Wart remedy Salipod: description and instructions for use

Unpleasant formations in the form of warts caused by the papilloma virus can occur on human skin. Sometimes the growths disappear on their own after some time, but in most cases they increase in size and require medical treatment. Even small tumors should not be ignored. One of the effective remedies for warts is Salipod.

Description and composition of the product

The drug Salipod belongs to the group of dermatotropic drugs. It is made on the basis of salicylic acid and helps get rid of skin growths in the initial stages of their development.

Salipod is available in the form of adhesive plasters. Treatment strips have a protective cellophane coating. The patch is packaged in contour-free packaging. The product is sold individually or in sets of 4 or 11 pieces in a cardboard box.

The drug is available in two varieties:

  • Small shaped adhesive plaster. Dimensions - 6x10 cm. The patch is applied to the affected area, avoiding areas of healthy skin.
  • A preparation of two adhesive plasters. The dimensions of the main product are 2x10 cm. The patch is impregnated with medicinal substances. The second part measures 4x10 cm - this adhesive plaster helps to fix the main one.

The main components of the drug are salicylic acid and sulfur. Lanolin, pine rosin and natural rubber are used as additional substances.

The medicine costs 50−65 rubles per piece. The price of the sets is 100−120 rubles. You can purchase the medicine online or at any pharmacy. Salipod is available over-the-counter.

The dermatotropic preparation should be stored in a dark place at a temperature no higher than +26 degrees Celsius. Shelf life: 2 years. After this period, the patch should not be used, as the person may experience allergic reactions.

Salipod has no analogues in terms of active substances in its composition. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe another drug that has the same pharmacological effect. Salipod is sometimes replaced with the Compid or Mozolin patch. For ointments and creams, you can use Balzamed, Verrucatsid, Hemosol, Collomac, Intensive, Feresol or Flexitol.

Anti-HPV agent

Human papillomavirus is a common disease that manifests itself when the activity of the immune system decreases. The pathology manifests itself as skin growths, which, in the absence of adequate treatment, quickly spread over the entire surface of the skin.

Medicine offers many methods to combat pathology, including ointments, solutions and other forms of drugs. Most of them contain salicylic acid, which allows you to painlessly get rid of unsightly tumors.

Anti-papillomas patches are a small piece of fabric with an adhesive coating. It contains substances that eliminate dermal defects. Therapy follows a standard algorithm:

  • Separate pieces are cut out from the general fabric according to the size of the tumors;
  • the product is glued to problem areas;
  • in certain areas it is fixed with a regular medical plaster.

The product stays on the skin for up to 14 hours, then is replaced with a fresh one. Positive results are visible after the first use: the papilloma becomes crusted and decreases in volume. Use the patches until the dermatological defect disappears completely - up to 2 weeks in a row.

The component composition of the drug includes not only salicylic acid, but also sulfur. It dries the problem area, while simultaneously providing an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect.

Mechanism of action

Salipod has an antiseptic and keratolytic effect on skin formations and surrounding tissues, preventing the spread of infection. It strengthens local immunity, promoting high-quality removal of growths. There are no scars left after applying the patch.

Under the influence of salicylic acid, the top layer of skin, modified by the resulting growth, softens and is removed during the hygiene procedure. The peculiarity of the main component of Salipod is that it is able to maintain an acidic environment in the treated area. This effect of the drug helps reduce the risk of developing a fungal or bacterial infection, which often happens when the skin exfoliates.

Sulfur is able to penetrate into the deep layers of tissue. It has an antimicrobial effect and inhibits infection from the inside. In addition, sulfur has a drying effect. Pine rosin also destroys pathogenic bacteria on the surface of the skin. Lanolin and rubber help soften it and speed up the healing of damaged areas.

Indications for use

To prevent warts from developing into malignant neoplasms, they should be removed. Salipod is an excellent antiseptic drug that actively fights skin keratinization. It is used for more than just removing warts.

Other indications for the use of a dermatotropic agent:

  • corns;
  • dry and core calluses;
  • spinules (plantar warts);
  • Calluses.

The medicinal patch can be used to soften the bones (calluses) on the big toes. Such defects often appear from the constant use of high-heeled shoes, standing work and excess calcium salts in the body.

The medication can be used to remove growths on the face, neck, arms and legs. Before purchasing the drug, you should first consult with your doctor - he will tell you whether Salipod can be used and whether the patient has any contraindications.

