TOP 10 face masks from spirulina at home and their properties

Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that is used in dietary nutrition and for the manufacture of cosmetic and medicinal products. Recently, it has been especially actively used to create nourishing masks, whose effect is comparable to visiting salon treatments. The product has many beneficial properties: it saturates the skin with bioactive substances, stimulates blood flow and natural recovery, and helps cope with premature aging. It’s easy to make your own spirulina face mask. In this article we will talk about the benefits of this product and share effective home recipes.

Alginic acid

Do you know what this component is? I'm sure many women are hearing this for the first time. Only seaweed contains it; it is not found in ordinary plants growing on earth. When it comes into contact with the epidermis, alginic acid immediately begins its rejuvenating effect:

  • Removes acne;
  • significantly tightens pores;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • removes swelling and bags under the eyes.

Preparing an alginate mixture is very simple if you follow a number of rules. It’s good if the first procedure is carried out by a cosmetologist.

Features of using masks with alginates

First, you buy the powder and dilute it with water strictly according to the instructions.

Then you wash your face, lubricate your eyebrows with cream, and cover your entire face with a fairly thick layer of the resulting substance, including your lips and eyes, leaving only your nose to breathe.

After 5 minutes, the epidermis contracts. Lie down for 30 minutes. You need to remove it with a sharp movement, starting up from the chin.

After the procedure, wipe the skin with tonic. Are you wondering how often to carry out such a procedure? Twice a week, about 1 month, but after the first time the effect will be amazing.

General recommendations

For an effective mask, choose high-quality spirulina. If purchased in tablets, they can be crushed with a knife or in a coffee grinder. Before applying the mask, cleanse your skin well. Wash off the mask with plenty of water, as spirulina smears heavily on the skin. After the procedure, apply your usual cream. To get good results, use seaweed regularly.

Before making a mask, consider several important nuances. Spirulina is an algae, which means its color and smell are appropriate. If you have a normal attitude towards the smell of mud, then you will not have any unpleasant sensations. And if not, force yourself to think about the great benefits of the procedure. Fortunately, the effect is really worth it: it’s not for nothing that the product is actively used in cosmetology.

We strongly do not recommend making spirulina masks before leaving home. The algae has a bright green tint that stains the skin. Typically, a facial wash or scrub will wash away all traces of the product. But you may have an individual reaction, so do the first procedure on the weekend.

You also need to prepare a face mask from spirulina at home correctly so that it retains all its beneficial properties. Here are some tips:

  • buy certified powdered spirulina only in special stores or pharmacies;
  • if you have a tablet preparation, crush it thoroughly before use: a spirulina tablet dissolves very poorly in water;
  • do not mix ingredients in a metal cup - find a plastic or ceramic one;
  • For dilution you need warm water, the ideal proportion is 1:1.

Now Foods, Certified Organic Spirulina, 500 mg, 500 Tablets

RUB 2,220 959 rub.

Beauty salon at home

Do you want to “throw off” ten years? In the salon, all manipulations are too expensive, you can get by with a budget option. To make a cryogenic mask at home, you need to purchase a ready-made cryogenic complex, for example, “H04 stimulating alginate mask spirulina + cryogenic complex.”

From spirulina, your skin will receive vitamins C, A and E, which fight aging. The complex stimulates the appearance of new young cells and removes fine wrinkles.

Preparation method: take 30g of powder, mix with 90 ml of water, apply with a spatula to the neck, face, including the area under the eyes, hold for 15 minutes, remove in one layer from bottom to top.

Popular recipes

To increase the effectiveness of masks, apply them to previously cleansed and steamed skin. Prepare mixtures only in glass or ceramic containers and apply them immediately after preparation.

Now you can move on to the most important thing - recipes for masks that can easily be prepared at home.

Anti-wrinkle masks

First, let's look at anti-aging procedures.

Gelatin mask

Pour 10 grams of gelatin into 50 milliliters of purified warm water and leave for half an hour. Then heat with steam until the lumps are completely dissolved.

4, crushed into powder, add spirulina tablets

  • 30 milliliters of water,
  • 2.5 milliliters lemon juice,
  • 2 drops of pharmaceutical vitamin A.

Combine the resulting mixture with the gelatin mass. Apply to face, avoiding the area under the eyes, and leave for 15 minutes.

Oatmeal mask

Grind 25 grams of oatmeal into flour, add 10 milliliters of sour cream and 5 grams of seaweed powder. Let stand for 10 minutes. Distribute on face. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

After the procedure, wipe your face with a toner and apply a moisturizer.

Green clay mask

Pour 30 milliliters of milk into 15 grams of green clay, add 5 grams of powder and beaten egg white. Distribute on face and leave for 15 minutes.

