How to make a black mask for blackheads at home: the best recipes

Oh, these oriental women! How beautiful their skin is, well-groomed and without blemishes! Did you know that it was Chinese cosmetologists who were the first to use activated charcoal in the fight against acne and comedones? In the article: cleansing recipes for face masks made from activated carbon.

How does activated carbon work?

Activated carbon is a neutral substance, i.e. can neither improve nor worsen the general condition of the body. It is characterized by a high absorption coefficient due to its developed porous structure, which makes it a highly effective sorbent. In medicine and cosmetology it is used as an adsorbent.

In the photo: a greatly enlarged structure of activated carbon and the principle of carbon adsorption

The substance adsorbs well

  • plant and microbial toxins
  • many organic and inorganic compounds
  • fats

Thanks to this, activated carbon is indispensable in the care of problem skin.

Causes of blackheads

But quite often it happens that the pores become clogged with organic substances:

  • dead skin cells;
  • dust;
  • Then.

They oxidize and turn black when exposed to air. The reasons for the appearance of blackheads include excessive consumption of salty, sweet and, of course, fatty foods.

In addition, stress and improper care can also cause clogged pores. But the main reason lies in the increased activity of the sebaceous glands and the secretion they produce.

As a result, the skin shines and looks unkempt. And now it’s impossible to leave the house without using powder or other mattifying agents. To cope with this problem, cosmetologists recommend using:

  • scrubs;
  • tonics;
  • balms;
  • serums;
  • gels;
  • adhesive strips;
  • masks.

We propose to dwell in more detail on the last option. And all because masks most effectively “pull” their contents out of clogged pores. In addition, if you prepare a mask yourself, it will not only be effective, but also very inexpensive.

Why do blackheads appear?

All ages are susceptible to the formation of pimples and blackheads. The reasons can be very different:

  • oily skin;
  • improper skin care;
  • ecology;
  • incorrectly selected or low-quality cosmetics;
  • genetics;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • stress;
  • taking medications, etc.

The roots of problems need to be looked for in your lifestyle or in heredity. Of course, one of the most common reasons is poor nutrition, alcohol and smoking.

Next in the ranking of the reasons for the appearance of blackheads is improper skin care: excessive dryness or lack of hydration. Use moderation when using alcohol-based lotions. Use moisturizing masks more often. Before going to bed, do not forget to cleanse your face of makeup. And in general, don’t skimp on the cosmetics you apply to your face. Since low-quality products will make themselves felt, and in some cases will not just ruin your mood, but will also add additional costs to doctors and cosmetologists.

Another reason is your mood. It has long been proven by psychologists all over the world that any stress or experience affects our health in one way or another. Please note that eternally dissatisfied or angry people develop wrinkles earlier. People who often experience stress are more likely than others to have skin problems: pimples, acne, blackheads, etc. This is all due to the fact that in people with a weakened nervous system, the level of production of the sebaceous glands is much higher, and therefore they do not have time to come out, thereby forming acne.

Blackheads are called comedones - they are dirt formed in the pores due to the exposure of the upper fat layer of the skin to oxygen. More precisely, the sebaceous glands do not have time to come out, harden and thereby form blackheads.

Charcoal mask recipe for blackheads

Such a well-known absorbent as activated carbon can rarely be found in home medicine cabinets these days. Many have replaced this natural product, which removes toxins from the body and perfectly cleanses the face, with expensive innovative products.

But in vain, because using gelatin and activated carbon when preparing a mask for blackheads, you can get an effective remedy for cleansing clogged pores from organic substances accumulated in them. It is able to cope with contaminants that cannot always be removed even with mechanical cleaning. In addition, a black acne mask at home is a fairly budget-friendly option for cleansing your face.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  1. Activated carbon – 3 tablets.
  2. Milk – 30 milliliters.
  3. Gelatin – 1.5 tablespoons.

Advantages and disadvantages

A black mask is effective not only in cleansing pores and removing blackheads. In addition, it has a number of other advantages:

  1. Regulates sebum production and makes the skin matte.
  2. Additional components of the mask nourish the skin and give it a healthy appearance.
  3. Cleanses the skin of impurities.
  4. Reduces the amount of inflammation.
  5. Relieves skin puffiness and improves complexion.

