Wart patches that really help

Salipod patch

Salipod has an antiseptic, cauterizing, keratolytic, anti-inflammatory effect. The composition includes: salicylic acid, precipitated sulfur, anhydrous lanolin, pine rosin.

Indications: the patch is indicated for calluses, but due to the presence of salicylic acid in the composition, it can be used against warts on the legs and arms, spines, and papillomas.

Contraindications: urticaria, hypersensitivity to the components in the composition. Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation, children, and people with allergies.

Directions for use: Apply the patch to the wart and wear for two days. It is better to steam and dry the skin first. After removing the patch, treat the problem area with a pumice stone. Use the product until the wart is completely removed, but no more than 4 times.

The cost in pharmacies is from 50 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Special adhesive tape for removing warts, like all similar products, has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages are presented:

  • affordable price;
  • absence of unpleasant sensations during use;
  • proven composition, without dangerous components;
  • high efficiency when used.

The disadvantages of the product include:

  • duration of therapeutic procedures - the tumor disappears after 7-15 days from the start of manipulations;
  • regularly replacing the patch with a fresh one.

Pharmaceutical anti-HPV drugs are known to be safe for patients. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor and his approval to carry out procedures with special adhesive tape.

Plaster from Aliexpress

Full name: Foot Care Medical Plaster Foot Corn Removal Calluses Plantar.

Method of use for plantar warts: steam your feet thoroughly and wipe dry. Cover the wart/papilloma with a plaster. You can leave it for up to 24 hours. Before applying the next patch, it is recommended to steam your feet again. For formations on the hands, the algorithm is similar.

Be sure to read:
How to get rid of warts on the palm

Reviews about these Thai patches are good. Among the advantages they note:

  • really help;
  • hold well and do not leave sticky marks;
  • are economically spent;
  • cheap.

Cost from 30 rubles for 10 pieces.

Plaster for warts and other papillomas

Works. There are before, during and after photos. As well as instructions for use. It is no secret that 50% of the world's population has various papilloma viruses in their bodies, but whether they manifest themselves or not depends on the individual organism. Medicine is powerless here; the best you can do is contain the virus or act more radically when it manifests itself. One person can live his whole life without knowing about the presence of the virus, while in another the virus manifests itself when the immune system is weakened.

The backstory is simple. Suddenly something appeared on the finger, and from tearing and picking it simply grew larger. It was decided to try the solution offered by the Chinese on the main page of Alik in last minute goods.

I took 25 pieces at once for $7.77, guessing how it works. Yes and for everyone. Yes - the more pieces, the lower the price. And the Chinese seemed to put in even more. 27 I think.

For starters, packaging. An ordinary Chinese box with hieroglyphs. Everything is as in the picture.

Inside is a plaster, instructions in pure Chinese and some kind of scalpel. Based on the fact that it is inconvenient to use with your hands, we can conclude that it is inserted into some kind of standard holder.

The patch consists of adhesive tape, a neoprene ring and a pink active substance in the form of a molded powder.

Shall we get started?

Object under study, start 11/27/2016

1. First of all, it is recommended to wash the skin and, as it were, grind off part of the insensitive surface epithelium with an abrasive (nail files, heels, sandpaper, etc.) for greater efficiency. You don't have to do this. But be prepared to use up extra bandage. I spent it))

2. The patch is applied intuitively using pink powder to the wart. This is according to the instructions. But in fact, after this you need to take a regular “reel” plaster and fix the whole thing tightly, because The stock tape peels off once or twice. Without fanaticism, really. It should be fixed, not clamped. The maximum will be mild discomfort, which will go away in a couple of hours. If your finger (or something there) goes numb, the patch is too tight, you need to re-glue it looser.

Looks something like this, photo by evening

3. How long to keep? If the skin is delicate, women's, children's, etc. - then a day. The male version is 48 hours, and no less. It is important to understand that this powder must be moistened by evaporation of the skin, and then penetrate about 2 mm inside. And if the skin is rough, or the glue is weak, there will simply be no reaction. In other words, under the patch there should be a kind of “compost”, “steam room”. Do not wet it, as the powder can be washed off with running water. On the other hand, the bobbin patch is quite thick and prevents water from getting inside.

There may be a slight tingling sensation while the patch is in effect. That's how it should be. If it is not there, there is most likely no reaction either.

4. Remove.

Test object, after 48 hours

What do we see? The powder worked. The skin is completely under anesthesia. The boundaries of the papilloma have become clear, it is obviously smaller than it seemed. The area under anesthesia is slightly swollen. This is fine.

What will happen next? The white skin under anesthesia will return to normal after 24 hours. Blood circulation and nerve conduction will return, so guys, IMPORTANT, there is no need to cut or rip off anything there. The pink pigment will dissolve, wash off or rub off.

What to do after 24 hours?

If the wart was small, say, the size of a match head, most likely that’s all. We are just waiting for recovery, periodically exfoliating the surface.

But if it’s like in the review, we do the following. Using scissors or tweezers, we remove the dead skin above the papilloma, reaching the “normal” level, if you can call it that. If we see that there, underneath, there is something similar to vertical columns - burst capillaries, etc. - then we repeat everything again: glue it for 48 hours, wait 24 hours, check it. And so on in a circle.

In general, I used 4 patches: the first one - since I didn’t overload the skin, the powder didn’t penetrate deep enough; the second is a seemingly normal application; the third - since there were clearly traces of “living” papillomas; and the fourth - to consolidate the result. I can say that you need to observe the result even after the “last” peel off of the patch. If in place of the papilloma there is something that looks like columns (as opposed to the horizontal placement of layers of epithelium), then you need to glue it again for 48 hours.