Mask with kelp

To 15 grams of dry kelp add 3 spirulina tablets, crushed into powder. Pour in 250 milliliters of purified water, let it brew for 2 hours and lightly squeeze out excess water.

Pour 20 milliliters of yogurt into the resulting mass. The mask should be kept on the face for 30 minutes.

Sea kale and spirulina will smooth out even deep furrows on the face (including around the eyes, in the area of ​​nasolabial folds) and correct the oval.

Spirulina mask with rejuvenating effect

Treatments for problem, oily and combination skin

  • 15 grams of algae powder, 3 tablets of activated carbon, 15 milliliters of water. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes. It will get rid of blackheads and acne;
  • add a small amount of water and half of the raw carrot puree to 15 grams of spirulina. Add 2 grams of talc and white clay to the resulting mass. The beauty procedure lasts 25 minutes;
  • Dilute 5 grams of seaweed powder with a lukewarm steep chamomile decoction to a thick paste. You can apply the product only to areas with inflammation and acne, the T-zone if you have a combination type, or the entire face if you have oily skin. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Spirulina mask for oily skin

For dry skin

  • crush 1 tablet of spirulina, add 15 milliliters of purified water and 30 grams of freshly prepared cucumber puree, cleared of seeds and peel. Session time – 20 minutes;
  • grind 3 seaweed tablets, add warm milk, leave for 1 hour. Beat the egg white, add 25 grams of rice flour. Connect all components. The mask should remain on your face until you feel it begin to tighten the skin. After removing the product, you need to wash your face with water to which a few drops of patchouli ether have been added;
  • add a little water to the powder obtained from 6 spirulina tablets, add 2 yolks and puree the pulp of 1 avocado. Remove after half an hour.

If you do not want to prepare your own facial care products, you can purchase ready-made products. The alginate stimulating mask, which includes spirulina and a cryogenic complex, has proven itself well. It accelerates metabolic processes in cells and tissue regeneration, smoothes wrinkles, and tones.

Ready-made spirulina mask

A collagen face mask with spirulina, kelp and fucus can boast positive reviews. It moisturizes, nourishes, normalizes cellular metabolism, helps oxygen penetrate cells more easily.

Spirulina with gelatin for the face: looking younger in a few minutes

How wrinkles around the mouth spoil a woman. Is there anything against this phenomenon? Yes, I have! This is a gelatin-based mask with spirulina for nasolabial folds.


  1. 2 tsp. pour ¼ cup of boiled (warm) water over gelatin, let stand for swelling for 30 minutes, then heat in a water bath until the gelatin dissolves.
  2. Take 4 spirulina tablets, pour 2 tbsp. l. water, add 0.5 tsp. lemon juice, add 2 drops of vitamin A, combine everything with gelatin, stir.
  3. Cover the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, and wash after 15 minutes.

Make a mask 2 times a week, then the folds around your mouth will become much smaller. As you can see, anti-aging procedures can be done at home.

Possible harm and contraindications

Despite the naturalness and harmlessness of the product, in some cases it cannot be used. Cosmetics with seaweed should not be used by people whose bodies do not absorb iodine well. This is the most serious contraindication.

Postpone the procedure if there is inflammation, acne or rash on your face. Spirulina, contrary to expectations, may not cure the skin, but may worsen the problem.

Girls with a tendency to allergies should definitely get tested. To do this, mix a small amount of the mask and apply it to the bend of your elbow. After 30 minutes, wash off the composition and monitor the condition of the skin throughout the day. If there is no itching, redness or rash, the recipe can be used. An allergic reaction is another contraindication.

The role of collagen for youthful skin

It provides elasticity, tone, and strength of the skin. A collagen mask with spirulina called “Sunshine” contains a number of valuable anti-aging substances.

After the procedure, you will receive perfectly smooth, tightened skin, a fresh and healthy complexion.

Directions for use: dilute the powder with water and apply tightly to the face, avoiding the area around the lips and eyes. Wash with water after 25 minutes.

Beneficial properties of spirulina

Blue-green algae spirulina has been used in cosmetology for more than 10 years. It is valued for its high content of vitamins:

  1. Ascorbic acid. Enhances protein synthesis, slows down the rate of aging and the appearance of wrinkles.
  2. Retinol. Vitamin A improves the elasticity of the epidermis and accelerates cell recovery.
  3. Vitamin B2. Strengthens the barrier function of the skin, increases its susceptibility to negative external factors.
  4. A nicotinic acid. Accelerates the process of saturating cells with moisture, preventing their dehydration. Increases nutrient absorption.
  5. Vitamin B6. Affects the rate of synthesis of collagen and elastin, participates in the process of lipid metabolism.
  6. Tocopherol. Slows down skin aging, promotes the removal of free radicals.
  7. Folacin. The vitamin enhances the protection of the skin from ultraviolet radiation, and is also necessary for maintaining elasticity.