Despite this, the black mask also has its disadvantages:

  1. It can dry out the skin, so it is only suitable for oily or combination skin types.
  2. The film mask is not recommended for overly sensitive skin. The process of removing a mask from your face can lead to redness and irritation.
  3. After using the mask, the skin may begin to peel.

Process description

To make a black mask for blackheads, you need:

  1. Grind the activated carbon tablets into powder in a mortar or using a rolling pin.
  2. Heat the milk to a temperature of thirty degrees, add gelatin into it and stir until it dissolves.
  3. Add crushed tablets and mix all ingredients very thoroughly.

A black acne mask at home is ready. But some conditions must be met to achieve the desired result. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to restore the skin to its former beauty and healthy appearance. The most important thing is not how to make a black mask for blackheads, but in the preliminary preparation of the face.

Benefits of facial cleanser

A product prepared at home, unlike a store-bought product, does not contain harmful chemical additives that extend shelf life, is more effective and has a lower risk of side effects.

The black mask affects the skin as follows:

  1. Deeply cleanses the dermis . Using a mask helps cleanse the face of various types of impurities.
  2. Nourishes the skin . Thanks to its rich composition, the mask saturates the skin with vitamins and minerals.
  3. Prolongs the youthfulness of the face . The active substances included in the product, penetrating deep into the dermis, help accelerate metabolic processes, as a result of which the skin remains young longer.
  4. Eliminates various skin problems . Using a black mask, you can get rid of blackheads, pimples and greasy shine, relieve inflammation and swelling, and speed up the process of skin regeneration.

Thanks to the above beneficial properties, after the first use of a black mask, the condition of the skin significantly improves. With regular use of a home remedy, the surface of the skin is smoothed, the face acquires a beautiful contour and a healthy color.

Preparing the “canvas” and applying the mask

Before applying the mask to your face, it should be cleansed with foam and then steamed well using a herb such as chamomile for a bath. The steaming procedure itself takes from ten to fifteen minutes. After the preparatory stage is completed, do the following:

  1. Apply the gelatin mask prepared according to the recipe for blackheads on a clean and steamed face. This can be done with your fingers or using a brush.
  2. Wait for the mask to gradually turn into a film and leave it for thirty minutes.
  3. Carefully move the edges of the film and remove it from your face without any sudden movements.
  4. Wash your face with slightly cool water.

Now that you know how to make a black mask for blackheads, do it regularly once a week. Although you will see results almost immediately, you should not stop doing the procedure for at least two months.


The black mask belongs to the so-called “film products” that can cleanse the skin, deeply affecting the lower layers. Regular removal of excess sebum and plugs in the pores restores oxygen access and prevents the appearance of new comedones and pimples.

Mechanism of action

The structure of the mask is such that after application to the face it slowly thickens, dries, gradually turning into an elastic layer. From the inside, particles of dead skin, sebaceous plugs, and remnants of cosmetics stick firmly to the surface of the film. All this is removed along with the mask when you remove it from your face.

The absorbents in the composition act as a cleansing sponge, drawing in toxins and bacteria through their porous structure. Activated carbon is a hydration regulator, absorbs excess water, eliminates swelling, and evens out the relief. The disinfecting properties of the mask restore the protective barrier of the skin surface and prevent acne from worsening.


The black mask solves several problems at once if used correctly:

  • removal of blackheads;
  • detox of deep layers of skin;
  • improvement of complexion after getting rid of the outer layer of keratinized dead cells;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands, elimination of oily sheen;
  • launching regeneration and skin renewal;
  • texture alignment;
  • drying out acne.

In addition to charcoal, the black mask recipe includes cosmetic clays and medicinal muds. Their composition provides a positive effect on the epidermis, replenishing the lack of mineral salts and trace elements.

Activated carbon, honey and gelatin mask

Why are masks based on these particular components considered the most effective against blackheads?

Activated carbon cleanses pores well of dirt and excess oil accumulated in them. It directly regulates the metabolic process in epidermal cells and normalizes seboregulation.

The next natural component is gelatin, which is also called the supplier of “building material” or collagen. The presence of gelatin in the mask means:

  • deep and thorough skin cleansing;
  • removing almost all dead particles and saturating the facial skin with microelements.

