The best ways to fight psoriasis at home

Psoriasis on the scalp manifests itself in the form of a dense formation that appears on the skin under the scalp and forms a “cap”. Another manifestation of this form

psoriasis is the formation of small individual plaques. They do not interfere with or delay hair growth.

Therefore, if a person’s scalp is affected by psoriasis, this does not mean that his hair will begin to fall out. Psoriatic formations

do not harm the hair, because the hair roots are deeper than the plaques.
The scales on the head are easily palpable due to the high content of sebum in them, as a result of which they protrude above the surface of the skin.
With psoriasis, the most often affected areas of the scalp are: * partings;
* forehead, back of the head, back of the neck; * skin above/behind the ears, as well as earlobes.

Manifestations of scalp psoriasis

Epithelial exfoliation

happens to every person.
If this process is overly active, then dandruff may form, but dandruff itself is not dangerous to humans and can be treated by using special shampoos
However, with psoriasis, larger elements in the form of whitish flakes peel off from the epithelium. In order to eliminate them, you need to comb your hair with smooth movements
, but this should not be done too often.
Otherwise, the inflammatory processes will become more obvious
, and the skin will heal much more slowly.

Psoriasis - symptoms and treatment

Is there an effective treatment for psoriasis?

Despite the fact that psoriasis is a persistently recurrent disease, it can be completely eliminated if you promptly consult a dermatologist who can identify the true causes of psoriasis. Over the past decade, many systemic and local drugs have appeared aimed at eliminating the cause and suppressing the mechanism of development of the disease. Drugs that interact with each other using chemical signals (cytokines) have proven themselves very well. They eliminate the increased proliferation of skin creatinocytes [9].


In 1994, the team of the Department of Dermatovenereology of MAPO St. Petersburg introduced a method of treating psoriasis using ultraviolet irradiation of blood - photomodification of blood with ultraviolet light.

The ability of sunlight to have a beneficial effect on the skin in numerous diseases, including psoriasis, has been known since time immemorial. At the beginning of the 20th century, a group of German scientists hypothesized that since ultraviolet light has a healing effect on exposed skin, this effect will likely occur when blood is exposed to ultraviolet light. After all, this is also a kind of fabric. This assumption was confirmed by the first session of exposure to ultraviolet radiation on blood, which was carried out in Germany in 1924.

The therapeutic effect of ultraviolet rays on the blood is associated with deep structural changes at the molecular-atomic level, which are detected by immunocompetent organs - the liver, spleen, bone marrow and lymphoid tissue. These changes are regarded by the organs as an alarm signal, and therefore they produce tens of times more immune complexes. Ultraviolet in this case is a kind of “whip” that forces the body to sharply increase its defenses to fight the disease.

It is also worth noting the RT effect - ultraviolet light therapy . This treatment method is important given the chronic nature of psoriasis, associated with numerous complications of internal organs caused by a variety of microbial pathogens. The longer microbes stay in the body, the wider their habitat becomes. These microscopic creatures, through the blood and lymph flow, capture more and more new anatomical areas. Once in the tissue, they strive to penetrate as deeply as possible into the intercellular spaces. There they form microcolonies, protected by the remains of dead, destroyed cells and a leukocyte shaft. Thanks to this, microorganisms can remain out of reach of antibiotics for years. They easily compensate for the lack of nutrients by entering a state of suspended animation - something between life and death.

The ability of ultraviolet rays helps to destroy microbial “shelters”. They create favorable conditions for the penetration of antibiotics and other drugs that affect the cause of psoriasis [8].

Cutaneous use of ultraviolet light is also relevant. The most well-known treatment using this principle is PUVA therapy . Although it is less effective than ultraviolet irradiation of blood. The therapeutic effect does not last long, relapse can occur two weeks after the end of treatment.