In addition, spirulina contains micro- and macroelements: copper, iron, phosphorus, manganese and sodium. They participate in redox processes, ensuring a continuous cycle of epidermal cell renewal.

The high concentration of protein and amino acids in spirulina allows this component to be used in the manufacture of various cosmetics: cream, mask, serum and even mascara.

Problem skin is not a problem

blackheads ruining your life ? I suggest making a composition consisting of 1 tbsp. spirulina powder, 3 tablets of activated carbon, 2 tbsp. l. water. Keep this wonderful mask for 15 minutes, then wash with water.

Do it 2 times a week and you will get rid of acne.

To improve your appearance and give your face freshness, make a simple mixture: combine crushed kelp with milk, hold on your face for 20 minutes.

Which form is suitable for cosmetology

Because spirulina is so beneficial and in great demand, many counterfeits have appeared on the market. To buy real algae, you need to inquire about the manufacturer’s reputation, its history, and make a choice in favor of large companies.

Currently, the main suppliers of the product to our market are: Japan, China, India and the USA. The cost depends on the country of the supplier. If we evaluate the quality of all supplier countries, then Indian seaweed , Chinese seaweed has the worst characteristics.

Spirulina is sold in different forms:

  • granular;
  • powdery;
  • tableted.

The most convenient to use is powdered and granulated spirulina. In this form it is easiest to calculate the dosage; there is no need to crush it into powder.

Store in a tightly closed container in a shaded, dry place at a temperature of no more than +25 degrees.

Oriental women's masks with rice flour

If you make cosmetic compositions using rice flour, you will prevent aging, cleanse pores, and improve complexion. Women of the East have been using this flour for centuries.

The best anti-aging mask:

  • 4 spirulina tablets (grind into powder)
  • 2 tsp sour cream
  • 1 beaten egg white for oily skin. If dry - yolk
  • 2 tsp rice flour, mix everything.

You can cover the area under the eyes. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse with water.

  • 1 tbsp. l. rice flour,
  • 1 tbsp. sage infusion,
  • beaten white from one egg,
  • 4 spirulina tablets.

Cover your face with the mixture, hold for 20 minutes, do 1-2 times every 10 days.

A mixture containing vitamin A will get rid of pimples and acne. The simplest mask consists of seaweed, cottage cheese with sour cream (1 tbsp each) with the addition of an ampoule of retinol.

Indications for use

You need to use a mask if you have:

  • mature loose skin;
  • pronounced facial and static wrinkles;
  • increased epithelial greasiness;
  • the presence of pimples, blackheads, acne;
  • rosacea and weak vascular network;
  • pigmentation;
  • swelling.

Content of useful elements in comparison with other products

Where to buy spirulina for masks and wraps: Aliexpress catalog

Spirulina on Aliexpress
Until recently, only those women who lived in China and South America knew about the excellent cosmetic properties of spirulina. But thanks to the Internet, representatives from other countries learned about it. For this reason, in a fairly short period of time, spirulina began to sell well throughout the planet. Now this miracle algae can be bought on any online resource that sells women's cosmetics.

In view of this, if you wish, you can easily find it on Aliexpress. To do this, you will need to go to the Beauty and Health and select the Skin Care . After this, you only need to choose in what form you will order spirulina. In the resource catalogs you can find both tablets and powder from this algae. But before you start placing an order, be sure to carefully read the product description.

Some sellers try to mislead buyers and sell spirulina with additives, which, unfortunately, are not always beneficial for the skin. Therefore, if you find a word unknown to you in the description, then be sure to ask the sender what it means. If the powder or tablets also contain, for example, mumiyo or ginseng, then feel free to make a purchase. These substances will definitely not harm your skin.

Spirulina bath recipe

Baths with spirulina
What woman doesn't like to take a bath after a hard day at work? And if you add a solution of spirulina to it, then in the end you will be able to easily relax, and also bring the skin of your body back to normal condition. Such water procedures will help you activate all metabolic processes in the dermis, thereby helping to remove waste and toxins from the body. If you take such baths regularly, then after some time you will be able to forget what acne and cellulite are.

But even in this case, there are some nuances to using spirulina. This algae does not tolerate high temperatures very well, so it is not advisable to dilute it with boiling water. If you want to preserve the maximum of useful substances that are present in this raw material, then fill it with water whose temperature does not exceed 60 degrees.