Natural honey has anti-inflammatory properties, moisturizes the skin well, and therefore prevents flaking. Nourishes the skin with vitamins, smoothes and softens the skin, and also gets rid of rashes and acne.

What you will need:

  1. Activated carbon – 5 tablets.
  2. Liquid natural honey – 1 tablespoon.
  3. Instant gelatin - 2 tablespoons.
  4. Milk – 60 milliliters.


The use of a mask for dry, thin skin with peeling and irritation is unacceptable. Narrowing of pores and a network of blood vessels on the surface of the face are reasons to refuse procedures.

A black mask will be harmful if you have:

  • severe inflammatory process;
  • open wounds, abrasions, injuries;
  • several large moles, neoplasms.

Before using citrus juice, unfamiliar cosmetic oils, or medicinal muds as part of a mask, an allergy test is performed by dripping the substance onto the skin of the wrist. Individual intolerance to a product is a reason to replace it with another; the recipe is selected for your skin type.

Preparing the black mask

Let's take a closer look at how to make a black mask for blackheads.

  1. Heat the milk and add gelatin to it.
  2. Stir and leave for ten minutes.
  3. Separately, crush the activated carbon tablets into powder and pour it into the swollen gelatin.
  4. Place natural liquid honey there and stir everything thoroughly.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about making your own mask against blackheads at home. After preparation, apply it to a well-cleaned face steamed with medicinal herbs, leaving the area around the eyes open. The mask lasts thirty minutes, after which it must be carefully removed. Then be sure to rinse your face with cold water and pat dry. Do this mask no more than once a week and for at least two months.

Recipes for making Black Mask at home

So, let’s move on to consider the main, common analogues of the much-hyped Black Mask recipe. It is worth saying in advance that the whole secret lies in the main ingredient - gelatin. Gelatin is the boss of everything! It contains collagen, which not only cleanses the skin, but also tightens it, making it more youthful.

Before applying the mask, steam your face - this will increase the effectiveness of the mask and allow it to penetrate deeper into the pores.

Gelatin mask with activated carbon

This is perhaps the main and most direct analogue of Black Mask.

So, for 2-3 grams of gelatin, you need to crush 2 tablets of activated carbon, mix all the ingredients with water (5 ml).

To ensure the mixture reaches the desired consistency, keep it on the water bar for a couple of minutes.

Apply warm consistency to previously cleansed face. Wait for the mask to dry completely. Depending on the thickness of the consistency, it will take a different amount of time. If the mass is too liquid, it will take a little longer to dry. After the mask dries, remove it. Most often, it is pulled off the skin not as in an advertisement for a famous mask, but in pieces. But this does not prevent you from seeing black dots pulled from the skin on the surface of the mask.

It should be noted that you can not apply the mask to the entire face, but only to problem areas. This is especially true for those with combination skin types.

Activated carbon is an excellent absorbent. It draws out all the dirt from the pores, cleansing the skin and toning it. If your skin has reacted negatively to gelatin, the following mask recipes can replace the previous recipe for you.

Activated Charcoal and Aloe

  • 3 tablets;
  • 1 tsp sea salt;
  • 2 tsp aloe juice and the same amount of water.

Mix everything and apply to face. After 20 minutes, rinse with water.

Activated Charcoal and Yogurt

1 tablet mix with 5 ml of natural yoghurt, add 1 tsp of lemon juice. Mix everything and apply to face. After 20 minutes, rinse with water.

Mask made of gelatin and milk

Also an amazing tool. Milk is a valuable product not only for the body, but also for the skin of the face.

In this recipe, milk acts as a gelatin thickener. To prepare this mask, mix 50 grams of gelatin per 30 ml of milk. You can also add 3-4 tablets of activated carbon (optional). Let the mixture swell. To do this, you can heat it in the microwave or in a water bath.

Apply the mask to your face. Let it dry. After application, the mask sets into a film, making it easier to remove from the skin. But sometimes this process is painful.

Mask made of gelatin and black clay

1 tablet mix with 1 tsp. black cosmetic clay, add 1 tbsp warm milk and 1 tsp. gelatin. Mix everything and apply to face. After 20 minutes, rinse with water.

