The best face masks for fatigue and lack of sleep at home

From this article you will learn:

  • What is a good mask for facial rejuvenation at home?
  • What homemade masks can be used for facial rejuvenation?
  • Why the most effective are salon masks for rejuvenating the skin of the face and neck
  • How to apply a mask for facial rejuvenation
  • Which mask is the most effective for facial rejuvenation?

Poor environment, lack of sleep, poor diet, and constant stress do not have the best effect on the condition of our skin. With age, subcutaneous fat disappears, the skin on the face loses moisture and becomes dull. Because of this, facial wrinkles appear. Unfortunately, aging cannot be stopped, but it can be slowed down. Facial rejuvenation masks will help with this.

What is a good mask for facial rejuvenation at home?

To keep your skin young for as long as possible, stop smoking, removing freckles, and bleaching your skin. Constant weight gain and loss also makes a negative contribution. When going outside on a sunny day, apply a special protective product. Tan with caution. Due to these manipulations, the skin loses moisture, becomes dry and flabby.

You can rejuvenate your facial skin at home; you don’t have to visit a beauty salon. For example, you can do rejuvenating massages that refresh the skin and relax the muscles, which leads to good results.

The advantages of anti-aging procedures at home are obvious:

  • You can prepare scrubs, peelings and masks yourself;
  • They are often prepared from ingredients that every housewife has in her kitchen;
  • Peels and masks for facial rejuvenation, prepared at home, are completely natural;
  • They do not contain preservatives, stabilizers and other “yucks” that commercial cosmetics are often filled with.

It turns out that homemade masks for facial skin rejuvenation are more effective and allow you to save a lot of money that would have to be spent in a beauty salon. Pay attention to the composition of cosmetics, even very expensive ones: not a single mask will contain 100% natural ingredients, so prepare them at home. Then you will definitely be sure of achieving the desired result.

You need to start by drinking at least one and a half liters of still water every day. Buy bottled water, then you will know exactly how much you drank during the day. Green tea without sugar can also replace some of the water.

It is important to eat well and balanced. Pay attention to what you eat. Be sure to consume carotene, fiber and vitamin A.

In any case, if you decide to rejuvenate at home, you cannot do without folk recipes.

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There are also negative points:

  • The appearance of jowls, drooping of tissues. Because of this, a person looks older than his age.
  • It is difficult to undergo cosmetic procedures. Wrinkles can be removed using peeling, lifting and other manipulations. But it is very difficult to distribute subcutaneous fat evenly. Most cosmetic procedures are ineffective.
  • Gravitational ptosis, jowls and other signs of the deformation type of aging can appear very early, even before the age of 30. For example, after pregnancy, if a woman has gained a lot of weight.

Note. Although it is difficult to combat the symptoms of aging with this morphotype using cosmetology, there are still ways to make age-related changes less pronounced.

Homemade masks for facial rejuvenation: TOP 7 beauty recipes

Asian mask

Incredibly, the main component of an Asian mask is rice. On the other hand, there is nothing to be surprised about, because this product is the main food of Asians. It contains many useful components, so Eastern women look very good. It includes the following elements:

  • Starch, softening the skin;
  • Choline, which relieves irritation;
  • Silicon, which gives elasticity;
  • Potassium, which fights dryness;
  • Vitamins PP and H, refreshing the complexion and promoting cell regeneration.

When making such a mask for facial rejuvenation, you must strictly follow the recipe. Then it will make your skin soft, soft and be as effective as possible.

The recipe for preparing a rice mask for facial rejuvenation is as follows: take 200 grams of rice and rinse it seven times, pour it into a pan, pour two glasses of water, cover and leave for 10 hours. You can do this in the morning so that everything is ready in the evening. After time, a film will appear on the surface of the grains. If it's not there, then you did something wrong. Then cook the rice, all the water should be gone.

Attention! Do not mix the contents of the container!

Remove the top layer of rice; it contains the most beneficial substances; it is from this that a mask for facial rejuvenation is made. Cool the resulting mass, mix it with egg yolk; no white is needed. Apply the prepared mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

This mask is well suited for women 45 years and older. The rest of the rice can be eaten.

Wheat germ mask

This mask for facial skin rejuvenation can be done from the age of 40. It is very effective and contains a large amount of vitamins. Wheat sprouts give the skin a healthy and fresh look and also renew cells. If your skin has already begun to undergo slight age-related changes, then prepare such a mask. You will not regret it.

