Furuncle in the groin in women
Furuncle in the groin in men and women: how to get rid of it, how to treat it? Ointment and antibiotics for boils in the groin in men and women
When purulent formations form, a large pimple appears on the skin. Serious health consequences or
Localization of the rash on the penis
Are there blisters on your penis? what causes them, their types and treatment
General characteristics A rash on the head of the penis is one of the external symptoms of a number of pathological processes,
How to use essential oils for your face at home
Essential oils are oil-like volatile substances that tend to evaporate. They don't have
Pemphigus - symptoms, causes and treatment, risks
Symptoms of pemphigus Characteristic symptoms of pemphigus are a rash of small blisters with serous contents. Their localization
Avocado face mask - the best proven recipes at home
Avocado face mask is recommended for use to restore skin after 40 years.
Harmless growths or harbingers of cancer? Papillomas on the chest
Author - Sergey Aleksandrovich Tverezovsky, oncologist surgeon, mammologist, oncodermatologist, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category. Intraductal
Remove a mole at home
Is it possible to remove moles and other skin growths?
Despite the fact that moles are benign neoplasms, sometimes it is necessary to remove them.
In summer, use products with retinol with caution.
9 questions about facial serums with answers from a cosmetologist
This cosmetic product can be called a “dark horse”: it seems that every woman knows what to use
There is very little pink clay in nature
Pink clay face mask, cosmetic Altai Origins – 7 factory-made and 3 homemade recipes
Clay has gained popularity among women, since masks based on it are really effective.
TOP 10 face masks from spirulina at home and their properties
Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that is used in dietary nutrition, for the production of cosmetics and
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