Baked onions for drawing out pus: recipe and methods of use

In this article we will look at how to use baked onions to draw out pus.

Purulent processes (boils, boils) have occurred in all people at least once in their lives.

In traditional medical practice, an integrated approach is used to treat abscesses - oral antibacterial medications and medications for external use, for example, syntomycin emulsion and Vishnevsky liniment. In folk medicine, baked onions are quite popular for drawing out pus.

From boils

This vegetable has been used since ancient times in the treatment of many diseases. Among them are ulcers that occur due to penetration of a staphylococcal infection into a wound or under the skin (boils, boils, carbuncles). Baked onions were used to draw out pus. It was used both as an independent medicine and in combination with other components. Today, this method of combating pathology is no less popular.

Thanks to heat treatment, the onion significantly loses its sharpness. At the same time, it retains the ability to eliminate purulent accumulations. This feature allows you to use baked onions for boils without any restrictions or contraindications. In extremely rare cases, skin irritation may occur (in patients with hypersensitivity).

Not everyone knows that onions are very good at drawing out pus.

How to use

To draw out the pus, warm petals of a baked onion are applied to the sore spot. You can make a compress :

  1. Bake the onion in the oven, cool, and grind into a paste using a blender.
  2. Apply to the site of suppuration, cover the top with polyethylene or wax paper. Secure with a few turns of the bandage.

To enhance the effect, onions are combined with other products. Here are some popular recipes for using baked onions for boils and ulcers :

  1. Place 100 g of baked vegetable in a blender and beat until mushy. Add 50 g of grated laundry soap to the onion mixture and mix. Place it on a bandage folded in several layers, apply it to the sore spot, wrap it in plastic on top, and wrap it in a warm scarf.
  2. Mix equal proportions of chopped garlic and baked onion in a blender. Apply the mixture to the source of suppuration and secure with a plaster or bandage.
  3. Grind one medium-sized baked onion in a blender. Combine with liquid honey and wheat flour in equal proportions.

Duration and effectiveness of treatment

In the absence of contraindications, baked onions are used until complete healing and cessation of symptoms. The duration of treatment is influenced by the causes of suppuration, the stage, the presence of complications, and the body’s reaction to the measures taken.

On average, you can expect a positive result in 2-5 days . The vegetable accelerates the process of maturation of the purulent focus, the release of the contents. A favorable outcome of the disease and faster recovery are possible if onions are used in combination with medications.

Important! It is contraindicated to use onions after opening a purulent cavity, due to the high risk of infection through open inflamed tissue.

Properties of baked onions

The main healing properties of baked onions are:

  • suppression of the activity of many pathogenic microorganisms, inhibition of their reproduction processes;
  • acceleration of boil maturation;
  • preventing the development of multiple furunculosis and eliminating existing foci of inflammation, which subsequently combine into a carbuncle.

Baked onion therapy gives the maximum effect if it is used in combination with drug treatment. Antibiotics, penetrating into the blood, fight inflammatory foci from the inside, and onion compresses contribute to the speedy breakthrough of the abscess.

You can treat an abscess yourself using traditional methods only in cases where there is only one abscess, and the inflammation process is not complicated by fever and high temperature. If there are multiple lesions, you should urgently consult a specialist.

Useful tips

In order to achieve maximum effect from baked onions, traditional healers advise:

  • choose quality vegetables without signs of rot or mechanical damage;
  • Before the baking process, always peel the onions, rinse with running water and wipe off any remaining moisture with a kitchen towel;
  • Cool before use;
  • keep the compress for at least 2 hours;
  • fix the bandage with gauze or bandage, and also insulate it with woolen clothing.

Did you know? According to the UN, today the largest consumers of onions are Libyans.
In the country, each average resident eats about 33 kg of vegetables per year. Baked onion therapy is considered one of the most effective. It is beneficial due to its availability and harmlessness, and is appropriate in the initial stages of the development of the disease. When treated at home, boils should not be allowed to be complicated by an increase in body temperature.

Cooking method

How to prepare baked onions to draw out pus?

All existing baking recipes are approximately the same. The only difference is where this medicinal vegetable will be prepared:

  • in the oven;
  • on the stove;
  • in the microwave.

For all these methods, the onion must be peeled, cut into two parts and placed cut side down in a dry bowl. Fats and oils are not used for this.

For baking on the hob, you can use a small frying pan. To do this, place the onion on the bottom of the dish, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

We'll tell you how to prepare baked onions to draw out pus.

If an oven is used for cooking, then before placing a frying pan or baking tray with onions in it, you must wait until the temperature inside the oven rises to 170 °C. Baking requires no more than 5 minutes.

Supporters of traditional healing methods often wonder how to bake onions in the microwave and whether they will lose their healing properties. You can also cook baked onions in a microwave oven, but for this you need to use special dishes. Place the container with onions in the microwave, set the maximum power and time (10 minutes), and then you can start cooking.

It is important to find out in advance how to bake onions in foil.

The last method is convenient because you don’t need to time the clock. The microwave oven will turn off automatically at the end of the baking mode.

It is strictly forbidden to expose abscesses to heat, so the mass must be cooled before applying a baked onion compress to draw out the pus.

How to bake onions to pull out boils

Step-by-step recipe on how to properly bake onions to treat a boil:

  1. It is advisable to take the vegetable fresh, from your own plot.
  2. Onion pulp is prepared the day before use; as storage time increases, the beneficial properties decrease.
  3. Before baking, peel the onion and rinse under running water.
  4. Cut into 2 parts.
  5. Preheat the pan; no need to grease it with anything.
  6. Place the cut side down in the pan and cover with a lid.
  7. Heat for 5-7 minutes over low heat on a gas stove or in the oven, bake the vegetable (temperature 180-200°C).
  8. Can be baked in the microwave. The appliance must be set to maximum power and cooked for no more than 10 minutes.
  9. Remove the burnt plates with a knife and begin making the lotion.