Rinse the sprouts in water, dry and grind in a blender. Then mix with high-fat sour cream (if the skin is dry), milk (for sensitive skin), kefir (if the skin is oily), yogurt (for normal skin). You should get a thick paste, which is applied to the face for 25 minutes, after which it is washed off.

Vitamin yeast mask

Take a tablespoon of yeast, mix with a spoon of dairy product depending on your skin type (see recipe for a mask with wheat germ). Add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of flaxseed oil, mix thoroughly. Heat the water, but do not bring it to a boil. Place the container with the mixture in a pan of water and turn off the heat. Wait for the yeast to ferment. As soon as the process begins (foam appears), the mask can be applied to the face after cooling. Apply the facial rejuvenation mask in a thick layer and rinse with warm water after 10 minutes.

Yeast contains B vitamins, so this mask perfectly rejuvenates and promotes cell restoration. It will help improve the appearance of your face. See for yourself!

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Gelatin mask for facial rejuvenation

First, let's figure out what collagen is. Collagen is a protein that contributes to skin elasticity. When there is not enough of it, the face begins to age. Typically, collagen molecules in cosmetic products are too large, so they cannot penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. Gelatin is broken down collagen. And since the particles are split, they can penetrate much deeper. Therefore, gelatin is very beneficial for facial skin.

A mask for facial skin rejuvenation is prepared from gelatin and honey. You will need 25 grams of gelatin, one tablespoon of cold water, a teaspoon of honey, 60 grams of glycerin. Pour gelatin with water and leave for half an hour. Then add honey and glycerin. Place the resulting mixture in a water bath, heat it up, but not too much. That's it, you can apply it to your face with a cotton pad for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, remove the resulting film from your face and wipe with tonic.

Starch mask for facial rejuvenation

Ordinary potato starch can provide your skin with an impressive rejuvenating effect. Many people say that starch gives the same results as Botox injections. Of course, this is a huge exaggeration, but it really works great as a base for a facial rejuvenation mask. Even the most expensive cosmetics from well-known brands will not be able to help as well as starch, which is available to everyone.

Mix a spoonful of potato starch with a spoonful of cocoa powder, add a little rosehip oil and yogurt. Leave on your face for 20-30 minutes.

Pumpkin face mask for rejuvenation

Pumpkin facial rejuvenation mask is useful for cleansing. It saturates the top layer of skin with vitamins, enriches it with nourishing and moisturizing components, smoothes wrinkles, and brightens the face. After all, pumpkin contains many nutrients.

Dry skin begins to age early and has increased sensitivity. You can correct the situation with the help of a pumpkin. The best option is not to use boiled pumpkin, but to steam it or cook it in the oven. In this case, the maximum possible amount of valuable substances will remain in it. If you do decide to boil the pumpkin, use a small amount of water.

You will need:

  • 50 grams of pumpkin pulp;
  • 5 grams of honey;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 20 grams of cream with 20% fat content.

Boil the pumpkin pulp and mash it to a puree. Heat the honey in the microwave, mix it with pumpkin puree, egg yolk and high-fat cream. Stir the resulting mixture and apply to your face for 20 minutes. This facial rejuvenation mask can be done once every three days.

Raspberry mask

Take three tablespoons of raspberries and mash them to a puree consistency. Add a teaspoon of honey, the same amount of olive oil and an egg yolk to the puree. Mix the resulting mass well, apply to your face for 20 minutes, and wash.

Such a mask for facial rejuvenation will give the skin a healthy appearance and velvety, and also eliminate minor imperfections.

Makeup doesn't like tired skin!

You might be surprised, but makeup products don't adhere well to tired skin. Try using foundation or powder while in this state and you will notice how tight your skin looks. Even distributing liquid makeup products evenly will be a challenge. This is why experts recommend using moisturizer as a base. It will smooth out your skin tone.

Do you want to have a fresh and healthy complexion every day? To do this, you must use a mask against fatigued facial skin. You will need a few ingredients. They can be found in any kitchen. You can combine them and get effective remedies.

Apply the masks for no more than a few minutes, and your skin will transform from tired and dull to radiant and hydrated.