Fruit-gelatin face mask for blackheads

Fans of fruit and vegetable masks will love the following mask recipe. To prepare it, you will need pureed fresh fruits or vegetables or fresh juice. In general, the ratio of ingredients is as follows:

  • For 200 ml of fresh juice concentrate you need 20 g of gelatin. Next - a water bath and in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then apply to the face.

It is very important to take freshly squeezed juice to prepare this mask, and not concentrated in tetra packs. Depending on your skin type, you need to choose the appropriate fruits or vegetables.

  • For normal or combination skin, freshly squeezed watermelon, cranberries, apricots, and carrots are suitable.
  • For oily skin: tomato juice, currant juice, lemon juice (by the way, it whitens), grapefruit juice.
  • Dry skin responds well to cabbage or peach juice.

Gelatin mask with egg

A chicken egg is a rich treasure chest of beneficial microelements so necessary for our skin. In addition, the egg-based gelatin mask has a gentle effect on the skin without damaging it. Egg-based masks can be made up to 3 times a week (depending on the severity of the skin). Always make a mask for one use, because... Egg masks cannot be stored for a long time.

Different masks use different parts of the chicken egg.

  • Recipe No. 1

Mix 1 egg white with 10 grams of rolled oats and add 1 gram of boric acid. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly until foam appears. Apply to face and leave for 20-25 minutes.

  • Recipe No. 2

Mix 1 yolk with soda (3 g) and soap solution (for 10 g of baby soap - 50 ml of water). Rub the resulting consistency onto problem areas of the face. After 15 minutes, wash off.

  • Recipe No. 3

Mix 1 medium egg with 10 grams of chamomile flowers. This mask can be kept for up to half an hour.

If the mask is difficult to remove, wet it a little and begin to pull it off.

You will find even more recipes for masks with activated carbon in our article: Masks made from activated carbon and gelatin

You will find more recipes for black masks in the following pictures.

Cleansing mask made of activated carbon and aloe juice

Many people have a plant like aloe on their windowsill. It is often used for runny nose, colds, and flu. But, unfortunately, most people don’t even know that the medicinal properties of this plant can also be used to make your own black mask for blackheads.

  1. Aloe leaves consist of biologically active components and concentrated water.
  2. Vitamins B, C, E and folic acid perfectly moisturize and smooth the skin.
  3. Enzymes remove accumulated impurities and prevent the development of various skin inflammations.
  4. Lingin promotes deeper penetration of components into the layers of the skin.

By combining aloe with other equally beneficial products, you can get an effective remedy for eliminating blackheads, pimples, inflammation and rashes on the skin of the face. In addition, combination masks can be used for any skin type. We invite you to learn in detail how to make a gelatin mask for blackheads with aloe juice.

To do this you will need:

  • Activated carbon – 10 grams.
  • Fresh aloe juice – 10 grams.
  • Water – 15 grams.
  • Sea salt – 5 grams.
  • Tea tree oil – 5 drops.

Mask with gelatin and activated carbon or therapeutic mud

You cannot find a better recipe for oily skin, as well as with various rashes, wide pores open to pollution and the accumulation of all kinds of bacteria.

These ingredients perfectly cleanse the epidermis. The masks differ only in their thickness.

Preparing for the first procedure. Using any cosmetic tonic, thoroughly wipe your entire face, holding it over a bowl of boiled water or placing a towel soaked in very hot water over your head.

You can throw anti-inflammatory herbs into the water - chamomile, calendula, sprinkle sea salt.

Coal - one tablet - hereinafter in the recipes, carefully crushed like a “spoon in a spoon”, mix the powder with a teaspoon of gelatin or agar-agar. Mix with a teaspoon of milk.

Heat the mixture on any source for no more than five seconds. Carefully cover your entire face with this paint, except for the eye area.

Wait for the mask to dry and remove it like a film. For the first time it may stick well to the skin and will be difficult to come off, so remove it a little damp.

Wash off the residue with warm water and cover the skin with a soothing cream (day cream). Mask your face once or twice a week.

Gelatin collagen rushes sharply into the pores of the skin, cleanses it and adds the necessary elements for firmness and elasticity. Dead cells are exfoliated and the complexion becomes brighter.

Use a sea mud mask in the same way.