Baking recipe

This method of preparing baked onions involves baking them in foil. This method helps to cook the onions in such a way that they retain all the beneficial substances and moisture. To do this, take a small piece of foil and wrap the onion in it. Then the product is placed in the oven, which is recommended to be preheated. You need to keep the onion in the oven for 15 minutes, after which the foil is removed, and the onion can be divided into several parts and applied to the site of the abscess at intervals of 2 hours.

Ingredients needed for frying onions

Let's think and figure out what we need for this dish. It is clear to anyone that you cannot do without the onion itself. In the recipe below, salt is also required for preparation. And you don’t have to use oil at all. This is at the request of everyone. We also need simple boiled water like a magic wand.

Let's take a more specific look at what products are needed to prepare fried onions. And let's not forget about dishes and tools. Let's start with a cutting board and a sharp shredding knife. You will also need a thick-walled deep frying pan. And you can’t do without a stove or oven.

Everything you need to fry onions

For preparation we use:

  1. Onions – 3–4 medium onions with a diameter of 7–9 cm;
  2. Coarse salt - half a dessert spoon;
  3. Hot boiled water – 40 ml;
  4. Vegetable oil for frying (optional).

This is my set of products. You can safely exclude oil from this list or replace it with something else. In principle, salt and boiled water are enough.

Treatment of pus under the nail

An accumulation of pus or an abscess on a finger near the nail is called “felon” in medicine. This is an inflammation of the tissues of the periungual area - the lateral ridges or cuticle, provoked by exposure to pathogenic streptococcal bacteria or staphylococcus. In some cases, the localization of inflammation spreads deep under the entire nail, involving tendons and even bone tissue.

The following types of felon are distinguished:

  • an abscess under a fingernail or toenail;
  • focal, when the pathology affects only one finger;
  • extensive, when suppuration of several fingers is observed.

This disease can also be cured with baked onions, especially if it occurs in a mild form. Onions are used externally to draw out pus under the nail using compresses. You can use one of the onion recipes described above for this. The compress is applied to the finger, secured with an adhesive plaster, and wrapped with a bandage on top. This medicine must be kept for approximately two hours, after which it should be replaced with a fresh one.

The effect of use occurs after about two days. The abscess should burst and its contents should flow out. After the abscess has broken through, baked onions can no longer be applied, because an infection can get into the open inflamed tissues, which will seriously complicate the course of the disease. After removing the pus, it is best to use any antiseptic solutions to wash the periungual area, for example, hydrogen peroxide or alcohol solutions.

We told you how to treat an abscess on your finger near the nail.

Baked onions: contraindications for use

Despite its effectiveness, baked vegetables can be harmful to some people. In order not to worsen your health, read the contraindications to the use of baked onions:

  • Liver diseases. For some diseases of this organ, you should avoid eating baked onions internally.
  • Also, those who suffer from gastritis, pancreatitis and those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract should avoid eating onions.
  • An ulcer is another contraindication to eating vegetables. It is important to note that in this and in previous cases, onions should not be eaten not only baked, but also in other forms, for example, fresh, pickled, etc.
  • An allergic reaction to onions is also a signal that the vegetable cannot be used to treat ailments

As you can see, with such a cheap and affordable vegetable you can significantly improve your health. The main thing is to use baked onions correctly and in moderation, so as not to get harm instead of benefit.


No one is immune from the development of boils and boils, but the likelihood of their occurrence can be significantly reduced by observing the rules of personal hygiene. Furunculosis can also occur as a result of nervousness, due to weakening of the immune defense, so a balanced diet is not the last place in preventing the disease. But when the disease does strike, you need to take all measures to eliminate it in a timely manner - consult a doctor or use traditional methods of therapy, including using baked onions.

Reviews of baked onions for drawing out pus are presented below.

Cautions before treatment

Despite the obvious availability, simplicity and safety of using onions to get rid of boils, there are still situations where additional examinations may be required. And in some cases you will have to stop using it altogether.

  • Never try to squeeze out a boil yourself. This will lead to further spread of infection throughout the body.
  • Always do an allergy test before applying onion pulp for the first time. Avoid this treatment if you are allergic to onions.
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers, people suffering from heartburn, taking anticoagulants are not recommended to increase their consumption of this vegetable, as this can lead to bleeding and bruising.
  • If the boil is larger than 1.5 cm, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment of a boil with baked onions is an external method, and it is effective only when the rash is isolated. If there is an accumulation of several inflamed nodules and they appear systematically one after another, you must definitely seek medical help.

To quickly get rid of boils and prevent new ones from appearing, you need to drink enough clean water, eat a balanced diet and maintain personal hygiene.


Treatment of purulent abscesses with onions is considered a safe method of traditional medicine, which has no contraindications. Despite this, it would not be superfluous to find out from a specialist whether this method can be used while using medications. It is also necessary to know that with suppurations of various nature and localization, onions are used only for the purpose of drawing out pus, but it cannot solve the cause of the formation of an abscess, like all means for external use of traditional or folk medicine.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the effectiveness of onions in the fight against purulent-inflammatory processes, this treatment is not suitable for everyone and has contraindications . For external use - violation of the integrity of the skin at the intended site of exposure, for oral use - gastrointestinal diseases of an erosive-ulcerative nature, asthma. Onions are strictly contraindicated for people with individual intolerance.

Baked onions within normal limits will not cause harm to health . People suffering from arterial hypotension, type 2 and 3 diabetes mellitus, and late pregnant women should use it with caution.

Take note:

How to Preserve Peeled Onions

Learn to cut onions without tears

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