How to remove fatigue from your face? Below are the most effective natural masks:

Other recipes for masks for facial rejuvenation

Clay mask for facial rejuvenation

White clay is perfect for women with oily skin, as it allows you to get rid of excess shine. If you need to stabilize the sebaceous glands, then a clay mask is an excellent option. Clay rejuvenates the skin, draws out free radicals and toxins from the body, smoothes out wrinkles.

To prepare such a mask you will need clay in powder form. Dilute it with warm water and apply to face and neck for five minutes. If you have oily skin, then leave the mask on for 15 minutes. Then wash it off with water.

Protein mask for oily skin

Beat the white of an egg (quail or chicken) and apply to your face for half an hour, then wash with cool mineral water. Then you can wipe your skin with an ice cube. To enhance the effect of such a mask for facial rejuvenation, use a herbal decoction. Brew linden blossom, chamomile or St. John's wort and hold your face over the steam for 10 minutes. During this time, the pores will open, so when you wash off the protein mask, dead cells and all impurities will also be washed away.

Yolk and radish mixture

Take one chicken yolk, mix it with one tablespoon of grated radish, honey and cream. Hold this mask for facial rejuvenation for 15 minutes, then rinse with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile infusion.

Yolk and rye flour mask

Mix one tablespoon of milk with egg yolk, add a tablespoon of rye flour, mix thoroughly. The mixture should have the consistency of thick sour cream. Leave on your face for 15 minutes. To rinse off, in addition to water, you can use weak tea.

Apple mask

Making an apple mask to rejuvenate facial skin is very simple: grate an apple and add thick sour cream. You should get a paste. Apply it on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse off. This mask will give your skin a healthy glow, moisturize and refresh it.

Sea buckthorn mask

It is enough to take two spoons of sea buckthorn, grind the berries into puree, add a spoon of cucumber juice, wheat flour and protein. Stir the mixture and apply an even layer on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse off the mask with water. This facial rejuvenation mask is especially useful for problematic and inflamed skin prone to oily skin.

Cottage cheese face mask

Take two tablespoons of cottage cheese (fat content does not matter), mix with one spoon of liquid honey, raw yolk, a teaspoon of lemon juice, and a small amount of olive oil. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse. The mask is especially good for tired skin.

Lemon mask

Lemon mask for facial rejuvenation is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • Two raw yolks;
  • A teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • A teaspoon of aloe juice;
  • A teaspoon of honey;
  • A teaspoon of olive oil.

Bring all of the above components to a homogeneous mass and apply a thin layer to the skin, but not to the area around the eyes. When the mask on your face is dry, apply another layer, then another. During the rejuvenating procedure there is no need to talk, laugh or show any emotions. This is really important because the mask should dry evenly and not crease. After half an hour, rinse off the mixture first with warm water and then with cool water. You can also wipe your face with an ice cube. This mask smoothes out shallow wrinkles, whitens, relieves fatigue, and tightens pores.

Aloe juice mask

Aloe juice is suitable for all skin types, but especially dry ones. Aloe vera is a popular ingredient in cosmetics from well-known brands, as it contains large amounts of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other nutrients. Aloe is very useful for rejuvenating facial skin; it perfectly smoothes out shallow wrinkles, evens out color and refreshes the appearance.

To prepare a facial rejuvenation mask, take a few aloe leaves and put them in the refrigerator for 14 days. After this time, squeeze the juice out of the leaves, pour into it the same amount of olive oil as the amount of aloe juice. Add a little nourishing cream and heat the mixture until smooth. When the mask has cooled and becomes lukewarm, apply it to your face for 25 minutes, then wash with cool water.

Read material on the topic: Laser facial skin rejuvenation: useful tips and recommendations

Dark circles under the eyes

The thinnest skin is under the eyes. That’s why we see dark circles – venous blood that accumulates in vessels that have lost their tone

Without leaving home. Bruises are difficult to remove and not always possible, but in unadvanced cases, contrast compresses can help. Pieces of ice from a decoction of herbs or ordinary tea should be applied to the eyes, alternating with cotton pads dipped in a warm decoction.

Let's look into the jar. Yeast complexes, plantain extract, hyaluronic acid have the properties of improving blood circulation in capillaries, increasing skin elasticity and removing puffiness.

Professional hands. Hardware procedures with microcurrents and ultrasound can restore tone and disperse venous blood. Thanks to them, the blood rushes, and the vitamins and amino acids from the preliminary mask rush deep into the epidermis.

What are the most effective masks for facial rejuvenation?