Drug treatment

Of the medications that have proven themselves well:

  • vitamin A derivatives (Neotigazon, Tigason), which reduce the rate of keratinocyte maturation and normalize cell differentiation;
  • immunosuppressants (Cyclosporin A), which reduce the activity of T-lymphocytes that promote increased division of epidermal cells;
  • drugs for the treatment of malignant tumors (Methotrexate), inhibiting the reproduction and growth of atypical skin cells [16].

What ointments and creams are effective in treating psoriasis

Ointments and creams with anti-inflammatory components will help alleviate the patient's condition: Dermovate, Psorilom, Akriderm, Celestoderm.

How to treat scalp psoriasis

In the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp, ointments are not effective. In addition to medication and ultraviolet treatment, you can use a special shampoo, such as Nizoral.

How to treat psoriasis on elbows and hands

Psoriasis on the elbows and hands is treated with the same methods as on the rest of the body. The peculiarity of the course of psoriasis in this area is that the skin of the hands is subject to physical, mechanical and chemical influences, which are considered aggravating factors in the course of the disease.

Is monoclonal antibody treatment effective for psoriasis?

Treatment of psoriasis with monoclonal antibodies is very effective. Monoclonal antibody drugs are laboratory-made antibodies similar to those produced by human immune cells. Monoclonal antibodies selectively act on targets responsible for the development of the disease. Infliximab, adalimumab, and ustekinumab are used to treat psoriasis.

How to recognize and treat psoriasis in children

In children, psoriasis often occurs more violently and is disguised as other diseases (eczema, erysipelas, herpes), which makes diagnosis difficult. Treatment methods are similar to those for adults: phototherapy, medication and local treatment.

What baths to take for psoriasis

Baths with aloe supplements (Latin Aloe vera) will help reduce inflammation and itching [22].

How to treat psoriasis according to Pegano

The Pegano method for the treatment of psoriasis involves cleansing the intestines, diet and herbal teas. The effectiveness of this method has not been proven in clinical studies.

The role of nutrition in treatment

Nutrition greatly influences the course of psoriasis. During treatment, you need to exclude alcohol, salty, spicy, pickled foods, nuts, citrus fruits, honey, chocolate and smoked meats.

Which sanatoriums offer rest for the treatment of psoriasis?

For psoriasis, sanatorium-resort treatment is preferably carried out by the sea in a region with a warm, dry climate and a lot of sunny days. The resorts of Crimea are most suitable for this.

Traditional methods

Some folk remedies will help reduce itching and flaking of the skin in patients with mild to moderate psoriasis. These methods include:

  • cream with aloe extract (lat. Aloe vera);
  • fish oil applied to the skin covered with a bandage for six hours a day for four weeks;
  • cream with Oregon grape extract (lat. Mahonia aquifolium) [22].

Psoriatic lesions of the back of the neck

Plaques that form

behind the ears or on the back of the head,
can provoke a feeling
of itching, which can lead to scratching and its negative consequences.
Of course, scratching can temporarily relieve stress and bring relief,
but in the end, your well-being and skin condition will only worsen.
To combat itching, appropriate treatment is necessary, which can only be selected by a doctor.

Effect of use

Treatment of psoriasis at home using folk recipes improves the general condition of the skin and hair. Ointments, compresses and other products relieve inflammation and have disinfecting and exfoliating properties.

They soften the dermis covered with plaques, eliminate discomfort, and reduce itching. Hair masks for psoriasis strengthen the follicles, preventing hair loss.

If you believe survey data, perhaps the most effective remedy for the treatment of psoriasis is solidol and the drugs that contain it.

Following a diet, sanatorium holidays at resorts with mineral waters (in Pyatigorsk, Sochi, Yeisk and other cities), taking salt baths, antihistamines, using hormonal ointments and external preparations with tar also help well.

You should not expect that folk recipes are guaranteed to cure your skin and hair from psoriasis. The effectiveness of these drugs is based on consumer reviews, but has not been formally studied. Therefore, it is necessary to combat psoriasis comprehensively, without ignoring the recommendations of doctors and taking medications. Homemade hair masks, rinses, and tinctures are good as supportive rather than primary therapy. You can cope with psoriasis by acting in different directions at the same time.