  • To begin, dissolve 10 tbsp in 3 liters of boiled water. l spirulina.
  • Pour the green liquid into the bath and stir everything carefully.
  • After the spirulina solution is evenly distributed in the water, you can safely dive into it.
  • Soak in the bath for at least 20 minutes, then get up, dry your body with a soft towel and, if desired, rub it with olive oil.

Best Recipes

We present the top best face masks based on spirulina algae, which will help solve the problem.

From tablets

The best face mask is to use a powder that can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetics store. But in the absence of such a form, tablets are used. To prepare the composition, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Take one tablet to make the composition at a time. Grind it to a powder.
  2. Add water to the resulting mass in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. Stir into a homogeneous mass and apply to previously prepared facial skin for 10 minutes.

The composition turns out to be bright green in color, which is difficult to wash off if mistakes are made in manufacturing.

Mask with gelatin

The recipe for the composition with the addition of gelatin requires the following:

  1. 3 tsp. mix gelatin with 6 tsp. mineral water at room temperature. Leave the mixture for 20 minutes to thicken.
  2. Grind 4 algae tablets to powder and add 1 tsp. cosmetic oil.
  3. Mix both mixtures together and place it in a water bath to soften the mixture until smooth.
  4. Apply to skin for 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, rinse off the composition with warm water.

The skin of the face is toned, its elasticity increases - this helps in eliminating facial wrinkles and also slows down the aging process. Additionally, there is a gentle cleansing, which is effective provided that there is no problem layer of the epidermis.

Shark Oil Recipe

Shark oil is used to restore facial contours for older women. The finished composition is easy to purchase at a pharmacy or specialty store, but you can make it yourself at home.

To do this, you need to mix equal amounts of spirulina powder, shark oil in the form of an ointment and water. For one procedure, it is enough to take a teaspoon of each ingredient.

The mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes and washed off with water.

Expert opinion WE RECOMMEND!

Afterwards it is recommended to use a cream or moisturizing lotion.

Recipe with clay

A homemade mask with spirulina and clay helps improve skin color, relieve puffiness, cleanses and moisturizes the epidermis. Clay helps prevent pigmentation. Algae have a positive effect on strengthening blood vessels, which helps combat the appearance of spider veins on human cheeks.

To prepare the composition, you must carry out the following steps:

  1. Grind 3 spirulina tablets and add 30 ml of cow or goat milk to the resulting mixture. It is better to preheat the milk so that the tablets soften faster and more efficiently.
  2. Add 7 g of coconut oil and 15 g of white clay to the resulting mixture. You can use pink or blue.
  3. Add 2 drops of cinnamon essential oil. Avoid this ingredient if you have sensitive skin.
  4. Apply the composition in a thin layer and leave for 10-15 minutes. The clay will dry out and tighten the skin. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to prepare a spray bottle with water and use it periodically during the procedure.

Expert opinion ATTENTION!

Clay dries out the skin, so you should use a moisturizing toner after the procedure.

Seaweed only recipe

The presented mask is the most effective in smoothing out existing wrinkles, as well as in correcting the oval of the face. Algae trigger intracellular processes, helping to rejuvenate the epidermis. The mixture requires the use of kelp and spirulina, which are easily purchased at the pharmacy in powder form.

To prepare the mask you need:

  1. Grind 3 tablets of spirulina to powder and add 15 g of kelp to it.
  2. Pour 20 ml of natural yoghurt into the preparation and leave to swell for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Apply the mixture to pre-steamed facial skin.

This composition can be kept on the face for 40-60 minutes, since kelp significantly reduces the aggressive effect of spirulina. After another hour, moisturizers suitable for your skin type are applied.

Recipe with flour

In this case, we mean the use of rice flour (crushed rice to the state of flour), which helps in comprehensive care for all skin types. The presented mixture is a scrub and at the same time nourishes the epidermis. To prepare the composition, you must carry out the following sequence of actions:

  1. Crush 3 spirulina tablets to a powder consistency and pour in a small amount of warm milk.
  2. Use the white of one egg and beat it until thick foam.
  3. Grind 25 g of rice to flour using a coffee grinder.
  4. Mix all the ingredients - everything is added to the protein and mixed with a whisk.
  5. Apply the composition to a steamed face.

Expert opinion ATTENTION!

As soon as the mask begins to tighten the skin, wash it off with warm water.

Reviews from cosmetologists

  1. If you set out to find these algae in your city, go to one of the decent pharmacies. In stores and kiosks there is a chance to purchase a low-quality product at an inflated price, because you cannot be sure that you have the necessary certificates.
  2. Start the procedure by cleansing your face, because then the “beauty ritual” will bring more visible results. Don’t be lazy after each cosmetic procedure to use moisturizing creams, because the plant contains many acids that can cause peeling.
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