In a beauty salon, one of the most popular facial skin care procedures is applying a mask. Some people buy ready-made masks for facial rejuvenation in the store, others prepare them at home on their own. Nevertheless, salon formulations have the most pronounced effect - one visit is enough, and you will already notice it. A beauty salon specialist will choose an option that suits your skin type. There are products that get rid of excess oiliness or dryness, designed to nourish normal skin, to fight acne, to eliminate sensitivity, to brighten, etc.

There are different forms of masks for facial rejuvenation:

  • Powdered ones are diluted to a cream immediately before use;
  • Pasty ones contain clay as a base, as well as mud with medicinal properties;
  • Creamy ones are the most delicate and soft;
  • Gel masks contain alcohol as well as essential oils;
  • Collagen masks are applied to aging skin to provide a tightening effect;
  • Alginate masks completely harden after application, acquiring the consistency of tight rubber;
  • Film masks are removed after hardening as a single piece without using a remover.

What are the masks made of that are applied to clients in salons? Facial rejuvenation masks contain seaweed, various types of clay, paraffin, vegetable oils, placenta, and animal collagen. The result could be as follows:

  • Moisturizing excessively dry skin;
  • Tightening flabby and sagging skin, giving it tone;
  • Active nutrition and saturation with useful substances;
  • Relieves inflammation and eliminates acne;
  • Removal of superficial and deep contaminants;
  • Giving skin tone;
  • Strengthening blood vessels;
  • Active rejuvenation.

Approximately twice a month you need to visit the salon to apply a mask to rejuvenate your facial skin. If the cosmetologist is a professional, he will select a product that suits your skin type. Applying a mask is a painless and quite pleasant, relaxing procedure. Moreover, compared to other services, it is inexpensive.

You need to prepare for a visit to the salon in advance in order to achieve the desired result and avoid unwanted consequences. It is enough to follow a few recommendations and remember important nuances to avoid mistakes. So, remember the following:

  1. Before coming to the beauty salon, go through full medical examination

    to detect existing diseases.

  2. When the results of the examination are in hand, go to a cosmetologist to identify contraindications.
  3. Be sure to tell him if you have any allergic reactions or illnesses that are not listed on the medical certificate.
  4. Request a certificate from both the salon and the specialist who will perform the procedure.
  5. Watch a video of how this procedure is carried out.
  6. If you have any doubts or questions, do not leave them for later, but resolve them immediately.
  7. If you experience any discomfort during the procedure, immediately inform your specialist.
  8. If redness and swelling after the procedure persist for more than two days, you need to contact the salon.

Summer is the worst time for salon treatments, because damaged skin should not be exposed to ultraviolet radiation. In autumn, winter, and non-sunny spring, you can safely make an appointment with a specialist. Remember: you can’t do salon facial treatments in summer.


Read material on the topic: How to remove wrinkles on the face: the most effective methods

Advantages of deformation type aging

This morphotype has several clear advantages:

  • wrinkles and age spots do not appear;
  • If you monitor your weight, then as you age, the contours will not blur too much, it will be almost unnoticeable.

Owners of this morphotype are very lucky, because now it is not so difficult to control body weight. There are a huge number of diets, exercises and so on. In the future, that is, with aging, this will play into their hands, since age-related changes will be practically unnoticeable.

Which mask is best for facial rejuvenation in a beauty salon?

Unfortunately, skin aging is inevitable, and it is impossible to reverse this process. Moreover, it has not yet been sufficiently studied. You should not believe advertising that claims that there is a wonderful cream that can smooth out all wrinkles in a few days, make the skin velvety, etc. An important task of professional cosmetology is the prevention of aging, which will preserve the youthfulness of facial skin for many years without resorting to plastic surgery. One of the means for this is masks for facial skin rejuvenation.

Collagen and placental-collagen masks are considered the most effective. With age, the skin on the face sags due to decreased collagen synthesis. This is a protein substance of animal origin; it forms a framework under the epidermis, maintaining its elasticity and tone.

Where does collagen come from? From the skin of animals and fish. It is processed in a special way, due to which it acquires special properties, including antioxidant ones. This is what allows collagen molecules to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, smoothing out wrinkles and folds. Marine collagen is similar to human collagen, but you need to keep in mind that it can be an allergen.

Collagen can also be plant-based; it is extracted from wheat proteins. It promotes the production of your own collagen and is perfectly absorbed by the skin.