Preparing a black mask with aloe

The process looks like this:

  1. Remove the activated carbon tablets and grind them to a powder. Then pour it into a small container.
  2. Add sea salt as well as tea tree oil.
  3. Cut off the lowest leaf at the base of the aloe and place it cut side down in a cup or other container so that the yellow resin can drain. Then carefully use a sharp knife to cut off the green peel of the leaf, but only on one side.
  4. Take a teaspoon and slowly scrape out all the gel from the sheet. Strain it through a wide bandage or gauze. Add the resulting juice in the required quantity to the container with the remaining ingredients.
  5. Pour in water and stir until the mixture reaches a homogeneous porridge-like consistency.

Charcoal-apple mixture for face

A softening and refreshing mixture based on applesauce and charcoal will give the skin a natural glow and cleanse deep pore impurities. Composite:

  • two small apples;

  • 40 g honey;

  • 3 carbon tablets.

It is not difficult to prepare the product. Grate the apples on a fine grater, drain the juice and replace it with melted steamed honey. Add crushed charcoal and stir until smooth. Apply for 20 minutes, then wipe off with a damp sponge or cloth.

An apple will soften the tightening effect of charcoal, and honey will give an even complexion to the face. It is important to use such masks once or twice a week. Remember, each time it must be a fresh mask; it is not recommended to leave it for later, since the desired effect will not be achieved.

Applying a mask

Apply the mask in a circular motion with your fingertips along the massage lines. Keep it on your face for no more than twenty-five minutes, and then wash thoroughly with warm water. Don’t forget to steam clean your face immediately before applying the cleansing and moisturizing mask. This procedure is necessary because under the influence of steam, clogged pores expand and the therapeutic components of the mask can penetrate much deeper inside.

To prepare a steam bath you will need:

  • two liters of water;
  • three to four tablespoons of St. John's wort and nettle.

Mix them in a saucepan and boil, then hold your head over it, covered with a bath towel. After fifteen minutes, remove moisture from your face and apply the prepared mask. To achieve a lasting effect, continue to do the procedures without interruption for three months.

Indications and contraindications

A black face mask, also called Black Mask, is used to cleanse pores and eliminate comedones, better known as “blackheads.” It should also be used for the following indications:

  • increased skin oiliness;
  • tendency to inflammation, acne;
  • scars, acne marks;
  • aging skin;
  • unhealthy and dull complexion;
  • swelling.

There are practically no contraindications for this product. It should not be used only for skin lesions, open wounds and large inflammatory elements. Also, those with dry skin should avoid wearing a black mask - it dries out the face too much.

Depending on the recipe, additional ingredients may be added to the black mask. Before applying the product to your face, those with sensitive skin should check themselves for allergies: apply a small amount of the mask to the crook of your elbow and hold for about 20 minutes.

Black mask for acne and blackheads with activated carbon and cosmetic clay

Black masks using activated charcoal, clay and healing mud are rightfully considered the most useful and effective. This is due precisely to the composition of its constituent components.

Each of the ingredients individually is a high-quality product for cleansing the face of blackheads, sebaceous plugs, and acne. Black masks have the following capabilities:

  1. They normalize cellular metabolism and activate metabolic processes.
  2. Significantly reduce the amount of acne or pimples.
  3. They absorb toxic substances, blackheads and toxins, and in return nourish the cells with beneficial vitamins and minerals.
  4. Regulate the secretion of subcutaneous glands.
  5. Helps skin look fresh, smooth and healthy.

If you don’t yet know how to make a black mask for blackheads at home, we recommend sticking with this simple option.

The following components will be required:

  • Activated carbon – 3 tablets.
  • Black cosmetic clay – 2 teaspoons.
  • Gelatin powder – 3 teaspoons.
  • Milk – 3 teaspoons.

Features of homemade face masks

The black bamboo film mask from the Celestial Empire cleanses the skin, but the merit of this is its balanced composition and nothing more. Bamboo charcoal, of course, differs from activated charcoal, but as a sorbent the latter is certainly irreplaceable. It’s easy to prepare a miraculous black mask at home yourself, and you won’t spend any more money than on the most budget scrub.

It is permissible to use as the main component:

  • Activated charcoal.
  • Black cosmetic clay.
  • Healing mud.

Any of the components can be purchased at a pharmacy or beauty store. The active ingredient is designed to absorb all excess accumulated in the pores. Auxiliary components nourish the skin, moisturize, and rejuvenate. To achieve the greatest effect, you first need to steam your face and wipe it with tonic.

