect. Treatment measures are based on the principles of adequate daily skin care. It includes the use of sunscreens and preparations containing chemical ultraviolet filters. Of the hardware techniques, only IPL radiation from the M22 device can solve this problem quickly and without leaving a trace.”

You can sign up for the procedure by phone: +7 (499) 370 45 96.


Name of procedureCost, rub.
Body (all around legs) M-TONE25 000,00
Body stretch marks, stretch marks, scars (1 zone: abdomen/front + outer thighs/inner shoulder/back of the thighs/buttocks/inner thighs+knees) M-TONE8 500,00
Body-cellulite+sagging skin (2 zones: thigh-full/rear+inner thighs+knees/buttocks) M-TONE14 000,00
Face X - CURE6 300,00
Body (all around hips) X-CURE15 700,00
Body (all around the lower leg) X-CURE11 300,00
Body (all around legs) X-CURE24 500,00
Body-cellulite+sagging skin (1 zone) X-CURE8 000,00
Body-cellulite+sagging skin (2 zones) X-CURE13 500,00
Scalp Karita+5 200,00
Face Karita+6 300,00
Face+Neck+Décolleté Carita+13 500,00
Face+neck Karita+9 100,00
Nose Karita+2 300,00

Make an appointment

How to prepare for mesotherapy

Before the mesotherapy procedure, you must make an appointment with a dermatologist-cosmetologist and consult about preparing for injections. This usually involves stopping medications that affect blood clotting three days before the procedure. It is recommended not to take antibiotics, hormonal drugs, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Two days before mesotherapy, it is advisable not to drink alcohol.

Carboxytherapy against rosacea

Carbon dioxide injections, or carboxytherapy, have long been used in the beauty industry to solve various aesthetic problems. Subcutaneous injection of CO2 strengthens blood vessels, skin cells receive significantly more nutrients and oxygen, the elimination of toxins is accelerated, and vascular elasticity is restored in record time. The carboxytherapy procedure: • increases the natural protective functions of the skin; • has an anti-inflammatory effect; • provides antioxidant protection; • restores lymph flow and reduces swelling; • increases local skin immunity; • removes stagnation; • increases protein synthesis, in particular collagen. In addition to fighting rosacea, carboxytherapy is a wonderful anti-aging agent with long-lasting results. Usually a course of four to eight procedures is prescribed at intervals of one to two times a week.

Rejuvenating effect of mesobotox

The dermis contains myofibrocytes - elements of smooth muscles (including the muscle that lifts the hair), which are innervated by the autonomic nervous system and, when contracted, cause the “goose bumps” effect. When the transmission of a nerve impulse is blocked, the microrelief of the skin is smoothed and the texture is evened out. This property made it possible to use botulinum proteins in a mixture with biorevitalizants based on hyaluronic acid to enhance the effect.

Mesobotox is successfully used in places where facial muscles are woven into the skin, where intramuscular administration of the drug may be dangerous or undesirable in order to smooth out fine wrinkles without disturbing facial expressions, as well as compression wrinkles.

Mesobotox is indicated for:

  • fine network of wrinkles around the eyes
  • wrinkles on the cheeks when smiling
  • wrinkles in the décolleté area
  • correction of lip asymmetry and formation of lip reversal
  • correction of facial contours as an auxiliary method for relaxing platysma

Home care against rosacea

Professional procedures are always accompanied by the prescription of supportive medications for home use. Daily care should be aimed at strengthening the walls of capillaries and maintaining their elasticity, and at extinguishing inflammatory processes that destroy blood vessels. To restore the tone of blood vessels and reduce their permeability, they use preparations with vitamins C and K, as well as herbal venotonics - extracts of horse chestnut, butcher's broom, centella, arnica. They are designed to resist the destruction of the structure of the vascular wall and improve local microcirculation. Troxerutin, as well as plant stem cells, have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antioxidant effect. Bisabolol, panthenol, allantoin, and aloe vera extract are used as soothing and redness-relieving agents. Peptide preparations, which include carnosine, copper-containing tripeptide GHK-Cu, matrixyl, collagenol, elastinol, demonstrate high effectiveness in the fight against rosacea. Peptide therapy is one of the most promising areas in modern cosmetology. After just a couple of months of using peptides, the capillary network turns pale, the density of the vessel walls increases, the intensity of blood flow in damaged areas decreases, and inflammatory processes decrease.

Laser techniques against rosacea

Telangiectasia, or burst blood vessels, can be easily removed using light technology. New selective lasers can do almost everything and successfully combat a wide variety of vascular manifestations. The choice of a specific technology will be determined by the objectives of the procedure, skin type, condition and size of blood vessels and many other factors. To avoid the risk of burns, tissue damage and pigmentation disorders, the doctor must not only have good equipment, but also be able to set the necessary parameters of the device, which significantly increases the efficiency of spider vein removal. The essence of laser therapy is targeted damage to the walls of blood vessels and their gluing, which leads to cessation of blood flow and the gradual disappearance of the capillary. Moreover, vessels of large diameter require more time to close the lumen and, accordingly, require greater impact power. Therefore, the laser machine must be equipped with a high-quality cooling system to ensure a painless procedure and no risk of skin damage.

On a note!

Despite the impressive capabilities of laser technology, it is not always possible to get rid of a vessel in one session. As a rule, a course of procedures is necessary, especially with a large area of ​​rosacea and severely dilated blood vessels.

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