When you complete a course of anti-aging masks, the oval of your face will become clearer, and your skin will be fresh and soft. Collagen contributes to the formation of a surface protective layer that retains moisture. Among other things, such masks increase the synthesis of fibroblasts and have a moisturizing and regenerating effect. The advantage of masks is that they are suitable for people of any age, after mesotherapy, for sensitive skin and after chemical peels.

If you are going to go out into the world or attend some important event and therefore urgently need to “fix your face,” special “instant beauty” masks are perfect. They are applied to the face and neck for half an hour.

One type of such collagen masks is a collagen sheet, consisting of a thin fibrous base containing a high percentage of collagen of plant or animal origin and impregnated with an aqueous solution.

Nourishing masks with biologically active substances also belong to masks for facial rejuvenation. They contain extracts of placenta (bovine and human), amniotic fluid (fetal sac of cattle), bee products, collagenase (from crab liver), bovine semen.

How to determine if you have the deformational-edematous type

It is not necessary to wait for age-related changes to understand that you have exactly this morphotype. This can be done before the age of 30, just look at your mother and grandmothers. This type is closely related to heredity.

There is another way - look at famous mature actresses and singers in their youth. Find those with whom you have common features in appearance. They indicate that you have the same morphotype of age-related changes. You will age about the same as they do.

If you are overweight or have a predisposition to it, then most likely you have a Slavic type. In this case, you need to constantly monitor your body weight to avoid sagging and drooping tissue.

However, it should be borne in mind that based on all of the above, one can only assume what changes will occur to the face in old age. Of course, in many respects everything depends on genetics, but other factors (care, lifestyle, etc.) cannot be ignored.

How to apply a mask for facial skin rejuvenation

Applying a facial rejuvenation mask should be done in a calm environment. A cosmetologist should have warm hands and communicate with the client slowly. A cosmetic mask is a whole ritual, and not just a facial skin care procedure.

The client should relax, feel refreshed from daily tension and stress. If this does not happen, then do not count on the desired effect.

Trust your face only to professional specialists, because it is very important to choose the right composition of a mask for facial rejuvenation and determine the condition of the skin.

A specialist will definitely check whether you are allergic to any components included in the facial rejuvenation mask. This is easy to do: a small amount of the product is applied to the extensor surface of the forearm. If after 10 minutes a burning sensation, redness, or itching appears, then the mask should not be applied to the face.

In addition to checking for allergies, the technician should ask whether the patient suffers from claustrophobia. If yes, then you should not choose masks that harden and compress the soft tissues of the face. This can cause a feeling of enclosed space, as a result of which the client will begin to panic and there will be no effect from the procedure. These masks include paraffin, lifting and alginate.

You cannot immediately apply a face rejuvenation mask. The skin is first cleaned with a hot compress or vaporization, that is, a stream of steam mixed with ozone. Both methods open up the pores. Steam also kills microorganisms.

You should not always moisturize the skin, but only if it is prescribed in the instructions for use of the mask. Not all medications can be applied to the eyelids and the area above the upper lip. If, however, the composition of the facial rejuvenation mask is suitable for such areas, then special tampons moistened with lotion or chamomile decoction are placed on the eye area. Then the composition will definitely not get into your eyes. Getting a mask into your nose is also unacceptable.

The mask is applied from bottom to top along massage lines: from the chin to the earlobes, from the corners of the lips to the middle of the auricle, from the nose to the temples, then from the middle of the forehead to the temples. The figure shows these directions:

To apply a mask to rejuvenate facial skin, you need various tools: spatulas, special brushes that resemble makeup brushes, but are stiffer, flatter and wider. In rare cases, a specialist applies the mask with his hands. A sterile spatula is needed in any case: it is used to remove the required amount of the finished composition from the jar. In some beauty salons, the ingredients of the mask are mixed right before application, in which case the cosmetologist determines the required volume in advance. It is better to use disposable containers, spatulas, and sponges for rinsing.

The mask is applied in a fairly thick layer for 10-40 minutes in accordance with the instructions. The client should not talk or laugh during this time.

There is no need to stretch the skin when washing off the mask. You should use cotton swabs or sponges moistened with cool water if the skin is oily, and warm if dry. Gels and foams for washing are not recommended. If the facial rejuvenation mask dries out some time after application, soak it with water and then carefully wash it off without damaging the skin.