One patch will not save you from papillomas and plantar warts. The drug removes formations on the skin, but does not treat papillomavirus. In such cases, comprehensive treatment is necessary, in which the doctor prescribes antiviral medications. For example, for plantar warts, Salipod is used in combination with Superclean or Solcoderm. In severe cases, laser surgery may be necessary.

Instructions for using the product

Salipod is easy to use at home. The main advantage of the product is the painless removal of warts and other tumors. The patch must be pressed firmly onto the affected area. The soft part of the strip should be well fixed on the wart.

Instructions for using Salipod against growths:

  • You should first steam the area with the wart in hot water for 10-15 minutes.
  • The stratum corneum of the skin is carefully removed from the formation. This can be done using non-rough pumice. Scissors and other sharp objects must not be used.
  • Then the patch is taken out of the package and cut off according to the size of the tumor. Remove the protective film from the Salipod and press it tightly along the boundaries of the growth. A regular adhesive plaster is applied over the drug, which will not come off when moving.

Salipod can be kept on the leg for 1 or 2 days. When changing the adhesive plaster, additional steaming of the skin is required only for problematic growths. The new product can be applied after a day.

When removing the next patch, it is necessary to carefully examine the condition of the growth and the surrounding area. After removing the patch, a yellowish-gray crust forms on the affected area, which should be carefully removed. The dead skin then dries and falls off. This indicates that the drug is working. If the formation does not increase, treatment is stopped.

The duration of therapy is 1−2 months. During this period, 8-12 adhesive plasters are usually used.

If during treatment with papillomas with Salipod, itching, burning or inflammation of the skin appears, and the wart becomes denser and painful, then you should stop using the medicine and consult a doctor. The specialist must examine the patient and determine the diagnosis based on the test results. In case of allergic reactions, Salipod is replaced with another drug. In serious cases, the growth is removed on an outpatient basis.

For corns, the patch is kept for 24 hours, and for large calluses - 2 days. The strips must be removed without jerking, so as not to tear them off along with the skin. When the area where the callus appears becomes soft and mobile, the patches are no longer used. In 8-10 days, the exfoliated skin will dry out and peel off on its own.

Using the patch

The main advantage of the Salipod patch is its ease of use. The medicine is sold in packages in the form of plates. The most difficult thing when using it is to cut a strip of the appropriate size. It should be applied exclusively to the skin growth.

Advice! Before using Salipod, you should always consult your doctor.

For greater effectiveness, a strip of patch applied to a benign skin formation is left in place for a couple of days. The procedure for removing a wart consists of the following steps:

  • The site of the growth is steamed either in a warm bath, in the case of removing a plantar wart, or using a damp cloth soaked in water;
  • The surface of the growth is dried with a soft cloth;
  • A strip of plaster cut to size is glued on;
  • Reliable fixation is carried out with a regular plaster.

Advice! For greater effectiveness when removing a plantar wart, a strip of plaster is applied to the growth for no more than 24 hours, after which it must be changed.

As numerous reviews indicate, the procedure for removing skin growths using a patch is effective, but takes a long time. At the same time, to remove a small, recently formed wart, Salipod should be used without interruption for 1-2 weeks. More problematic formations that are larger in size and have deeper roots can be removed within a month or more.

To re-stick the patch, steaming is done at your discretion. You can simply remove the old strip and stick a new one in the same place. Only in the case of a continuous treatment process is the restoration of tissue damaged by the papilloma virus excluded.

Under the influence of the active components contained in the remedy, wart formations gradually decrease in size and completely disappear. When changing the patch, it is strictly forbidden to use physical force to speed up the removal of the wart.

This can lead to damage to the skin and, as a result, scarring after treatment. The wart should come off on its own along with a strip of plaster. When removing problematic formations, it is allowed to re-steam the area of ​​the growth and treat it carefully with a rough pumice stone.

Advice! Do not use the patch to remove warts that are located on damaged skin surfaces, for example, in the area of ​​burns or abrasions. It is also not recommended to remove skin growths with this product if they are located in the area of ​​a large pigment spot.

Contraindications when using the patch

Despite the fact that Salipod is a harmless and well-tolerated drug, it has contraindications that limit its use in the following cases:

  • In case of individual intolerance to salicylic acid;
  • In case of renal failure;
  • If you have any allergic reactions.

