Are there anti-dandruff pills, TOP-3 really effective drugs

What is dandruff

The medical name is “pityriasis”, translated from Latin as “bran”. This is a pathology caused by the desquamation of dead epithelial cells - the outer layer of the dermis of the scalp. As a result, dead skin particles are intensively exfoliated over a long period of time. The symptom is caused by a failure in the process of renewal and exfoliation of cells in the stratum corneum of the skin.

Dandruff is not an independent disease; its appearance is caused by various pathologies. The condition is often accompanied by severe itching of the scalp. The hair itself becomes either dull and dry or oily, depending on the type of dandruff.

What not to do?

Absolutely forbidden:

  • Scratch your head. Itchy dandruff can be very uncomfortable, but scratching and scratching your skin will make the problem worse. Through the slightest damage, infections can easily penetrate, which can lead to the formation of pustules;
  • Use alcohol-based products, as they greatly dry out the skin;
  • Dye your hair and use other chemical hair products;
  • Use metal combs; the teeth of such a comb can damage the scalp and cause more dandruff to appear.
  • Keep the use of hair dryers and curling irons to a minimum.

Causes of dandruff

Epithelium renewal normally occurs every 28 days. If, during renewal, keratinocytes (the main cells of the upper layer of skin) begin to grow rapidly, this contributes to the appearance of dandruff. The culprit is the fungus Malassezia Furfur, which is considered a permissible microflora of the epidermis and does not manifest itself in any way under healthy conditions.

The fungal culture is activated when situations favorable to it appear:

  • hormonal surges: puberty, pregnancy, menopause;
  • improper hair care: aggressive coloring, inappropriate shampoo, perm, frequent use of straightening and hot hair dryer;
  • neglect of a hat in the cold season and excessive insulation (wearing a hat indoors);
  • diseases: pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchopulmonary system, disruption of the sebaceous glands;
  • stress, decreased immunity and violation of the principles of proper nutrition.

When the fungus “wakes up,” the development cycle of epidermal cells changes. They die off before they can get past it. This is how scales are formed. By the way, dandruff does not necessarily appear on the entire head; sometimes the fungus is activated only on one part of it.

How to choose an anti-dandruff shampoo so that the “inappropriate option” doesn’t end up in the trash later

We reviewed a large number of cleansers with different compositions and effects, all united by one mission - to rid a person of dandruff, as well as its consequences. Let's try to systematize all this so that you can compile your top list of the best anti-dandruff shampoos.

First, we carefully study the composition. Let's see if the substances it contains are compatible with your skin and hair type. Read online reviews of the drug from other people (preferably from different sources). It is advisable that the composition does not contain parabens, preservatives, sulfates - many of these substances are marked “dangerous”.

Yes, all the ingredients are listed in English, but the composition of many cosmetic and medicinal products is publicly available on the Internet.

Depending on the type of seborrhea (oily or dry), select the appropriate active substance:

  1. For oily seborrhea, tar is good, as well as zinc pyrithioneate, rosemary, hops, and salicylic acid.
  1. If it’s dry, it’s better to go with the option containing Defenscalp and Fluidpure. It’s good if they are supplemented with d-panthenol, chamomile, calendula and other moisturizing extracts.

Nystatin tablets for itching and dandruff

The product is taken as part of additional therapy to medicinal shampoo. Two Nystatin tablets should be crushed and dissolved in a glass of hot water. Shake the liquid several times. The product is applied to the skin immediately after washing your hair, you need to do a light massage, and it is not necessary to wash off “Nystatin”. Tablets can be used for obvious manifestations of dandruff, and also as a preventive measure.

As noted in the reviews, after the first use there may be a slight increase in the number of “scales”, but they will be smaller and drier. There is no need to worry about this, because this is the natural process of exfoliation of the fungus. The use of Nystatin should be abandoned if this effect persists after two or three uses.

Ducray Squanorm

French anti-dandruff shampoo is used for dry scalp. The product contains zinc pyrithione, guanidine glycolate, glycerin, and glycolic acid. All these substances in combination destroy fungus, remove itching and flaking, moisturize the scalp, restore hair and improve its appearance. To quickly achieve a positive effect, this anti-dandruff shampoo should be used twice: first apply to the head and rinse, and then apply and leave for a couple of minutes. The course of treatment for dandruff Ducray Squanorm is 6 weeks (use 2-3 times a week). The positive effect of the product is noticeable literally after the first use; Ducray Squanorm does not affect hair color. Among the disadvantages are the high cost and the fact that the shampoo is only indicated for dry dandruff.

Ducray Squanorm
Pierre Fabre Medicament, France

Shampoo against dry dandruff Squanorm (Squanorm) quickly eliminates dry dandruff and fights its root cause, limiting the proliferation of fungi of the genus Malassezia.
Moisturizes and soothes the scalp, normalizes the natural balance of the skin. from 319

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This remedy was created specifically for the treatment of seborrhea, so it is used both in dermatology and cosmetology. The active ingredient in the shampoo is ketoconazole. “Sebozol” copes well with dandruff, and is also effective for seborrheic dermatitis and skin lichen (and it can also be used for preventive purposes). The shampoo has a positive effect on the condition of the hair, restoring its damaged structure. You need to wash your hair with Sebozol twice a week until dandruff completely disappears (and this will happen literally after the second or third use). It is advisable to leave the drug on the scalp for at least five minutes. The second stage is prevention (it is enough to wash your hair with Sebozol once a week). This anti-dandruff shampoo can be used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for children over 1 year old. Sebozol has no contraindications or side effects, it can be used for a long time, it is suitable for any hair type.