The main difference between homemade film masks and store-bought ones is freshness. If a cosmetic product does not need a long shelf life, then there is no need to add components that are harmful or useless for the skin, which significantly affect the final cost of the product. Variability of ingredients is also available, which allows you to prepare the most active mixture each time specifically for “today’s” skin condition.

Applying a mask

To achieve a visible result, before applying the mask, you need to steam your facial skin well and open the pores. To do this, hold your cleansed face over a steam bath prepared with a series of steam baths for about ten minutes.

  • Wipe your face dry and immediately apply the prepared black mask to it. Be careful that the mixture does not cover your eyebrows, because when it hardens, the mask will pull out the hairs along with the blackheads.
  • The effective effect is about fifteen minutes, after which wet the mask a little with warm water using a spray, grab it by the lower edges and slowly pull the film up with your hands.
  • Apply moisturizer to your face and avoid going outside for one hour.

The frequency of use of this black mask directly depends on the condition of your skin. If you use it for preventive purposes, once a week is enough. In the case when the facial skin is neglected and a lot of blackheads and pimples appear on it, it is recommended to make masks twice a week. The duration of treatment is from two to three months.

The availability of components and knowledge of how to make a mask for blackheads at home will help bring problematic facial skin into order. The main thing is that when purchasing ingredients at the pharmacy, be sure to check that they are all fresh, as the effectiveness of the mask depends on this. There are no contraindications identified, so feel free to start cleansing blackheads at home.

There are plenty of recipes for black masks. You can switch to a different “composition” after each course, or you can always stick to one. But dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend changing skincare products every six months, since the skin develops immunity to them and over time the effect of masks will become weaker.

Preparation for the procedure

Activated carbon is an excellent absorbent, which is why it is even included in many cosmetic products.
This substance is able to draw out excess sebum from pores, cleanse the surface of oily skin from dirt, providing an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. In this regard, the future mask should be provided with as much access as possible to the facial pores by preparing for the procedure at home. Rinse your face using a gel or foam cleanser (soap can dry out the skin and disrupt its natural balance). Fill a small bowl or saucepan with boiling water. Position the container so that you can sit comfortably and tilt your head over it. Sit in this position for 5-10 minutes to steam your face and better open the pores. Pat your skin dry with a clean, dry towel. Tie a scarf or just a clean cloth around your hair to protect it from the composition applied to your face and begin applying the mask.

If there are wounds or other injuries on the face, they must first be treated and only then use cleansing compositions with charcoal and other components.

Complex of mint, chamomile and medicinal mud

Dissolve the powder (2 tablespoons) in heated water to a creamy consistency and add 2 tablespoons of mint and chamomile. l., previously crushed. Prepare a homogeneous mixture and rub in. Forget for 30-40 minutes, erase after time. The result is a fresh, soft and cleansed face.

You can try to restore facial beauty with the help of expensive cosmetic procedures or pharmacological drugs. The modern world offers many ways and methods.

But a good and relatively cheap way is to prepare equally, and often more effective, homemade black masks. The combination of beneficial properties of the constituent components of these products will certainly correct the troubles that appear on the face.

Always remain attractive dear women!

Application of compositions with coal

Representatives of the fair sex appreciated the properties of the mask with activated carbon. One of the main advantages of the product is its affordability. Activated carbon gently cleanses skin cells. It removes not only sebum from the surface of the face, but also toxic substances. Charcoal has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is also a plus. In order for a mask with a sorbent to show its best qualities, it must be applied correctly. It is recommended to purchase fresh activated carbon. You should not use one that has been stored in your medicine cabinet for a year. Such a “product” will not give a positive result.

Before applying the home remedy, you need to steam your face. It is recommended to make lotions using a decoction of chamomile or calendula. Instead of these herbs, you can use essential oil (lemon, orange, grape). You should hold your face over the steam for 5-7 minutes. To achieve maximum effect, cover your head with a towel. The mask is applied using a thick brush. Avoid the area around the eyes.

Try to avoid the area where eyebrows grow. If a large amount of adhesive is added to the mask, the eyebrows may be damaged. The black mask is not applied every day. It is recommended to use it 2 times a week. If you have hypersensitivity to one of the components, you should stop using it.

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