Result. It passed, of course, earlier, but only now there are absolutely no traces left on the skin.

Study object, finish 01/22/2017

Conclusions. The patch works if you apply it thoroughly. The “set it and forget it” magic doesn’t work here. But the skin is restored completely, no traces, scars or cicatrices remain.

All OK.

Plaster Ultra Pro H Dr. House Hi Tech

In one of the reviews, a girl wrote that this patch helped her get rid of a plantar wart in 5 days.

The patch also contains salicylic acid. A soft protective disc protects healthy skin from the medicinal substance.

Directions for use: steam and dry the skin. Remove the protective film from the patch and apply to the desired area for 12-24 hours. Repeat until the wart completely disappears.

Cost - from 100 rubles.

What causes papillomas?

Papillomas are the abnormal proliferation of epidermal cells caused by the human papillomavirus. The names warts and condylomas are also used to designate them. There are many varieties of the virus (more than 100) that provoke the appearance of growths of different appearance.

Medicine offers several hardware methods with which tumors are completely removed - laser coagulation, cryodestruction, electrocoagulation. There are also medications to combat HPV.

Products that are suitable for self-use and do not cause pain are very popular. The anti-papillomas patch fully meets these requirements.

Suda Epitact pads

This is a thin patch from a German manufacturer, 10 by 10 cm. The composition includes thuja extract - an effective remedy for removing warts, thorns and papillomas.

Suitable for treating growths in children, since the patch is hypoallergenic and does not cause irritation or swelling of the skin.

Method of application: a pad of the required size is cut out of the patch, which is glued to the wart. Change once every 3 days until the formation is completely removed.

Cost - from 2500 rubles.

Prohibitions on use

Not all patients are suitable for these medications. If certain factors are present, it is not recommended to use the patch:

  • in case of intolerance to individual components of the composition;
  • if necessary, removal of nevi (moles);
  • minors - for children under 16 years of age, therapy is selected on an individual basis;
  • a history of renal or liver failure;
  • during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Violation of the manufacturer's recommendations specified in the instructions may cause unwanted side reactions. Each drug has its own list of possible non-standard manifestations of the body in response to therapy. Some patients during the course of therapy encountered redness, signs of irritation and itching in places where the material came into contact with the skin. The source of such symptoms is considered to be:

  • individual reactions to component components;
  • reaction of the dermis to the sticky part of the patch.

Dermatologists recommend paying attention to the condition of the skin when using the product. If the itching intensifies, developing from discomfort to pain, then therapy should be stopped immediately. Repeated treatment with an analogue can be started only after the traces of the inflammatory process have healed - after consulting a dermatologist.

Operating principle

Manufacturers include various substances in impregnation. Most often, the composition of adhesive tapes used to remove papillomas includes:

  1. Salicylic acid - has a keratolytic effect, as a result of which softened infected tissues die. Has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms, including the HPV virus. Able to prevent secondary infection.
  2. Sulfur has a drying effect. This makes it easier to reject papilloma.
  3. Thuja extract - affects viruses, stopping their division and vital activity.
  4. Echinacea purpurea. Added as an extract or oil. Increases local immunity and protective function of the skin. This helps prevent the possibility of infection of healthy skin cells.
  5. Green tea extract - promotes faster healing after wart rejection.

Removal of plantar warts


When removing spines, you need to consider the following features:

1. Location on the sole increases the wound healing time (due to constant mechanical impact, sweating, etc.).

2. They are always removed deeply, forming a “crater”. Superficial removal is fraught with the risk of leaving the “roots” of the wart and recurrence.

3. “Home treatment” with folk remedies is undesirable, because with it, it is not possible to achieve the optimal depth of exposure, or, on the contrary, extensive chemical burns occur with various substances used for these purposes.


There are several methods for removing spines. They all boil down to the destruction of the wart, but this is achieved through various methods of influence, which can be divided into three groups:

  • Destruction (destruction using laser, radio waves, electrocoagulation)
  • Chemical destruction using various substances (liquid nitrogen, salicylic acid, alkalis, etc.)
  • Surgical excision

Let's take a closer look at these methods:

Destruction methods are the most effective, because they destroy the wart completely and with high precision. The radio wave method should be considered the most optimal. It involves the most gentle and at the same time deep removal of the spine. During laser removal, the depth of penetration may not be sufficient to destroy the “roots” of the wart, which can lead to recurrence. When removed with an electrocoagulator, excessive damage to surrounding tissue occurs, which leads to longer wound healing and the formation of a rougher scar.

Chemical destruction is not very effective in treating plantar warts, but is more suitable for removing small papillomas on other parts of the body (i.e. those small formations that rise above the surface of the skin). Plantar warts are located almost flush with the skin and spread quite deeply inward. Therefore, the effect of a chemical on them is either not enough to completely destroy the wart, or, on the contrary, it is too extensive and causes chemical burns of the surrounding tissues, sometimes with the formation of long-term non-healing ulcers.

Surgical excision is rarely used for two reasons: firstly, extensive excision involving healthy tissue is simply not necessary and unreasonably increases the volume and invasiveness of the intervention. Secondly, the plantar surface of the foot is subject to constant mechanical stress (plus sweat production, limited “ventilation” of the wound due to shoes). All this greatly increases the risk of suppuration under the sutures. Surgical removal is advisable in cases where the wart is suspicious of a malignant formation and a high-quality histological (under a microscope) examination of the removed material is required.

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