Psoriatic lesions of the earlobes

On the back of the lobe, the skin is very flexible and delicate; it is practically not affected by air and solar radiation. This contributes to increased humidity

, and as a result, the development of inflammation and bacteria.
Therefore, careful hygiene of this area of ​​the skin is necessary. Frequent scratching can cause
damage to the skin on the back of the head, in the hair partings and at the border and their growth.
When mechanical damage to the skin occurs, hair follicles may suffer, which can cause the latter to become inflamed.

Effective recipes

Psoriasis: how to treat it at home? Let's consider the most popular and useful compositions:

  1. Flaxseed (1 tbsp) must be poured with boiling water (500 ml), after which the composition should be infused overnight. Early in the morning you should drink the entire portion of the medicine on an empty stomach. This therapy will help remove toxins and waste from the body, and will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
  2. Birch tar is well suited for external treatment of psoriasis. This remedy is applied directly to the rash, after an hour it is washed off and the epidermis is lubricated with celandine tincture. It is required to carry out 15 such procedures (once a day).
  3. A compress made from celery root will help cope with skin itching and reduce the intensity of other symptoms of the disease. So, the plant is crushed, the finished pulp is applied to the “affected” epidermis. The compress is kept for 2 hours, the procedure is carried out daily for 60 days. It is recommended to supplement local treatment with celery juice (2 tablespoons of the drink three times a day).
  4. 2-3 tbsp. l. clover flowers are wrapped in gauze and doused with boiling water. After a minute, such a compress is applied to the affected area for several hours.
  5. Another effective remedy for fighting psoriasis is cabbage pickle. The liquid is applied to psoriatic plaques before bedtime and washed off in the morning. At least 7 such procedures are carried out in a row.
  6. Boil 2-3 chicken eggs hard, take out the yolks, grind them to a paste. After this, this mass is placed in a clean frying pan and fried for 45 minutes - an oily liquid of a reddish hue should appear. It is recommended to lubricate the affected areas with it several times a day until the rash disappears.
  7. A simple, but at the same time, effective remedy against psoriasis is flax oil (it can be purchased at the pharmacy). You should treat the irritated areas of the epidermis with it twice a day for two weeks.
  8. One potato is cut, grated, and applied to painful areas as a compress for 2 hours daily.

Ointment with solid oil. A rather specific, but effective option for home therapy for psoriasis is the use of medicinal ointment based on solid oil. It is prepared like this:

  • 0.5 kg of purified grease;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • Half a tube of baby cream.

This mixture can be enriched with additional components:

  • White of 1 fresh egg;
  • 1 tsp. sulfur powder;
  • 2 tsp. ash obtained from chestnut fruits.

If the rash lesions occupy a large area on the skin, it is recommended to apply this ointment to the affected areas once a day. For small plaques - twice a day.

Ointment with VaselineAnother effective ointment to combat skin manifestations of psoriasis: 100 g of Vaseline is combined with 1 tsp. gunpowder The prepared product is used to treat the affected areas daily (at least 10 times).

Ointment with propolis The following ointment is considered an effective folk remedy against psoriasis:

  • 10-15 g of propolis;
  • 3 capsules of vitamin A;
  • 100 g slightly warmed butter.

Soak gauze with the prepared mixture and apply it to painful areas as a compress.

Ointment with garlic Garlic is considered an effective remedy for fighting psoriasis. So, several cloves of this root vegetable are passed through a meat grinder (grinded to a homogeneous consistency), after which 200 ml of water is poured into the mass and left to infuse for several hours. The finished composition is applied to the “affected” skin for half an hour several times a day.