Pregnant women and young children under three years of age should not use Salipod, as it can cause intoxication of the body. You should also remember that this remedy cannot be used to remove moles. Among the rare side effects, it should be noted the possibility of developing dermatitis, itching and burning at the site of application of the patch.

According to reviews, the Salipod patch is the best option for removing benign skin formations, such as warts, at home. It is allowed to use the product in combination with special ointments, which will speed up the process of removing growths.

Contraindications and side effects

Salipod is considered a non-toxic drug, which in most cases is well tolerated by patients. It can be used in the absence of immune and dermatological diseases.

Contraindications to the use of a dermatotropic drug:

  • hypersensitivity to one or more components of the drug;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • open calluses with fluid;
  • microcracks in the skin;
  • open wounds;
  • period of treatment with medications containing resorcinol or zinc;
  • age up to three years;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

The medicinal patch cannot be used against warts that are located in the area of ​​burns, abrasions and large age spots. The patch is not used to remove moles, since in this case it can cause inflammation.

Side effects may occur with long-term treatment with Salipod . Patients may develop dermatitis, itching or burning in the area where the adhesive patch is applied. Red spots indicate an allergy. If the patch is used incorrectly, there may be negative consequences in the form of recurrence of warts, scar formation and infected wounds. White pus may also leak from the growth. If there are side effects, you should immediately go to the hospital, where symptomatic therapy will be prescribed.

Salipod is the optimal solution for removing warts. It helps to cope with benign skin formations, and in combination with special ointments, to get rid of growths in a short period.

Prohibitions on use

Not all patients are suitable for these medications. If certain factors are present, it is not recommended to use the patch:

  • in case of intolerance to individual components of the composition;
  • if necessary, removal of nevi (moles);
  • minors - for children under 16 years of age, therapy is selected on an individual basis;
  • a history of renal or liver failure;
  • during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Violation of the manufacturer's recommendations specified in the instructions may cause unwanted side reactions. Each drug has its own list of possible non-standard manifestations of the body in response to therapy. Some patients during the course of therapy encountered redness, signs of irritation and itching in places where the material came into contact with the skin. The source of such symptoms is considered to be:

  • individual reactions to component components;
  • reaction of the dermis to the sticky part of the patch.

Dermatologists recommend paying attention to the condition of the skin when using the product. If the itching intensifies, developing from discomfort to pain, then therapy should be stopped immediately. Repeated treatment with an analogue can be started only after the traces of the inflammatory process have healed - after consulting a dermatologist.

Patient reviews

People who have used the patch for warts and calluses note the effectiveness of Salipod. But some people think that treatment takes too long.

In winter, you have to walk in tight shoes, which often causes calluses on your feet. When a spike appeared on my heel, I didn’t pay attention to it. I hoped that the growth would go away on its own, like the calluses. But within a few days, the plantar wart grew larger and began to cause discomfort when walking. I searched the Internet for remedies that help get rid of this problem. Many people praised Salipod. I bought a set of medicinal plasters and stuck them on the spine every day. I treated the growth for more than a month, but after removing the wart there were no traces left.


I often wear high-heeled shoes, and because of them, corns often appear, which are difficult to prevent. When another callus appears, I immediately buy Salipod patches at the pharmacy. The product should be cut to the size of the corn itself. Since calluses are usually small, one patch is enough to get rid of the problem. I carefully tear off the strip with rough skin, which heals in a few days. For large corns, several patches may be needed, but usually within a week you can get rid of the unpleasant formations.


A year ago, a wart appeared on my hand.
The growth was small, but it looked ugly. Friends recommended different remedies. But I was afraid that I might worsen the condition of the education, so I consulted a doctor. He said that the wart was small in size, so Salipod could easily deal with it. The drug is available in the form of patches that must be glued to the affected area. The strips must be cut out, since the product should not come into contact with healthy skin. I stuck patches on the wart and changed them every two days. After three procedures, the wart disappeared. There are no traces of her left. Tatiana

Advantages and disadvantages

Special adhesive tape for removing warts, like all similar products, has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages are presented:

  • affordable price;
  • absence of unpleasant sensations during use;
  • proven composition, without dangerous components;
  • high efficiency when used.

The disadvantages of the product include:

  • duration of therapeutic procedures - the tumor disappears after 7-15 days from the start of manipulations;
  • regularly replacing the patch with a fresh one.

Pharmaceutical anti-HPV drugs are known to be safe for patients. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor and his approval to carry out procedures with special adhesive tape.

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