Murom Instrument-Making Plant, Russia

Fungal infections caused by susceptible pathogens;
dermatomycosis (dermatomycosis of smooth skin, athlete's foot, athlete's foot, skin candidiasis, pityriasis versicolor, seborrheic dermatitis caused by Pityrosporum ovale), folliculitis. from 127

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Read also Vitamins for hair loss: 10 of the best Review of the best vitamins for hair.

Patient reviews of various products

Many who have encountered the problem of dandruff leave reviews of tablets and home remedies that can help with this problem. Patients talk about the effectiveness of rinsing with Aspirin, the ease of use and effectiveness of medicated shampoos, and taking anti-dandruff tablets orally (“Nizoral”, they say, helps quickly, and the effect lasts a long time). For some, pharmaceutical products helped only after a course of fortification. In the reviews, patients agree that it is imperative to first consult with a doctor, and only then begin treatment. In addition, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage regimen and duration of therapy, not to end treatment as soon as the result appears, but to complete the full course to avoid relapses.


"Dandrhotal" is a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo with a powerful antifungal effect. In addition to dandruff, the product is effective against dermatitis, mycoses, and lichen. The active ingredient in the shampoo is ketoconazole. “Perhotal” is applied to problem areas or the entire head and left for several minutes. Then wash it off. To get rid of dandruff, Perhotal should be used once every 3-4 days for 8 weeks. If it is dermatitis, the course of treatment is 4 weeks (once or twice a week). Perhotal has side effects: dry mouth, fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain. During pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies to ketoconazole and children under three years of age, this shampoo is contraindicated. "Perhotal" quickly treats dandruff and seborrhea, it can be used prophylactically. Among the disadvantages are contraindications and side effects.

Gepach International, India

Dandruff is a medicinal shampoo, an antifungal agent that acts on the very cause of dandruff.
Perhotal contains a complex that cares for your hair, makes combing easier and does not dry out the scalp. from 160

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Recommendations for using shampoo

  • pay attention to whether your shampoo is suitable for daily use and how the manufacturer recommends using it;
  • apply your cleanser with massaging movements for several minutes to be sure that all active substances have time to perform their functions;
  • act carefully and do not scratch your head - this can easily damage the already irritated dermis;
  • enhance the effect with soothing conditioners and masks that suit you to comprehensively eliminate the problem;
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with running water at a comfortable (never hot!) temperature.

Let's summarize. Shampoos help fight dandruff and can even eliminate it (along with all the unpleasant consequences, such as itching). But what kind of shampoos are these? They are different: pharmaceutical medicinal and for daily use. The former have a more intense effect, are sold in pharmacies and are used as a course. The latter are sold in regular stores, are suitable for daily hair washing and have a mild effect.

Anti-dandruff shampoos can be expensive branded ones or the most budget-friendly natural ones (for example, tar shampoo). There are products designed for a specific type of seborrhea. The main thing is to pay attention to the composition of the product: if possible, it should be without preservatives.

Risk factors

  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Excess ultraviolet radiation.
  • Small wounds on the head.
  • Exposure to chemicals.
  • Rare or excessively frequent hair washing.
  • Abuse of styling (both mechanical tools and chemicals).
  • Coloring, lightening, perms.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Neoplasms.
  • Predominance of sweets, fatty and smoked foods in the diet. Lack of cereals, fermented milk dishes, plant foods.
  • Contact dermatitis.
  • Food allergies.
  • Insect bites. It is worth noting that maintaining hygiene does not protect against fleas or lice. These insects feel great on clean hair washed with high-quality shampoo, conditioner and lotion. Parasites are common causes of itching and dandruff on the head.

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Antifungal tablets

Antifungal tablets for dandruff and itchy scalp include many chemical compounds that have a specific effect on the activity of pathogenic fungi. Such drugs are divided into several groups. They differ in chemical structure and clinical use. There is a difference in activity, but most often patients suffering from dermatological diseases are prescribed broad-spectrum drugs.

When using tablets for dandruff and itchy scalp, you must follow the doctor’s instructions, dosage and dosage regimen, which is prescribed to each patient purely individually. This is especially true in cases where a child is undergoing treatment and the drugs must be taken orally. If the dosage is violated or a dose is missed, there is no need to double the dosage. Premature termination of therapy or disruption of the regimen increases the likelihood of relapse.


Cynovit contains climbazole, zinc pyrithione, B vitamins. Zinc pyriotin destroys fungus and fights peeling and itching. Climbazole also works against fungus. Cynovit also contains uric acid, which nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The remedy is prescribed for dermatitis and psoriasis of the scalp, for oily and dry seborrhea, to relieve itching. Apply shampoo to damp hair, lather and leave for a minute. Then repeat the procedure, but hold it on your hair for three minutes. Treatment of dandruff will take about a month (you need to use Cynovit 2-3 times a week). The shampoo is suitable for all hair types, treats any seborrhea and dermatitis.

CJSC "Green Dubrava", Russia

Cynovit shampoo is a comprehensive approach to eliminating dandruff and other manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis (irritation, itching).
Innovative formula with zinc pyrithione and climbazole. from 219


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