Let's look at a few more difficult-to-prepare, but very effective ointments for the treatment of psoriasis:

  1. 100 g of butter is combined with 1 tbsp. l. fish oil, 30 g propolis, 20 g beeswax, 10 Apilaka tablets and 1 tbsp. l. pollen. All components are mixed and heated in a water bath. How to use the product: the ointment is applied to psoriasis lesions three times a day, combining local therapy with taking propolis tincture orally (20-30 drops of the product are diluted in half a glass of water and drunk 30 minutes before meals).
  2. 50 g of string is poured with the same amount of purified alcohol. The finished mixture is infused for at least 10 days. After the specified period of time, the product is filtered, 30 g of lanolin and petroleum jelly are added to the tincture. This composition is used to treat the affected areas of the epidermis several times a day.
  3. 10 g Kalanchoe juice + 30 g eucalyptus oil + 10 g honey. The ingredients are mixed and left for 5 days. The prepared ointment is applied to the “affected” skin twice a day.
  4. 1 raw egg is combined with a glass of vinegar and the same amount of butter. The finished composition is placed in the refrigerator for 7 days, after which the ointment can be used to treat rash areas of the skin at least 6-7 times a day.

Psoriasis goes away instantly if you apply regular... Read more

Psoriasis is cured instantly! you need to smear the skin... Read more

Hair care for psoriatic scalp lesions

When drying and washing your hair, you must avoid damage.

and scratching plaques.
Use alternately medicated and simple shampoo to restore the natural water balance of the scalp. When drying your hair, you should keep the hair dryer
about half a meter from your head, and it is better not to use various tips and attachments at all.
During treatment, you should not use curling and straightening irons or curl them with curlers, as this can lead to dryness and hair loss.
Hair brushes

It is necessary to choose only those with natural bristles, and it is better not to use brushes with plastic teeth

Even psoriasis

on the head cannot cause hair loss, but scratching the skin can create a wound that can
become infected
. This is what can cause hair loss.

Therefore, it is recommended not to use ribbons or elastic bands for your hair, and not to comb or tie them. And in severe cases of this disease, it is more practical

and it is more convenient to have short haircuts, not to dye your hair and not to do various types of perms.

External treatment

Particular attention in the treatment of psoriasis is paid to the choice of external medications, since among patients there are predominantly people with mild and moderately severe disease, which are characterized mainly by skin manifestations.

These products are designed to cope with skin symptoms:

  • reduce and eliminate itching;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • reduce the volume of lesions;
  • promote regression of plaques;
  • reduce skin peeling;
  • moisturize dry areas.

Homemade compresses

Peeling scales are softened with compresses from available ingredients. A mixture of unrefined oils: olive, sunflower, almond, coconut and apricot moisturizes and reduces inflammation. Mix 2-3 components in a bowl and heat the mask in a water bath. Rub into the scalp with massage movements and wrap with a plastic cap. The oil medicine is left overnight, and in the morning the remains are washed off with an apple bite diluted with water. Glycothymoline and Listerine are used instead. For 60 ml of the selected drug, take 0.5 liters of warm liquid.

Nourishing cream for psoriasis is prepared from castor oil. Mix 15 ml of the component with liquid vitamins E, A and D. Add 10-15 drops of each additive to warm oil and gently rub the mixture into the inflamed formations. The head is wrapped in cling film and a terry towel to increase the absorption of nutritional components.

Symptoms of psoriasis are removed by clover flowers. Pour 6–7 tbsp into a thick gauze bag. l. dried plant. The workpiece is dipped in boiling water for 5 minutes and then lightly squeezed. A warm poultice is applied to the problem area until it cools. Tea from clover flowers is taken orally, but without honey or sugar.

Mustard masks increase blood circulation in the scalp. They reduce irritation and soothe itching. Medicinal paste is prepared from mustard powder. Warm water is added to the dry product in small portions until a thick mass is obtained, reminiscent of jelly in consistency.

The mask is distributed in a thin layer over the scalp. The treated areas are covered with cling film and a wool scarf or scarf is tied on top. Keep the mustard medicine until a strong burning sensation appears. The remaining powder is washed off with herbal decoctions that soothe reddened skin.

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