Keep in mind that you can apply cosmetics only two hours after the procedure, and preferably 3-4. Only a light moisturizer is allowed.

And yet, what is the result of applying a mask to rejuvenate facial skin?

  • Relieving facial skin from environmental stress;
  • Enriching the skin with moisture;
  • Improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage;
  • Improved appearance: tightened oval face, giving the skin freshness and velvety, reducing pores;
  • Saturation of the skin with nutrients;
  • Regulation of the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • Relieving irritation and inflammation;
  • Improved mood and self-esteem.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

Did you know? Experts confirm the effectiveness of face masks in relieving signs of fatigue. Compositions prepared at home stimulate cellular metabolism and promote skin regeneration.

Cosmetologists recommend applying masks to previously cleansed epidermis in the morning 2-3 times a week. It is better to choose a suitable recipe and do it regularly for a month. Then you need a break for 2 weeks, after which you can continue the sessions or try another remedy for fatigue.

The best masks for face and neck rejuvenation in beauty salons

Each beauty salon has its own set of cosmetic procedures, the main of which are masks for facial skin rejuvenation. We recommend contacting the City Beauty and Health Center “Veronika Herba”. Here they will select a mask specifically for your skin, based on the results of certain tests, age and contraindications:

Care programs for the exclusive cosmetic line “HOLY LAND” (Israel)


HOLY LAND Cosmetics is one of the leading laboratories for the creation and production of professional cosmetic products of the future generation, founded in Israel in 1984. Many years ago, the credo of this company was formulated, which has not changed to this day: effective, natural and safe drugs for solving aesthetic problems at the most modern level. The company develops special formulas that promote self-regeneration of the skin with minimal external influence. In production, only natural raw materials are used, which are not tested on animals. Cosmetologists perform unique procedures to treat a wide variety of skin problems. This is possible thanks to the high-quality products of “HOLY LAND” and the combination of drugs from various lines. You get an excellent opportunity to improve the appearance of your skin and make it healthier for a long time.

The company's specialists will select an individual cleaning method for you, based on the type and condition of your skin. The procedure can be performed at any time of the year and at any age; it is not contraindicated for pregnant women. Facial cleansing is done in stages: first, deep cleansing of the skin, delicate peeling, application of warming lotion and lipolytic solution, as well as anti-inflammatory disinfectants are performed. After this, a mask based on natural ingredients is used to stimulate the reduction of pores. The final part is the use of products that enhance skin protection and restoration. The result will be noticeable immediately after the procedure and will last for a long time. This is possible thanks to the deep and complex action of the drugs, as well as moisturizing regenerating procedures.

As a result:

  • Inflammation is reduced;
  • Pores are reduced;
  • Skin looks clean, fresh and rested;
  • Skin color and texture are evened out.


  • Porous skin;
  • Acne;
  • Post-acne (pigmentation, scars, stagnant spots);
  • Uneven skin texture and color;
  • Presence of minor defects (comedones, milia);
  • Oily, combination, aging skin.

The cost of the procedure is from 3000 rubles.

Mask for lifting rejuvenation “ARCHI-LIFT”

This mask stimulates microcirculation and restores skin tone, as it contains vitamin PP and acetylhexapeptide-8. As a result, facial features will become softer and clearer, wrinkles will be smoothed out, and a noticeable and quick tightening effect will appear. This procedure costs approximately 7 thousand rubles.

Recommended for those who have wrinkles, decreased skin tone, and age-related changes. Skin type doesn't matter.

During the procedure, preparations are used that do not contain parabens, mineral oils, silicone, artificial dyes, animal products and methylosothiazolinone.

Active lifting “DELUXE ARCHI-LIFT”

The effect is achieved through double peeling in combination with vitamin C and an innovative two-phase plasticizing mask. This procedure improves skin tone. While the exclusive lifting massage “COMFORT ZONE” stimulates cell regeneration, changes the shape of the face, the client feels the fullness of the skin.

Recommended for all skin types with age-related changes, uneven complexion, localized hyperpigmentation, decreased tone and pronounced wrinkles.

During the procedure, preparations are used that do not contain parabens, mineral oils, silicone, artificial dyes, animal products and methylosothiazolinone.

This procedure costs at least 8 thousand rubles.

Read material on the topic: How to care for facial skin: home care and salon treatments

You don't have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment. There are two such centers in Moscow – near Timiryazevskaya metro station and Otradnoye metro station.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!


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